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Slave Species of god

Page 74

by Michael Tellinger

  Different prophets and messiahs planted by the Anunnaki gods in various parts of the world would have a disturbing but premeditated effect on humans. It would confuse and divide humanity, keeping them religiously enslaved and in fear for millennia.

  Angels control the apostles

  After the apostles were put in jail, an angel appeared and set them free without any sign of force. This was a wonderfully calculated intervention by the Anunnaki gods to get the apostles on their side as well. They had to believe in the power of god. Now the apostles would be lifelong believers in god, his miraculous angels and their power.

  Acts 5:8 -21

  “They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail. But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out. ‘Go, stand in the temple courts,’ he said, ‘and tell the people the full message of this new life.’ At daybreak they entered the temple courts, as they had been told, and began to teach the people.”

  Jesus' legions of angels

  When Jesus was confronted by a group of men with swords wanting to kill him he must have made quite an impression, because they put away their swords and obeyed him. The impression he made was in his reference to “legions of angels”. The people of the time were quite aware of the angels who made their regular appearances and they were also aware of the power of the angels who had fierce weapons to destroy. It seems that Jesus played the powerful Anunnaki card very effectively.

  Matthew 26:53

  “Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?”

  Ancient Fatherly Advice

  From the Ancient History Sourcebook comes this amazing bit of fatherly advice which Shakespeare would have been proud of. It does however enforce the importance that slavery played throughout the ages and the relationship and fear of god in those days, indicating that god had a physical interaction with humans on a regular basis. It deals with the basic tenets of law and order and it also points to the early evolution of philosophy among humans. What is most interesting however is the concept of ‘love thy neighbour and thy enemy’ which was only really promoted in earnest by Jesus some 2,200 years later. It highlights the confused state of the time when the Old Testament was about to start preaching ‘an eye for an eye’ and yet some individuals had a completely opposing view of such things. These words shine a bright light on the control that was soon to be enforced on Humankind by Enlil and his foe Marduk in an effort to control large numbers of fearful humans in the early days of the Old Testament. To achieve this, the gods would begin a relentless campaign of punishment and abuse of humanity, ushering in the early days of Abraham.

  The Advice of an Akkadian Father to His Son, circa 2,200 BC:

  “Do not set out to stand around in the assembly. Do not loiter where there is a dispute, for in the dispute they will have you as an observer. Then you will be made a witness for them, and they will involve you in a lawsuit to affirm something that does not concern you. In case of a dispute, get away from it, disregard it! If a dispute involving you should flare up, calm it down. Adispute is a covered pit, a wall which can cover over its foes; it brings to mind what one has forgotten and makes an accusation against a man. Do not return evil to your adversary; requite with kindness the one who does evil to you, maintain justice for your enemy, be friendly to your enemy.

  Give food to eat, beer to drink, grant what is requested, provide for and treat with honour. At this one's god takes pleasure. It is pleasing to Shamash, who will repay him with favour. Do good things, be kind all your days.

  Do not honour a slave girl in your house; she should not rule your bedroom like a wife, do not give yourself over to slave girls...Let this be said among your people: ‘The household which a slave girl rules, she disrupts.’

  Do not marry a prostitute, whose husbands are legion, an Ishtar-woman who is dedicated to a god, a kulmashitu-woman...When you have trouble, she will not support you, when you have a dispute she will be a mocker. There is no reverence or submissiveness in her. Even if she is powerful in the household, get rid of her, for she pricks up her ears for the footsteps of another.

  My son, if it be the wish of a ruler that you belong to him, if you are entrusted with his closely guarded seal, open his treasure house and enter it, for no one but you may do it. Uncounted wealth you will find inside, but do not covet any of that, nor set your mind on a secret crime, for afterwards the matter will be investigated and the secret crime which you committed will be exposed.

  Do not speak ill, speak only good. Do not say evil things, speak well of people. He who speaks ill and says evil, people will waylay him because of his debt to Shamash. Do not talk too freely, watch what you say. Do not express your innermost thoughts even when you are alone. What you say in haste you may regret later. Exert yourself to restrain your speech.

  Worship your god every day. Sacrifice and pious utterance are the proper accompaniment of incense. Have a freewill offering for your god, for this is proper toward a god. Prayer, supplication, and prostration offer him daily, then your prayer will be granted, and you will be in harmony with god.”

  (Source: J. S. Arkenberg, Dept. of History, Cal. State Fullerton. Modernised by Prof.Arkenberg.)

  This shows that people were quite ‘with-it’ all those years ago and they had sharp minds. They were however fearful of the vengeful god. One who was ever-present and had ‘ears’ everywhere to smoke out those who conspired against him. We saw what he did with those in Sodom and Gomorrah who conspired against him.

  Assyria: “The All-Seeing god”.

  We see another example of the fanatical control by god in Assyrian history. The chief deity of Assyria was Ashur the 'All Seeing'. The people were petrified to do anything suspicious or say anything out of line, because god's spies were everywhere. God's behaviour is very reminiscent of the Soviet dictators, especially at the height of oppression under Stalin.


  Is it possible that the Crusades which started in the 11th century AD were orchestrated by the Anunnaki during their last near orbit of the sun? Remember that about 600 years of their orbit is taken up when the planet Nibiru is rounding the Sun and in close proximity to the other planets. There are many such references to Nibiru in the clay tablets pointing out its reddish hue and radiance.


  It is written that Mohammed encircled Mecca seven times before he entered it and destroyed over 300 statues of deities. He did this under strict instructions from god. Which god was it? Enlil or Marduk? Remember that this was some 620 AD and the rivalry for supremacy between the two Anunnaki gods was fierce. What we should however take note of, is that the worshipping of other god-deities was still rife and 300 of their statues were destroyed by the newly chosen prophet. Who was actually behind this? You decide, but the instructions were clear. Both Marduk and Enlil or possibly some of their angels which remained on Earth, were working very hard at establishing their respective leaders as the supreme divine power on the planet which had gone out of control.


  It is said that the angel Gabriel recited the Koran to Mohammed every year during the month of Ramadan. Who was this angel? Was it the same one who first throttled him to “recite the glory of god”? By this stage Mohammed was obviously behaving accordingly and the angels needed to ensure that their new prophet was not going to weasel out on them. So they sat him down once a year and reminded him of his mission.

  Last Pyramids

  The last Egyptian pyramids were built in Nubia, Southern Egypt/Sudan around 300 AD by the black Nubian kings. These kings wielded extreme power, they dressed in exquisite leather clothing and they also created the largest sarcophagus ever found. Like their predecessors they were obsessed by gold and piles of gold have been found in secret chambers.

  Gods & Angels

  Most of the gods we read about in ancient mythology became ‘angels’ in the Koran and the Bible, interacting with the hum
an slaves, giving them instructions, warning them, punishing them and even rewarding them. During the early days of the Bible it was only really Enlil who was referred to by the angels as god. He would often appear in person along with some of his godly angels and interacted with humans. Later, it would also be Marduk who was seen as god because he proclaimed himself as such and he dealt ruthlessly with those who opposed him. Just think of the plagues and pestilence with which he punished his Egyptian Kings from time to time.


  God, church and religion were not involved in marriage until the 9th century AD. Until the twelfth century there would be blessings and prayers during the ceremony and the couple would offer their own prayers. Then the church became involved on a low level and priests asked that an agreement be made in their presence and suddenly religion was part of the ceremony. In the thirteenth century the English upper class weddings became religious events but the church only blessed the marriage and did not want a legal commitment. Only in 1563 the Council of Trent required that Catholic marriages were to be celebrated at a Catholic church by a priest in the presence of two witnesses. Astonishingly enough, it was only by the eighteenth century, that the wedding became a religious event in all countries of Europe. So we need to be very careful when reading too much holiness into marriages. Marriage was construed by man, not God.

  First Agriculture in the World

  Oxford University Press tells us about Abu Hureyra, an ancient village located in the valley of the Euphrates River in modern Syria. It was also in this part of the world that Enlil built his residence, in the cedar mountain forests of Lebanon, not far away from this flood-plain and valley. The village has shown irrefutable evidence of agriculture starting as far back as 11,000 BC, possibly becoming the first known village of farmers inthe world. Brian Fagan in Time Detectives agrees that following the development of farming, the population grew and the small village of Abu Hureyra expanded until it became one of the largest settlements of its age in the Middle East. These were probably the first humans who were taught such skills before the rest of humanity, mainly because they were close to Enlil and had to provide food for him and the rest of the gods of Mesopotamia. The village was occupied for an uninterrupted period of 4,500 years, which is possibly a record for early civilised human settlements. It was after the flood and after the success of this agricultural experiment around 11,000 BC that the gods began to teach the rest of the slave species how to cultivate crops and other aspects of civilisation. They did not rush into it however, it took several thousand years for the great civilisations of humans to truly flourish. There is however talk in the tablets about gods who taught some human slaves to perform certain basic planting and harvesting even before the flood, mainly to be able to feed the gods. This is confirmed in Time Detectives by Brian Fagan, who shows conclusively that specific crops were consumed and must have been cultivated in the Nile Valley 18,000 BC. Once again concurring with other claims that Egypt had been settled by the gods for some 17,500 years before the common era.

  Ancient Mining in America

  On the 15 March 1865 an article by Albert D. Hagar appeared in the Atlantic Monthly outlining ancient copper mines in the Lake Superior region. We learn from Sumerian tablets that while the earliest tin mining was taking place at lake Titicaca, other gods were responsible for obtaining copper, which was necessary for making bronze, from lands to the north of Titicaca. Could these be the ancient copper mines of Marduk and Enki and other Anunnaki?

  “IN the month of March, 1848, Samuel O. Knapp and J. B. Townsend discovered, from tracks in the snow, that a hedgehog had taken up his winter-quarters in a cavity of a ledge of rocks, about twelve miles from Ontonagon, Lake Superior, which was in the neighbourhood of the Minnesota Copper Mine. In order to capture their game, they procured a pick and shovel, and commenced an excavation by removing the vegetable mould and rubbish that had accumulated about the mouth of what proved to be a small cavern in the rock. At the depth of a few feet they discovered numerous stone hammers or mauls; and they saw that the cavern was not a natural one, but had been worked out by human agency, and that the stone implements, found in great profusion in and about it, were the tools used in making the excavation. Further examination developed a well-defined vein of native copper running through the rock; and it was evidently with a view of getting this metal that this extensive opening had been made.”

  “This was the first instance where “ancient diggings” – as they are familiarly called in the Lake Superior region were ever recognised as such; and this artificial cavern presents the most conclusive proofs that a people in the remote past worked those mines. Upon the discovery of this mine, attention was at once directed to numerous other cavities and depressions in the surface of the earth at this and other points, and the result was that nearly a hundred ancient pits were found, and in all of them mining tools of various kinds. These ancient mines or pits are not restricted to one locality, but extend over the entire length of the copper region, from the eastern extremity of Keweenaw Point to the Porcupine Mountains, a distance of nearly one hundred miles.”

  Secret Texts

  In 367 AD the Archbishop of Alexandria ordered the destruction of the ‘secret texts’ of the New Testament. He gave them to one of the younger bishops with clear instructions, but the man was obviously not too keen to destroy such valuable works. He disappeared into the desert and hid them in such a manner in which they would remain preserved and possibly be recovered in years to come. Could these be the Gnostic Texts which were discovered at Nag Hammadi in the Egyptian desert in 1945?

  Tree of Life

  The Tree of Life referred to in Sumerian tablets and in the Bible, is actually the double helix of the DNA. If we understand its workings and structure, we can conquer all aspects of life and death.

  One of the many seals depicting a tree of life and a flying god above other deities who are manipulating the DNA.

  Nag Hammadi – Gnostic Texts

  From the translations of Søren Giversen and Birger A. Pearson of the Nag Hammadi Texts, we read the same story which in the Bible is called ‘The fall of Adam’. But this time we are also told that god called the serpent ‘devil’. This means that until that point the serpent was only an ordinary member of the ‘godly’ group of deities which god himself keeps referring to as “one of us”. We have already explained that Enki was the Anunnaki with the serpent symbol and from this point on, he became the devil. Since we have established that the ‘Tree of Life’was actually DNA, it is also clear from the script that it was the knowledge of DNA and genetics and eternal life which the god of Eden was protecting.

  “But God came at the time of evening, walking in the midst of Paradise. When Adam saw him, he hid himself. And he said, ‘Adam, where are you?’ He answered (and) said, ‘I have come under the fig tree.’ And at that very moment, God knew that he had eaten from the tree of which he had commanded him, ‘Do not eat of it.’And he said to him, ‘Who is it who has instructed you?’ And Adam answered, ‘The woman whom you have given me.’ And the woman said, ‘It is the serpent who instructed me.’ And he (God) cursed the serpent, and called him ‘devil’. And he said, ‘Behold, Adam has become like one of us, knowing evil and good.’ Then he said, ‘Let us cast him out of paradise, lest he take from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.’”

  In further translations by Bentley Layton of the Nag Hammadi scripts called Hypostasis of the Archons we learn that the ‘snake’ was also referred to as the ‘instructor’. Supporting the events which point to Enki as the teacher of Humankind.

  “And the snake, the instructor, said, ‘With death you shall not die; for it was out of jealousy that he said this to you. Rather your eyes shall open and you shall come to be like gods…’”


  Is the Sumerian word for sunset which refers to the land in the west. It is also the origin of the name for Europe, where the sun would set for the Sumerians.

  Deuteronomy 5:6 -11: God
demands obedience.

  After god Enlil saved the Jews from the Egyptians, he laid down the rules. He needed these frightened people to obey him only, and at all times, if he was going to have any chance of standing up to Marduk's onslaught on the slave species. By now we are well acquainted with the threats of punishment and endless violence against his slave species who were more confused and more petrified than ever.

  “ I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”


  Darwin's famous statement was “Natura non facit saltum”. Which means ‘nature does not go in jumps’. One of the many criticisms of Darwin, is that he denied the science of bacteriology to preserve his own doctrine. Through bacteriology it becomes evident that evolution most likely does occur in leaps rather than a smooth continuous evolutionary process. Mutations in bacteria give us a great insight into this highly charged topic.

  Oldest Sceptre

  The sceptre found at Abydos, in the tomb of the Scorpion King, is the oldest sceptre found to date. It is thought that Narmer was most likely the Scorpion King. Is it possible that this King Scorpion was the human son of Marduk and also the first ruler of Egypt, given the task to unite the land, which he successfully did? Remember that Marduk insisted that all Egyptian kings had to be of ‘divine’ offspring.


  Hale-Bopp – Last seen on 22 March 1997. This comet is on a 4,000 year orbit, very similar to the 3,600 year orbit of planet Nibiru. The furthest point it reaches in space is about 250 times as far from the Sun as Earth. 250 AU (1 Astronomical Unit = approx. 150 million km.)


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