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Page 23

by VA Dold

  He stared at her as though he wanted to eat her up. Which he probably did. Stark love brightened his eyes and softened his masculine features. So much so, the intensity of his emotions affected hers and started a flutter in the region of her heart. She felt just as strongly about him. Her man. Her mate. And soon, her husband.

  The crowd of well-wishers faded away until only the two of them existed. She held his gaze. This man belonged to her.

  He glanced at her necklace. His eyes narrowed, and he cocked his head as if asking her where it came from. She would tell him later. That was a tale better told in private.

  Sara stifled a giggle when Richie gave Seth a little nudge, and whispered, “Go get her.”

  He shook his head like he was clearing cobwebs, then stepped forward and gave her father a slight bow.

  Judge Tibadou cleared his throat. “Who gives this woman to be wed?”

  “Her mother and I do,” Don said. Then he kissed Sara’s cheek and wiped away a tear as he placed her hand in Seth’s.

  She clasped his hand, welcoming the connection and his assistance climbing the stairs up to the dais. There was so much dress she feared tripping on it.

  “You take my breath away, mon amour.”

  Sara smiled in response.

  The judge cleared his throat and began, “We have gathered today to celebrate the love and joining of Sara and Seth. They committed themselves to one another by completing the mating ritual and now profess that commitment publicly.”

  “Their marriage represents more than the union of the heart and body and of soul. It also represents one more link between the shifter community and humanity.”

  “Seth and Sara stand before you as a beacon of hope to all fellow shifters still in search of their destined mate. To that end, they have asked me to implore you to never lose hope. With that said, they ask those present to voice their pledge to continue their search until they also find their other half. What say you?”

  Every single shifter in attendance responded with, “I will.”

  The judge smiled and gave them a nod before turning to Seth. “Seth, do you take Sara to be your wife and your mate. To protect and cherish her? And to always put her health and happiness before your own?”

  Seth gazed intently into Sara’s eyes. “I do.”

  Judge Tibadou turned slightly. “Sara, do you take Seth to be your husband and your mate. To honor and cherish him? And to always put his health and happiness before your own?” Her eyes gleamed brightly with love and happy tears. “I do.”

  The judge smiled and turned his attention to Richie. “May I have the rings please?”

  The crowd chuckled when Richie patted his pockets obviously pretending to have lost the rings. Finally, he dug them out of his inner jacket pocket and handed them over.

  The judge held up the rings for all to see. “Let these rings be a symbol for all to see of your seamless and unending love and commitment to one another that no outside force can break.”

  He placed Sara’s ring into Seth’s open palm. “Repeat after me. With this ring, I take you as my wife and mate, to love, honor, cherish, and protect all the days of my life.”

  Seth repeated the words as he slipped the ring onto her finger.

  The judge handed Seth’s ring to Sara. “Repeat after me. With this ring, I take you as my husband and mate, to love, honor, cherish, and protect all the days of my life.”

  She spoke the words as she placed the ring on his finger

  Judge Tibadou smiled. “By the power and authority vested in me according to the laws of the great state of Louisiana, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Seth wrapped her in his arms and kissed her to within an inch of her life. The crowd laughed and cheered. When they didn’t come up for air, someone yelled, “Get a room!”

  Seth grinned. “I think they want us to stop kissing and get the party started.”

  “Who cares, kiss me one more time. They can wait a little longer.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Finally, he broke the kiss, took her hand, and they turned to face the crowd.

  The judge held his hands up for silence. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Le Beau.”

  Seth helped her from the makeshift altar and didn’t stop when they reached the end of the aisle. He escorted her all the way to the tables where a dinner and dance would be held. The guest could follow at their leisure.

  The pack gathering doubled as their wedding reception. A huge wedding cake dominated the buffet table, and waiters were offering champagne glasses to the guests.

  Seth raised his glass and toasted his bride. “To the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  “To the most handsome man in the world.” Sara laughed and clinked her glass to his.

  Forty-five minutes later, with their dinner eaten and several speeches made, Seth took Sara’s elbow and led her to the multi-tiered cake. He leaned in and kissed her neck. “I’ll take care not to mess up your gown.” He forked up a small bite and fed her carefully. Then kissed away the tiny bit of frosting clinging to her lip.

  Flashes went off, blinding him for a second as a number of guests took pictures.

  “I’ll be careful as well.” Sara tucked a napkin under his chin and gave him a mischievous grin. Then laughed as she pushed a small bite into his mouth.

  He audibly groaned. If she kept looking at him like that he would drag her from the party long before they could properly say goodnight. Shifter weddings can go well into the night and tonight’s would end in a pack run with the best man leading the way alongside the bride and groom.

  Once the guests were seated with cake and coffee or other beverage, Isaac bounded onto the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, please give me your attention. We have an important visitor who would like to address you.”

  Whispers of speculation filled the air, but everyone did as they were asked.

  Gasps and exclamations of wonder rumbled through the crowd as a woman of indescribable beauty shimmered into being next to Isaac. “Thank you, Isaac. Many of you know of me, but only a few have had the privilege of interacting with me. I am the entity you refer to as the Goddess Luperca.”

  Another round of gasps and exclamation rang out. Luperca waited patiently as Isaac raised his hands for silence.

  “Over Seth’s tenure in my service, he and I talked often. I revealed to him the true origin of the shifters and their reason for being. He convinced me that it is every shifters right to know what he has learned. Thus I have appeared to you today. The tale of your creation that you pass down from generation to generation holds many truths but is not the full story. Yes, I created the first shifters, but I am not a Goddess. I am a tenth density being from another realm that has the capacity to create other beings. I would say I’m from another planet, but I don’t claim a specific location, rather I exist in many. For comparison’s sake, I will tell you that in your present incarnation you are fourth density.

  “I say your present incarnation because in actuality you are sixth density beings from the Sirius system who have agreed to incarnate in your present form in the hopes of finding your mate among Earth’s population. Finding a mate among the inhabitants of your home system has become problematic. I won’t go into details, but suffice it to say a nefarious source scattered your mates across several planets in an attempt to exterminate you. When I learned that a large majority of lost mates were sent to Earth, I devised a plan in which each of you could voluntarily incarnate for one lifetime on Earth and search for your mate. Another thing you have not been told is if you are fortunate enough to locate your mate and perform the ritual, when your life on Earth ends you will return to your planet of origin with your mate and reincarnate together in your natural forms.”

  Mumbling whispered through the crowd.

  Luperca smiled lovingly upon her people. “I hear your concern. Those who have yet to find their mate, fear that after this lifetime they wi
ll return to their home planet alone. I would never doom you to such a bleak existence. If you are among the unfortunate, you will have the option to return to Earth again or reincarnate on one of the other planets where mates were scattered. As a matter of fact, some of you are on your second or third lifetime on Earth.”

  “If I may be so bold to ask? Why don’t we remember any of this?” a man called from the audience.

  “The downside of incarnating outside your home system is you come into being without a memory of past lives. I’m not sure why the one true source of all made that so, but there is no way around it. Now, I must go. But first I give heartfelt congratulations to Seth and Sara. May you have a long and happy life together. I bless each and every one of you. Blessed be.”

  Luperca faded from view, and the crowd erupted in conversation. Isaac took up a microphone to be heard over the din. “If I could have your attention again I have something to say.” He waited for everyone to quiet down. “I know that was a lot to digest. But what I want you to remember is, Luperca promised to continue to assist anyone who has not found their mate. She will not leave you without hope. Continue your quest for that one person meant to complete you and know it is not in vain. A testament to that is the three new couples who have found their mates among the guests in attendance.”

  The crowd erupted in cheers and shouts of congratulation.

  “Now, let’s not forget why we are here. We are celebrating Seth and Sara’s marriage. I believe it’s time for the happy couple’s first dance.”

  Isaac hopped from the stage as the band struck up a slow romantic song and Seth led Sara to the dance floor.

  Two hours later, with the bridal bouquet and garter tossed, the reception was winding down. As Seth’s best man, Richie had the honor of leading the pack run to celebrate the happy couple.

  Standing on the stage, he waited for the crowd to quiet before he began. “We have been twice blessed tonight. For the first time in history Luperca as appeared to us and given us new hope. She has also seen fit to bless Seth with an incredible woman. A woman of strength and bravery befitting an Elite hunter. Let us raise our glasses in a toast to Seth and Sara.”

  As one, everyone shouted the traditional shifter toast, “To Seth and Sara. May they live a long and happy life together.”

  In a long-held tradition, every emptied glass was then thumped on the tabletops three times.

  Once the crowd quieted again, Richie held up his right arm. The instant he dropped it to his side, every wolf in the place shifted. Wolves of every size and color stood where their human form had been.

  With a yip, Richie’s solid black wolf swished its tail and leapt to the ground, then raced around the stage. With Seth and Sara running alongside him, Richie led the pack to the forest. An eerie chorus of yips and howls drifted through the night air as hundreds of wolves faded into the forest and disappeared from sight.

  The End

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  Thank you!

  V.A. Dold

  Continue reading for an excerpt from



  Book Two



  Etienne crossed to the far end of his office and stood before the fireplace. “Good evening, Amalia.” He’d commissioned the portrait as a birthday present for his wife. After he’d presented it to her, he had hung it in what he considered the most prominent location in his home. Amalia was where he could look up from his desk and gaze upon her throughout his day.

  He smiled as he recalled how pleased she was the first time she saw it hanging there. That pleasure lasted a mere three days. His smile faded to be replaced by a stoic, unemotional expression.

  The focal point of the room was a pale comparison to the place the woman had once held within his heart. A place she no longer wanted to occupy. Truth be told, He was ready to let her and her memory go. She was right. It was time.

  Closing his eyes, he rummaged through his emotions and analyzed what feelings he still harbored for Amalia. Guilt. All he found was guilt. He still held onto the blame for her untimely and brutal demise.

  Had he put off the meeting with a representative sent by his brother Ivan, he would have been with her when a mob of pitchfork-wielding humans caught his queen in town. He would have slaughtered them all, and she would still be alive. Instead, he had laid his wife to rest and exterminated every person guilty of harming her. Slowly. Painfully. Since that day, he’d endured with nothing but an oil painting and his memories. A masterpiece it may be, but the portrait provided pitifully little solace.

  Damn Ivan and his machinations.

  Mercifully, Cade Le Beau had come upon the scene, though not soon enough. He hadn’t been able to save Amalia, but he had held her and comforted her until the end. Cade had then carried her in his arms, walking the entire five miles to the mansion to return her body to him. Etienne was thankful for his kindness and would be forever in Cade’s debt.

  Her death robbed him of the only woman he had ever loved. Knowledge of the pain and agony she suffered was all that remained. Were it possible, he would have died in her stead. Unfortunately, there was no way to change history. No way to give her back the life she should have lived.

  I forgave you a long time ago, my love. Amalia’s voice whispered through the room.

  Shock stilled his heart. With her words of forgiveness, he found he was finally able to release the weight of his condemnation. Lightness filled his heart. He sucked in what felt like his first deep breath in a century.

  Etienne reached up and touched the likeness of her face. “Thank you. And, don't worry,” he said to her image. “I will open myself to the possibility of new love. I promise.” It was a promise he had made to her in Savannah. He never broke a promise. Once he gave his word, he was honor bound to keep it.

  He turned and walked to the small stepladder sitting before his floor to ceiling library. He picked it up and set it below the portrait and climbed the few steps. In this position, he was face to face with the exact likeness of Amalia. The artist he had commissioned captured her flawless beauty in great detail. So much so, it could have been a photograph. But that technology had yet to be invented when she was alive.

  Though he’d tried, he’d never been able to bring himself to remove the painting. Now he found he could. Sighing, he gripped the frame with both hands, lifted the painting from the wall, and descended the ladder. There was no point in leaving it there any longer.

  He carried it to the attic where he stored things he didn’t have the heart to sell or giveaway. She was a beautiful addition to the works of art that never saw the light of day. He stepped back and gave it one last look. She was moving on to a new and better existence, one where she would be more than masterful strokes of oil on a canvas.

  Etienne inclined his head to her image. “Goodbye, Muierimei.” It was the last time he would address her with the vampire word for wife, spouse, heart, life, and soul. Then he turned on his heel and locked the door.

  Willamina Witt, nicknamed Billie or BJ and her three friends, Teresa Andersen, Helen Jones, and Karen Hall strolled down Decatur Street. Four best friends, new to New Orleans and the French Quarter. Like many freshmen at Tulane University, they were eager to check out the nightlife.

  Billie along with Karen trailed behind Teresa and Helen. The sidewalk was congested to the point that they had to work their way single-file through the crowd.

  Out of nowhere, the sensation of ice-cold water ran down Billie’s spine. Someone was watching her. Trying to look natural, she touched Karen’s arm to get her attention. She didn’t want to alert their watcher to the fact she knew he was there.

  “What?” Karen asked as she turned an
d stiffened. “Ah-ho, you have that look on your face. You felt something, and that always means trouble.”

  “I’m not sure. But I think we’re being watched. Why would we be singled out in a crowd as large as this?”

  Karen shook her head. “Are you sure it’s not something you ate? It could be heartburn. Personally, I’m voting for the heartburn because getting your spidey sense triggered never ends well.”

  Billie shot her a look. “Yes, I’m sure. And for your information, my firehouse burritos don’t give me heartburn or set off my alarms.”

  Karen snorted. “With the number of jalapenos and hot sauce in them, I’m sure they set off something.”

  “Hey now. No one badmouths my burritos.” Billie shivered and looked around. “I just felt it again.”

  For as long as Karen could remember, Billie had possessed an innate ability to sense things. Billie’s strange spidey sense freaked her out until she learned to trust her friend’s instincts.

  Karen turned her attention to the people surrounding them, trying to see what her friend sensed. Out of the corner of her eye, movement at odds with the crowd caught her attention. A well-dressed man, someone no one would suspect, rushed toward them.

  Dread held Karen frozen in place. His scrutiny was just a bit too focused, and it creeped her out. The man shouldered his way through the last few people between himself and Billie. The way Mr. Creepy fixated on her friend’s purse exceeded extreme, to say the least. Before Karen could yell a warning, he tried to yank the purse from Billie’s shoulder.

  The force of Billie’s assailant's attack threw her to the sidewalk. Somehow, Billie managed to hang onto the strap with one hand. The uneven sidewalk scraped and bloodied her knees. The hem of her skirt tore. Still, she held on.

  Mr. Creepy backhanded her hard and yanked again. “Give me the purse, bitch, or I’ll cut you.”


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