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Tainted Love: Anything For You Series 2

Page 6

by Wynn, Ann

  “I can't get enough of your soft breasts and pert nipples, Baby. You are definitely horny tonight,” he whispered.

  One of his hands dipped to her core, making her whimper. She was already slick for him, her clit slightly swollen, but she found pleasure in what he was doing and just closed her eyes to savor the moment. Suddenly he removed his hand from her breast only to guide one of her hands to hold on to his erection, which made her open her eyes. She had been waiting for this. If only she could touch it without the condom around it. If only she could taste it without it as well. But she knew she would have to wait for the right time next time. She would make sure of it. She stroked his erection as his fingers continued to penetrate her. Her soft rocking had been to encourage his fingers to penetrate her deeper.

  “That's for you, Baby. All for you,” he said as she continued to stroke his manhood.

  “While this is mine. All mine,” he said as he continued to plunge into her.

  “Say it, Jules. You're mine. All mine,” he commanded her as he continued his assault on her core with his fingers. She could not think straight. She was too aroused to say no to him. The sensation was too much.

  “Y-yes, Michael. I'm yours. All yours,” she breathed.

  As soon as Michael heard those words, he stopped probing her with his fingers and held on to her waist to raise her and to angle her before penetration. Joana made sure her knees were pressing on the mattress as he moved into her core. As they started speeding up their lovemaking, it was hard to understand what Michael had been saying to her. He knew he had apologized to her and promised to change, to become a better man, but he did not know that the woman he was making love to was not the woman he was supposed to be doing it with. With happy thoughts of Juliana and him in mind, he threw his head back and groaned as he came violently inside of her. She came soon after. They both sagged on the bed. He kissed her on the forehead before rolling onto his side of the bed to get some sleep.

  She did not need to hear that he loved her. Saying that she was his and he was hers was enough. As soon as Michael was asleep, she took her phone from her small bag which she left in the living room, and took pictures of her with Michael in the bed together. It was a devious plan, which she knew she would be able to utilize later. Now, all she had to think about was if she would stay or if she would go. He wouldn't be awake in the next couple of hours, but just like him, she was tired but definitely sated sexually. She decided she would crawl in bed with him and just hope for the best the next day. She would have to thank her lucky stars for making sure that she was able to get this chance to be with him. She would just have to investigate on Juliana later. It would just have to wait.


  Juliana cried in her sleep that day. She was torn. Although she did not want to break up with Michael, she felt like they needed a break to think things though. She knew she would have to face her boss the next day. She hoped that the awkwardness that they both felt with each other would dissipate somehow. The next day, although she was able to take the day off, she still did not look relaxed. Lisa noticed that and soon, she was bringing her some coffee on her station to ask what was going on with her.

  “Good morning, beautiful! Wow! You look different today. Guess you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning huh?” Lisa asked.

  “Yeah, something like that. Thanks for the coffee. I needed that.” She tried her best to smile at her, but she was just not feeling it today. She sat beside her and smiled before giving her a pat on the shoulder.

  “You know you can tell me anything. I am a friend. I promise I won't judge,” she said as she raised her right hand as if taking an oath. She sighed. She knew that Lisa would continue hounding her today if she did not tell her anything.

  “You, my dear friend, are incorrigible.” Juliana shook her head as if dismayed by Lisa's words and actions.

  “I am not. Now, spill the beans, sister before I start getting all mother hen on you again. You know how overly protective I get with my friends. Need I remind you that?” she said with one of her brows raised.

  “Fine. I give up.” She sat down next to her and started telling her what happened. Her voice hushed.

  “Heavens! Is that all?” She knew Lisa never did like Michael. He had been lacking in her life and Lisa knew that very well.

  “I think this is a good time for you to think if Michael is really the guy for you. I honestly think you deserve better. This time off from each other will help you realize that. I agree with you on this and I support you no matter what decision you make,” Lisa said as she held her hands and patted them. She gave her a weak smile in response.

  “Now, if that is all I need to know then I am heading back to work. Let's eat lunch together, Sweetie. Ta-ta!” Lisa finally said before leaving.

  She disappeared into the hallway before she knew it. Juliana let out another sigh. She needed to stop overthinking this. Unfortunately for her, Gabriel had been eavesdropping. Although he was not able to hear everything, he was able to hear the juicy bits of her confession to Lisa, who he reminded himself to thank later on. He would have to capitalize now that Michael was out of the picture. He looked at her still frowning as she typed on her computer. Like everybody else, she only had a couple of days left before the competition was over, and as much as he wanted her to win it, he knew she wouldn't be able to win if she would continue being this way. He decided it would be best to visit her instead.

  “Good morning, Ms. Austin! Any updates on your entry for the competition?” He smiled at her as he stopped by her station. She hated it when he smiled like that. It was too distracting that she had to look away.

  “Thank you for reminding me, Sir. Actually, I am having trouble writing it at the moment, but I am sure I will be able to write something soon.” She smiled at him, her tone dismissive.

  “Alright, I'll let you get on with it then. If you need to talk about it or just to bounce some ideas, I am in my office. I'm free,” he said before turning his back to her. He wanted to mentally kick himself. He did not like what he had said to her. He knew he could have said something better than that, but what was done is done.

  After a fun lunch with Lisa, Juliana was back to work and was happy that she was able to function well. Michael had not sent her any messages or called her, which she did not know if it would annoy her or if she would be happy that he was finally taking what she said seriously about him staying away temporarily. If he was then he was finally listening to her, which was already a good sign.

  Michael woke up sore. He found himself in his room, naked. When he found himself in between the legs of a woman, he smiled. He was not dreaming. He had made love to Juliana last night. Despite his head being sore, he decided to give her a wake up call. He licked her soft curls tentatively, which made her moan. He pressed soft kisses in her inner thighs. He moved his lips to her belly only to see it pierced. He stopped. Since when did Juliana get a pierced navel? he wondered. When he moved higher, he saw the woman's breasts, which looked bigger than Juliana's. He no longer wanted to wait. He removed the sheet to reveal her face only to see someone else. He cursed loudly as he moved away.

  What did he just do last night? As the wicked deeds started to replay inside his head, he realized that he had erred big time. He knew he would never be able to explain this, and that Juliana would never forgive him. He had slept with Joana, and judging by them both naked in the bed, his used condom still on and their clothes everywhere, there was no mistaking that the deed had been done. He decided to take a quick shower and to leave. This was all happening too fast. This could just be a dream. A very bad dream. He drove as far away as he could, leaving Joana still in his bed. He knew this was unlikely of him but he had to be away from everything to get things straight.

  Joana did not expect to wake up in an empty bed. Michael did not even leave her a note. He was gone and although she felt used, she knew that this was probably just a shock to him and that he would get used to it. She took a shower a
nd got dressed, recovered her things from the living room and left. She was on a mission today, and when she saw it was almost time for Juliana's work to be done, she knew she would have to meet her.

  Juliana did not want to work overtime. She just wanted to go home. As soon as she got out of the elevator, she hurriedly walked to the lobby, when suddenly she heard a voice call from behind her. When she turned around, she saw Joana. She did not know whether to run away or stay. What did she want with her? She walked towards her and smiled sweetly. She now knew it was all a facade.

  “Do you have a minute? How about we grab some coffee before we go home?” Joana asked.

  “O-okay but I can't stay long,” she answered.

  “Don't worry. I won't take much of your precious time,” she said.

  They both walked to the nearest coffee shop. Although it was usually busy during mornings and afternoons, it did not have a lot of customers at this time. Joana ordered a Strawberry Frappuccino while she ordered a Caramel Macchiato before they found their seats. Joana led the way and it was one of the most private tables in the coffee shop, as it was concealed by a huge pillar of bricks. As soon as their orders were served, Joana started to speak.

  “I know things are not going well for you and Michael lately. And I think you deserve to know,” she started.

  “Know what exactly?” Juliana asked after taking a sip from her drink.

  “Why that's happening between you and Michael. You see we're together,” she announced.

  “Together? For how long?” she dreaded to know.

  “Just recently.” Joana took out her phone and showed Juliana pictures of her and Michael in bed together. Tears were starting to form on the sides of her eyes, but she remained strong in front of her.

  “Why are you doing this?” she dared to ask her.

  “Because I've loved Michael for years, yet all he ever sees is you. Now, I have him and I will never let him go. I won't let him go back to you,” Joana sneered as she looked at Juliana in a threatening manner.

  “I think we're done here.” She stood up and grabbed her drink, but before she could move away from their table, Joana stopped her.

  “When you see Michael, tell him to go home. I'll be waiting,” she smiled before Juliana could turn her back to her.


  She did not expect her friend to hurt her this way. As she walked on the sidewalk with her drink forgotten, she felt her tears starting to pour down on her cheeks. Why? was all she could think of, but she already knew the answer to that. What she could not accept was the fact that she was friends with Joana for years and that she was not the one lacking, he was. If only he had made more time for her then he wouldn't be so needy of her. If only they would have been together more then maybe he wouldn't have sought other women for the comfort and pleasure she could give him. She was a fool to believe that they would be together forever.

  If only she had listened to Lisa sooner. But then she thought about when it happened. If it happened last night then it only meant that she drove him to cheat on her. She cursed herself as she continued to walk uncaring for the people around her. Soon, she felt everything moving, moving too fast, until she was falling. She almost fell on the ground when suddenly strong arms held her and shook her. When she opened her eyes, she was welcomed with stormy gray eyes.

  “Gabriel?” she asked.

  “Yes, it's me. What happened, Jules? Are you alright?” he asked her as he helped her up.

  “Can you please take me home?” she asked him politely. Before he could respond, he had already assisted her inside his car and had driven away.

  When he reached her home, there was a car in her driveway and a man waiting in her front porch. He might not know him well, but he knew him enough to know that it was Michael. Juliana exited his car even before he could open her door. When he emerged from the driver's seat, Michael stood up and stormed angrily at him.

  “Is this why you wanted to take a break from us, Jules? Is this your new boyfriend?” Michael said as he continued to look angrily at Gabriel. She was still weak but she could manage.

  “No, he's my boss. He's just here because I fainted on my way home,” she said weakly.

  “You what? Sorry, Man.” He moved to her side and helped her to the front porch as Gabriel looked on.

  “Michael, I think you should head home. Joana's looking for you,” she told him. He stopped when he heard her name.

  “How do you know that? Did you guys meet?” he inquired with a worried look on his face.

  “Yes, we did. S-she told me about what happened. Between the two of you.” She tried hard not to cry, but as soon as she saw the guilty expression on his face, she could no longer hide the sadness she felt inside.

  “How could you, Michael? She was my friend and you were my boyfriend. Why?” She looked at him in the eye, but he could not look at her anymore. He was too ashamed of what he had done.

  “I'm sorry, Jules. I was too drunk, too horny and too upset to realize that she was not you. I never meant to hurt you. Please, believe me,” he pleaded, but she had already walked to her front door, leaving him. She turned around before going inside, leaving him with her last remark.

  “I never doubted you. I thought Lisa was wrong but now, I know I was wrong. If only I had listened to her earlier then this never would have happened. Please, Michael, just go away.” She went inside her home, closed the door and locked it only cry alone.

  Michael continued to bang on the door, pleading his case. He did not want her to leave him, but now it was too late. Gabriel did not know everything that happened between them, but somehow he knew that he had hurt her badly. He wanted to smack some sense into Michael, but he figured he should know the facts first before he did. He watched Michael as he sadly walked to his car and drove away. He took the courage to walk to her front porch and knock on her door. Juliana still sat on the other side of the door, crying.

  “I know you are hurting right now but you don't have to hurt alone. I'm here and I can be a shoulder to cry on if you want to,” he said before he could ask her to open the door to let him in. She did, and once he was inside, she embraced her as she cried. She was heartbroken, and right now she needed someone she could lean on, even for a moment. Gabriel would just have to wait for her to heal before he could be with her, but right now all he had to do was be there for her. That would have to suffice for now.

  Juliana was broken. Her trust was broken. She was lied to, deceived, and was now in the unhappiest state of her life. She seemed powerless. She was in a fragile state right now, and knew it would be best to not be alone. As she continued to cry in Gabriel's arms, she only hoped that whatever was happening with them was something that would last. She was not yet ready to love again. But how long could he wait for her, she wondered. Her frown deepened as she continued to think of it, but stopped herself from getting even sadder. She was nursing a broken heart, and he was there to help in any way possible. She would have to settle with the limits, and so would he. She only hoped that all that would be enough for now.

  Michael drove away a shattered empty shell of a man. He knew he had made a mistake – a grave one. He did not know how to fix it. As his phone continued to ring while he was driving, he no longer cared for it. He knew it wouldn't be Juliana calling him anyway. Joana had been the root of all this sadness, all this evil. He did not know if he should face her, and if he did, what would he do? He was so confused. He would have to stay away from work for a while. His physical injuries would need healing, but his heart needed it more.

  Joana was back at her home as she continued to call Michael. She was worried. She did not know where he was. If only he would come home to his apartment or even pay her a visit. They were more than what they used to be now, or so she thought. If only he would be more accepting. Where would they go now? She did not know, but she only hoped that there would come a day when he would love her.

  Love: Anything For You Series 2




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