Book Read Free


Page 11

by A J Newman

  Everyone started talking at one time.


  Chapter 16

  The Stand

  At the Cabin

  May 18, 2020

  Gus said, “Shut up and deal with it. We have to survive about three hours before the Calvary gets here. Let’s get prepared!”

  Beth quickly asked, “What can we do?”

  Gus replied, “Well, first make sure that you have your guns loaded and spare ammo close by. This could be a two hour battle so hit the bathroom and get some food and water down.”

  Steve added, “We might want to place some buckets of water around in case they try to burn us out. Also, I will go outside and spray the roof and bushes close to the house.”

  John also took Beth outside to move the SUV while he put the lawn furniture in the garage so they would have clear fields of fire.

  John went to Dave to get the keys and Dave said, “Please follow me to the bedroom.”

  They went into the master bedroom and Dave reached under the left corner at the foot of the bed and the end of the bed tilted up to show a doorway with a ladder going down under the house. On both sides of the doorway were various pistols, assault rifles and numerous magazines already loaded and ready to go. There were also several smoke grenades and flash bangs.

  John exclaimed, “We were right, you are a major Prepper! What is down in the cellar?”

  Dave replied, “More guns, food, medical supplies and Bug Out gear for our family.”

  They came back in the room with two-12 gauge pumps, four AR 15s, six Glock 9mm and the grenades.

  Gus said, “Christmas came early! I almost feel sorry for those dumb SOBs.” Dave and John gave out the weapons and ammo while Gus showed the ladies how to use them.

  An explosion suddenly shook the cabin and rattled the windows; they all ran outside. There was a cloud of smoke rising about a half mile away in the direction of the town.

  Julie cried out, “That’s towards town! You don’t think……..…” Her voice tailed off.

  John said, “Don’t assume the worst, but it can’t be a good thing. John said a prayer to himself that it wasn’t Julie’s kids.

  • • •

  The sun had been down for an hour and a mist was forming in the air. It wasn’t quite fog, but heading that way. John had Dave turn on the light at the end of the walkway by the end of the driveway. They also turned the light on at the front of the garage and one at the back of the yard. John turned off the lights in the house and told everyone to stay low and not present a bigger target than necessary.

  John then went to Beth and gave her a quick hug and said, “How about a date when we get back home?"

  She laughed and said, “Your timing sucks, but let’s get out of here alive big boy and I’ll think about it.”

  As he left, she pinched his ass.

  John turned around, smiled and said. “Pay back is rough around my neck of the woods.”

  Gus took charge and said, “Quit playing grab ass! Get your guns and be ready, we have to keep them out of the house. Steve and Bill, take the kitchen. John, Beth and Julie take the front door and living room. Dave and Alice, take the master bedroom. Janet and I’ll float and be ready to handle any surprises.”

  They all started moving furniture in front of the doors and windows that they weren’t planning to shoot from. He barely got the sentence out of his mouth when the windows exploded and rained shattered glass on all of them. The cabin rocked from the explosion and part of the porch roof fell. Luckily, no one was hit by the glass and shrapnel. They all hit the floor and jumped under or behind whatever they could find. John shielded Beth while shooting through the window to slow the attackers down.

  Steve yelled, “Is everyone okay?”

  All answered that there were no serious injuries, just some cuts from flying glass and bruises from hitting the hardwood floor. While no one was seriously hurt, the women were scared and Julia was sobbing again. Even Beth was visibly shaken and trembled in John’s arms.

  John told her, “Don’t worry, we’ll get out of this and I promise you that the bad guys will be dealt with.”

  Dave yelled, “I’m turning on the outside flood lights, be ready to shoot. They are bright, cover your eyes!” Dave flipped the switches, lit up the lights and flooded the outside of the cabin with bright white light. The GAO was caught flat-footed. Shots rang from the cabin and the GAO scattered like cockroaches in a cheap hotel. Gus had a bead on two that were caught in the open trying to sneak up on the back door. He fired a burst from the M 16 and two bad guys fell.

  John missed as he tried to shoot the red headed bastard and another guy as they came around the end of the garage. He did have them pinned down behind a couple of trees and was covering them with bark and dirt when he shot.

  John saw a guy aiming an RPG at the cabin. He fired a burst into the guy and shredded him, blood and brains blew out everywhere. John saw the RPG lying on the ground and told the others not to let anyone get close to it. He knew the RPG could blow them to hell and back. One guy tried and Julie got him in the gut with her shotgun; he was dead before he hit the ground. Beth missed her guy, but had him running back to the road and hiding in a ditch. Bill and the women were laying down a withering fire that kept the bad guys pinned down.

  The red headed guy and several others opened up with heavy fire while two others tried to get to the RPG. They shot out most of the floodlights and just as the two got to the RPG, John and Julie braved the fusillade and took both of them out with accurate return fire.

  John was hit in the side by a ricochet and Julie was hit in the chest. She was smiling at Dave as he walked towards her, she told him that she loved him and then her head slumped over. Dave shook her then started crying. Janet came over to console Dave, but he pushed her away. He ranted and raved about killing all of those Mexican sons of bitches. Dave had lost it and was out of control. Gus and Steve grabbed him and kept him from running out the front door on a suicide attack.

  Beth looked at John’s side and picked out a piece of a bullet that had shattered. She taped a bandage to his side, slapped him on the, butt and said, “Get back in the game and save us Big John. Please kill the SOB that killed Julie.”

  John replied, “Pain killers please?”

  Janet and Gus had kept the remaining GAO pinned down while the wounded were patched up.

  John looked over to Gus and said, “These aren’t normal thugs, RPGs and choppers, we have pissed some bad guys off.”

  Gus replied, “You thinking what I’m thinking? When we finish these bastards, a hundred more will be coming for us and our families.”

  John replied, “Yes, that’s what has me worried. We need to clean this mess up and wipe out our trail. We do have experience at that crap you know.”

  Gus replied, “That we do, but I’m afraid that we can’t get all info contained or enough of them killed before they do some serious damage.”

  • • •

  Scott and Jim heard the explosion and stopped to see where it had come from. There were no signs of the explosion.

  Jim said, “I think it came from over that way. Shouldn’t we head towards the explosion?”

  Scott countered with, “No, Dad and Gus will try to hold the cabin. I don’t know what that was, but I would bet the thugs just got some help. Be ready for anything.” They again started running full speed towards the cabin.

  They were panting heavy, but managing to make good time when Jim saw a clearing up ahead. Jim heard the pilot even before they saw the chopper in the clearing ahead. He was chattering away in Spanish to someone. Jim could speak good Spanish so they stopped to listen. Jim listened for a minute, then quickly took aim and shot the pilot. He dropped like a sack of potatoes.

  Scott shook Jim and said, “What was that about? We could have gotten info from him."

  Before Jim could answer, they heard a volley of gunfire coming from the direction of the cabin.

  Jim said, “He was telling someone th
at their leader, Karl, had given orders for all of us and our families to be killed to set an example. I don’t think I stopped him in time.”

  Scott replied, “We have to get to the cabin, kill these bastards, get back to the GAO office and clean house. They have our home addresses, next of kin and Dad’s credit card info.”

  They ran up to the copter and Scott calmly walked up to the wounded pilot, pulled out his pistol and shot him between the eyes.

  He then said, “I guess you won’t threaten my family again.”

  Scott then went to the copter, opened a fuse box and took a couple of fuses to disable it. Then they continued to the cabin.

  • • •

  The remaining GAO thugs regrouped back in the trees. There were only Karl, Red, Manny and Maria left alive. Karl, Red and Manny had flesh wounds and Maria had been hit with buckshot, but all could continue the fight.

  Karl ordered, “We have to get the RPG. I’m tired of screwing around with these hombres; send them to hell. I must kill them all and make examples so that no one fucks with GAO ever again,” Karl swore as he glared at Red and the other two.

  Red stepped towards Karl and said, “Karl, we are beaten, we should retreat while we can. Trying to get the RPG will be suicide, they will mow anyone down that gets out in the open.”

  Manny added, “Karl, I will do what you ask, but we will all die.”

  Karl pulled out the Sat phone and called the GAO office. He started with, “What did you find about these pieces of shit?”

  Jorge, the head guard, told him, “I talked with a lady that works for their leader and found out about the whole group, where they live and who they love. She thinks I am a news reporter doing a story about their leader.”

  Karl asked, “What’s so special about him?”

  Jorge replied, “He is a local redneck who was in the army and is now a survivalist who has a radio program.”

  Karl said, “Be ready for my return, you know what to do, make them pray to die. We will capture some of these assholes and put them on the phone to hear their women and children die. Get more info from the bitch!”

  Karl then added, “Have you reported any of this back to the Wolf?”

  Jorge said, “Yes, I thought that you would want news to go back home that you are victorious.”

  “Thanks for having a head on your shoulders, be ready for more responsibility and pay my friend.” Karl hung up. Jorge thought that the shit must have been hitting the fan for Karl to call him his friend.

  While Karl was on the phone, Maria got Red off to the side and tried to get him to help her get Karl to retreat.

  Maria said, “Red, you know that I am dedicated to our cause and making all that money is great, but dead people don’t enjoy the fruits of their labor. What can I do to convince you to help me stop him from getting us all killed because Karl is pissed at the Gringos."

  “The Wolf will kill you if you screw with his fair haired boy. We can only try to talk him out of this madness. Also watch out for Manny, he will back Karl to the end.”

  Maria, placed her hand on Red’s arm and said, “Red, if you help me stop this I will be yours forever. You could take Karl’s place in our organization. We just shoot both of them now.”

  Red slapped Maria hard enough to knock her down. He bent down and shook her; she was groggy.

  Karl turned just in time to see Red checking on Maria. “What the hell is going on behind my back?”

  Red replied, “She got smart and I guess I hit her a bit too hard. Anyway the bitch will watch her mouth in the future.”

  Karl motioned for Manny to come to them and said, “Manny, go get the RPG. Red and I will throw the tear gas grenades and lay down suppressing fire to pin them down.

  Manny was visibly upset, but replied, “Karl, anything you want I’ll do.” With that, he left to get in position to fetch the RPG. Both Red and Karl threw the tear gas grenades as far as they could, but only got them about 50 feet from the cabin. They began shooting at the cabins windows. The return fire from the cabin was heavy and hit all around all three of them. Manny got his courage up, charged out in to the open, grabbed the RPG and ran for cover.

  • • •

  Gus had warned them that there would be a last ditch effort to get to the RPG and that their lives depended on stopping the bastards. Dave saw Manny’s shadow as he skulked around the edge of the forest to get closer to the RPG. Dave told them to get ready because the shit was about to hit the fan. He was about to shoot when the thugs started shooting. A bullet hit him in the throat and knocked him back across the room. Janet ran over to him and applied pressure to the wound. The rest concentrated on shooting at the guy trying to get the RPG.

  • • •

  Scott and Jim heard the gunfire and agreed that it was only about 100 yards in front of them. They were dog-tired, but sprinted towards the gunfire. Jim saw the cabin and signaled Scott to stop. They could see a guy crawling towards the cabin. He was heading to a pile of bodies and shooting at the cabin. They stopped, dropped and got cover before shooting. Scott saw flashes from the woods in front of the cabin and told Jim he was going to circle around behind them. He said try to hold fire until he was in place and took the first shot. Jim patiently waited for Scott to get in place. He alternated taking a bead on the guy in the open and then the guy crawling towards the pile of bodies.

  The people in the cabin were putting out an enormous rate of fire. Jim knew Gus and John had all of them armed to the teeth and ready to kill the bad guys. He told himself that John would start writing about this episode before they got the RV back on the road.

  Scott got in place directly behind the two that were firing on the cabin. Just as he started to shoot, he noticed someone to his left. The person was sneaking up behind the shooters with a pistol in their hand. He got up and followed just behind. He got close enough to see that it was Maria. She raised the gun and shot the tallest man in the back. As the other one turned, Maria and Scott shot him at the same time.

  Scott rushed Maria and over powered her. She fought like a wildcat, but Scott finally hit her with the butt of the AK and knocked her ass out.

  Jim started firing when he saw the flashes and heard gunfire behind the two GAO guys. He put a whole magazine into the two guys and watched them flop around. He did not know that he had stopped the RPG attack.

  Once the bad guys stopped shooting, Gus called a cease-fire. The silence was almost deafening, one could hear tree frogs and cicadas.

  John peered out over the window seal in time to hear his son’s voice saying, “Dad, we got them, you can come out.”

  They came out of the cabin slowly and looked in every direction for potential snipers.

  Jim ran up and started hugging everyone. Scott was slowly walking towards them carrying a limp body. They rushed towards him.

  John saw that it was Maria and said, “Son, that’s the GAO Bitch.”

  “Dad, I think she is on our side. She killed their leader. I only had to knock her out because it was dark and she thought I was going to shoot her.”

  Janet came out of the cabin crying and told them that Dave had died.


  Chapter 17

  Vengeance and Heroes

  The Cabin

  May 19, 2020

  Everyone was hugging their fellow survivors and thanking God for being alive.

  Jim yelled, “STOP!”

  They all turned and looked at him.

  “John, it’s not over. I don’t want to be a wet blanket on the celebration, but these assholes know where we live and have information about us. They will come after us. We have to kill the rest of them or be killed.”

  Jim then told them what the pilot had said.

  Gus said, “Jim you are right, let’s quickly think this through. Let’s go in the cabin and quickly come up with a game plan, the SWAT team will be here in 60 minutes.”

  John took charge and said, “Beth, Alice, Janet and Bill, they do not know you or have anything o
n you. Take the truck and get back to your RV and head home now. Do not stop, do not waste time, get out of here.”

  Bill stopped John and said, “What about Fred?” John said, “Oh shit! We forgot him. Gus, come here!”

  Gus hurried across the room and asked what was wrong. John filled him in.

  Gus grabbed all four and said, “Do you want to live?”

  They all said yes. Gus added, “Do what I say and exactly what I say and you will live.”

  They hung on his words. Gus thought a minute and said, “Y’all go back to your camp. Fred has a GAO bullet lodged in his head. Cut Fred’s head off and take the body and head with you. Clean up your camp take everything with blood or evidence. Get rid of it on the way. Dump the head, with the bullet, in a river on the way home. Take the body with you and about 100 miles from Nashville create a crime scene that will pass inspection. Above all, get your stories straight and match up. No one goes off script; no one folds. Blame it on some crazy guy that needed a ride. Shoot the RV up and make it look real! And above all, you never got here you decided to go 500 miles from here.”

  The three were stunned, but knew they had to protect themselves and more importantly their families.

  John grabbed Beth and took her off to the side. “Get a pay by-the-minute cell phone and don’t use your real name. John scribbled something on a piece of paper and gave it to Beth. Call me at this number in three days and I’ll find you. I love you, but you are in danger GO!”

  Beth grabbed John, kissed him passionately and said, “John, I love you too.” They got their weapons and left.

  Jim, Scott, Gus and John laid out a plan to pile most of the bodies in the cabin, burn it and take the chopper to the GAO office and clean house. They were taking Red’s and Karl’s bodies with them so their alibi about being captured and fighting their way out would hold up if caught.


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