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Page 10

by R. G. Alexander

  This had strings. Maybe not for Owen, but Jeremy could already feel them tangling up his thoughts and tugging at his heart.

  Owen would be here for a week or more. Every night. Every morning. It was terrifying…how much he was looking forward to it.

  Chapter Nine

  The rain was pummeling the windshield so that even with the wipers on full speed, Jeremy could hardly see a foot in front of him as he slowly made his way home from the grocery store.

  The foul weather had him grinning like an idiot. If anyone could see him they’d think he was crazy, but this storm meant Owen had the whole day off. It also meant that no one was working on fixing his apartment’s roof, so he was stuck with Jeremy for the duration.

  The last four days had been good. Better than good. Every day he woke up to Owen making breakfast and every night he fell asleep in his arms. He’d never experienced anything like it before. Never realized how much he craved the closeness, the intimacy, until now.

  The night Owen had asked to stay for the week, they’d fallen asleep together on the couch, both too exhausted from their lakeside tussle to finish the evening the way the dominant Finn had planned. They’d woken up around two in the morning and shuffled down the hall to collapse together on the bed, neither moving until the alarm went off four hours later.

  Owen had toned down his aggressive demands to top him, and he’d shied away from intercourse entirely since then. If he weren’t so physically affectionate—always finding reasons to touch him when they talked—and if he hadn’t made sure Jeremy came at least twice a night and most mornings, Jeremy would worry that Owen was regretting their time together and pulling away. As it was, Jeremy thought he might still be recovering from the rough sex by the water.

  He would never stop kicking himself for losing control.

  Even with his concern, this week was still better than any he’d had in a long damn time. They talked—not about movies or sex, but real conversations. Well, Jeremy talked—Owen listened and asked the occasional quiet question. But Jeremy cherished the time, telling him things he’d never been able to share with him before. Like the details of what had happened in the weeks leading up to his father handing him a wad of cash and warning him not to come back or ask for more.

  He told Owen about the first time he’d had sex with a man. How he never would have worked up the nerve if Tasha hadn’t dared him to do it. And he finally got Owen to share the story about the girlfriend in college who’d introduced him to the lifestyle.

  When he’d asked him what drew him to it, Owen had opened up. He said it was the honesty. The lack of judgment and emotional manipulation. He liked that everything was spelled out in the kink community, said it taught him to rein in his tendency for excess and gave him patience. Taught him how much more enjoyable it could be to give pleasure than to receive it.

  The way he talked about it made Jeremy see kink through new eyes. Curious eyes. He’d fought it when Owen got too bossy, and it tangled his stomach in knots when he thought about how easily he succumbed to the man’s commanding ways. But Owen’s conversations about power exchange made him realize that it wasn’t a competition or a struggle for control. Submission wasn’t a weakness.

  Last night, after the rain started, Jeremy had been in Owen’s arms and he’d wondered out loud if they could do a little more experimenting. Owen had tensed beside him and then pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead.


  Today, Jeremy thought, his hands tightening on the steering wheel as his back wheels skidded on the wet surface of the road. Today he was going to give in to his own curiosity, and he was determined to do it with the same fearlessness Owen had shown on his birthday.

  He didn’t know if what they were doing would last beyond Owen’s roof getting patched. He hoped, but with all their talking they’d never mentioned anything about the future. Jeremy didn’t want to waste a minute or have a single regret. He loved Owen, and wanted to know every part of him, including Master Finn.

  When he finally pulled into the driveway and shut off the engine, Owen was already striding out the front door and drenched to the bone as he came to help him unload the supplies. Water and candles, canned goods and propane for the grill in case the power went out.

  “How are the roads?”

  Jeremy grimaced. “Not good. I’m glad I went out when I did. I doubt they’ll be drivable until this is over. Do we still have power?”

  “For the moment. Come on, let’s get inside.”

  He shivered when he stepped into the air-conditioned foyer, water streaming from his hair down into his eyes as he headed to the kitchen with his bags. “I’m sorry it took me so long to get back. Traffic was slowed to a crawl.”

  Owen set his handful of bags on the counter. “That’s okay. It gave me time to get ready.”

  Jeremy pushed his wet hair back from his forehead and met Owen’s gaze. His heart started hammering in his ears. “Ready?”

  “Let’s get this put away first.”

  He was clumsy, suddenly all thumbs and shaking hands as they put away the groceries and supplies in silence. He’d asked for this. He wanted it. But when he glanced up toward the living room, he lost his breath.

  Owen had been getting ready. He’d moved all the furniture up against the wall and out of the way. He’d also brought out a flat padded bench from the workout room.

  What was he going to do to him on that bench? Jeremy’s dick pressed insistently against his jeans and he licked his dry lips. What kind of torture was Owen planning?

  A hand covered his and took the can he’d been holding away from him. “That’s the last one,” Owen murmured. “Now let’s take off your clothes so we can put them in the washer.”

  Jeremy pulled off his wet t-shirt while Owen unbuttoned his jeans. He kicked off his boots, leaning over to pull off his damp socks before shucking off the clinging denim. Owen gathered his clothes and disappeared into the laundry room for a moment, leaving him standing naked and trembling in his kitchen.

  He glanced at the refrigerator. Had it only been ten days since he’d leaned against it and Owen had talked him into opening his pants out of curiosity? How could his life have changed so completely in less than two weeks?

  When Owen reappeared he was barefoot and shirtless, but he still had his pants on. He studied Jeremy’s body as if he were seeing it for the first time, lingering on the thick erection between his legs.

  He held out his hand. “It’s tomorrow, Jeremy. Are you ready for this?”

  “I think so.” He took Owen’s hand and let him lead him into the living room. “I like your decorating style.”

  Owen laughed. “I had to work with what we had on hand, but we needed the space.” His thumb caressed Jeremy’s palm. “I’m going to start out simple. Some teasing and touching while you’re cuffed to the bench. We’ll go from there.”

  He was so busy staring at the bench and the black suede-and-leather cuffs lying on either end that it took him a moment to notice the television was on. An aroused, naked man was standing in his living room beside a workout bench and his lover.

  His eyes narrowed in on the camera attached to his large screen. “Owen? What the hell is that?”

  “I want you to be able to see everything I’m doing to you. You’re an artist and a man. I thought you’d appreciate the visual.”

  Jeremy swallowed. He wasn’t wrong. “Is it recording?”

  The hand holding his tightened. “Let’s leave that a mystery for the moment. I like the idea of you wondering whether or not your screams of pleasure will be saved for posterity, or if they’re being sent out on a live feed for anyone with an Internet connection to see.”

  Jeremy shook his head. He knew from their discussions that Owen would never expose him that way without negotiating it in advance, but the suggestion definitely fucked with his head. If he didn’t trust him so much… “That’s evil.”

  “Welcome to my world. Now I want you to kneel in
front of the bench and spread your arms out on either side.”

  He did as Owen asked, stretching his arms out on the bench so his wrists and part of his forearms were hanging off both ends. Owen knelt down beside him and reached for the first cuff. It had a chain attached to it that went underneath the bench to attach to the cuff on the other side.

  Oh God.

  It felt soft, he thought as Owen fastened it to his wrist. Still firm, but softer than he’d imagined it would. “Have you used these before?”

  “You’re wrists are thicker than my usual partners’,” Owen offered with a slight smile, moving to the other side of the bench. “A few days ago I stopped to get some things on the chance you might be willing. The cute little salesclerk was very helpful with one purchase in particular.”

  “What purchase?” Jeremy flexed his cuffed hand, watching Owen’s every move.

  When he was done with the other cuff, Owen got up and walked over to the coffee table that he’d slid against the wall. He picked up a large white towel that was bundled there, carrying it over and setting it down on the floor for Jeremy’s inspection. Spreading out the towel, he started arranging the objects that had been hidden inside. There was a new bottle of lubricant, a sixteen-inch paddle made of black leather and—

  Jeremy’s eyes widened when Owen picked up a bright red anal wand. “You’re fucking kidding me.”

  Owen smiled, pleased with himself. “You like it? She said this was a good one. You’re lucky she was around, too, because my first instinct was…well, she seemed to think you would run screaming in the other direction.”

  The plug was the only toy Jeremy had ever used, and before Owen he’d done that alone. He’d never had anything like that inside him. It was long with eight round beads, each one thicker than the last. “Owen…”

  Light blue eyes narrowed on him. “Jeremy? Backing down already?”

  No. No, he could do this. He wanted to do this. “Do I get a safe word?” he joked weakly.

  “Yellow,” Owen answered immediately, his expression letting Jeremy know exactly why he’d chosen it.

  He glared at the cocky blond. He wasn’t scared. He looked at the wand again, then the paddle. Maybe he was cautious. It would be strange if he weren’t. But there was excitement mixed in with the wariness. Impatience. “What happens now?”

  The set of Owen’s shoulders relaxed, and Jeremy realized he hadn’t been sure of his response. Not so cocky, after all, he thought, biting his cheek to keep from smiling. It was nice to know.

  “This.” Owen kissed him, tangling his fingers into Jeremy’s hair and tugging in a way that made his cock jerk. Jeremy tried to reach for him but the chain went taut, limiting his movement.

  Owen pulled back with a smile. “Not this time, Tarzan. I’m in control now.”

  His hand skimmed down Jeremy’s spine, making him shiver. “I can touch you wherever I want, however I want, and all you can do is accept. Put yourself in my hands.”

  Owen touched him. Tickled his sides, pinched his nipples until he flinched. He traced his ribcage with short nails and rubbed the tension out of his shoulders. Whenever Jeremy lost focus, he would reach up and pull his hair again. Hard.

  It was incredible.

  His palm was hot on Jeremy’s hip and he squeezed before reaching for the lube and the wand. “You’re doing so well, Jeremy. Now you have to trust me more than you ever have before. The way I trust you.”

  Still on his knees, Owen moved until he was beside Jeremy’s hip, one hand firmly on his lower back. He paused long enough that Jeremy looked up at the television screen. Owen’s expression as he stared at the body beside him was gratifying.

  “Like what you see, Master Finn?”

  “Oh yeah.” Owen’s low groan sent a jolt of hard pleasure through his body. “Fuckable art,” he murmured, reminding Jeremy of that first night. “Are your eyes on the screen, Jeremy?”


  His tone hardened. “Keep them there and don’t move unless I tell you to.”

  He could hear the wet sounds of Owen lubricating the wand, and then he felt the cool liquid between the cheeks of his ass and Owen’s fingers massaging and pressing against his sphincter. Oh God, he thought, biting his cheek hard. Oh God, he’s really going to do this.

  The stinging smack of a palm on his ass cheek made Jeremy flinch. His skin warmed, then heated when Owen landed a few more blows in the exact same spot. His mouth opened in surprise when he felt Owen’s teeth and the swipe of his tongue there as well, intensifying the sensations. What was he doing? That felt… “Jesus.”

  “Watch me, Jeremy,” Owen commanded, using one hand to spread his ass as the other guided the tip of the wand to his tight hole. “Watch me while I’m watching this.”

  He knew from the moment the first smooth, round bead pushed inside him that he wouldn’t be able to obey. But he tried. He saw Owen guiding the wand into his ass. He’d gotten it for the sole purpose of using it on him. Fucking him.

  Whatever you want, Owen. Don’t stop.

  The next bead stretched him and popped inside and he clenched his fists.

  Deeper, baby. Go deeper.

  Owen dragged it back slowly before pushing it inside again and adding the third, thicker bead.

  “Oh God,” Jeremy moaned softly.

  “Is something exciting happening on the screen?” Owen’s voice was deep. Distracted. “I don’t know if it can top this show. I can’t take my eyes off your ass. I want to see how much it can take.”

  Jeremy had to breathe out forcefully when the fourth knob slid inside and then out as Owen pulled the wand back again. He started to fuck him with it like that, just the first four beads, in and out in shallow thrusts.

  He was teasing Jeremy, knowing he was waiting for the rest. Jeremy pushed his hips back when Owen thrust again, taking in the fifth bead with a groan. “Fuck.”

  Owen spanked him in that spot, the spot that still tingled. “Did I tell you to move?”


  Owen’s palm landed again and again at the same time he was thrusting the sixth and seventh beads inside Jeremy’s ass.

  “Owen!” Jeremy screamed. “Fuck, that’s…”

  “That’s nothing, Jeremy.” He started to shaft him with the wand in long, slow strokes. His expression on the screen was focused, his cheeks flushed. “You can take it if I can. This isn’t anything compared to being stuffed with your monster cock. Pressed into the ground and hammered until you aren’t sure you’ll be able to stay conscious.”

  “I’m sorry,” Jeremy gasped, tilting his hips to accept his punishment. God, it felt good. “I told you I was sorry, Owen.”

  Owen bit his shoulder hard, reaching underneath Jeremy with his free hand and wrapping a fist around his erection. “You should be sorry. You probably will be. Do you know why?”

  Jeremy shook his head, grunting when Owen pushed the eighth bead—so fucking big—inside his ass.

  “Because I loved it,” he whispered, pausing to let Jeremy adjust to the fullness. “I shouldn’t have. You took away all my control and fucked me so hard I walked with a limp the next day, but I loved it. I was right about you and primal play, Jeremy. I just didn’t think about how hot it would make me to be your prey.”

  “Jesus, Owen.”

  He started dragging the wand back slowly, one bead at a time. So damn slow. “I came in the dirt like a hard-up kid and realized that everything I believed about myself had shifted. I’m an open-minded guy. I’m about pleasure, not labels. But I never thought I was a catcher, either, Jeremy. Not until you. Even now, when I’ve got you trussed up and completely under my control, I want it again. I’ll be honest, it’s been messing with my head.”

  “So this is payback?” Jeremy gasped out when only the last, small bead remained inside him and Owen was gripping the base of his shaft tight. “Not that I mind. It is your turn.”

  “This is pleasure, Jeremy. This is us. I’m a little competitive, I admit that. But you are t
oo.” He removed the wand and set it on the towel. “You’re also as curious as I am. You’ve been wondering about my paddle since I brought it up that first night. Wondering if you’d enjoy what I can do to you as much as I’ve loved what you’ve done to me.”

  It was true, but Jeremy wasn’t ready to admit it out loud. “A little competitive?”

  Owen chuckled, standing to remove his pants before going for the leather paddle. “I’m compensating. Anyone but an over-endowed porn star would be with that Boogie Nights prop you’re always swinging around. At least I’m man enough to admit it.”

  Jeremy grinned despite his arousal, studying the body towering over him. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Owen’s erection looked so good it made his mouth water. He wanted to taste it again. Wanted to hear his lover cry out his name and feel his hands in his hair.

  “I plan on proving that to you later.” Owen looked down at him and his smile turned wicked. “But now I’m going to use this on your tattooed ass. I decided to skip the hard wood and go for leather for your first time.”

  Was that supposed to ease his mind? “Now? You’re not going to…finish?”

  “You mean let you come?” Owen responded, a sadistic glint in his eye. “Are you close, Jeremy?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  “Look at the screen. Now.”

  He did, hoping he would see Owen kneeling down beside him again. Touching him until he found release. Instead Owen stayed on his feet, raised the hand holding the black paddle slightly and brought it down with surprising force on Jeremy’s ass.

  “Damn it, Owen. Fuck.”

  “Did that hurt?”


  He did it again, his aim landing the middle of the paddle on one ass cheek, then the other. His hand followed, a tender touch tracing the stinging flesh and making Jeremy tremble. “Breathe, Jeremy.”


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