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Drawing Blood

Page 19

by Mary Lou George

  Laughing, he said, “Don’t worry. I’ll be with you in your dreams.” He pulled her even closer. She rested her cheek on his chest and his steady heartbeat lulled her to sleep.

  * * * *

  Holly woke the next morning with a smile on her face. He was right. He’d been with her in her dreams. Not all of her dreams were erotic, just most of them. Looking out at the sun shining through her bedroom windows, Holly realized she’d never felt so content in her life. Stryker had spooned behind her during the night. Now, snuggled against him in the morning light, she shivered as she felt his lips travel from behind her ear, down the curve of her neck to her shoulder. His teeth grazed her sensitized skin and he lifted his head.

  He said, “Good morning, Holly. I won’t bother to ask how you slept. I know. I was with you.”

  Even first thing in the morning, their bodies moved as if choreographed. Just as her neck felt strained, he’d shift her to a more comfortable position. It was amazing. If he had morning breath, Holly didn’t notice and for one panicked moment worried about hers. She smiled without showing her teeth and prepared to dart to the bathroom and brush her teeth.

  He laughed at her and pulled her underneath him. “I know what you’re doing and don’t.” He laughed at her mutinous expression and used an index finger to trace the line of her mouth as she pressed her lips together. “I know your scent, Holly, just as you know mine. You will never smell like anything but you to me. Thankfully, it works the other way too. I will always smell like me to you. We will catch each other’s scent and it will never be unpleasant for us unless the other is suffering. I promise.”

  She looked skeptical until he said the last two words. Finally she let the air out of her lungs and spoke. “Great, no quick dashes for the toothpaste in the dawn’s early light. Isn’t that convenient for morning after sex? ”

  “It sure is,” Stryker said. His mouth touched hers, his tongue tracing the line of her lips just before delving inside to stroke the particular spot underneath her tongue that he seemed to like so much.

  He pulled away, kissing her lips lingeringly. “God, you taste like a flavor I’ve known existed since the day I was born. Like something I’ve always sought out and never found until now. Ambrosia, food of the Gods”

  Intrigued, Holly kissed him and tasted him the same way. It was an indescribable sensation. She wanted to drink him as if she’d been left in the desert for days and he was the first drop of water she’d found. She pulled back reluctantly. “I know what you mean. This is sweet, literally and figuratively.” She laughed.

  His sobered expression wiped the smile off her face and suddenly worried, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry, Holly, but I’ve been very selfish. I’ve taken away your free will. My brother was right. I should have pulled out of Muskoka as soon as I sensed your presence.”

  Holly frowned. At first she instinctively sought to dampen the hot flash of anger she felt at his words. Over the years, she’d learned to control her anger, preferring to be even-tempered and agreeable, but not this time. He’d freed something inside of her and she liked it. She’d had enough of his martyrdom. She sat up in bed, dragging her body away from the temptation of his nakedness. Unlike the night before, her movements were stiff and filled with rage. Likewise, her voice was not soft and husky when she spoke.

  “Stop right there! You’ve already done all the apologizing I’m going to bear. Why do you give me so little credit? Damn it, you’re as bad as my father.” Her temper once ignited raged like an oil fire. She jumped out of bed and started to pace. She threw words at him like darts and ruthlessly aimed for the bull’s eye.

  “What makes you think I’m so delicate that I can’t handle this? Bloody hell! After what happened last night, you sure as hell better not start treating me like a child or I’ll have you arrested for pedophilia! You keep saying that what you’ve done isn’t fair to me. Well, I say, you better let me be the judge of that.” She continued in a voice meant to ridicule. “Oh, the big vampire guy brags about his self-control and his integrity! Well, don’t underestimate me, Nosferatu! I’m a hell of a lot stronger than you give me credit for.” She was yelling now and for once in her life she didn’t give a damn. “Did it ever occur to you that I made a choice? What happened last night was pretty great.” Standing at the foot of the bed, naked, she narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at him. “Don’t even bother to pretend either of us could have stopped it from happening. So shut the hell up and let’s do it again!” She’d vented her built-up fury. Feeling better now, she smiled provocatively. Stryker jettisoned from the bed. Taking her with him, he pressed her against the wall and entered her. She could have sworn he did it all in one exceptionally smooth and well-aimed movement. Arching her back and putting her arms over her head she stopped thinking altogether.

  * * * *

  And he could cook too! Holly pinched herself just in case she was dreaming. She sat at the kitchen table as Stryker made pancakes. When he started mixing the batter, she told him that she wanted him to make a hippopotamus for her or she wouldn’t eat them. He laughed at her challenge. The ones that didn’t meet with his exacting standards were piled on his own plate and by the number accumulated, Holly hoped he had a good appetite.

  At last be brought over a stack of hippos on a plate and set them in front of her, a smile of triumph on his face.

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Ah, hippos are easy.”

  He looked outraged and moved to take her plate away. She gripped his wrist. “Never take food away from a hungry woman. These look delicious.” She let go of his arm and used her knife to drop a large pad of butter on top of the hippos. The butter melted as he kissed her and Holly wasn’t sure it was from the heat of the pancakes.

  Finally he sat down across from her and tended to his own rather misshapen pancakes.

  She said, “You’re a good cook, but I guess you’ve had a lot longer to learn than most men.”

  He laughed. “True, but I’ve always liked to cook. I have a thing for kitchen gadgets as you may have noticed from my kitchen.”

  She nodded and took another bite of pancake.

  He said, “Tell me though. What’s the purpose of an electric can opener?” He put his elbows on the table and warmed to his subject, “I mean, how easy is it to open a can? Didn’t they already invent the can opener? How lazy can you get? Oh, I can understand it if you have an injury and don’t have the strength needed, but what’s with all the new can opener inventions? I still use the simple metal one with the thing at the end that you turn. I’ve had it for years. It’s never let me down.”

  “That’s because you’re right-handed. Try being left-handed living in a right-handed world. I think you should be forced to try a can opener designed for the southpaw. Then we can talk.”

  Holly smiled at his intent face and said, “And while you’re at it, explain to me why they can’t cure PMS, but they have a pill for erectile dysfunction.”

  He took the pancake from his fork with avarice and said, “Dunno, never had occasion to be concerned about such things myself.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “You’re telling me.”

  He smiled eagerly. “I could show you too.”

  Before she could answer they heard Avery’s voice. “Did you know there is an enormous black stallion in your yard, Holly? Better get the jumper cables. Caffeine’s not working today.” She froze when she saw Stryker. She turned without a word and started to tiptoe out.

  He laughed and said, “Too late, we’ve seen and heard you. Join us. And that stallion is named Dakota. He brought me here last night in the blink of an eye and is waiting patiently for me. He’s a gentleman. Do you want some pancakes?”

  “Just coffee for now.” Now that she was welcomed into the kitchen, Avery dropped into a chair. “Anyone care to tell me anything?” She pointed at them, shifting her finger back and forth between them.

  Holly and Stryker spoke at the same time. “No!” They look
ed at each other and laughed.

  Avery shrugged. “It was worth a try.” She turned to Stryker. “Did Holly ever tell you how she walked in on Stephen and me the first time we made love?”

  Holly flushed and nodded. “It’s true. I was worried they wouldn’t get it right without me…” She laughed and shook her head. “I thought they were sleeping and I needed my car keys. I was young. How was I supposed to know they’d be at it all night long?”

  Eventually the smell of Stryker’s pancakes seduced Avery into having a few. Holly looked around the table at her friend and her lover. It pleased her how well they got along. She could see the happiness in Avery’s eyes and knew it was there because she was pleased for her friend. However, that pleasure froze on her face as Holly told her about her experience on the path the previous night.

  “Oh my God.” She grabbed Holly’s forearm, her eyes filled with alarm.

  Holly shook her head and patted the hand that clung to her arm. “It’s okay. Either I’m imagining things or I’m starting to discover some of my enhanced senses. My eyesight became incredibly clear. I made it home safely and called Stryker.”

  He looked at Avery when he spoke. “I was here within minutes. I do believe she was being stalked, but at a distance that doesn’t indicate malice at this time.” He nodded and said, “At this time at least.”

  Avery’s concern sounded in her voice when she said, “So what kind of protection are you going to give her?”

  Stryker’s eyes were on Holly when he answered. “She’s safe with me.” It was a statement of fact and both women accepted it without question.

  Holly stood up and started to clear off the table, effectively halting the discussion.

  Getting the message, Avery changed the subject. “I spoke with Arnie this morning. I was shocked to hear his voice so early until I realized he hadn’t been to bed.” She looked at Stryker and said, “Are you sure Arnie’s not one of you?”

  Stryker smiled. “I’m sure.”

  “He was definitely out of sorts.”

  Holly said, “I encouraged him to meet the girl he’s been connecting with on-line. They’ve exchanged pictures and it seems that this girl just might be worthy of our boy. She’s interested in meeting him. I meant to tell you and I forgot. Sorry.”

  Avery said, “He told me that he’d need another day to work on what you asked him to do. He was all business, not himself at all.” She looked worried.

  To Stryker, Holly said, “I asked Arnie to double-check everything on that disk you gave me.”

  He nodded solemnly. “Good idea.”

  Avery frowned. “You’re not ticked?”

  “No. If Holly hadn’t done it, I may have.” The women looked at him surprised and he explained. “Of course, I trust the people who gathered the information, but we cannot be too careful. It’s conceivable that our enemy has infiltrated our group. How else did they find out about Irene? There are even some vampires who do not want me to succeed. They thrive on the status quo. Living in the shadows has worked to their advantage. Just like the bloodstalkers, they’d stop at nothing to ensure my failure. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to double, even triple check things, and from what you tell me, when it comes to computers, Arnie’s the best. Especially since he’s an unbiased third party. Hell, even the federal government is afraid of him.”

  “Arnie’s a good kid.” Avery said.

  “You should talk to him. Maybe he’s lost his nerve. He usually talks to you about girl trouble. I tried, but he’s closer to you,” Holly said.

  Avery waved an arm, “Oh he has no girl trouble. What he has is a confidence problem. Damn, I don’t understand how parents can undermine their children’s potential by putting them down.”

  Holly nodded, knowing too well.

  Avery smiled gently and said, “This girl is new to town and according to Arnie, she’s totally hot. Although heaven only knows how he can tell. He’s still under house arrest. That would put a crimp in anyone’s style. So far the whole romance is being conducted on-line.”

  Stryker asked, “Did he tell you the name of this new girl in town?”

  Avery and Holly looked at him appraisingly and Avery said, “No, but from the look on your face, I’m beginning to think I should have insisted. She may be your kind. Right?”

  “Is she vampire, Stryker?” Holly asked.

  Chapter 22

  “If she’s new in town chances are she’s one of us.” Stryker smiled.

  Holly looked at him and said, “I guess your plan is working. Our young people are starting to integrate.”

  He nodded. “It often starts with the young, think Romeo and Juliet.” He correctly interpreted Holly’s quiet gasp and shook his head with a smile. “No, I’m not saying that Romeo and Juliet were vampires. As far as I know, they were just young lovers like Arnie and his mystery girl. I can’t say I’m not pleased, but I get daily reports from all my people living here and I haven’t read anything about Arnie in any reports. That causes me some concern. I’ve insisted my people keep journals for a reason. How else can I determine our progress?”

  Avery said, “You can’t be surprised that Candace kept you in the dark. Teenagers want their privacy and a teenage girl is unlikely to tell you, of all people, about a boy she’s connecting with.”

  He frowned, Holly and Avery laughed. Holly said, “Oh Stryker, you’ve never been a sixteen-year-old girl, so you just can’t understand.” She giggled and exchanged a look with Avery. “It’s a good thing you have us. We’ll be able to read between the lines of the estrogen crowd’s reports.” She looked uncertain for a second, then said, “Do female vampires run on estrogen?”

  Deadpan, Avery said, “I’ll ask Stephen for you.”

  Stryker looked at them with exaggerated patience and said, “Look, ladies, I appreciate the offer of help, but I’m not sure it’s necessary.”

  Holly frowned and said, “Don’t be silly, of course it’s necessary. If the aim is to gain insight into how well your people are assimilating into human society, then it stands to reason, you will need a female perspective. Especially a human female.”

  Avery finished for her. “She’s right, Stryker. By bringing us in, you’ve covered all the most significant bases. Vampire, human, male and female.”

  Stryker hesitated a moment before saying, “You’ve made a good point. I’ll think about it.”

  Holly and Avery nodded at each other. Stryker smiled wryly.

  “I took a look at the stuff Arnie supplied regarding Irene’s phone and credit card records. I recognized most of the numbers and I’ve talked to everyone of my kind who spoke to her the days before she died.” He shook his head sadly. “You were right. The only thing unusual is the call she received from a disposable cell phone the day she died.”

  Holly said, “You believe the person who bought the phone is the killer?”

  “Yes. That’s the most likely explanation. None of my people would have used one.” He looked over at Holly. She could see his desire for her shine in his eyes, but she understood that he was keeping it in check. She smiled back at him, letting him see her response in her eyes. Their communication was instantaneous and oddly satisfying.

  Stryker said, “Could I see the drawing again?”

  “I’ll get it.” Avery grabbed a bunch of papers from Holly’s desk and brought them back to the table. They pushed the remaining dishes aside and made room.

  Smoothing out the top paper, Stryker said, “We know that you changed the future by warning Irene, so what this drawing illustrates, never happened.” They looked down at Holly’s detailed sketch of Irene O’Neill, dead, slumped on a kitchen table with a wide pool of blood spread under her cheek, staining seven tarot cards, including the one still clutched in her hand.

  Holly said, “Yeah, she wasn’t killed in her own kitchen but her own garden.” She lifted her arms mockingly and said, “Yay for me! A change of scenery! Her blood didn’t stain the furniture. Do I get the Good Housekeeping Seal of

  Stryker ignored her. “If we assume that this drawing represents the future that would have occurred without your interference, perhaps the unidentified cell phone caller was someone who’d asked Irene for a reading.”

  “And because of our warning, Irene told the stranger that she wouldn’t be available.” Avery said.

  “Exactly. It’s possible, Irene told the caller that she was leaving town. If so, then he had to move fast, improvise. He called three hours before Irene was killed, according to the forensics report and the time of death. For the time being, let’s assume the bloodstalker does not live here in Muskoka. It took him three hours to make the journey and execute his plan”

  “Makes sense,” Avery said.

  Looking down at the drawing, Stryker said, “Here in the future, we know that this scene never happened. Irene used the tarot’s Star spread for the murderer’s reading, but in reality she never did it.”

  Excited, Holly said, “Are you saying that this layout is a reading of the murderer?”

  Stryker shrugged. “It’s possible, but I think it’s more likely that this is a reading of the person who created the drawing.” He touched Holly’s hand to calm her. He said, “Think about it,” He pointed to the drawing. “This never happened. It would have, had you not interfered. It couldn’t possibly be the murderer’s reading because Irene never laid the cards out in reality. No, I think since it was your mind that created the drawing, the reading is meant for you.”

  Avery nodded her head. “It makes sense, Hol.” She turned to Stryker, “Can you read tarot cards? What do these cards reveal?”

  Stryker shook his head. “I know more about the tarot than most humans, but I would not dare attempt to read something of this import. I’ll send the spread to an expert. What I can tell you is that this particular layout is called the Star and since Irene used only the Major Arcana, or face cards, it offers insight into the psychological position of the seeker, at the time of the reading.”


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