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Drawing Blood

Page 24

by Mary Lou George

  The Seaton men are bloodstalkers. It is their mission to eradicate what they call ‘the vampire vermin’ from the earth. They use this as an excuse to commit any number of atrocities.

  My darling daughter, please trust this…vampires are not evil any more than humans are. They simply seek to exist on this planet. I know this because I’ve fallen in love with one of them.

  Holly stopped reading and looked at Stryker solemnly.

  “I guess that explains my blood results.”

  He kissed her and waited until she began reading again. She took a shaky breath.

  My lover is Alan’s current obsession. His prey. Mackenzie Holister has been hunted by my husband and his ilk for many years. By pure chance, Alan managed to capture Mac. He took Mac prisoner and conducted unspeakable experiments on him. Alan and his superiors sought information about the physiology of vampires, their strengths and weaknesses. They wanted to obtain all Mac’s information on other vampires as well. Mac was held prisoner in the extensive basements of the mansion I’d called home. Alan perpetrated this crime for weeks until Mac was broken and almost dead.

  Arrogant and foolhardy, Alan underestimated him and in his hubris, let down his guard. Mac managed to escape. He ended up in the back of my car one night as I drove away from the mansion on an errand. When I discovered him he didn’t frighten me. He was too weak to frighten a fly. Somehow I knew he meant me no harm. He needed my help and I gave it gladly.

  It was more than love at first sight, Holly. We were two halves of the same spirit. I’ve learned that in the vampire world, we’re called bloodmates. I nursed him back to strength, and yes, my darling daughter, I committed adultery with this man. I confess it freely to you. Forgive me, but I can feel no guilt. I can not.

  Alan was furious when I asked for a divorce. He knew nothing of my relationship with Mac. I thought he would kill me. I think he would have had he realized I was the one who freed Mac and we’d fallen in love. He denied me the divorce, then went on with his obsession to find Mac. It grew worse. He refused to let me take my children and I too became his prisoner. His violence against me grew. It wasn’t easy for me to slip away and be with my love. I could not take Matthew and Alison with me. I wouldn’t endanger them that way.

  I knew it the moment we conceived you, my darling. Afterwards, I went back to the mansion and gathered up a few things. I contacted a lawyer, seeking custody of your brother and sister. I could not let them be raised in the hatred their father spewed. But I’m no match for him. Alan is far more powerful than I. He has contacts everywhere.

  I’m allowed to visit Matthew and Alison under supervision. One night he had me followed, and I am ashamed to admit, I led them straight to my beloved Mac. I felt it when he died. I thought I’d died as well, but I knew I had to carry on. I have you, a piece of him, of us.

  My friend Carrie Blue let me stay with her. I will entrust this journal to her with instructions that she give it to you on your twenty-first birthday, if for any reason I am unable to do so.

  I cannot prove Alan killed Mac, but I know in my heart he did. I have no hope of defeating him and getting my children back…but I have you and that keeps me going.

  I know I’m having a daughter so I will name you Holly, after your father, MacKenzie Holister. I will teach you about him and you will love him as I do and ever will.

  Today I will visit Matthew and Alison and try to figure out a way to get them away from their father so we can be together. I fear I’ll never find a way.

  Holly turned the page and found the rest of the book blank.

  “That’s all? But I need to know so much more!”

  Stryker said, “She must have gone into labor when she went to visit Matthew and Alison. Your father, or rather, Alan Seaton probably forced her to stay with him. She would have been in no condition to fight him. And you didn’t get the diary on your twenty-first birthday because Helene never got the chance to tell Carrie about it.”

  “She died because of me.” There. She’d said it. The fear had haunted her forever, but she’d never given voice to it. Now she had no choice but to face it.

  Stryker gave her a gentle shake.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “I’m not. She gave birth to me and died from complications.”

  “How do you know that?” Stryker’s voice was sharp, snapping her out of her self recriminations.

  “My fath…Alan Seaton told me…” she said haltingly as it dawned on her what he was getting at.

  “Exactly. You have his word only. Until now, you’ve never had reason to question him. Based on what we’ve just found out, there is every reason in the world for him to lie. Hell, the man’s been lying to you for years. He’s a bloodstalker, it’s second nature to him.” He pulled out his Blackberry. “I’m going to get hold of your mother’s hospital records. I’m willing to bet he killed her or had her killed.”

  Holly shivered, but maintained a thin control over her body’s reactions. She tried to tap into her anger, better pissed than pitiful. Stryker was right of course, but she couldn’t help trembling just a little as her life unraveled while she sat on his lap in Carrie Blue’s attic.

  * * * *

  Stryker pulled his car away from the curb. They hadn’t reached the end of Carrie’s street before Holly said,

  “I want to go to Fath…Alan Seaton’s home.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea right now.”

  “I don’t care.” She looked at him without blinking. Her anger served her well. “I have to make this real somehow.” She started rifling off directions never for a moment, doubting that Stryker would grant her this wish.

  The town of Markham was situated just north east of the Greater Metropolitan Toronto Area, the GTA, one of the largest cities in North America. Holly had grown up in the Seaton family home located in an affluent area known as The Bridle Path.

  Holly was silent until Stryker turned onto the winding road that led to the mansion where she’d grown up.

  “Prince…or the Artist Formerly Known as… whatever…used to live near us,” Holly said hollowly, making small talk. “He mentions The Bridle Path in one of his songs.”

  Her stomach jumped into her chest when she caught sight of the main house. What was once her home now seemed like something foreign, malevolent even, squatting on the lush green grass…some Medieval monster guarding all the Seaton family’s rancid secrets.

  They didn’t bother to ring the bell or knock. Holly used her key, disabled the security system and just burst in looking around for signs that he was home. Somehow the house had always felt different when he was in residence.

  Crossing the imported marble floor of the front foyer, Holly paused in the doorway to the library. She heard the tinkle of ice in a glass, but the room appeared empty. Her senses told her different and she cleared her throat.

  She heard movement before she saw him. He was well over six feet tall and able to meet Stryker’s gaze at eye level. Dressed casually he was devastatingly handsome. He frowned darkly until he caught sight of Holly.

  “What are you doing here at Hell House? I thought you were the one that got away.” Matthew Seaton smiled at his sister in welcome.

  She recovered quickly and said, “Is he home?”

  Knowing immediately who he was, Matthew shook his head. “No, he’s still in the Caymans. At least that’s where I left him.” With his hand outstretched, he introduced himself to Stryker.

  Calmly, Matthew Seaton played the consummate host and asked if they’d like something to drink. When Holly brushed his offer aside, he said, “You might want to reconsider, little sis. Sit down. I’ve got something to tell you.”

  Chapter 28

  “Father has been in the Cayman Islands for the last three weeks.” Matt gestured to Holly and Stryker and they took a seat on the couch. Holly fidgeted and Stryker stroked her back.

  Matthew registered Stryker’s instinctive movements with a flicker of an eyelid, but didn’t comme
nt, instead, he said, “We talked at length and I’m out.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Father disowned me. Or rather, I disowned him. I’ve had enough. The man has no conscience.” Warming to his subject, Matt continued. “You name just about any dirty deal or unethical business practice in the last twenty years and it has Alan Seaton’s fingerprints on it. He could keep it from me for only so long. When I confronted him, he calmly admitted everything. He was proud of what he’d done and the legacy he’ll leave.”

  He laughed without humor. “I think it came as a bit of a disappointment to the bastard when I told him I wanted none of it. So, Holly, your inheritance just increased significantly. You and Alison can split my share of the Seaton riches. Congratulations. I’ll have none of it.” He lifted his glass in a mock salute.

  There was so much to say. Holly didn’t know where to begin. He was her brother, only half as she’d just discovered, but still blood. Despite having grown up in the same house, they didn’t really know each other. Strange, she felt closer to him now than ever. Matthew didn’t know it yet, but they were united in their distaste for Alan Seaton.

  Emotionally overwrought, Holly stood up and walked into his arms. Startled, it took him a second to respond. Finally he hugged her back. After a long moment, he leaned back, a hand on each of her shoulders.

  “I didn’t expect this kind of reaction.” His brown eyes held hers.

  “I’m proud of you, Matt.”

  He smiled grimly. “Maybe your move to Muskoka motivated me a little. I envied you when you left this house in pursuit of your future. It made me think. I wasn’t making the kind of difference I’d always wanted to make. I thought I could use the power of the Seaton name to bring change, but Dad’s too entrenched in the status quo. He’s in deep. The whole Seaton family is.”

  “You say your Father has been in the Cayman Islands these past weeks?” Stryker asked.

  “He had meetings or rather, machinations. I had to fly down there to speak to him in person. The mountain always comes to Mohammed.”

  Holly and Stryker exchanged a look.

  “Any idea when he’s coming home?” Holly asked.

  Matt drained the last of his drink and swirled the ice in his glass.

  “I have no idea what his plans are and I don’t give a damn. I plan to clear a few things up and be out of here by the end of the week.”

  “Where will you go?”

  “I’m not sure just yet. Why? Do you have room for me at your place?” He smiled, teasing her gently.

  “I could find the room.”

  “You’re sweet, little sister.” He kissed her forehead. “But I think I’ll take some time and work things out.” He hesitated, obviously wanting to say something more. There was silence in the dark paneled room. Finally, Matt decided to speak.

  “Be careful of Father, Holly. He’s a hard man who does not take kindly to having his plans unravel. He’s sheltered you almost obsessively and still you managed to break free. Now I’ve walked out. The heir apparent thumbing his nose at all the great Alan Seaton has created. There will be fallout. I’d better warn Alison.”

  “Matt, do you remember anything about our mother?”

  He sighed. “Enough to miss her.”

  “You’re lucky.” Holly’s voice was filled with pain.

  Matt hugged her again. “Yes, I guess I am. Poor Holly. But at least on this one point, Father was honest. You’re a lot like her.”

  “Do you remember a period of time when she wasn’t around?”

  He frowned and thought hard before he responded. “No…unless you mean while she was pregnant with you.”

  Holly nodded, too anxious to speak.

  “Yeah. The pregnancy was tough on her. She spent weeks in the hospital under a doctor’s care. They only let her visit us once a week. She came to us here. Dad said she didn’t want us to see her in a hospital bed so she’d leave the hospital for a few hours and visit us then go back.” His frown deepened. “Funny, I’ve never thought about that time much. It’s a very vague memory…strange…knowing what I now know about Dad, I’m sure the whole thing was a lie.”

  “You’re right,” Holly stated flatly.

  “Well, I see I’m not the only one who has news. What is it, Holly?”

  “All that you’ve told me about Father comes as no surprise. He has lied to us our entire life. He’s capable of anything. I’m glad you’re leaving and I think you should encourage Alison to do so too. This house is not a home.”

  Matt pinned her with his eyes. “And you’re not prepared to explain further? That’s all you’re going to say?”

  She nodded. “For the time being. I don’t have all the information yet. I have a few things to work out first.” She put a hand on his forearm. “Get out of here as soon as possible.”

  “You have a tale to tell. Tell me now.”

  Holly shook her head. “It’s a long complicated story and I’m not ready. Please understand.” He inclined his head.

  Stryker broke in. “Does your father keep any private papers in this house?”

  Matt shook his head. “No, not in the house. He’s too careful for that. Now I know why. He wouldn’t want me to have easy access. It was a bitch trying to find out all I did. I confess that I used the heir apparent line with underlings more than once in order to dig out the truth.”

  “Needs must.” Stryker smiled at him.

  At another time or place, Holly could see the two men becoming friends. Maybe when this was all over and she could fully explain to her brother and sister. Maybe.

  * * * *

  Before pulling away from the house, Stryker checked his messages and paused at one in particular.

  Almost afraid to ask, Holly leaned over. “What is it? More bad news?”

  “Candace was alive when the car went off the cliff.”

  “My God. That poor kid. She knew what was happening then.”

  “It’s been determined an accident.” Stryker’s knuckles were white on the wheel.

  “But we know it was no accident.”

  “Yeah, but at least the police will stay out of it. It’s up to me now.” He drove the car hard into the night.

  Holly sat back in the plush passenger seat and silently reviewed all she’d learned that day. The illusion that had been her life had shattered into a million pieces. She was coping better than she’d dreamed possible. One more thing Alan Seaton had lied to her about. She wasn’t weak.

  Turning her head to look at Stryker, she glimpsed the bright lights of Yorkdale Shopping Centre just south of the highway and she actually managed a smile. For anyone who liked to shop, Yorkdale was Mecca. She had such fond memories of that sprawling mall. One of the most successful in North America, Yorkdale had every quality shop one could imagine. She’d spent her last day with her friend Nicole in the shopping center’s tender loving care. It had been a wonderful day. Nicole’s aura had shone so brightly that Holly blurted out to Alison what she had seen. Of course Alison had laughed at her and dismissed the whole idea. But for Holly, sharing the car with Stryker as he expertly drove them home, revisiting her memories of Nicole helped her to relax and sit comfortably during the drive.

  When at last they pulled up to Avery’s house, Stephen told them that Arnie was holding his own and the doctors Stryker called had every hope he’d roust himself out of the coma within the next day or so. He’d need all the support he could get in order to recover from the loss of Candice, but Stryker promised he wouldn’t be alone. As Candace’s surviving bloodmate, he now had a new family. He would get all the support he’d need. Perhaps one day he and Lydia could offer each other comfort. As for what they’d discovered at Carrie Blue’s, Stryker left it to Holly to fill in Avery and Stephen. It was her story to tell. Shortly after arriving, he excused himself and went to see Lydia. She needed to know about Candace and Arnie. He knew it would give her no solace, but it might help her to understand why her daughter felt compelled to disobey and take th
e car against her wishes. Lydia had to stop blaming herself.

  The kids were still up so Holly kept all she’d learned at Carrie’s house to herself until they were safely tucked away. It wasn’t easy. That weekend was Midnight Madness in Bracebridge. They were excited. Each year the town threw open its doors long past closing time and celebrated in the streets. There were jugglers, fire eaters, gymnasts, dancers and just about every activity for kids. Local talent was on display. Avery and Stephen took them every year. In the past, Holly attended as well, making a special trip up to Muskoka just for the event. This year, Avery and Holly had agreed to do an author signing for the local bookstore so they had to attend. Holly had no intention of disappointing the children by mooning over her current situation. Life goes on. The children taught her that.

  * * * *

  “Well that explains so much.” Avery said as she closed Helene Seaton’s journal. “Alan Seaton is not your Father. Given the circumstances, lucky you.”

  Holly said, “There is no way he didn’t know. Why did he raise me as his own? Seems out of character.”

  “I’m not so sure. What better way to get back at Helene and her lover? Raise their child in ignorance, afraid of her natural abilities and at the same time, learn all about the physiology of vampire human offspring. If you weren’t strong enough to resist, he would have kept you drugged and disoriented your entire life. He would have crushed you. That seems like the kind of cold revenge a man like him would relish.”

  “Maybe, but I’m not so sure you’re right when you credit me with strength. I’ve never really considered myself strong,” Holly said. “You’re the strong one, Avery…if it wasn’t for you…”

  “You’d have found a way. Forgive the romanticism, but I believe this was destined. If you hadn’t met Stryker Cain in the supermarket that day, he’d have come looking for you.”

  “But the murders…God, do you think my Father is responsible for them?”


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