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Complete Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

Page 7

by K E Osborn

  “He’s perfect,” I whispered and she nodded.

  “Just like his father,” she said and a single tear rolled down my cheek. She held onto my hand tightly and I looked back at our son, the love I felt for both of them at this moment was all consuming.

  I was a dad.

  I was his dad.

  But the sad part was that he would never know.

  I moved my hand from his and rested my hand on his tummy to feel him breathing. I couldn’t believe that I’d made something so beautiful.

  “How are you?” she asked and I shook my head not knowing what to say.

  “I know how you feel, but trust me it makes everything worth it when you hold him for the first time,” she said and smiled at me.

  I was nervous because I didn’t know how to hold a baby. But I put both hands into his crib and lifted him out making sure to support his head. He wriggled a little, but then went straight back to sleep as soon as I cradled him in my arms. My smile was so wide it hurt my cheeks, but I didn’t care. I was holding my son, and it felt so right. I looked over to Callie and she was crying. I sat on the edge of her bed and she rested her hand on my knee and watched me as I made stupid faces at our son. It was the best moment of my life, until I looked at his name tag on his crib. ‘Aiden Alistair Patrick O’Connell’. Yes, I gave him his first name but his other three were all named after people that I hated. I suddenly got angry and flinched my knee away from Callie’s hand. I knew it was harsh, but I was hurt – again.

  “What’s with his middle names?” I whispered and she looked at me biting her bottom lip.

  “Mike, I’m sorry, but it was the only way I could get Alistair to name him Aiden and not Alistair junior. I know that must be hard for you to see, but I swear if it were up to me his name would be Aiden Harrison O’Leary, but we can’t always get what we want Mike, neither you nor I can whilst Alistair is in our lives,” she said trying to sit up in the bed.

  “Hey, don’t move you need to rest. It’s okay; I knew how this would go. It was just a shock to see it, that’s all. I’m sorry, I’m just so happy and so devastatingly depressed all at the same time. I don’t know how to deal with these emotions, Callie,” I said as I bounced Aiden gently and then lent down kissing his tiny forehead.

  “I know, Mike, I’m exactly the same. I truly wish things were different, but they can never be, so I guess we made our bed this way and now we have to live with the consequences of that decision,” she said as she wiped a tear from her face. I looked at her and smiled.

  “I will always be here, Callie, it’s you and me for eternity remember?”

  “I remember,” she replied and that’s when Alistair walked back in.

  My moment with my family was over.

  “Isn’t he amazing, Mike?” Alistair asked, walking over to and taking Aiden, my son away from me.

  I immediately mourned the loss the moment he was gone.

  “He is more than amazing, Sir,” I stated and looked over at Callie. She smiled at me and I stood up and started to leave. “I’ll leave the happy family in peace, let me know when you need me to come and pick you up,” I said and I turned and walked out of the door. I got to the car and I sat in the seat and then sobbed into the steering wheel. I was always such a mess when it came to Callie; I just never let anyone else see it.

  * * *

  The years slowly progressed; I’d drive Alistair to work and then come back to their mansion and spend my day with Aiden and Callie. Alistair never figured it out even though I was always around for every birthday and special occasion. I made sure I was a key person in Aiden’s life, even if he didn’t know why. The first time he called Alistair, Daddy was the hardest thing I’d ever had to endure. Alistair didn’t even care, he just said “no I’m Father, not Daddy,” and that killed me inside. I knew that Alistair was going to be hard on Aiden, but not even letting your one year old son call you Daddy? I thought was despicable.

  A year later when Aiden was two, Callie told me she was pregnant. I had no idea how to take that little piece of news. I knew this baby wasn’t mine because we hadn’t even kissed let alone slept together, so it made me painfully aware that she was sleeping with Alistair. I don’t know why I was surprised; she was, after all, married to the cretin. Aiden would have a sibling and it wouldn’t be mine. I didn’t handle it at all well. I avoided Callie for most of her pregnancy. I know that was really bad of me, but again, I was hurting. I thought she’d only ever want children with me, but I guess that was impossible seeing as she is so fucking stubborn and won’t divorce the ignorant asshole.

  Blair was born and he was a sweet kid. Much to my amazement, I learned to love him, but never with the same emotions as I felt for my own son. Aiden got along with his half brother really well. They were the best of friends and in a way it made me happy that he could have a sibling to play with.

  Two years later Brielle was born and it brought up all those emotions all over again. I didn’t resent Blair and Brielle; I was just sad that they could’ve been mine and Callie’s, and not Alistair’s. I felt like I was cheated out of a life that could have and would have been perfect.

  It wasn’t until Aiden was getting close to school age that I offered to be the one to drive Aiden to school and wherever else needed. Alistair hired a new Chauffeur and I was assigned Aiden. Callie would look after Blair and Brielle and I’d pretty much be responsible for Aiden. Which I was over the moon about. I know Alistair didn’t like how Aiden would always run to me first, but secretly it made me ecstatic. The years passed and Aiden grew into the amazing and wonderfully strong man that we know today. He really is my pride and joy and I love him more every second of every day. I know that’s soppy, but it’s true. I love my son, and his mother and I guess that brings me back to where I am now…

  Standing in old man Harris’ barn waiting for Callie and the kids to arrive. Aiden knows my plan, but Jeni, Blair, Brielle, Adam and Benjamin have no idea. I’ve decorated the barn with tiny electric colored lanterns which are hanging from the roof. The Harris’ barn wasn’t in use for years, but I brought everything here to make it look exactly the same as it did when we used to come here all those years ago. There’s a haystack and I even bought some baby chicks to run around on the floor and got the okay from Aiden to keep them at the guesthouse after tonight. I made a coup for them this afternoon while Callie was out with Jeni and Brielle.

  I’m so nervous, I can’t believe after all these years and after everything we’ve been through that I’m finally asking Callie to marry me. I straighten my tie and make sure that everything is in place and ready to go. I even set up the backyard like the dinner dance we went to, so after I propose we can all have dinner and do some dancing.

  Just me and my family.

  I hear the car pull up and I notice that my heart is thundering in my chest. I’m sweating and I hold my hand out in front of me to see that I’m shaking.

  Hold it together man!

  I can hear everyone talking and laughing outside, but I can’t hear what they’re saying over this persistent ringing in my ears.

  Holy crap!

  I see the barn door creep open and I freeze to the spot.

  “Seriously Aiden, what are we doing here? And how do you know about this place?” Callie asks and her voice, as always is angelic to my ears. I never get tired of hearing her talk.

  “Mom, c’mon, just go inside, there’s a surprise for you,” Aiden says as the door creeps open a little more.

  I pick up the bunch of flowers from the hay bail and wait for her to enter. I seriously don’t know if I want to scream with joy or just throw up, my nerves are shot and all over the place. The door opens fully and Callie walks in. She looks up and notices the lanterns first and she smiles. The baby chickens go running to her feet and she laughs as she looks down at them and picks one up. She walks in a little further and all the kids walk in behind her. She really is a sight to behold. Even though it's been years since we first met, she’s still as beau
tiful today as she was then. She laughs at the little chick in her hand and walks in noticing me. She smiles and bites her lip.

  I love it when she does that.

  “Mike?” she questions as she walks dodging the chicks.

  “Hi Sweetheart,” I say and walk over handing her the flowers.

  She smiles and puts the chick down, giving it a little pat on its head before it runs off over to Jeni. She stands back up and looks at me lovingly. She takes the flowers from me and smells them.

  “Did you do all of this for me?” she asks.

  “I would do all this and more for you, Callie Anne King,” I say and take her hand in mine and kiss it tenderly.

  “Oh, Mike, you didn’t need to go to all this trouble. Wait, why are you doing this?” she asks and looks at me quizzically.

  I take a deep breath and put the flowers on the haystack. She looks at me with her eyebrows creased and a huge grin. I look over at Aiden and he’s smiling brightly and he nods at me giving me the go ahead. I kiss her hand again and then bend down on one knee. There is a gasp from everyone except Aiden who’s smiling so brightly. Callie’s hand shoots to her mouth and tears form in her eyes.

  “Callie, from the moment I met you, you have always been the unattainable woman in my life. Circumstances have shaped us and made us into the people we are today and with our history I knew we were going to one day end up together. We had to. Because if I lived a full life without you, I never would’ve truly lived. Callie, you complete me and I love you more and more every second of every day. I’ve only ever wanted one thing since I met you, and that was for you to become my wife,” I say as her hand shakes in mine.

  “Callie Anne King, will you finally make me the happiest man in the history of the world and marry me?” I ask.

  She’s looking at me so lovingly as I kneel here and wait for her answer. She’s shaking so much and I raise my eyebrow at her as I wait. My heart is about to go off like a rocket out of my chest if she doesn’t say something soon.

  “Callie?” I ask.

  “Oh my God, yes Mike, yes of course,” she says with a giant smile.

  I explode with pure happiness and go to get up with Callie’s help.

  Damn this old age, I’m getting on a bit.

  She lunges into my arms and I hold on to her so tightly and the kids all cheer behind us. Callie is laughing and crying as I nuzzle into her hair. She pulls back and looks at me through tear soaked eyes.

  “It was always you. Mike, we’ve wasted, so many years, I never want to be apart from you again. I should’ve married you all those years ago,” she says and then kisses me passionately, not caring who was watching. I kiss her back with just as much enthusiasm. I love her, so much and I want to take her up to the top of that hay stack right now, but I don’t think the kids would approve. Well, they would probably approve they just wouldn’t want to know about it. I can’t help the emotion that runs through me. I’m finally getting my girl.

  “Are you crying, Mike? You never cry!” Brielle asks as they all rush over to us.

  “Oh, Brielle, if only you knew how untrue that statement was,” I said and she laughs at me.

  Aiden walks over and shakes my hand and then the other kids take it in turns hugging their mother.

  “Good job Mike, almost as good as mine,” Aiden says with a smirk.

  “Oh, your proposal was pretty good, but I think Callie really liked this one. This place has a lot of meaning for us. Maybe one day I can tell you all about it,” I say and he smiles.

  “I’d like that Mike,” he says. “Congratulations, Mom.” Then he hugs her.

  “You knew, didn’t you?” Calie says accusing Aiden.

  He smirks and shrugs. “Sorry Mom, but aren’t you glad I brought you out here now?” He asks and she giggles a giggle that makes me melt as she looks at me with tears still in her eyes.

  “I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life,” she says and walks back over to me.

  I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lean in kissing her head.

  “Okay, okay, that’s enough with the mush. Let's get to dinner and dancing,” Aiden announces, smiling at his mother and me.

  “Dinner and dancing?” Callie asks.

  “You’ll see.” I grin and walk with her toward the back of the Harris’ farm where the dinner dance is about to get underway.

  “Oh my God, Mike, it’s exactly how I remember it. How’d you do all this?” she asks, looking at me in astonishment.

  “For you sweetheart, I’d do anything, you and me for eternity right?” I question and she bites her bottom lip and leans in for a kiss.

  We get through dinner and the dance is in full swing when I take Callie by the hand and lead her away from the kids and back into the barn. I feel like a naughty school boy sneaking off behind the building to make out. We enter the barn and Callie stops in the doorway and looks at the very old engraving on the door frame.

  “Oh my God, Mike, it’s still here,” she exclaims running her hand over the symbol. I smile at her and she smiles back. I pull her to me and start to slow dance with her. She laughs and snuggles into me tightly.

  “I love you, so much. I always have,” I say and she looks up at me and kisses me softly.

  “I love you too, Mike, always have and always will,” she says and leans into me again.

  “Callie Anne King, do you know how much I adore you?”

  “I do.”

  Desire You?

  ~ Chris & Sarah ~

  Chapter Six

  “Oh, Chris, harder!” Sarah screams as she claws her fingernails into my back. I’m so close to coming, it’s not funny, but I hold out and thrust into her deeper. It’s hard getting the angle right as she sits spread eagle on top of the washing machine. The movement from spin cycle is making it even better for Sarah. I fucking love her sex face, it turns me animalistic. I thrust again and she moans loudly. She’s so tight around my cock, every time I slide in and out of her is pure fucking ecstasy.

  “Fuck, Sarah, I love you,” I groan as I slide her on and off of me again.

  “Shut up, you pussy and fuck me,” she says, reaching up and taking hold of the fold out washing line above her head. I start to thrust faster as I’m wound up so tight that if my balls constrict any further I think they’re going to implode.

  “Oh yeah, right there big boy,” she says as I pull her onto me so every inch of her tight wet pussy is covering my cock. She moans loudly, I feel her tighten around me and then she screams out in satisfaction.

  Oh yeah, I’m the man!

  I pump into her faster. My cock hardens just that little bit more, it’s almost painful as my balls squeeze tight and I explode my load inside her.

  “Sarah,” I say with a long drawn out moan.

  Both our breathing is slowing as the spin cycle turns off and she collapses in my strong arms.

  Man my guns are getting big, I’ll have to pump some more iron later, get those muscles looking even better than they do now.

  I flex my bicep and smile at myself.

  Fuck, I’m awesome!

  Sarah slowly sits back up on the washing machine and I pull out of her. She smirks at me and then pushes me in the chest, making me take a step backwards. I chuckle at her.

  “Now piss off and let me get back to the freaking washing you fiend. Can’t even let a girl do the freakin’ washing without you giving her one,” she chides, hopping down from the washing machine and turning, opening the lid and pulling the wet clothes from it.

  “Babe, Mom’s got Ethan and we have to make the most of our night together, not spend it doing stupid laundry,” I say snuggling into her from behind and kissing her neck.

  “Go and make me some dinner and maybe I’ll be a naughty maid after and give you some dessert,” she says, turning in my arms and standing on her toes to kiss me.

  “Well, who can say no to that?” I say and kiss her once more before letting her go and turning to walk out. She slaps me on the ass as I turn.
I chuckle, but keep walking out to the kitchen. You would think that I’d have learned not to cook naked, but I figure we’ll be getting naked again right after dinner, so why bother? I walk over to the fridge to make a start on dinner when my cell rings.

  “Babe your cell,” Sarah calls out as I head back to the laundry to grab it from my jeans pocket. I get to the door and she hands it to me. I smile and swipe the screen.

  “Yel-low?” I say and Sarah shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

  “Hey dude, we have some news. Is Sarah with you?” Aiden’s voice chimes down the line.

  “Hey, yeah, she’s right here. Why, what’s up? Is your boy on his way?” I ask and Sarah looks up with her eyes wide.

  “No, no, nothing like that, he’s still in Jeni’s belly. Put me on speaker so Sarah can hear.”

  “Yep, hang on,” I say and pull the phone from my ear and switch it to speaker.

  “Okay, you there?” I ask and a whole bunch of people reply.

  “Yeah,” they all say making Sarah and I laugh.

  “Okay, so I heard Jeni and maybe Blair, but other than that I have no idea?” Sarah questions and they all laugh. They seem in good spirits.

  “It’s just the family and Mom and Mike, we’re all here and Mike has something to tell you,” Aiden says and I look at Sarah with my eyebrows raised.

  “Okaaay?” Sarah says drawn out like we’re waiting for something big.

  “Hi kids,” Mike says and we both smile.

  “Hi Mike,” we both say in unison.

  “We just wanted to let you know, seeing as you’re both part of our extended family, that I asked Callie to marry me.”

  Sarah gasps and her hand shoots to her mouth. “Oh my God, Callie, you better have said yes,” Sarah exclaims.

  “Of course I did,” Callie says and Sarah starts jumping up and down on the spot.

  I can’t help but watch as her tits bounce along with her.

  That’s so fucking hot right there.

  “Okay, Callie, I just finished studying for my events co-ordination course, you have to be my first client. I won’t take no for an answer. Gaaaa, I’m so excited, my first real job and it’s a wedding. Thank you Callie, I won’t let you down,” Sarah exclaims and I shake my head at her.


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