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Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series)

Page 23

by KD Jones

  His fingers found her wet entrance and he teased her labia. She stroked his back with her fingernails, up and down, and then she gripped his fine, tight ass. No man should have an ass this fine. She squeezed him, she couldn’t help it. He growled at her.

  “Easy, beautiful, I’m losing control here. Work with me.”

  “Then stop playing with me and fuck me.”

  His eyes glowed again, his wolf showing his agreement. He lifted her legs higher and thrust deep within her tight folds. When he was fully inside her, he paused and stared down at her. “Is this what you wanted?”

  “Yes, please, take me, Laws.”

  He began a slow steady thrust in and out, not giving her any leeway. Little waves of electricity built within her body. He moved; she moved; then they moved together, finally reaching their mutual rhythm.

  Fire spread throughout her body to an aching point in her center. She needed more. This was nothing like anything she had ever experienced before. She had vague memory of being with other men, but that memory was nothing in comparison to what she was feeling now with Laws.

  Her fangs came out and she realized what she wanted. She wanted Laws’ blood as he took her body and she wanted him to bury his teeth in her and claim her. She already knew he was her mate; he was the one that refused to believe. But maybe now he would admit it. It could only be this good between them because they were true mates.

  Feeling the joy of knowing her mate was with her, she leaned forward and sank her fangs into the side of his neck. Power and strength filled her. She had never taken the blood from a werewolf before. Now she knew why it was taboo for vampires to drink from werewolves—the power surge was unbelievable.

  Laws growled fiercely as he increased his pace at an abnormal rate. If Lila had been human, she probably would not have been able to take him pounding her like he was. It was like she had set him free of his tight control and he was a wild man. She loved it.

  He practically howled his release as stream after stream of hot semen shot out of him and into her. He coated her with his seed. Just when Lila thought he was done, he stopped and flipped her over onto her stomach. He lifted her hips and adjusted their positions so that he could enter her from behind. He took her deep and hard, keeping her in a tight position.

  “Bite me,” Lila pleaded with him. Her head was turned to the side so that she could look back at him.

  He shook his head. Then he howled as he released again. He turned them as he collapsed on his side, keeping his still-erect cock inside of her. He curved himself around her back. He nuzzled her neck, but didn’t bite.

  “Why didn’t you bite me? I know you wanted to,” Lila asked, shivering as he continued to stroke her with his shaft.

  “Werewolves only bite their mates when they share sex so they can claim them,” he told her matter-of-factly.

  Pain washed through her as she realized what he was saying. He still didn’t recognize her as his mate, so he wasn’t going claim her. How could what she felt be one-sided? She would have moved away from him, but he distracted her with his hands and mouth. Her body, so deprived of touch for centuries, craved it, craved him. She responded against her wishes. She got lost in him.

  Hours later, after they had both exhausted themselves, she lay in bed silently next to him. A knocking on the door had him pulling his jeans back on. It was Roxy. How could she have forgotten the female werewolf had been in the hallway that whole time? Her shame knew no bounds. While he was gone, she took the opportunity to escape to the bathroom. She heard Roxy tell him that their shift would end soon, but he might want to leave before the others showed up so that they wouldn’t scent what he and Lila had been doing all day. She turned on the shower and ignored Laws when he knocked on the bathroom door. Their time together was over and she felt more tired than she had ever felt before.

  Chapter 14

  Laws shifted to his wolf form and ran through the woods near the pack house. He needed to try to clear his head of Lila and her sweet body. No woman had ever felt as good as Lila. His wolf wanted to claim her, which confused him. He had never before heard of such a pairing, a vampire and a werewolf. But it was quickly becoming a real problem he needed to resolve.

  She had felt so tight, so right. When she bit him, taking his blood inside of her, he felt such a sense of completeness, well, almost-completeness. His wolf wanted to take her blood and mark her flesh, too, making her theirs. It took all his willpower to prevent that from happening. He had so many questions that needed answering. He had to find someone who had more experience with vampires than him. There was only one person he could trust to give him honest answers.

  He came back from his run in the woods, shifting back into his human form. He pulled his jeans out of his truck bed and dressed. By the time he got his boots on, the Alpha was waiting for him on the porch.

  “I got your mental request to speak to me. What do you need, Laws?”

  “I have questions about vampires.”

  Ric came down the steps. “Let’s take a walk around the perimeter.”

  Laws followed Ric and fell in step beside him. He knew it wouldn’t take long before the Alpha got to the point.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “I am only seventy, but in my time, I have never known werewolves and vampires work together as we seem to today. Was this always the case in your days?”

  “Relationships between the two species have always been tentative. There once was a time that both species were equals and worked together to protect their secrets from the humans. Then greed and hate blossomed on both sides, which led to times of war, one species enslaving the other. Many unnecessary deaths occurred, whole packs and clans destroyed before treaties were signed. A No Contact policy was put in place and there was a time of separation where neither species would have anything to do with the other. But through great efforts from the werewolf council and the vampire leaders, friendship has grown again and peace settled. But you aren’t here for a history lesson. What is it you want to know specifically?”

  Laws stopped walking and stared off in the distance. “Have you ever heard of a werewolf and vampire being mates?” He could feel his Alpha’s eyes boring into him.

  “I can’t say that I have. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen, but the wolf would have to recognize the vampire and accept them, which would be difficult since the wolf would see the vampire as a predator. If there were such matches in the past, I expect they would have been kept secret because of the lingering prejudice.”

  “Is it possible that a person’s inner wolf could be wrong about recognizing its mate?” Laws had to know whether what his wolf was telling him was true or not.

  “I can safely say that your wolf will always recognize its true mate, even if the human in us does not right away. That is a certainty.”

  Laws nodded. This confirmed what he was feeling, what Lila had tried to tell him but he had refused to believe. “Thanks for answering my questions.”

  “Any time. You are my Beta and part of the pack. You have only to ask and any one of us would be there for you.”

  Laws felt an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. He had been alone for so long, to now belong to a pack, a family, meant a great deal to him. “Have the twins encountered any problems guarding Lila … Miss Draven?”

  “No, but her being at the club this evening is making guarding her more difficult. I’m taking a few others with me to help them keep watch.”

  “She went back to the club knowing that those vampires were able to get to her there the last time?” Laws was furious she would endanger herself in this way. He didn’t wait to hear his Alpha’s response. He strode angrily towards his truck. She would learn to not put herself in danger. He and his wolf would ensure that.

  Chapter 15

  “Mistress, are you okay?” Adrian asked with concern.

  “You need to call me Lila. I’m fine.”

  “Are you exhausted? I heard that you may not have gotten much sleep
during the daylight hours.”

  She glared at him. “Adrian, just ask me what you want to know. I don’t like these round-about questions. They are annoying.”

  “Fine, I heard that you spent a good deal of time with the Beta. I want to know what went on between the two of you.”

  “Was it that blond wolf girl that told you?”

  “No, Mary stopped by your apartment to bring the werewolves lunch and she overheard some things going on inside your apartment. She told Jacqueline and …”

  “And Jacqueline told you. Of course she did. There are no secrets in a small town like this.”

  “What went on between you two?”

  “That is none of your business, Adrian. I don’t ask what goes on between you and your mate, don’t interfere with me and mine.”

  “Wait a minute … are you saying he is your mate?” Adrian looked shocked.

  She nodded, not sure what to expect from him. Adrian was the closest she had to a real family. She wasn’t sure what she would do if he couldn’t accept her and Laws’ relationship—not that they had a relationship. She didn’t know whether Laws would ever accept her as his mate. But it was important to her to have Adrian’s support, no matter what.

  “Why didn’t either of you say anything?” Adrian didn’t look upset, just confused.

  “I knew the moment I saw him, but he doesn’t seem to accept it as easily.”

  Adrian stood up angrily. “What the hell is his problem? Damn wolf! I won’t have him playing with your feelings like this.”

  She smiled, seeing that he was angry on her behalf, that he cared for her. That warmed her heart. “Easy, Adrian. This whole thing is a bit strange and beyond the norm. I have never heard of a vampire and werewolf being mates. Have you?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.”

  “I agree. But evidently Laws comes from a time of deep prejudice. He has a lot of preconceived notions that he has to overcome. It will take time.”

  “You sound way too understanding. How do you not want to … as my Jacqueline would say … kick his ass to the curb?”

  Lila laughed. “Oh, I am sure, given enough time with him, that he will make me to do just that. It’s not easy for me, either. I have my own personal demons to overcome. I’m still finding my way in this world. Maybe Jacqueline can help me exact my vengeance on him later. I have found that I am not sure how to handle all the feelings that I am experiencing. Laws and I both need time to figure out how to deal with this situation.”

  “You make it sound as if either of you have a choice.”

  She sighed. “I don’t, but he does. Laws can choose to ignore the mating signs between us and mate with another werewolf. I can’t blame him—he would be able to have children, werewolf children. That is something he would be giving up if he chose to mate me.”

  “What can I do for you?” Adrian rubbed her arms with his large hands. It was purely comfort, something she did not even know she needed until now. It made her realize that there was something else she needed.

  She pulled out of his arms. “You can’t help with the Laws situation, it will work out or it won’t. But there is something you can do for me.”

  “Name it.”

  “I need a job.”

  “Why would you need a job? You have shares in all my businesses. You are really a very wealthy woman.”

  She shook her head. “I need to not only learn about this new modern era I find myself in, I need to truly live in it. And women of these times work. I have listened and watched Jacqueline with her horse ranch and Mary with her writing. They are happy to be able to do something that gives them a purpose. I need that.”

  “I don’t think it’s necessary, but if you want, you could manage the night club.”

  “No, I wouldn’t know the first thing about being a manager. I once worked as a barmaid delivering drinks, though.”

  “You are not going to wait tables. Absolutely not!” Adrian shook his head stubbornly.

  “Adrian, I don’t mind at all.”

  “No. You can be a hostess.”

  “What does a hostess do?”

  “Earlier in the evenings, between six and ten, we serve food. You can greet the customers and show them to their seats. Periodically walk by and ask how their service is.”

  “I could do that.” She gave him a bright smile.

  “And it gives you the perfect working schedule to allow you to sleep during the day,” Adrian pointed out.

  “When can I start?”

  “When do you want to start?”


  “I will take you down and inform the manager that you will be working the hostess position. I will also need to let your evening security detail know that you will be working and they will have to find a good location inside the club to keep watch over you.”

  “Great, let me change. What does a hostess wear?”

  “The uniform of the waitstaff is black pants and white shirts. But as a hostess you can wear anything that is somewhat formal—a dress, if you want.”

  Lila walked into her bedroom filled with excitement. She would have a way to support herself, have a purpose, and show Laws that she can be more of a modern woman for him. She couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 16

  “Keep your distance. I do not want to tip anyone off of our presence,” Vlad ordered his vampires through their mental link. They spread out in the luxurious nightclub, trying not to draw attention to themselves. He never took his eyes off his prize, Princess Lilia Drakenaska.

  She wore her long dark hair up in some sophisticated bun with tendrils cascading down. Her black cocktail dress fit her perfectly, but was still modest. The only adornment she wore was a silver filigree cross. Vlad knew that the Draken monogram was engraved on the back. It had been a gift from her father on her fifteenth birthday. He knew because he had attended the event, along with many other royal vampires of the time.

  Lilia was simply breathtaking. She had always been a beautiful child, but now she was elegant and powerful. She would make him a wonderful Queen.

  Through all these centuries, he had never given up on her returning to him. He knew she was meant to be his. He bided his time, of course. He squeezed the knee of his vampire lover Lanisa. She was beautiful, but when compared to Lilia, she was seriously lacking in natural sexuality and sophistication. Lanisa had made it clear over many years that she would love to be his Queen. He refused her this, but didn’t deny her offer of companionship. He was a man with needs, after all.

  Now that Lila was back, he would finally get what he had always wanted, and finally rule the vampire nation as has always been his birthright. For now, he would simply enjoy watching her, though she was lowering herself to work as a server of sorts. That wouldn’t last long.

  “Soon, my love, soon.”


  Lila paused in what she was saying to the couple she just seated at a nearby table. She looked around, feeling uncomfortable. She sensed something dangerous watching her, but she couldn’t find anything out of place. There were plenty of power vibes running through the club. Vampires and werewolves were everywhere. She couldn’t pinpoint what she was feeling. Maybe it was nothing. She looked back down at the couple.

  “I’ll let your waitress know what you would like to drink.” She walked towards the waitress station and told the proper waitress what the couple wanted to drink. As she was heading back towards the hostess stand, she paused and felt her heart rate jump in speed.

  Laws had just walked through the doors of the nightclub and he looked pissed. He spotted her and headed in her direction. Obviously she was the one that made him angry. She straightened her shoulders. As Samantha would say, bring it on, wolf man.

  Laws stopped right in front of her. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m working. Would you like a table?”

  “Fuck that, Lila, you know you’re in danger and you still come out here like this, exposing yourself. I ca
n’t allow it.”

  “Allow it? You have no say in what I do.” She tried to walk past him but he grabbed her arm, halting her.

  “I don’t like this. You are too exposed here. Where are your guards?”

  “You know what? It’s none of your business.”

  “The hell it isn’t.”

  She leaned closer and spoke into his ear so no one else would hear. “Am I your mate? Did I miss the part where you sunk your teeth in me, claiming me as your mate for all time?” When he didn’t say anything she kept going. “No, I didn’t miss anything. My guards are right over there, where they have been watching me the entire time. Adrian is close by and I can communicate with him telepathically if I need something. Let me go. I have a job to do and I am not about to let you take that from me.” She stormed away from him.

  Damn it! Laws ran a frustrated hand through his hair. She wasn’t being reasonable. She was exposing herself and everything inside of him demanded that he take her to their den to keep her safe. His wolf was pushing him hard. He looked over and acknowledged the twins, who were standing exactly where she said they would be standing. They watched him warily, as if he were the one posing a threat to Lila.

  He walked around the outer edge of the club, scouting the area, looking for anyone that didn’t belong. He stopped to watch Lila as she laughed with a man near the bar. God, she was beautiful. Her skin was smooth, soft, and pale. Her dark hair swept up to reveal a neck he longed to sink his teeth deep into, marking her. He was so distracted by watching Lila, he didn’t immediately detect a shift of power near him.

  “She has always been a bit headstrong,” a man said from next to Laws.

  He turned to see who had spoken. He didn’t recognize the guy, but he knew he was a vampire. “Who are you?”

  The man smiled. “You know who I am. And I know who you are. She always did have a thing for werewolves. I must say, you look just like him.”

  “Like who?” He wanted to keep the guy talking while he motioned for the twins.


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