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In the Light of Love

Page 21

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  “I’m scared she’s going to ruin this for me, Daddy. I’m really scared.”

  Herman nodded, his dark gaze meeting hers. “Don’t you be afraid, baby. You have every right to be happy. If this man makes you happy then you marry him. I’ll take care of your mother.”

  Talisa hugged her father tightly. “You’re going to love him, Daddy. I just know it.”

  Her father smiled. “As long as he loves my baby girl and takes care of her, then he and I will be just fine with each other.” He gave her a quick wink. “Everything is going to be just fine. Don’t you worry yourself.”

  Downstairs, Mary clicked off the television and headed into the kitchen. The room was quiet, the hum of the refrigerator the only sound. She could hear them upstairs, their voices muffled behind the thin walls, Talisa and her daddy, sharing with each other, not wanting to share with her at all. The reality of that fact was suddenly overwhelming and her body shook, quivering from the hurt.

  Reaching for the bottle of medication, she studied it momentarily before pulling at the childproof safety cap. Shaking two pills into her hand, she reached for an empty glass out of the cupboard and filled it with cold water from the sink. Dropping the pills onto her tongue, she swallowed them quickly, washing them down with the drink of water. Dropping the glass into the sink, she headed up the stairs. Perhaps tomorrow would be a better day for them, she thought as she slowly took each step. Tomorrow she would be better and maybe then Talisa and her daddy would want her to be there with them. Maybe tomorrow she wouldn’t feel quite as alone as she did that very moment.

  Chapter 26

  Their flight had arrived on schedule and Talisa stood waiting anxiously in the arrival area for Jericho and his parents. Excitement bubbled tenfold when she saw him slowly easing his way in her direction, his father and mother flanking his sides. Waving excitedly, Talisa felt like a little girl on Christmas morning after opening the one gift she’d yearned most for all year long.

  When he saw her, Jericho’s face beamed with anticipation as he dropped his carry-on bag to his feet and scooped her up into his arms. Pressing his face into her hair, he hugged her tightly, then dropped his lips to hers, kissing her boldly. The moment took her breath away.

  “Welcome home,” she whispered as he let her go, his hands still holding tight to hers. She tossed a look toward his parents who stood watching them, smiles pulling at their mouths.

  “Hello, Mrs. Becton, Dr. Becton. It’s good to see you both.”

  Irene nodded, reaching to kiss Talisa’s cheek. “Hello, darling. It’s good to see you, too.”

  Dr. Becton chuckled. “Jericho, let the poor girl loose. You have plenty of time for that nonsense.”

  Jericho laughed. “I’m never letting her go ever again, Dad.” He kissed her again. “I missed you,” he whispered into her ear, his warm breath trickling through her bloodstream.

  Talisa glowed with contentment, wrapping her arm around his waist as they headed toward the baggage area.

  Irene dropped a hand against her son’s arm. “Jericho, your father and I have arranged for a limo to take us home. We’ll pick up your luggage and bring it home with us. You and Talisa take off. We’ll catch up with you two later.”

  “Are you sure, Mom?” Jericho asked.

  “I can take you home, Mrs. Becton. It’s really not a problem,” Talisa interjected.

  The woman smiled at them. “I know it’s not a problem, dear, and I also know you two could use some time alone. Take Jericho home. He needs to eat and he needs to rest. It was a long trip for him.”

  Jericho rolled his eyes. “You’d think I was three years old,” he muttered jokingly.

  His father nodded. “Your mother’s right. Head on home and get some rest, son.” He shook a finger in Jericho’s direction. “Easy on the hanky-panky. You’re not completely healed yet.”

  Talisa blushed as Jericho shook his head at his father.

  Irene laughed. “Elijah, leave these children alone! Let’s go before someone takes my luggage.”

  “No one wants your luggage, woman!” the man mused as they headed in the opposite direction. “You worry too much!”

  When his parents were well out of sight, Jericho pulled Talisa back into a deep embrace, one hand pressed tightly against her back to pull her body tight to his. The sensation of his touch made her quiver, her knees threatening to give out on her. He kissed her again, his lips becoming reaquainted with hers. His tongue tipped past to lick her lips, and she shivered blissfully as he danced inside her mouth. The sensation was wiping all coherent thoughts from Talisa’s head, but through the haze of passion, she managed to remember that they were standing in the middle of an airline terminal, spectators eyeing them curiously as they passed them by. Pressing her palms to his chest, Talisa pushed gently, taking a step back. As her gaze met his, both were panting for breath. Jericho grinned unabashedly, taking a step back toward her.

  “Are you ready?” Talisa asked, finally able to muster a word as Jericho’s mouth danced across her cheek and down the length of her neck.

  The man nodded, still kissing a path from her neck to her ear and back again. “I was ready the minute I saw you,” he whispered seductively, blowing warm breath against her ear.

  A flutter of energy surged through her lower abdomen. Hand in hand they made their way to the parking garage and Talisa’s Ford Taurus. They had barely settled themselves inside the car when Jericho reached for her again, pulling her mouth back to his. He had missed the taste of her, had missed touching her, and he was suddenly consumed with making up for lost time. When he’d stepped off the plane, searching her out of the crowd of people traveling from one place to another, she’d been easy to locate. Her intense, sparkling eyes had been inviting. Her luscious, full lips had been waiting to be kissed, calling out for him to oblige. There was no way he could have resisted.

  Jericho licked her lips again, opening his mouth to suck them in, allowing his top lip to drift down and take possession of her bottom lip between his teeth, gently biting and pulling. Her palm gently touched his cheek, tracing a slow path along the sides of his face, and when she moaned, the sound of pleasure escaping her, it was all he could do to keep from taking her right there in the front seat of the vehicle. Reluctantly, he pulled back.

  Talisa smiled as she noted the faint pout of disappointment that flooded his face. “I don’t know if I can drive now,” Talisa giggled. “My whole body’s on fire.”

  Jericho laughed. “I know the feeling.” He glanced around the parking garage. “If we weren’t in a public place I’d make love to you right here, right now,” he said, his voice dropping even lower and huskier. “Let’s go home,” he said, his bright eyes showering his intentions when they got there.

  Talisa pressed a palm to his cheek, shaking her head. Searching for the keys that had dropped into her lap, Talisa adjusted her seat belt, started the ignition, and pulled out of the parking space.

  “So, were Moses and Susie okay?” Talisa asked in an attempt to stall some of the heat rising between them. Her eyes flicked from the road to Jericho and back again.

  The man nodded. “They were fine. They wanted to come this time, but I think they understood why they had to wait until Mom and Dad come back for them next month.”

  “Will the adoption be final then?”

  “It’s going to be a few months, but Dad was able to get permission to bring them here until it’s completed. We just have to wait for their paperwork to be processed and their visas to be issued.”

  “Your parents are amazing, Jericho. I was so worried about what would happen to those kids.”

  “After everything Moses did for me, I was actually thinking of adopting them myself. But when my mother told me she and my dad were interested I knew that was the best thing for them.”

  Talisa nodded, tossing him a quick glance. “Have you thought about having children, Jericho?”

  He waved his head up and down. “I’ve thought about having children wi
th you,” he said, brushing a finger down her cheek.

  Talisa smiled. “How many?”


  “No, I’m serious, Jericho.”

  The man shrugged. “I imagine you and I will have at least two.”

  “I really would like to have a child, but I’d also like to adopt. There are so many of our children that could use a good home.”

  Jericho nodded his agreement. “I’d like that, too. In fact,” he said, leaning closer to her, his fingers brushing against the length of her arm, “I think we should start practicing making babies right away.”

  “Dr. Becton!” Talisa exclaimed, feigning shyness.

  Jericho palmed a heavy hand against her leg, distracting her as she pulled onto the highway. She choked back a giggle, suddenly feeling like an awkward teenager. When the man leaned to kiss her cheek, easing the tip of his tongue into her ear, she jumped, just missing the rear end of a Lincoln Navigator traveling in front of her.

  “You really should pay attention to the road,” Jericho teased.

  “I could if you weren’t doing that,” Talisa chuckled softly, her heart beating rapidly.

  “Doing what?” the man whispered, his tongue gliding over her lobe.

  “Jericho, you’re going to make me have an accident,” she said, pushing him back against his seat with one palm.

  Jericho laughed. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

  The ride to Jericho’s condo was fairly quick, the flow of traffic moving them quickly to their destination. Although familiar with the North Atlanta area, the gated community where Jericho resided was new to her. The European-style, multilevel unit was larger than her parents’ home and only slightly intimidating as Jericho guided her through the security gates to his home’s entrance. With a quick code into the security system, the garage door opened, and Talisa eased her vehicle in beside Jericho’s Mercedes.

  “This is very nice,” Talisa said, looking around the expanse of space in the immaculate courtyard.

  “You haven’t seen it yet,” Jericho said as he grabbed her hand and guided her into the interior of the building, leading her from the garage, through his private laundry room, and into the home’s kitchen. As they stepped inside, Jericho reached to brush a palm against her breast and Talisa broke out into laughter, swatting his hand away.

  “You are so fresh,” she giggled.

  Jericho laughed with her, pulling her to him. “Yes, I am,” he said.

  Talisa slipped away from his grasp. “Well, you need to stop. You need to have some lunch first. Your father said you have to eat and then you have to rest.”

  Jericho grabbed her again. “Baby girl, the only thing I’m hungry for right now is you,” he said, nibbling at the soft spot just beneath her chin.

  Both were suddenly surprised by the small, Hispanic woman fussing over a multitude of pots cooking on top of the kitchen stove. When the woman caught sight of them, she waved, lifting a wooden spoon in their direction. “Hola,” she called out cheerfully.

  Jericho took a quick glance around the room. “Excuse me, but who are you and what are you doing in my home?” he asked.

  The woman suddenly seemed nervous, then called out to the other room, calling out to someone in her native language.

  The couple cut their eyes toward each other and Jericho suddenly shook his head knowingly. “Well, I’ll be damned,” he exclaimed, his tone just shy of being harsh.

  “What’s going on, Jericho?” Talisa whispered as they followed the cook into the living room.

  Before he could answer, Shannon Porter came rushing toward them. “Jericho, sweetheart,” the woman said cheerfully, “welcome home!” She reached to wrap her arms around him, then stopped short when she saw Talisa.

  “Oh, hello,” Shannon said, eyeing Talisa with obvious disdain.

  “Hello.” Talisa smiled, nodding her head in greeting as Jericho tightened the hold on the hand he had been holding. He pulled her closer to his side, the motion possessive.

  “What are you doing in my house, Shannon?” Jericho asked brusquely.

  Shannon leaned to kiss his lips, her aim falling short against his chin as Jericho turned his head aside. The woman stepped back, clearly insulted.

  “Your mother called my parents when they heard about your trauma. When they spoke with them last week to update them on your condition, your parents said you’d be home today. The minute I heard, I knew I couldn’t let you come home to an empty house. There was no way I could let you be alone so I thought I would surprise you.”

  Jericho nodded his head slowly. “Well, I’m not alone, so you can leave now,” he said moving toward the center of the room, pulling Talisa along beside him. Her eyes widened, looking from Shannon, to Jericho, and back.

  Shannon eyed her curiously, her gaze gliding from the top of Talisa’s head down to her toes. Her face became pinched as if she’d bitten into something sour, her eyes narrowing into thin slits. A rush of red had risen to her cheeks, deeply coloring her milky complexion. She suddenly smiled and extended her hand in greeting. “Hello. I’m Shannon, a very close friend of Jericho’s,” she said, putting much emphasis on the words close and friend.

  Jericho rolled his eyes.

  “In fact,” the woman continued, “you might say I’m Jericho’s girlfriend. But I’m sure he didn’t tell you anything about me.”

  The man shook his head, tension tightening the muscles in his jaw. Talisa dropped the hold he had on her hand, resting her palm against his lower back to calm him. She smiled sweetly, ignoring the outstretched palm. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Shannon. I’m Talisa, Jericho’s fiancée, and actually, he’s told me everything about you.”

  The woman’s mouth dropped open in surprise and Jericho fought not to laugh out loud, unable to hide his amusement at her reaction.

  “Fiancée? But when…Jericho, how could…” she sputtered as if she were unable to comprehend what she’d just heard. Catching her breath, she inhaled deeply, then regained her tight smile. “Well, when did this happen? Have you two been acquainted long?”

  Jericho answered. “I proposed to her when we were in Uganda together. And, we’ve known each other since she lost her bid at that auction. The minute I saw her I knew that Talisa was the love of my life,” he said, leaning to kiss her lips.

  An uncomfortable silence descended over the room. Shannon stood awkwardly, her gaze racing between Jericho and Talisa. Jealousy seeped from her pores, causing her bottom lip to quiver with anger. “Well,” she said finally, “isn’t this special.”

  Jericho shook his head. “How did you get in here, Shannon?” he asked.

  She shrugged, her blond hair swaying ever so slightly. “I still have my key.”

  “No, you don’t. I took that key back months ago.”

  The woman shrugged. “I forgot I had a spare.”

  “Well, you need to leave it when you go,” he said. “Now, I appreciate your concern, but Talisa and I were looking forward to being alone. I’m sure you understand,” he said, his tone balanced between annoyance and amusement.

  Shannon swallowed hard, biting against her bottom lip. “Jericho, I think you and I need to talk. Alone. I’m sure Theresa won’t mind giving us a quick moment together.”

  Talisa took a deep breath. “Actually, I do mind. And my name is Talisa. Now, I think you’ve worn out your welcome here. But thank you for stopping by. I’m sure you’ll understand that it won’t be necessary for you to be stopping by again any time soon.”

  The woman bristled. “Jericho, you really need to tell her—” she started before the man interrupted her.

  Jericho clenched his fists in the air and growled in frustration. “Shannon, why do you do this? It’s over between us. Please, go home. Don’t make this any more uncomfortable than it already is. Please, I’m trying to ask you nicely.”

  Shannon’s back stiffened, drawing her body up taller on the four-inch Manolo Blahniks she wore. With both hands, she pushed the length of
her hair behind her ears, her fingers brushing lightly against the diamond studs in her earlobes. Taking a quick glance around her, she bit down on the inside of her cheek, fighting for control over the anger that was consuming her. A loud sigh blew past her lips as she glared at Talisa, then refocused her gaze on Jericho.

  Jericho crossed the room to the front door, opening it widely. “Goodbye, Shannon.”

  With a slight nod toward Talisa, Shannon stormed out of the house muttering under her breath as she passed Jericho. Behind her, the Hispanic woman followed closely on her heels. As Jericho eased the door closed behind them, he burst out laughing, the sound ringing off the whitewashed walls.

  “I can’t believe this,” Jericho exclaimed, tossing his hands up in the air.

  “She’s very persistent,” Talisa said, her voice quivering ever so slightly.

  Noting the change in her tone, Jericho rushed to her side, wrapping his arms around her. “You know how much I love you, don’t you, Talisa? You know I don’t care anything about that woman?”

  Closing her eyes, Talisa nodded. Opening them again, she smiled. Jericho gestured for Talisa to give him a quick minute as he called the security office to insure Shannon and her guest were escorted off the premises, with instructions that the woman was to never be allowed in ever again.

  “Aren’t you something!” Jericho said, easing back up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “It won’t be necessary for you to be stopping by again,” he said, mimicking her.

  Talisa leaned back against him. “Someone needed to put her in her place,” she said, melting into the kisses Jericho was burning against her neck.

  “Well, you definitely did that,” he said, spinning her around to face him. He kissed her hungrily, his hands wandering brazenly up and down the length of her body.

  “Let me show you my home,” he said softly, taking a half step away from her. “I should probably check to see what else that woman’s been doing since I was gone,” he noted.

  Talisa followed him back into the kitchen as he turned off the pots and pans simmering over the low flames.


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