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Survival for Three: MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 4

by Nicole Stewart

  “I’m still alive, so I guess it’s been good to me.” Perry smiled charmingly.

  “No fair. You know more about us than we know about you.” Nadia pouted at his non-answer.

  “Well, unlike you and Hollywood, I don’t need money or fame as an incentive for you to cover my ass if a bear attacks. I’ll be the only one out there with the tools and skills necessary to keep you alive, and that’s all you need to know.”

  “Point taken.” Lincoln chuckled as he tossed back another shot and thumped the glass on the countertop with a gasp at the fiery liquor burning down his chest. “Why did you get out of the military?”

  Perry’s playful smile slipped away. “Injury,” he muttered laconically. He gestured at his shoulder. Lincoln took in his muscular upper body with envy and appreciation. Perry radiated strength and capability, not like someone who would be slowed down by a bum shoulder.

  “Couldn’t you have transitioned to something else military-related?”

  “I’m not a desk-job kinda guy,” Perry grunted.

  It was clear he had no desire to talk about it, and Lincoln let the subject drop. An awkward silence descended as he glanced from Perry to Nadia. Eye candy all around, he thought.

  “So…” She drew the word out, flashing a tiny smile because he was staring.

  Perry looked at the time and gathered his satchel. “So, it’s getting late. You guys need your rest. We’ll be leaving at eight in the morning, and everything from here on out will be strenuous. Sleep tight.”

  “Wait a minute.” Lincoln halted him with a hand on his shoulder. He quickly removed his hand when that zing of electric desire came back. The word ‘strenuous’ only intensified it. He could think of a few strenuous activities he wanted to engage in with the man rising from the barstool. “Don’t you want one more round before we go?”

  “I think we’ve had enough for one night,” Perry declined.

  Lincoln snorted in amusement. “C’mon! In a few days, we’ll hate your guts. We’re close to that now, as a matter of fact. Tonight, let’s enjoy each other. Have a couple drinks! Sing off-key!”

  “Sing off-key? Now, you’re pushing it,” Perry chuckled. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked around self-consciously when Lincoln insistently nudged him back to his barstool. “Alright, alright! One more drink.”

  Nadia leaned toward him. “Lincoln’s right, you know. You probably have a certain way you handle your students, but I like to think he and I aren’t the usual. You can come out of your cocoon with us.”

  “No, you’re not my usual. But, what makes you think I’m in a cocoon?”

  “Well, for one thing, you look very uptight right now—stiff shoulders, arms crossed, blank face.”

  “This is my relaxed look,” Perry scoffed.

  Lincoln and Nadia shared a laugh. “Yeah, he’s loosening up, but I think he definitely needs another drink.” Nadia clapped her hands and summoned the bartender. “What are you having, Perry? I insist, one last round on me.”

  “I’ll have a seltzer then.”

  Nadia clasped Lincoln’s forearm in feigned dismay. “Did he say seltzer? Oh, no! Somebody, get this man a gin and tonic, pronto!”

  Chapter 3

  Perry shook his head in amazement, hardly believing he was letting down his guard with these two. The bartender brought him a gin and tonic, he took a tentative sip and let the conversation flow around him. Five minutes into the easy banter, his glass was empty.

  He ordered another drink, knowing he was breaking protocol. Gotta keep the clients happy, he told himself. Even his hotel choice reflected the fact Nadia Marson and Lincoln Easley were rich and famous. An endorsement from either of them would go a long way to helping his business.

  Clyde was resting comfortably at the hospital and had plans to spend a few weeks with his great-granddaughter upon release. Perry wanted to be on stand-by if his old friend needed him, but Clyde had made it clear he expected him to work.

  Perry fired off a text to let him know Survive Anything would keep its prestigious new students. When Clyde responded with a thumbs-up and smiley face emoticons, he chuckled and put his phone away. One less thing to worry about. He could focus on Lincoln and Nadia.

  The actor had been preening since hearing Nadia was a billionaire, but the liquor was having the intended effect. Lincoln gradually became less self-conscious and stopped grand-standing, and they chatted about their interests while Perry listened.

  He liked how Nadia gave her full attention. He studied the way her hair draped her shoulders. The light fell on her high cheekbones and made her eyes deep and mysterious. Her mouth was expressive, even when she was not speaking—lips turning up in a smile when amused, parting slightly when surprised.

  She was adept at making a person feel special, despite her obvious wealth. Very down-to-earth, Perry thought. She was also spoiled of course, and it showed in subtle ways—like when the bartender let her glass get empty, and Nadia shot him a look that guaranteed he would never repeat the error.

  Perry studied Lincoln, with his perfect wavy hair falling over his handsome face. Was Nadia interested in the debonair thespian? He tried to find something not to like about him. For one thing, Lincoln was full of himself. They were bound to bump heads at some point.

  He was dressed too stylishly for drinks at a bar but Perry did like Lincoln’s choice of bold colors. His wardrobe emphasized a gym-honed physique that said he put a lot of effort into his appearance. Was that a strike against him or not? Perry could not decide.

  Lincoln noticed him staring and laughed nervously. “What is it? Do I have something in my teeth?”

  “Not at all. Your smile is perfect.”

  “That’s nice of you to say to him! Wait, how many drinks have you had?” Nadia arched a brow.

  “Apparently enough,” Perry allowed. “More than the ‘one more round’ you requested. Now, it’s almost nine o’clock. If we don’t retire, we’ll all regret it come sunrise.”

  Nadia’s pink tongue swept the bow of her lips, and Perry stared at her mouth, aching. He balled a fist to resist the temptation to touch her. Finally, she nodded in agreement. “I guess that means the party’s over.”

  “Can I see you to your room?” Lincoln piped up.

  Perry was caught off guard by the suggestion, especially when he realized Lincoln was talking to him. “Um, I’m not staying in the hotel.”

  Lincoln: “Where are you staying?”

  “In my truck in the parking lot.”

  Nadia’s jaw dropped. “Perry, that has to be god-awful uncomfortable. I get that you’re channeling the capable survival instructor, but who’s going to regret that come sunrise? You can’t sleep in a truck.”

  “Look, don’t worry about me. I do it all the time. Go get some rest. Goodnight Ms. Marson, Mr. Easley.” Perry grabbed his satchel and turned away before getting dragged into a debate about where he would sleep, but Lincoln stopped him in his tracks with his next statement.

  “Why don’t you share my room?” he blurted out.

  “I don’t think that will be…” Perry met his gaze. He was about to say ‘necessary,’ but something else tumbled from his lips. “…wise.”

  Nadia interrupted the intense eye contact. “I upgraded to the presidential suite.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that when I came to get you for the meeting. So much for the austere living of a naturist,” Perry said with a wry smile.

  “Hey, don’t judge me. A girl’s gotta have her hot tub. Anyway, there’s plenty of space, and you can sleep in the sitting room so you can have some privacy. What do you say?”

  “Am I the only one without a hot tub?”

  “You can come, too, Lincoln!” Nadia offered.

  Against his better judgement, Perry found himself following them to the elevator bay. He was pleasantly buzzed from the gin and tonic, but not soused enough to not hear the voice of reason telling him to pivot and head to the parking lot. He knew what he was supposed to do, but the rule
s seemed to have changed. Also, he really did need that good review.

  The chummy night would likely set the tone for the rest of their stay, but Perry needed to keep some boundaries in place. He was the teacher and they were the students, albeit two of the sexiest students he had ever met. Both turned him on in ways he could not explain. They both seemed to know how to make him abandon reason. He never had drinks with his students. Lines had already been crossed.

  And it was too late to go back now. Perry stepped into the elevator and the doors whispered shut. Nadia smiled coyly. “Is there a Mrs. Evans at home who might be offended by you spending the night in my room?” she asked.

  “I’m not in a relationship. Eighth floor, right?”

  Lincoln murmured, “Yeah. My room is right down from hers. Can’t believe I don’t have a hot tub.”

  Nadia bubbled with laughter. “Stop pouting. I told you that you can come hang out in mine. What about you, Hollywood? Are you dating anybody?”

  “Why? Interested?” Lincoln gave her a slow once over.

  “Asking for a friend,” she chuckled.

  Perry replied matter of factly, “Hey, here’s a friendly reminder: No fraternizing on my watch. We’ll have enough to worry about when we get in the woods. The last thing I need is two love birds trying to turn this into a hook-up session.”

  “We’re not in the woods yet,” Lincoln stated. Nadia eased between Perry and the panel of numbers. “Besides, I don’t think I’m the one you have to worry about.”

  “Don’t be melodramatic, Lincoln. I was just going to ask Perry if he does this with all his students.”

  “Of course, not,” Perry sighed. He shook his head and stepped away from her.

  “Then, we should feel special?” she asked in jest.

  “I think it’s my turn to ask you how much you’ve had to drink.”

  “Enough, apparently.”

  Her sensual kiss came out of nowhere. Her full breasts collided with his chest, and her soft lips molded to his. How much was enough? Perry wondered. Too much?

  “Ms. Marson…You don’t know what you’re getting into,” he exhaled as she drove him to the wall and continued the lingering kiss. His body hardened, even as he tried to pump the brakes.

  “Jeez! Get a room,” Lincoln chuckled.

  The elevator dinged on her floor. Nadia walked out with a sway of her hips, steady on her feet and clear-eyed. Perry realized she was not drunk; she was in full control of herself. “I have a room,” she tossed over her shoulder. She looked back at them and smiled seductively. “Are you two coming or not?”

  As soon as the door to her hotel suite slammed shut, Perry pulled her into his arms and continued what she had instigated in the elevator. His hands raced over her body. His lips collided with hers in a bruising kiss, and his tongue speared deep, but the rough-handling spiked her lust.

  She cast a wild glance over her shoulder as Perry kissed down her neck. She saw Lincoln leaning against the door, staring unabashedly. She had invited them both. The thought kept repeating itself. She had invited them both. What was she doing?

  Perry’s open-mouthed kisses swept like liquid fire over her skin and clouded her senses. Her heart raced in her heaving chest, and her pulse quickened. Sensibility was supposed to kick in at any second. Only it never got the memo. He raked his hands down the front of her blouse and tore it open. She heard buttons rain to the floor. He stared at her exposed skin with wide open eyes tinted with rampant arousal.

  He took a step back, and his broad shoulders rose and fell as he sucked in a deep breath; he was fighting for self-control. He swiped a hand over his beautiful mouth, and all she could think was, Damn, I want his mouth on me. The ridge of his erection strained his jeans. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other under his intense scrutiny, but that just served to make her clit throb even more.

  “You should tell me to stop,” he warned.

  “No.” She lifted her head defiantly. “I don’t want to stop.”

  He nodded as if he knew she would say as much. As he gave her another slow perusal, she stared at his crotch, decadent thoughts swirling in her head. “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked. Her eyes snapped back to his.

  She gathered the bottom of his black t-shirt and dragged him flush against her aching body. “This is what I want,” she whispered.

  His burning mouth nuzzled past the black lace of her bra. Sparks showered in the dark when he found her nipple. She clasped the back of his neck and pressed him to her chest. Yes! The ghost of the word flowed from her lips. She stared at the ceiling, eyelids fluttering in ecstasy. Oh, God, yes!

  His thigh slipped between her legs and grinded against her throbbing pussy. His rigid cock nudged her lower stomach. She thought she would pop from excitement. She reached down to touch him. His erection hard and heavy against her palm made it all very real.

  She was in a strange town with two strange men. Her dad would have a fit if he knew. But this was one time the wealthy heiress wanted to rebel, and it did not matter what Wilson Marson thought as he would never know.

  Perry boldly cupped her saturated womanhood. She hissed his name when he stroked her through the thin fabric of her panties. Over his shoulder, she saw Lincoln’s reflection in a mirror mounted on the wall. He was masturbating. His hand gently squeezed and released a thick cord bulging the front of his slacks. For some reason, that turned her on even more.

  Groaning, she canted her pelvis forward, deeper into Perry’s hand. His fingers slipped past her underwear, and he touched her slick, dewy labia. He probed deeper. She hitched in a breath when he pushed a digit inside of her. In and out, he stroked, making her hotter and wetter. Tantalizing her.

  She bit her bottom lip and hummed in anticipation as he walked her backward to the door. Suddenly, she slammed into Lincoln’s muscular chest and let out a surprised gasp. She was sandwiched between the two men with Lincoln’s pulsating erection against her lush derriere and Perry’s thick cock against her front.

  “Mm!” Lincoln groaned. He was tense and stiff, hardly breathing as his fingertips lightly skimmed her stomach. She felt him trembling with self-restraint.

  Perry stared her in the eyes and asked again: “What about this? Is this what you want?” She knew what he was asking. Did she want to have a threesome? Her answer should have been no, but…

  Nadia contemplated what would happen if she said yes.

  Lincoln’s hands moved up her torso. She did not stop him. He cupped her breasts and kneaded the sensitive peaks. Her nipples turned to shards of glass beneath his touch. At the same time, his moist lips trailed hot kisses along the side of her neck.

  And she almost said it.

  Perry peeled off her shirt and released her bra, sucking her breasts with powerful drags of his mouth. He brought her leg over his hip and grinded against her. She countered his thrusts.

  The word was on the tip of her tongue.

  Lincoln bunched up her pencil skirt. She felt him fumbling with his pants, heard the zipper release. His hot, hard cock emerged. Then, he eased his lower body forward, and she felt him against her bare ass where her G-string disappeared. She quaked with arousal and nervousness, but she let them do it.

  She wanted to blame her behavior on having had too much to drink, although she knew that was not the case. Maybe it was her self-imposed half-year of celibacy. Maybe it was the company she was keeping. Together, they were twice as irresistible.

  “Yes!” she breathed.

  Perry stopped, as if to make sure he had heard her correctly. “Yes?” he asked.

  She strutted to the mattress and dropped to the cool duvet. She unzipped her skirt and tossed it away and was now wearing nothing but her red-bottom heels and the G-string.

  Chapter 4

  He wanted them both. Perry tried to ignore his reaction to the insanely attractive man. It was Nadia who had invited them to indulge her wildest fantasies. This was about her. He was shocked by the turn of events that had pla
ced him in the billionaire’s bedroom, but there was no stopping this train now.

  Perry unwrapped a condom and fell between Nadia’s legs. He slipped inside with a quiet grunt of pleasure, and her eyes widened in ecstasy. Lincoln studied the way he clasped her hips and rocked in and out, and he touched himself with growing excitement.

  Perry’s muscular body gleamed in the moonlight, abs clenching and releasing as he had his way with her. Intense rapture gave him a look of concentration. Her unblemished skin glowed. Her flat stomach quivered, and she tried to hold in her sobs of bliss, but Perry’s increasingly forceful thrusts pressed the moans from her.

  Watching Perry sexily bite his bottom lip made lust shoot through Lincoln like an arrow. This was not sex; it was some other magic. Something that kneaded and pounded his psyche until his body—dangling over the precipice of completion—threatened to let go.

  He climbed in bed and collected Nadia’s lush breasts in hand. Moaning, he dropped butterfly kisses over her lips, but he could not keep his eyes off Perry, who was busy gliding in and out of her pussy.

  Nadia brushed a hand down Lincoln’s torso toward his engorged manhood. She masturbated him slowly and deliberately—the same way Perry was taking care of her body—drawing forth pre-cum and making Lincoln gasp her name.

  “Lincoln is getting left out,” she whispered.

  “Are you ready for him?” Perry asked.

  “He’s all yours,” she said.

  Lincoln froze in shock as she took Perry’s hand and brought it to his manhood. “Wait—what are we doing?” he asked breathlessly.

  Nadia managed a half-shrug. “Experimenting?”

  All three of them stared at Lincoln’s massive erection. At the way Perry’s hand made his hips yo-yo up and down involuntarily. Lincoln thrusted into his palm, grunting in pleasure when he stroked the head of his cock.

  To him, Perry seemed intent on doing whatever Nadia desired. If she got her kicks from pairing them together, then Perry seemed on board. But what did that mean? Lincoln was not sure why she had initiated this, and his heightened arousal made it difficult to parse out her motivations. He did not want to think, he just wanted to feel.


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