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Billionaire Romance: Royal Island Yacht Club

Page 6

by Jennifer King

  “Tell her yourself,” Sean replied, as he nodded to the approaching Julianne. She was sipping on a gin and tonic when she approached the pair.

  “There you are!”

  “We were just talking about you,” Ben warmly smiled. “Julianne, how do you feel about spending the day here?”

  “The day? I thought this was an overnight thing.”

  “For most people, it’s an overnight thing. But some of us have the option – the resources, if you will – to stay for an entire twenty-four hours if we want. Forty-eight hours, even. I plan to stay at least another day and I’d love for you to stay with me.”

  “Or with me,” Sean jumped in. “If you like.”

  “Yes,” Ben agreed with a competitive edge in his voice.

  “I don’t know,” Julianne shook her head. “Nobody knows where I am. What if there’s an emergency?”

  “We can take care of that,” Ben replied.

  “A whole other day…how much is that going to cost? I’m terrified of receiving a bill as is.”

  Sean stepped forward and imposed himself above Ben.

  “One of us will pay your bill.”

  “So there is a bill?” Julianne panicked. “Great. Just great!”

  Ben found an opportunity to cut into Ben and seized upon it.

  “You’re not being given a bill, Julianne. We are going to buy your membership into the Royale Island Yacht Club. It’s going to be up to you, however, to decide whether Sean or myself will pay for your membership.”

  Julianne took a moment to process their joint proposal.

  “Okay…But this isn’t some kind of sex slave thing, is it? I don’t want to end up on a slow boat to China here; I want to be going home on a slow boat to…well, New Jersey—look,” she stammered. “I don’t want to be a sex slave and I’m not a prostitute. You guys got that?”

  “You would be a free member of the club and you would be free to do whatever you want,” Ben reassured her. “However, the gentleman who pays for your membership – whether myself or Mr. Black – may want a little something in return…if you catch my drift.”

  “What, a thank-you fuck?”

  “We’d each like to be your lover,” declared Sean. “And we’re both offering you the choice.”

  Julianne nodded approvingly.

  “I think I can live with that.”


  Julianne Wallace woke up the next morning in a king-size bed between the nude bodies of Ben Erickson and Sean Black. The threesome wasn’t quite as it appeared: the gentlemen hadn’t so much as touched her when they turned in for the evening. She turned to each of her two suitors and silently chuckled. I could never find a single hot guy in the city to fawn over me, thought Julianne. Now here I am sleeping in between two of them. I still don’t understand why they had to get naked, but whatever.

  Julianne found a silk bathrobe of a deep purple hue. She stepped out of the boudoir and looked around the corridor. A servant dressed entirely in white approached.

  “Good morning,” Julianne stopped her. “Listen, normally I’d be kidding around if I said this to you, but in all seriousness: Who do you have to screw around here to get a cup of coffee?”

  The servant directed Julianne to the opulent dining hall on the first floor by the West Entrance. Julianne was shocked to discover many of the familiar faces from the prior night’s orgy on board the Olympian. These same sexually ravenous men and women were now high-powered executives wearing business casual clothing, while hectoring their assistants over Bluetooth and Skype. Julianne stood before the one percent incarnate. The club members looked up with disdain at Julianne for failing to live up to an impossible standard that nobody could be bothered to explain. She decided to pay them no heed and sat herself down in an empty table. Predictably, a servant was instantly on hand to take Julianne’s order. Within mere moments, a fruit salad and a light and sweet coffee were both before her. She raised her right thigh and rested her heel on the chair. Julianne was determined to enjoy her vacation from reality, no matter how brief.

  Ben was the first of the gentlemen to come down and join Julianne for breakfast. He was dressed in a blue turtleneck and beige slacks. He ordered another round of coffees for the table.

  “How did you sleep?” Ben asked, as he kissed Julianne.

  “Like a rock,” she replied. “And how did you sleep?”

  “I can’t complain. Mr. Black was still passed out when I left him.”

  “Is that right?” Julianne grinned.

  “When you work as hard as he does, you need to take as much time off as possible.”

  “Am I detecting sarcasm in those remarks?”

  “I don’t know,” Ben flirted. “You tell me.”

  “Listen Ben,” Julianne continued, as she dragged her chair forward. “What exactly does one do out here? Some of these people seem like they’re working, whereas other people are just chilling out like you. One minute this place seems totally sinister and weird, and the next minute everything is sophisticated and hunky-dory. I can’t keep my head straight out here, Ben!”

  “I know it seems a little bit odd,” Ben acknowledged. “But the Royale Island Yacht Club is whatever you make of it. Some people come here to mix business with pleasure…personally, I’d rather come here to take my mind off bank statements and spreadsheets. It’s all I ever look at besides tits and ass. So the thought of making any business deals at all is enough to make my stomach turn, Julianne.”

  “What do you call this then?” Julianne teased. “You and Sean are competing to decide who’s going to buy my membership into the Royale Island Yacht Club. Am I right? Or is the deal off the table?”

  “It’s on the table, as far as I’m aware.”

  “So how is that not a business transaction?”

  Ben smiled and crossed his legs while looking up into the sky.

  “Let’s just say my business transactions aren’t typically this personal. What we’re doing here, Julianne, it’s got the human touch. And that’s what I like about it. Well, I like the human I’ve been touching.”

  “Oh, Mr. Erickson!” Julianne blushed, despite the inherent stupidity of Ben Erickson’s remarks.

  “I can never resist a good one-liner, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Julianne laughed. “I thought it was cute.”

  Ben grinned. He raised his coffee cup and proposed a toast. They clinked their mugs.

  “It seems like such a beautiful day,” said Ben. “What do you say you freshen up and we take a nice walk around Royale Island? Take in the sights? The landscape is gorgeous, Julianne, it really is.”

  “I see no harm in that. Here’s the thing, though. I don’t exactly have anything casual. It never occurred to me because I thought this would be a weird overnight thing. I didn’t realize I’d be plunging this deep into a billionaire yacht club, or that I’d still even be here right now.”

  “Darling, these boudoirs are stacked with outfits of all kinds. We’ll rifle around and find you something.”

  “Infinite wardrobes,” she scoffed. “Of course.”

  “Julianne, the money is coming out of the taps. Honestly, there is literally nothing to worry about when you’re out here on Royale Island.”

  “I know,” Julianne replied. “But it’s not the world I live in. It’s not the world I know. It may the world you’ve gotten used to, and it may be the world Sean has only ever lived in, but it’s not me. I love it, don’t get me wrong. I’ve always dreamt of living in a world like this, ever since I was a little girl in that boring old suburb. But now that I’ve burrowed my way into this world somehow, I’m not quite sure how I feel about it.”

  “That’s what I like about you,” Ben sincerely replied. “You’re down-to-earth. Do you know how many down-to-earth types I still know personally?”

  Ben formed a zero with his right hand.

  “That is, until I met you. You remind me of the real world. It’
s good to be reminded of the people that your business dealings actually impact.”

  Julianne suddenly realized she was swooning for the billionaire silver fox before her.

  “And do you do business for good or evil?”

  “You’ll have to decide for yourself,” Ben proudly responded.

  He rose from his seat and offered his hand to Julianne.

  “Shall we head back to the room?”

  Sean was still unconscious when Julianne and Ben quietly returned. Julianne scoured through the surrounding armoires and dressers before gathering together a modest outfit, a pair of blue jeans and a white cardigan. Ben picked up a notepad and jotted something down for Sean:


  See you at the beach house.


  The duo slipped out silently. As they exited the labyrinthine estate, the color of the sky altered. Julianne looked up to discover massive brush strokes of thick, black storm clouds.

  “This looks ominous,” said Julianne.

  “Don’t worry,” replied Ben. “I looked into it. The storm shouldn’t hit us for another thirty minutes or so.”

  “Thirty minutes? Wait a second…oh Jesus, this is a tiny island!”

  “Relax, we’ve braced worse. A little bit of rain isn’t going to hurt us.”


  “Listen,” Ben pressed his hands against Julianne’s shoulders. “Haven’t you always wanted to go on an adventure like this? Haven’t you always wanted to lead a truly spontaneous life?”

  “Well, yeah...”

  “You’ve taken a hell of a lot of chances so far, haven’t you?”

  “I certainly have.”

  “So are you willing to take just one more chance?”

  Boy, the rich sure have a way of talking you into taking stupid risks.

  “Okay, let’s do it.”

  “So do you trust me?”

  “I trust you.”

  Ben kissed Julianne hard.

  He grabbed her hand and brought her toward a hedge-way path that led into the surrounding hillside. For a while, the storm seemed to hold. As soon as the couple became aware of this, their frantic run gave way to a slack pace. It was a blustering grey day, reminiscent of a damp English autumn, but the tempest was yet to break. Julianne felt like the lead in a nineteenth-century romance novel, with her brooding lover carrying her through a wild and windy climate.

  But it was only a matter of time before the clouds erupted, releasing torrents of chilled rain buckets onto anyone bearing the misfortune to be standing within its path. Ben and Julianne instantly found themselves soaked to the bone. They immediately resumed running. Julianne could barely see where she was going. She trusted the instincts of the blurred gentleman jogging alongside her. Once they reached the apex of a certain plateau, the petite log beach house was in plain sight. Ben opened the door and ushered Julianne inside first. He slammed it shut.

  Julianne switched on the lights. One look at the beach house’s interior was enough to make her feel warm and cozy. The soundtrack of the raging tempest faded into the background. The weather no longer seemed so sinister while protected by the laidback, easy charm of the Royale Island private beach house. It was like stepping into a luxury Caribbean bungalow. As soon as Ben finished powering up the heat and electricity inside the beach house, he approached Julianne.

  “What do you say we get ourselves out of these clothes?” smiled Ben.

  “You read my mind,” replied Julianne. “Boy, the Royale Island Yacht Club sure has everything.”

  “When you climb up to a certain point on the ladder, Julianne, everything you’ve ever wanted and more is sitting right there in front of you. All you have to do is take it.”

  The next thing she knew, Julianne was standing in a frameless stone shower, as she lathered herself in body washed valued at seven hundred dollars. The storm continued to cleanse Royale Island clean, but to Julianne, she may as well have been standing in the middle of a warm waterfall. She felt as though she had reached a higher state of relaxation. All she needed now, in order to max out her pleasure receptors, was a steamy encounter with the man who had somehow seduced her into braving a violent storm for the secluded charms of a quaint beach house.

  Julianne fondled her breasts. She pictured Ben standing behind her with his polished erection treading along the canals of Julianne’s vagina. According to Julianne’s vision of paradise, Ben’s hands were doing the fondling, while he nibbled on her neckline, his lips savoring every bite while sighing deeply. Julianne’s right hand crept away from the left bosom and crawled down to her quivering pussy. She rubbed herself madly, while she allowed her thoughts to run away with her.

  She imagined Ben ramming her hard from behind. Her cheeks and breasts both pressed up against the fogged and frameless shower door, as he pounded into her with all his remaining passion and vigor. As she dreamt this, Ben stepped into the bathroom wearing nothing but a smoking jacket. Julianne failed to listen to Ben’s entry. He approached slowly with a sly grin on his face as he watched. He was only a few feet away from the door when Julianne finally opened her eyes. Julianne shrieked. She fell back against the wall, swiftly grabbing hold of the corners in a last-ditch effort to save her life. Julianne survived. Ben waited for Julianne to catch her breath before opening the door and dropping his jacket. Ben was exposed.

  “Jesus,” cried Julianne. “You scared the hell out of me!”

  “My apologies,” replied Ben. “I didn’t realize you were so deep in thought.”

  Julianne looked down at his confident phallus standing at attention.

  “Well, you certainly seem deep in your thoughts.”

  “I’ve only had one thing on my mind,” Ben whispered, as he closed the shower door.

  “Shouldn’t we wait for Sean to wake up?”

  “When Mr. Black is ready, he can come and join us. But in the meantime…”

  Ben brushed Julianne’s hair over her ears and kissed her tenderly. Julianne was draped in a sultry mist. This was paradise.


  Mr. Black finally awoke to the crashing sounds of the thunderstorm. The bleary-eyed billionaire surveyed the suite in confusion. He wasn’t the type to forget about going to bed with two people at once. He looked everywhere for clues. Still struggling to regain full consciousness, Sean ran to the bathroom and splashed cool water onto his face. Once a certain sharpness returned, Sean was able to spot Ben’s note, which was hiding in plain sight all along.

  Bastard, thought Sean as he crumpled the piece of paper. He threw his clothes together in a ramshackle display and bolted out into the corridor. In his moment of panic, Sean lost all perception of the layout of the Royale Island Yacht Club. He dashed from one corridor to the next, hoping to remember which of the four exits was the correct passage to the beach house. But he was fixated on Julianne, and whatever Ben was doing to her. His faculties were clouded in a thick, jealous fog. Finally, his stubbornness gave way. Sean conceded that he needed to ask somebody for directions. Unfortunately, the Royale Island Yacht Club appeared to be abandoned. Had Sean ever learned that they were the only three people remaining on the island, it wouldn’t have surprised him at all. However, after Sean regained his composure, he clearly noticed a servant dressed in a white tuxedo wandering around the halls. Sean stopped him.

  “Excuse me,” said Sean. “Sorry to bother you but it’s the damnedest thing. I’m supposed to meet a couple club members down at the beach house and I’ve completely forgotten the fastest way to get there. I was wondering if you could help me out?”

  “Sir,” instructed the servant, “it’s raining.”

  “Yes, I can see that!” Sean snapped.

  “Sir, the Royale Island Yacht Club does not advise you traipse outside at this time.”

  “You don’t advise me? I’m a club member. I can do whatever I want!”

  “Sir, this is advice. This is not mandatory.”

  “Well do you have an umbrella I can b

  “I’m afraid not,” the servant sneered.

  “I’ll find it myself,” retorted Sean as he made a beeline for the exit.

  Sean plunged himself into the oncoming storm, raising his hand to his forehead in a halfhearted attempt to improve his sight. He followed the trail to the beach house, by this point looking down at his feet for the remainder of the journey. The rain was beginning to lighten up. The lightning strikes still occurred with alarming frequency. Sean wondered if he was on the receiving end of some kind of karmic justice. Whom had he wronged to bring about his impending death? If the hypothermia didn’t kill him, the lightning certainly would.

  But Mr. Black did not die. He charged forward and reached his destination. Sean stood beneath the parapet and wiped his face clear. He suddenly realized he had no plan. What was he supposed to be expecting? He ran through all the distinct possibilities in his head. Were they making love? If so, where and on top of which surface? Was he expected to join in suddenly or not? Sean couldn’t quite reconcile his feelings of uncertainty. Never before in his life had he hesitated in approaching a woman. But his mind wouldn’t stop working, leaving him stranded outside until he could figure out his next moves.

  Inside, Ben was on his knees inside the steaming shower. He firmly groped Julianne’s buttocks as he plunged his tongue into her pussy. She rolled her eyes backward while laughing and sighing at once. It never ceased to amaze Julianne how adept Ben was at eating her out. She ran her fingers through his hair while he continued savoring Julianne’s ripe clit. Then his fingers crawled back to the front. Ben reached into her vagina. It loosened up and welcomed his forefingers. He stroked her G-spot. Julianne let out a piercing, yet pleasurable, moan. He pulled himself up and turned Julianne around. She leaned forward against the moistened stone. Ben inserted his giant cock. Julianne yelped. His thrusts were slow and deep, sending ecstatic shivers down her spine. Soon he sped up. He kept a steady, yet vigorous, pace as he pounded inside her.


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