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JAYDEN (MC Bear Mates Book 9)

Page 16

by Becca Fanning

  Then, when she looked so fucking delicious his cock was ready faster than a Ferrari hit sixty miles an hour, his tongue darted forth for a taste. She yelped, then her legs came immediately around his head. He didn’t mind the chokehold, appreciated it actually as he teased her clit. When he figured she had to be wet enough, if her yelps and shrieks and groans were anything to go by, he carefully pressed a finger into her.

  She didn’t flinch. If anything, her muscles clamped down on him.

  Frowning, he inserted two. When there was no reaction, he thrust another inside her, and felt his cock begin to pound with the need to be wrapped up in those silken muscles like his digits were.

  Letting his tongue dance along her folds, he slurped her up, then hummed against her clit. When she moaned, he knew he was hitting the spot. Seconds later, her legs clamped about his head, and she was jetting off like a firework into the sky. He carried on teasing her through her climax, all the while holding his fingers in place.

  A part of him wondered if her gift for being claimed by Kon had manifested and that she was given rapid healing… it was the only thing that made sense. But, his brain wasn’t interested in logic. In fact, little brain down between his legs was fully in charge, and after she’d gone off like a light show, it, and him, wanted in.

  When she’d come down from the high, her legs splayed back on the bed. To the sounds of her heavy panting, he reared up and began to unfasten his zipper.

  It astonished him once more that they were about to do this fully dressed, but hell, anything for her. When his cock was out, her heavily lidded eyes were glued to it. She watched him stroke himself and moaned at the sight.

  “You and Kon are so good at that,” she whispered breathily.

  “What? Jacking off or eating you out?” He purposefully used words that would make her react, just because he loved to see her blush.

  She blinked at him, her cheeks pinkening as expected, then whispered, “Well, both, but the eating thing. Yeah, you’re both very good.”

  He grinned. “Nice to know, sugar. You ready to feel me inside you?”

  Leila arched her hips upward and whispered, “Yes. I need you, Jay.”

  He wanted to fall on her right there and then, but he choked back the need and asked, “You didn’t flinch when my fingers were inside you. Did it feel okay?”

  Her eyelids fell, heavily covering her bright eyes. “It felt wonderful.”

  “No soreness?”

  “No. Yesterday, there was plenty of soreness. Not today. I guess that’s weird, right?” Well, not if she’d received her gift from the goddesses, which to be fair, was perfect for them. With two mates, Leila was going to be spending a lot of time between the sheets.

  If she healed so quickly, that meant she’d never be too sore for them to take her and claim her as their own again and again.

  Hell, the goddesses were sneaky evil geniuses.

  Thank fuck they were!

  “No, not weird. Very, very good,” he whispered as he lowered himself and pressed the tip of his dick to her gate. She moaned, shifted her legs, then immediately clamped them about his hips. As he thrust into her, her head fell back, and her torso rippled against the bed as she took all of him.

  The move bared her throat, which was like a fucking beacon to his Bear. The minute he was inside her, he fell upon her, nipping and sucking and biting and licking the delicate flesh there. She moaned underneath him and he reveled in the fact that her hands came up to cling to his back, before rolling down the length of his spine to come to a halt at his ass. She held him against her in a way, he felt no shame in admitting, bewildered him.

  He’d expected her shyness to extend far further than this, but that it wasn’t told him Kon had done a great job in showing her how fabulous sex could be… because she wanted more of the same. That was very, very obvious.

  Hiding his grin, he began to rock his hips and slowly began to pump into her. As he moved, he wished like fuck he could grab a hold of her tits and suckle the tips, but instead, he let her have her comfort. That would come later. Jesus, just the idea of having her riding him like he was a bull and she a fucking cowgirl was something that would fuel his fantasies until it came to pass.

  With a groan, he bit down against her throat as she began to buck underneath him. That she loved what he was doing was a given from all the noises bursting free from her throat. When she tensed beneath him, her inner muscles doing a little jig around his cock, he wanted to roar but instead, held it in. Her climax was long and sharp, and he took advantage of the moment to bite down harder against her throat.

  Opposite his brother’s mark, he made his own, claiming her in the eyes of his people, but more than that, claiming her for himself and for his brother.

  The roar, as he climaxed too, was muffled by the flesh of her throat in his mouth. And as her blood and her taste as well as her juices filled his senses, he allowed himself to come down from the greatest high he’d ever know.

  That of making his woman, his.

  Chapter 12

  Why you skulking in the garage, boy?”

  Kon grimaced at his dad. “You don’t want to know.”

  “Wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.” Mundo peered at him over a bike he was currently dissecting and putting together again. Kon was surprised Spyder and Sammy weren’t here too. The three of them were constantly working on some shit in here.

  Though he was trained to be a mechanic, same as Jay, neither of them loved it as much as those three. He knew that was a constant source of disappointment to his dad, but it wasn’t like they could do anything about it.

  Truth was, he was kind of pleased that Mundo had somebody to do this shit with now. It meant he’d leave the twins alone, and they could all do shit they wanted to.

  “Jay’s claiming Leila.”

  The blunt retort had his blunter father’s eyes widening. “Oh.”

  He couldn’t withhold his grin. “Yeah. Oh.”

  Mundo’s brows lowered. “Thought you’d be doing that shit together. Like with Justiss and Graver.”

  “Thought so, too. Didn’t work out like that.”

  Mundo scraped his hand across his jaw, dispersing copious amounts of engine oil over his chin. “I guess that makes sense considering our little Seventh Day Adventist can barely cuss without looking like she’ll keel over in a dead faint.”

  Kon snorted. “What do you mean ‘barely cuss’? I heard her say ‘God’ the other day. Not only did it stun the shit out of me, but more than that, I thought she’d be waiting for a lightning strike from heaven.”

  Mundo chuckled. “Guess it didn’t happen if your brother is doing the nasty with her.”

  “Nope. She’s alive and kicking.” Kon grunted. “Just… I never thought it would be like this.”

  “I know, but mates are weird as fuck, son. They never do what you think they will.” He scowled, his features twisting out of nowhere. “Take my pain in the ass mate… in fact, you can tell your brother that he’s in the doghouse, big time.”

  “He wouldn’t fit in a doghouse,” Kon retorted easily, folding his arms across his chest as he leaned back against a workstation.

  “I hope so. I hope he’s get fucking stuck in the damn thing. She only swans in last night with five grand’s worth of tennis bracelet on her wrist! I sent your brother to control her, not for her to have a spending spree on our joint account.”

  Kon chuckled. “You can afford it.”

  “Don’t care. I’m still pissed.” Mundo grunted. “See, that’s what mates do. They fuck you off, then the next day they suck you off and make it all better.” He grimaced. “Almost enough to make a man feel manipulated.”

  Too accustomed to hearing his daddy talk like that about his momma, Kon wasn’t offended on Christie’s behalf. Hell, she spoke like that about Mundo...

  He looked forward to the day he got to see Leila talk like that about them without looking like she’d have a heart attack for sinning.

hat’s what love is, isn’t it?”

  “Now, that’s a cynical point of view, son,” Mundo chided, but his grin was sheepish. “Love’s grand, ain’t it?”

  Kon rolled his eyes. “I guess. I just… we always thought we’d claim her together, and that hasn’t happened.”

  “No, but it doesn’t make her any less yours. At least Leila’s comfortable. If you hadn’t claimed her by next month, I’ll be honest and tell you I was gonna talk to you about this anyway. I mean, your tempers have both been shittier than a fucking hurricane. The Clan’s sick of you fighting all the time. You had to do what you had to do to get the mate bond in place. Now that’s happened, everything will calm down. And hell, son, you think your ma was a demon in bed when I met her?” Mundo whistled. “She was hot, don’t get me wrong. The hottest fucking lay I’d ever had, but…” His eyebrows waggled. “She fucking burns now.”

  Kon wrinkled his nose. “I’m used to the whole oversharing shit, Dad, but that’s a bit much.”

  Mundo wafted a hand. “Don’t be a baby. I’m telling you that it only gets better. Maybe it didn’t start how you thought it would. How you’d figured. But give the girl time. That’s something you all have plenty of, and when you let her get used to you and to sex and to being in a relationship properly, you’ll see… she’ll come to stun you with what she’ll want.”

  Kon pursed his lips as he headed over to the dissected bike on the floor. “You need a hand with that?”

  At his question, Mundo’s eyes lit up. As always, it was bizarre looking at a father who was as young as you in appearance, but the delight buried within made Kon realize, as he usually did, that Mundo loved being with his sons more than anyone else in the world.

  He guessed rather than grumble about that, he should embrace it and be grateful to have a father as cool as what he did.

  Two hours later, covered in grease, he retreated to the bedroom, figuring either Jay and Leila would be up and about or still in bed. He didn’t know if she’d be too sore to fuck, but he truly hoped Jay had claimed her.

  He hated knowing he’d been the first, while at the same time, it filled him with a kind of pride that would forever be impossible for him to explain.

  Opening the door with his elbow, the scents of all three of them hit his nose and he realized she’d definitely been claimed. His nose alone told him that, but when he looked over and saw the two of them, both fully dressed, clinging to one another in their sleep, he had to grin.

  Leila was a breath of fresh air. She truly was. He’d never imagined how a mate would change his life, because he’d always figured he was too fucking young to find out. There was no point in worrying about milk that hadn’t spilled yet. But now she was here, he knew she’d rock his world every fucking day.

  Fully-clothed sex was hot. Who knew?

  Trudging into the bedroom after closing the door as carefully as he could with his elbows, he headed for the bath and immediately ran the hot water. They had some soap that was strong enough to clear up some of the grease, but his nails were going to be filthy as fuck later.

  Mundo wore gloves when he was doing shit like they’d been working on today, and Kon, for the first time ever, realized why…. there was no way he’d be touching his princess with hands darker than fucking coal.

  His dad might play the fool from time to time, but he was clever as fuck too.

  Grimacing and wishing he’d worn gloves, he soaped up. As he did, the door opened, and he scented his bro. “She’s ours?”

  “Yeah. She’s ours.”

  Kon peered over his shoulder. “You mad at me?”

  “No.” Jay went to piss, and said, “You been with Dad?”

  “Yeah. Just talking about Leila, you know?”

  “We’ll get there, bro. She’ll acclimate to the idea, it just takes time. We have plenty to play with.”

  Kon snorted. “You and Dad are speaking from the same script. I’d be scared if your thought processes are mimicking his.”

  Jay flushed the toilet and wrinkled his nose at the same time. “God help me.”

  Kon laughed then asked, “Mating sleep, huh?”

  Jay grinned. “Yeah. I think I know what her gift is.”

  Kon’s brows rose in question.


  “Like Pip?” Kon grunted. “That will be good for the Clan.”

  “Nope, not like Pip,” Jay countered. “She should have been sore this morning. We’re too fucking big for her not to feel the after-effects, right?”

  “True. I was kind of surprised that you’d managed to do it, but at the same time, figured she’d want you and would put up and shut up.” Kon wrinkled his nose. “Not a nice prospect. I never want her to feel like that, but in her own way, she’s stubborn as fuck.”

  “Tell me about it,” Jay retorted ruefully. “But nope, she was fine. Not sore at all. And your bite on her shoulder, I know they usually heal quickly anyway, but not the morning after.”

  Kon cleared his throat, then shot his brother a quick grin. “That gift is totally to our benefit, no?”

  Jay laughed. “Tell me about it.” He headed for the shower, turned on the water, and began to sing as he soaped up.

  It seemed insane that this was his life now. He’d never imagined that he’d have his bro still with him, his mate in the bedroom, while he washed up after working on some shit with his dad. Jay had more reason for caution now. His inability to feel pain had been a constant source of terror to Kon. The notion that he could lose his brother was a nightmare he’d been living with every single one of his years, but with Leila around, Jay wouldn’t act in any way that would ever hurt her.

  It wasn’t that Jay had been reckless. In the eyes of the Clan, they were all still kids. Barely into their maturity. It was to be expected that they’d make mistakes, ones that would cause them injuries as well as pain of a more emotional variety.

  But now, Jay had a reason to be careful. For that alone, Kon would kiss Leila’s feet.

  As he finished up in the bathroom, he left Jay to his shower and grabbing a towel, began to dry his hands as he walked out. When he went in, he saw Leila blinking at him. Her blond hair was still tipped with a violet-blue that matched her eyes, and it was the first time the thought occurred to him, so he asked, “What made you dye your hair?”

  She tilted her head to the side, and he knew she was going to ask why, but instead replied, “I felt like it. And because whenever I felt like doing something in the past I never could do it, I decided that I was going to start as I meant to go on.” Her nose crinkled in that way that made his heart melt. “As soon as it was done, I didn’t like it. I need to get a cut, actually.”

  Kon was about to laugh but he immediately shook his head. “Don’t cut it all off.”

  “I wasn’t going to,” she retorted, then grinned at him. “You like my hair long, huh?”

  “I like all of you the exact way you are.”

  Her eyes softened, and she curled her pointer finger at him in beckoning. Her slave, in more ways than she’d ever know, he answered her summons and stepped toward the bed. Kneeling on the side of the mattress, he meant to stay there, until she grabbed his hand and asked, “Lie with me?”

  He nodded, kicked off his boots, then maneuvered so he was next to her. “What’s up, sugar? How’s it feel to be a mated woman?”

  She grinned, and it was loaded with such smug satisfaction, he had to laugh.

  “You look like the cat who got the cream.”

  “Well, that’s because I feel like it,” she told him with a sigh. She turned her face into him and in a tone of voice that was completely opposite to the playful one of moments before, whispered, “Kon, you know I love you, don’t you?”

  He let out a deep sigh, one that was loaded with as much smug satisfaction as she’d just displayed in her smile. “You know I love you too, right?”

  Before she could answer, Jay stepped out of the bathroom and eyed them. He grinned as he strode over to the bed. As
he climbed up beside her, snuggling into her so they were all tightly knit, a unit from this moment on, she murmured, “I do, Kon. I do.”

  The End

  SNEAK PEAK Brock Chapter One

  Okay Gia, today is the day. You are going to have this talk with him and you are going to make him understand. You are going to win this fight,” she said to the face in the mirror. It was a soft, delicate face, so much like her mother’s, but her hair—that dark almost-black-brown—was her father’s, if he’d ever worn it long. “You can do this.” She took a deep breath, smoothed her hair, twisted it back in a professional updo one last time, and stepped out of the bathroom. Down the hall, she could see the clock on the stove. She was running late for work. “Ah, shit.”

  She grabbed her shoes, purse, and phone, and ran for the door.

  Her condo was twenty minutes from work on a good day, twenty-five if all the lights were against her, and if she was lucky she could make it in eighteen. She needed more than luck today, and what she got was a nightmare.

  A road construction project had started, not on her route but just down a side street, and that meant traffic was being detoured onto her usual route, backing traffic up a full light. Another light was down—looked like a traffic accident overnight—and she had to wait to be waved through by a cop. A jerk in a huge black SUV cut her off and then proceeded to slam on his brakes and nearly reverse into her trying to get a parking spot in the curb lane. She slammed on her brakes in turn, and the car behind her almost rear-ended her.

  When she leaned on her horn, he gave her the finger and took up most of her lane as he tried to wiggle his giant vehicle into the moderate-sized spot. The lane beside her was packed, and everyone behind her was moving into what few openings popped up, so she was stuck there until he finally gave up and sped off again. Even with the AC running in the car, she felt hot and flustered by the time she arrived at the office.


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