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Brotherly Love! (Markson Regency Mystery Book 4)

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by Lindsay Downs

  Chapter One

  Recently returned from Scotland, with his wife enceinte, Viscount Robert Markson thought long and hard about his recent purchase not to mention his next decision. Should he inform his wife, Lady Kristina, of his latest acquisition or wait? His choice was removed from his mind and hands when she stormed into his office at their country estate.

  “When were you going to tell me about this?” she demanded, slamming the letter down on his desk.

  From the way the corners of her mouth tilted up, not normally down when moderately happy, he knew she was extremely pleased. What he wondered, how had she been able to find out about the purchase of the cottage? Unless Evan couldn’t keep it quiet and told Amanda, who then showed the letter to his wife.

  Kristina crossed her arms over her breasts and set a scowl on her face. “Well, I’m still waiting for your answer?”

  “I’d planned on telling you after dinner this eve. Before we left for Scotland I set everything in motion and only yesterday received that note.”

  “I could kiss you senseless for getting it for us,” she declared.

  Robert stood and came around his desk to where Kristina was standing. He couldn’t help but notice the teasing smile on her lips. “My dearest, I was hoping you’d say that.” Not halting his advance he swept her up in his arms and marched over to the settee.

  Taking a seat he settled her in his lap, cupped her nape drawing her lips to his, while his other hand covered her breast. When she moaned into his mouth he deepened the kiss.

  Sliding his hand down her neck he started to unbutton her gown when the sound of someone approaching halted him.

  “Whoever it is, what they have to say had best be important or someone is being terminated?” Robert declared. He lifted Kristina off his lap and set her on the divan.

  Then he realized it had to be Sydney returning from the stable with news the coach would be ready in the morning. This was another surprise he’d set into motion.

  “Darling, I knew you’d be excited about the cottage purchase. Since you’re months away from confinement I thought we’d go see it on the morrow.”

  “Oh Robert that would be wonderful. However, I do have a small request?” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  “My dearest, I do believe I know what it is? Yes, we’ll be in London for a few days so you may visit with your parents. I know you haven’t written telling your mother of your change in condition thus the planned side trip,” he whispered as the estate butler stepped into the office.

  With a bow he told them the carriage would be ready as ordered in the morning.

  “Thank you and since it’s such a beautiful afternoon we’ll be having luncheon on the terrace,” Robert ordered, then glanced to his wife. “If you’re in agreement?”

  “I think that’s a wonderful suggestion m’ lord,” she replied.

  “Very good. I’ll make sure everything is set out then and should be ready for you in an hour,” Sydney told them, bowed then slipped out.

  “Now, before we were interrupted you were going to tell me about what we’re taking with us. Also, last time we visited the town we were known as Robert and Kristina. You told the proprieties of the tea room you worked as a printer in London. What or how will we now be known as that won’t work?”

  “Very simply my dear, even though we’ll be wearing the same clothes when we visited last. If anyone enquires we give them our Christian names and if they request more then we tell them the truth. As we only met a few people I’m sure it won’t be a problem since we never fully explained who we were,” he told her.

  “Let me guess, we will be leaving Amanda and Evan town?”

  “On that you’re correct. I only pray they don’t try killing each other. Of course we both will be taking care of everything, including the cooking,” he added.

  “They did, somehow, survive when we sent them to London, as us, while we slipped away to Stratford upon Avon.”

  “Yes, I’ll give you that. Not to mention, and don’t you dare say what I’m about to tell you but I do believe they will be approaching us for permission to wed,” Kristina announced with a smile.

  “I don’t know about you, my dear, but when they do I will give my consent. However, there will be conditions such as they continue to serve us,” he all but demanded.

  “Agree, until they train replacements to their level. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’ve a letter to write to Mrs. Fairbairn. I wish to find out how the preparations for the games is going.”

  “Don’t forget to ask how Rose and Keith Moore are getting along. If wonderfully, as I hope, we can add a wedding to the event when we return,” Robert said, stood then assisted his wife to her feet.

  “I won’t and will meet you on the terrace. After which, I feel a nap will be in order as our daughter is fatiguing me,” she announced, then swept from Robert’s office.

  He wanted to call out “son not daughter” after her but knew better.

  Now alone he returned to the different reports and letters received. As he slowly worked his way through them he wondered fully and truly which Kristina was carrying. He’d heard rumours of a few women in the village who, through magic or something, could tell what the mother was bearing. His only question, was it worth the risk—NO, he decided as the wait was part of the experience.

  With a glance to the clock resting on the centre of his desk he realized it was time to adjourn to the veranda and enjoy one of the last meals prepared by Cook for the next few weeks. Granted, he knew his way around the fire and Kristina was able to fillet a trout, but could they survive more than a few days.

  Instinct said yes but reality told him he wasn’t sure. Could and would Kristina be willing to prepare meals, where he couldn’t. If anything, this little adventure would be a test but was he, on thinking about it more, willing to risk it. That’s when he decided to address the problem, if that’s what it was, with her over luncheon.

  Neatly piling the letters on the corner of the desk he rose then strolled out and down to the ground floor where he was met by Kristina.

  He bowed slightly then smiled. “Kristina, shall we?”

  “Yes, as we have things to discuss, such as what foods we need to take and what to buy when we arrive at the cottage?” she declared firmly with a grin.

  While they partook of a simple but delicious luncheon Robert was amazed at some of the foodstuffs Kristina suggested. But it was when she queried him if the cottage fireplace had an oven he wondered what for.

  “My dear, from what I was told there are two, one atop the other. Why?”

  “Yes, I know there’s a bakery but by the time we got there the bread wouldn’t be absolutely fresh. There’s nothing like the fragrance of crisply baked bread filling the house or a kitchen.”

  Robert knew she was correct in her statement as many times, even as an adult, he’d sneak down to the kitchen to steal a slice.

  “Also, we can bake our own fruit tarts since I do know how to make the pastry for them,” he added.

  “As we don’t know what the market will be carrying what if we ask Cook to put together a basket or two of the basics. This way, no matter when we arrive we’ll have food for at least the first evening’s meal and the morning,” she suggested.

  “Perfect and we can have the coachman deliver it then come to London and collect us. Now, do you wish to speak with Cook?”

  “I’d say we both talk with her and have Mrs. Swanson present as well. Don’t forget, we’ve no idea what linens are there and she’d be able to make recommendations.”

  Robert nodded his agreement to what she’d said then sliced off the fina
l piece of trout. Dabbing a little cream sauce on it he proceeded to devour it finishing off his plate and was happy to see his wife had also. Next Sydney served them a strawberry truffle. Spooning a bite into his mouth he wondered if Kristina could make one.

  “My dear, from the expression you’re wearing I’m guessing you love this dessert. I do admit not being as skilled in making one as Cook but if you are desirous I’ll try my hand at one,” she uttered.

  He watched as she licked a bit of cream from the corner of her mouth, jealous of her tongue as he’d wished he could have done it instead. With luncheon finished Robert assisted Kristina up then turned to Sydney.

  “Please ask Cook and Mrs. Swanson join Her Ladyship and myself in my office,” he directed their butler then escorted his wife in and up to the first floor.

  As they entered the room he guided Kristina over to the settee they’d occupied earlier. He barely had her settled when the two staff entered. He, with his wife, explained what was needed for their trip to the cottage.

  “Certainly m’ lord and lady. I know what foods should be sent down but are you positive you’ll not be needing someone to prepare the meals?” Cook asked.

  With a glance to his wife, who gave him a smile, he turned back to the woman.

  “Most certainly as I do have it on excellent authority Her Ladyship is well versed in preparing a simple meal, as am I. You forget I spent many years in the Guards and on more than one occasion cooked over a fire while in the field,” he declared, giving Kristina a warm smile.

  “As you wish m’ lord,” Cook said, then curtsied.

  “And I’ll make sure several changes of bed linen and towels are also sent, along with soap for bathing and washing the sheets,” the housekeeper told them.

  “Yes, that’s something I never thought about,” Kristina spoke as she blushed do to her forgetfulness.

  “If you’ll excuse us we best get everything ready for tomorrow when you depart,” Cook stated.

  “Actually, we’re not going to the cottage at first. Our plan is to spend a few days in London so Her Ladyship can spend time with her mother and father. Tom will be taking the bundles then come up to get us.”

  “Yes, this way we won’t be crowded in the coach and everything will be ready when we arrive,” Kristina finished explaining their plans.

  Robert then dismissed the staff then turned to his wife. “You are looking fatigued. Would you prefer to rest here or shall I carry you up to our suite?”

  “If you don’t mind might I repose here while you work. I’ve no letters which need penning as I already wrote the one to Mrs. Fairbairn, and yes, I also inquired as to Rose and Keith.”

  With a smile to her Robert stood, strolled over to her then lifted her legs so she would be able to recline more comfortably. After covering her with a quilt and bestowing a gentle kiss to her brow he retreated to his desk and the awaiting letters.

  After finishing a letter to Glenn, in Scotland, he glanced over to the settee and was happy to see Kristina’s eyes closed. What made it even more enjoyable was the gentle rise and fall of her breasts telling him she’d fallen asleep. This told him that for the next month’s he’d have to make sure she wasn’t stressed and rested.

  Now, more than ever, buying the cottage would be perfect for them. If need be he’d have a small bedroom built onto the house for someone to cook and help with daily needs, especially hers. Right now, though, it would be just the two of them.

  Once finished with the different estate business he propped his feet up on the corner of the desk and closed his eyes.

  Chapter Two

  After having seen the small coach, interestingly with two maids to set the cottage up, off then handing his wife into their traveling carriage Robert settled her against his chest for the half-day trip to London.

  A violent shifting of the coach woke Robert with a start. Glancing down he saw Kristina smiling up at him.

  He brushed a loose strand of hair from her face. “Did you have a good nap, my dear?”

  “Yes, and it seems you did also. Now, can you help straighten me so I may fix my hair as I see we’re nearing our townhouse.”

  Doing as asked he waited while she tucked the errant tress behind her ear.

  “Since we’re only going to be here a few days and this was a last minute detour could I suggest once settled and refreshed you send your parents a note. We can either have them for tea or dinner, depending on their social plans for the day,” he recommended.

  “Darling, when we arrive please have Bing arrange to deliver this note to mother and father,” she said reaching into her reticule and withdrawing a piece of foolscap.

  For some reason, then again knowing how she loved to be prepared in advance, he wasn’t surprised when he took the post from her.

  “Of course and it would seem we’ve arrived and there’s Bing along with Mrs. Stoneworth awaiting us,” he answered with a smile to her.

  He glanced over to her and the wide-eyed expression she wore. “As I was up earlier than you I thought to post a letter informing them of our arrival and short stay. This way the suites would be readied,” he whispered then stepped out of the coach.

  Turning back he assisted her out then handed the missive to Bing. “Have this delivered to the Earl of Crossington at once. Tell the footman he’s to wait for a response.”

  “Yes m’ lord I’ll take care of it. Your suites are ready and luncheon will be served after you and Her Ladyship refresh,” the butler said.

  With a nod to the man then one to their housekeeper Robert settled Kristina’s hand on his arm. As the made their way up to the second floor and the master suite he wondered if Amanda and Evan had made it upstairs yet. At his wife suite the door opened before he was able to reach for the latch. In the doorway stood her lady’s maid, a frown on her face.

  It made him wonder if Evan had been inappropriate during the drive down, then remembered this was her usual expression where he was concerned.

  “I’ll meet you at the top of the stairs in about thirty minutes,” he said, not so much for his wife but her maid so she’d not dawdle in getting her changed.

  “Yes, and hopefully by then we’ll hear back from the Earl and Countess,” she replied, with a smirk.

  Robert gave his wife a slight bow then continued down to the next door and his suite, theirs at night for sleeping. Stepping in he was greeted by a smiling Evan.

  “I gather the trip down was uneventful?”

  “Aye, m’ lord. Amanda slept and I read. It couldn’t have gone better. I’ve also taken the liberty to brush out your dark brown jacket for this afternoon.”

  Again he was pleased to have Evan as his valet, the man was always a thought or so ahead of him.

  “Perfect, as for this evening I’m not aware if Her Ladyship and I will be staying in. Once I know I’ll inform you.”

  “Very good m’ lord.”

  With his personal needs taken care of Robert let his valet assist him into the jacket. A look at the clock on the mantel told him it was time to join up with his wife. Giving a nod to Evan he exited the room as Kristina did hers.

  “My dear, shall we dine?” he said, offering her his arm.

  He was happy when she accepted his hand instead. Making their way to the ground floor Robert saw Bing waiting at the bottom of the stairs, an envelope on the silver salver.

  “I would hazard that’s a reply from your parents,” he whispered.


  Taking the last step Robert scooped up the message and passed it to his wife, even though it was addressed to him.

  “Yes, I know but they are your parents and from the handwriting I do believe the Earl replied, under the direction of the Countess.” He then guided her into the small dining room where Cook had set out a cold collation on the sideboy.

  “While I read the missive would you mind putting together a plate for me? You know what I like,” she asked

  “Not at all,” he said, stepping over to the long

  The sound of a chair scraping on the floor told him she’d taken her seat. Looking over the selection laid out he wasn’t surprised at the choices; roast pheasant, poached trout, beef and a variety of fresh vegetables. Those he knew came from either the kitchen garden or modest hothouse near the rear of the garden.

  With her plate put together and handed over to Bing, who would serve Kristina, he repeated the process for himself. Except for him he dropped a large dollop of horseradish on his plate. That was one of the condiments she’d stopped partaking of ever since she’d found out she was increasing. As she told him, “it seems to be disagreeing with me greatly.”

  Taking his plate to his seat, at the head of the table, he joined Kristina. What pleased him was the bright smile she wore which informed him the letter was good news, tea not dinner. This way she’d be able to rest and they would be able to spend the evening in.

  With not getting an immediate answer he gently settled his hand upon hers. “Well?”

  “They’ll be stopping over this afternoon but can, so they claim, only stay for a short time since they have several balls this eve. I feel once Mother hears my news all that will go out the window and we’ll be entertaining them for dinner,” she exclaimed.

  Slicing off a piece of beef he slathered it with horseradish then started to lift to fork to his mouth, and stopped. Right now he was concerned for her health and wellbeing so if they stayed it might present a problem. Even though she was barely a month increasing he knew she needed to rest, not that he minded.

  With a glance behind him he was happy to see Bing nor any staff were present which then allowed him to use endearments when talking to her.

  “Dear, won’t that overly stress you? That is, your parents staying so long?”

  “Yes, you might have a point there but since this will be their first grandchild I don’t know what we can do. I’d love any suggestions from you, no matter how silly they may sound,” she quipped.

  Obviously, never having ever been in a situation such as this before he took the bite of food while pondering an answer. This also gave him a chance to glance her way and saw her enjoying her meal. From what he knew, which was very little, Kristina would meet with her mother and give her the news. What if—


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