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No Regrets (Bomar Boys #1)

Page 22

by Jess Bryant

  “I love you!”

  “Feel what you do to me? You make me crazy. I want to fill you up.”

  “Yes! God yes!” She dropped her head back, her hips swiveling as her entire body lit up with pleasure.

  Lord, the man so rarely talked but he got downright chatty during sex and she loved every second of it, every dirty word.

  Cash trailed one hand up to her breasts, circling and then pinching her nipples, and she cried out. She was sore from all of the sex last night but she’d never tell him that. Nobody quite compared to Cash and his sheer magnificence.

  But he had been the first man she took inside of her and he had molded her to him so that he fit as if he were the key to her lock. He hit all the right places, knew exactly when to grind his hips and when to thrust. Their bodies worked in sync, a matched set, just like their hearts.

  “I’m going to put a baby in you, Jemma. You’re going to carry my son.”

  “Sons.” She panted, “Could be twins.”

  “Ah, hell…” He groaned, his movements turning jerky, “You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

  “Love it. Love them. Love you.” She searched out his mouth, kissing him recklessly, all teeth and tongues as their bodies slammed together.

  Cash pulled back with a grunt, “Gonna make you a Bomar too babe.”

  “Yes!” Her heart soared and her body followed close behind.

  She’d never thought about this conversation being a turn-on but it was. It so was. She wanted all of those things with Cash. She wanted to be his wife. She wanted to carry his sons. She wanted a family with him, a life with him, and there was no use denying or hiding that now. It was fast and reckless and more than a little bit crazy considering everything else in her life was so up in the air but it didn’t scare her, because it was Cash and they’d figure it out together if, when, it happened.

  “You’re mine.”

  “Yours.” She gasped as the beginning tremor of her orgasm hit and her body clenched.

  “I can feel you coming. Take me deep. Take me with you baby. Take what you need. It’s yours.”

  “Oh, God, Cash!”

  The dirty words sent her over the edge and the orgasm crashed into her. It knocked the air out of her lungs as she closed her eyes and rode the ripples of pure ecstasy. Vaguely she heard Cash calling her name, felt him tug her down on him hard, jolting her as he rocked her as deep as he could get and then she felt it. He twitched inside of her and his warm release coated her already tensing muscles, causing a shockwave of tremors to shake her as the truth of what it was they were doing hit her.

  Binding themselves together, forever, in the most basic, natural way.

  She collapsed against his shoulder, gasping for air. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, his own chest rising and falling just as rapidly. They clung to each other, sweaty and sated, for a long time. She couldn’t bring herself to move off of him, to put even an inch of space between them, not until reality intruded and she heard the screech of the pipes as the shower down the hall was turned on.

  “Oh God…” She sat up quickly, “Colt’s here.”

  Cash groaned, rolling them back down to the bed and tucking her against his side, “Do me a favor. Don’t utter my brother’s name while I’m inside you ever again.”

  She giggled, “Sorry. It just surprised me. I didn’t think about him being home this morning.”

  “Mmm, yeah, sounds like he’s back.”

  “I wonder how long he’s been out there.”

  “You mean you wonder if he heard us?” He grinned, kissing the top of her head, “I’d venture to guess people in the next county heard us babe.”


  “Yeah, sounded just like that.” He chuckled when she smacked his chest and then caught her hand and pressed it to his mouth for a quick kiss, “Seriously though? I don’t care who heard. I wasn’t bullshitting you earlier. I like the idea of everyone knowing you’re mine.”

  Her body was still buzzing from the incredible orgasm and she gave a dreamy sigh at his clear possessiveness, “I am yours Cash and you’re mine.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “Yeah?” She smiled softly and felt him nod, was surprised when he started talking without her having to prompt him.

  “We didn’t have much growing up and everything we did have, Colt and I shared. I can’t think of a single thing that mattered to me that wasn’t just as much his. I’ve never thought twice about it, that’s just the way things are for us.” He stroked her back in circles, “I think you’re the first thing I ever wanted to just be mine and mine alone.”

  “I love Colt.” She swallowed a laugh when Cash growled, “Like a brother. I love him like a brother, because that’s what he is to me. I’m yours. Completely. My heart, my body, my future, it’s all yours.”

  He was silent for a long time and she let it go. Maybe she’d made her point. She hoped she had. They were going to have issues come up. They would fight and argue. That was how relationships worked. But they loved each other and they were both committed to seeing it through and building something important together. That was what mattered.

  “I’m going to take care of it.” Cash’s voice floated to her as she dozed in and out a while later. “Your heart. Your body. Your future. All of it. I’m going to take care of you Jemma.”

  “I know.”

  And she did. She’d never doubted that he could or that he would. Because Cash Bomar might be many things, but a failure wasn’t one of them. Once he set his mind to something, he would see it through come hell or high water. He would love her that same way and he would protect her, better than she’d ever protected herself.

  Now if only she could convince him to let her protect him too.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Colt was sprawled on the couch when they finally came out of the bedroom. He was already dressed in jeans and a plain white t-shirt, his hair still damp from his shower. He had his feet propped up on the coffee table, a bowl of cereal in his lap and the television was blaring some Sunday morning auto shop show. As soon as he saw them, he grinned.

  “Mornin’ y’all.”

  “Mornin’.” Jemma parroted, pretending to ignore the lewd way his brother ran his eyes over her legs as she headed for the kitchen. Cash had tried to convince her to wear his sweats instead of a set of boxers but she’d said they were too big. So were the boxers and t-shirt but he’d have preferred to have her covered in front of anyone else. She seemed oblivious to the beating Colt was courting when she smiled at his brother, “Cereal?”

  “On the counter.”

  “There’s some in the cabinet if you don’t want that sugar shit he eats.” Cash smacked his brother’s boots off the table as he grabbed the remote, “You really need the TV this loud?”

  “I didn’t have any ear plugs handy… so yeah.” Colt’s grin only doubled and Cash groaned.

  He’d walked right into that one. Still, he wasn’t embarrassed. He couldn’t be. Not when he heard Jemma giggle in the kitchen and turned to see her hiding a smile as best she could as she poured a bowl of cereal. She’d been loud because he’d satisfied her, made her happy, and the pride that went along with that made his chest swell.

  “Sorry about that.” He muttered, lowering the volume to a normal level before dropping the remote back to the table.

  “Like hell you are.” Colt only chuckled.

  “You’re right. I’m not.” He headed towards the kitchen with a smirk, “When’d you get back?”

  “Couple hours ago.”

  So he’d heard everything, Cash swallowed a laugh when Jemma’s cheeks flushed pink. She was thinking the same thing, sorting through every dirty word they’d uttered and biting her lip harder and harder. He moved in behind her, caging her in and dropping his chin to her shoulder so only she could hear when he whispered in her ear.

  “We’ll have to be quieter next time.”

  “Mmm,” She nodded, leaning against him a
nd not bothering to whisper at all, “Or we could buy him some of those noise-cancelling headphones.”

  A laugh shot out of him, “I like that idea.”

  “Happy bastards.” Colt muttered from the couch though he was grinning too, “You’re making me nauseous with all that lovey-dovey crap. Take it back to your bedroom.”

  “Can’t. Worked up an appetite.” Jemma stuck her tongue out at his brother and he couldn’t stop grinning as he moved to retrieve the milk from the fridge.

  It was all so easy and normal, the three of them together like this. He hadn’t thought to expect this. The comradery. The easy banter and teasing.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d heard Colt tease anyone but him but he liked seeing this side of his twin. Relaxed and smiling Colt had been suspiciously MIA for the past few weeks and he realized then that Jemma wasn’t just good for him. She was good for both of them.

  “Where’d you end up staying last night?” He asked as he turned to hand Jemma the milk.

  Colt’s smile dimmed noticeably. His lips thinned and his eyes shuddered shut. All of his lightheartedness from moments before dissipated in the blink of an eye. Cash frowned as his mind ran in a hundred different directions.

  They’d all but kicked his twin out of their apartment last night. Had he found somewhere to go or had he slept in one of the chairs at the pool? It wouldn’t have been the first time but he hated the thought of it. Usually that was where he found Colt after a fight with Decker, hungover and passed out clutching a bottle. The idea of his brother being left to fend for himself outdoors while he’d been having one of the best nights of his life with Jemma made his stomach turn.

  “Colt?” He pressed when his brother didn’t respond. “Where’d you stay?”

  Colt’s eyes darted to Jemma, “Uh, at Skylar’s.”

  Cash tried not to let his surprise show but he wasn’t sure he succeeded when Colt only scowled and turned his attention back to the television. He exchanged a long look with Jemma, who looked just as surprised as he did when she shrugged. Clearly she had no more idea what to think of that than he did.

  “You stayed with Skylar?” Jemma cleared her throat.

  “What? No.” Colt grunted, “Not with her just, at her place.”


  “Don’t oh me like there’s some story there.” Colt glared at Jemma, “I stuffed your shit inside your room and then crashed on the couch. She found me this morning and kicked me out.”

  “Oh…” Jemma’s eyes went wide and Cash fought a laugh when his brother only grumbled something about being woken by a swift slap.

  Obviously his first reaction, and Jemma’s, had been completely unfounded. Skylar hadn’t let Colt stay with her. She certainly hadn’t invited him into her bed. He’d crashed on her couch because he couldn’t come home and she’d found him this morning and kicked him to the curb. Their friendship was just as rocky as it had been the past few weeks with no change in sight.

  “You know…” Jemma circled the spoon in the bowl thoughtfully, “If you apologized to her for…”

  “Don’t start.” Colt scowled.

  “I was just saying…”

  “And I was just saying if you don’t stop, I’m going to start a discussion about what I heard this morning. You two are trying to make a baby? Really? You want to talk me through that decision?” He raised an eyebrow as Jemma turned crimson, “Yeah, didn’t think so. Drop it.”

  Cash glared at his brother, “Don’t be a dick.”

  “Just making a point. Stay out of my relationship and I’ll stay out of yours.” Colt shrugged and set aside his empty bowl, “Look, I’m glad you two figured your shit out but if this is going to be a recurring thing then we’re going to have to figure out living arrangements. If I need to find somewhere else to live, I can but…”

  “No!” Jemma yelped with a shake of her head, “I’m not throwing you out of your apartment, Colt!”

  “You did last night.”

  She frowned, “That was different. I needed to take drastic measures. I won’t kick you out again. I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about you not having anywhere to go.”

  “I had plenty of places to go.”

  Cash dropped the spoon back into the cereal, “You’re not moving out. We haven’t talked about it but even if Jem moves in, there’s still plenty of room for you here.”

  He shot her a look and Jemma only smiled up at him. His stomach flipped again at the soft look of love in her eyes. Jesus, she loved him. He still didn’t believe it, wasn’t sure he ever would. He knew they were rushing all of this and even bringing up moving in was another big step they were racing towards but he didn’t care in that moment. She was his and he wanted her with him.

  Even still, that didn’t mean he wanted his brother gone. He and Colt were a set. They’d never been separated from each other for any real length of time except that one time Colt got sent to juvie for a few weeks. Maybe it was childish to want to keep him close, but Cash didn’t care.

  Someday, and not even all that far in the distant future, he saw himself married to Jemma with little Bomars hanging from his arms. He knew Colt would be part of that but from a distance. They wouldn’t be able to live together forever but as for right now, he wanted to have his cake and eat it too as that old saying went. Hell, he’d never had cake to eat before but now that he did, he wanted it. He wanted Colt and Jemma both close so he could be there for both of them when they needed him.

  “You’re not moving out.” Jemma echoed with a firm nod. “And I’m not moving in, not right now, not officially at least, but you should get used to me being around because I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

  “Fine.” Colt’s grin returned, “But I’m definitely going to need those noise-canceling headphones then because you two are hella-loud.”

  Jemma flushed and giggled. Colt chuckled. Cash grinned.

  “I’ll buy you a set.”

  “We should probably get two. Sky might want a pair.” Jemma laughed as she cuddled into him.

  “Wonder if they’re buy one get one half off.” He chuckled.

  “I’ll look into it.” She grinned as she spun to face him and then groaned, “Crap, is that time right?”

  He glanced at the clock on the microwave, “As far as I know. You got plans today?”

  “I’m supposed to meet my mom for lunch. Terrible idea, I know, but I made the plans before we went to Houston.” She squished her nose up adorably, “I should probably get going. I need a shower and a change of clothes before I can even think about dealing with her after yesterday.”

  Cash smirked, holding her close, “Perfectly useful shower right in there.”

  “Ha.” She snorted, “Look how well that worked for us last time.”

  “I think it worked out perfect.”

  “Mmm.” She tiptoed up and kissed him quickly, “It did, but Colt is still sans headphones for the time being so we should put joint showers on hold until we remedy that situation.”

  “Thanks.” His brother called from the living room, humor in his voice.

  “I have to get going.” Jemma let him lean down and kiss her again quickly, “If I’m late to lunch I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “Doesn’t sound like you’re looking forward to it.”

  “Can’t say that I am but it’s something I have to do. You know how it is.”

  He sighed because she was right. He had to deal with his own mother even though he didn’t necessarily want to. Jemma’s mother was nowhere near as horrible as his. She wasn’t a drugged-out shell of a human being for starters.

  Of course, she’d never liked him much. She had flat out refused to let him visit Jemma at her house when they were teenagers but that had only earned her motherly points in his book. She’d been trying to take care of her daughter which was more give-a-shit than his own mother had ever showed when it came to her offspring. He couldn’t dislike the woman for that.

  “You should go.�

  “I am.” Jemma brushed her lips against his again briefly, “You have plans today?”

  “Nothing much. I’ll be around. Call me when you’re free?”

  “I get to see you later?” She grinned.

  “If you want.”

  “I’m gonna want.” She whispered with a knowing grin, “I’m gonna want real bad by then.”

  He groaned when she tiptoed up and pressed her mouth to his again. It was a hot kiss, no softness or hesitation. He kissed her back the same way, dragging her against him and tangling a hand in her hair. He cupped her ass with his other and swallowed her whimper when he nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth.

  “Jesus, the bedroom is right fuckin’ there.” Colt broke into the moment with a grumble, “I’m going to need a blindfold too if you keep it up.”

  Jemma only grinned as she dropped back to her feet and moved out of his arms, “Sorry, not sorry.”

  “You better get going before I take him up on that suggestion to take you back to bed.” He grabbed for her and laughed when she squeaked and danced out of reach.

  “See you later babe.” She blew him a kiss.

  “Later baby.”

  He watched her as she scooped up the pile of clothes that his brother had clearly collected for her when he used the shower this morning. He tried not to scowl at the idea of Colt walking into the bathroom to find her clothes strewn all across the floor and picking up her bra and panties. She turned back at the door and his heart thumped hard at the way she looked at him, so open and honest, so full of emotion. She didn’t hide anything from him when she mouthed the words to tell him she loved him before slipping out the door.

  God, that woman… he loved her so damn much.

  “So…” Colt’s voice broke him out of his thoughts and he sighed as he turned to find his twin staring at him.


  “So you two talked?” Colt narrowed his gaze when Cash scowled at him, “It’s a reasonable question and I think after yesterday I deserve an answer. Did you two actually talk or did you just get naked and hope your problems are all gonna work themselves out?”


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