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Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents)

Page 4

by Reign (T. Styles)

  “I don’t understand what you asking. I live here.”

  “I know that, bitch. I mean…why are you with this nigga in the first place?” She pointed at the corpse on the floor. “After everything he did to us, I’m not understanding why you would get in bed with this dude.”

  Ebony looked up at the ceiling and tears rolled out of her eyes and onto the wooden floor beneath her. She didn’t need Yvonna to make her feel guiltier than she already felt. Not a day went by when she didn’t ask herself why she was with a man who exploited children. “He took me away, Yvonna. He took me away from the things I hated about myself.”

  “He also took your pussy and sold it to anything wit’ a buck!” Swoopes yelled, the lines forming over his eye showed he was seconds from snapping. Yvonna hoped that whatever he planned would wait until after she had answers. After that she wouldn’t stop him. “If anything you a fucking traitor.”

  She gazed at him as if she wanted to slice his throat. “You don’t think I know that shit? You don’t think I remember everything we been through at that orphanage?” She paused, hoping they were apprehending everything she was saying. “But when you have a chance to get away, you don’t ask questions! You do what the fuck you have to!” She hoped their judgmental eyes would soften but they didn’t. Growing slightly angrier she said, “Anyway, I don’t remember you staying around either.” She looked at Yvonna. “So don’t point the finger at me unless you point one back at yourself.”

  “FUCK THAT!” Yvonna screamed. “If anything you handle this mothafucka the moment you get a chance.” She pointed to the portrait on the wall. “Not pose for a picture and start a family with this dude!”

  “That’s right…unleash on that bitch,” Gabriella cheered. “She’s all the way outta pocket.”

  Ignoring Gabriella Yvonna continued. “You don’t know how it was to be considered a favorite. To always be picked when you wanted to be left alone. You don’t know how it felt to walk around with shit in your panties, hoping you’d smell too bad and they’d pass you over. Knowing that they’d wait the extra minute for somebody to wash you, so they could fuck you anyway.” She recollected the awful time in her life and rage crept up her body. When she was like that, there was nothing anybody could do but step back. At first Yvonna didn’t remember the past, but as life went on, she started to recall things she wanted to forget. “You made a weak move when you married that mothafucka, Ebony!”

  “You ain’t shit but a slut!” Swoopes said, thinking of what he endured under Ron Max’s leadership as well. “You probably liked having multiple dicks in your ass.” He looked at Yvonna. “If you leave this bitch breathing by the time I come back, I’ma kill her myself.” He stormed off.

  “That nigga gonna make me like his ass!” Gabriella admitted. “He has a point too. You should get rid of her. Now! Don’t play with snakes.”

  Yvonna’s head begin to thump. Part of her understood where Ebony was coming from. But the other part, the little girl who stayed inside of her, felt she sold out. “Bricks, put her over there.” She pointed to the couch in the living room.

  Bricks grabbed her body and threw her down. He remained in front of her with a loaded .45 in case she got slick. Yvonna moved to sit in a chair across from her, but the moment her ass touched the cushion, she leaped up. The pain from the wound Ebony caused rippled up her body. “Fuck!” She rubbed her ass.

  “I really am sorry.” She looked up at the three of them. “Please don’t kill me.”

  “If you knew who I was now, Ebony, you’d be surprised you are even alive.”

  Ebony held her head down. “You’d be surprised how much I already know about you.”

  “Fuck is that supposed to mean?”


  “Yvonna, if you are going to kill me, can you please tell me what you’re doing here first?”

  Refocusing she said, “I need to know what you know about this organization.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “The leader. What’s his name and where does he lay his head?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she lied. “What organization and what leader?”

  “So you still want to play games? Even now?” Ming asked, stepping closer. “We came here because we already know you’re involved. So stop fucking ‘round.”

  “Robinson already told us where to find your so called husband, Ron Max.” Yvonna added. “You might as well kick the shit down and save your own life.”

  “Don’t end up like your husband.” Bricks said, stepping closer. “’Cause we can make that happen if you desire.”

  Ebony wiped her hands over her face and looked up at all of them. “Can I stand up?”

  “No.” Ming said, folding her hands over her chest and leaning back on her right foot.

  “Please…I want to show you something.” She put her hands up in the air. “You see I’m unarmed.”

  Yvonna reluctantly said, “Let her up.” Ming snatched her by the hair forcing her awkwardly forward. If she were taller, Ebony would’ve been on her feet. Instead she fell to her knees and Bricks helped her from the floor.

  Embarrassed Ming said, “The bitch can walk. No need to help.”

  Yvonna shook her head at her over the top friend and focused back on Ebony. “Go ahead. Show me what you want me to see. But I’m warning you, don’t try anything swift. If you do, you’ll be on my shit list, and you don’t want that.”

  Trust me, what I’m going to show you will explain everything you need to see. Ron didn’t know I knew where the information was,” she seemed to ponder what she said, “or maybe he considered me too weak to do anything about it.”

  Ebony walked toward the back of her house with Yvonna and her clan hot on her heels. When Ebony opened the door to a huge room, the scent of Pine Sol was heavier than before. “And what’s up with the fucking Pine Sol?” Ming asked. “It makes Ming stomach sick.”

  “He huffs.” Her voice was low. “Well…he use to huff before you killed him.”

  “Fuck is huffing?” Ming inquired.

  “Sniffing household products and stuff like that to get high.” Ebony clarified. Not only was he a pedophile but he was also a huffer. Everything about dude spelled weird. “He did it so much that he was loosing his hearing and starting to have spasms in his body. Just by living here, I would catch a contact.”

  “Well that’s stupid,” Ming offered. “Why would a grown man sniff Pine Sol to get high? What’s wrong with cocaine? Or heroin? Ming hates cheap ass people.” Yvonna shook her head. Ming was her best friend but she was getting on her nerves. They spent so much time together, that she was starting to desire her own space.

  When Ebony reached the bed, she got on her knees and pulled out a black shoebox. Bricks rushed her and snatched the box out of her hand, to examine the contents. “its just papers.” Ebony advised. “I’m not dumb. I know ya’ll have guns on me ready to blast. And my kids are at my mother’s. The last thing I want is not to see them again.”

  Bricks continued to shuffle through the box until he was satisfied no weapon was inside. When he was sure it wasn’t he looked at Yvonna and said, “It’s clear.” He handed it back to Ebony so she could explain what was inside.

  “Yvonna…can you come sit on the bed next to me? I want to show you something.” Ebony got off her knees and sat on the king size bed. She pulled a stack of papers from the box. Yvonna walked close enough to read what she wanted her to see, but she remained standing. When it was evident that Yvonna was not sitting down she begin. “The organization you’re talking about runs under a name called Adults For Children Of God or AFCOG. It’s a national company that I’m sure you’ve heard of before.”

  “Wait a minute.” Bricks said scratching his head with his hand that held his weapon. “I remember seeing a commercial awhile back about AFCOG. They were advertising some shit about Africa. And sick kids.”

  “Yeah, they’re everywhere. They portray themselves as Christians, bu
t they are pimps.” Suddenly Ebony’s shoulders drooped and she seemed desolate. “Yvonna, you don’t know what you getting into by going after these people. They’re worst than the mafia. They’re worst than any entity you can imagine.”

  “Don’t tell me I don’t know what I’m getting into.”

  “It wasn’t meant as a slight, it’s meant as a warning. I know who you are, and I know what you’re capable of.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  “People talk, Yvonna. But I also know that you’re about to make a bad mistake. You and your friends should turn back while you still can.” She looked at the three of them. “I wouldn’t tell you this if it didn’t need to be said.”

  Yvonna frowned and stepped closer. “You don’t know shit about me or what I’m capable of. If I was afraid of dying, I wouldn’t be in your face right now. Now these mothafuckas are not allowing me to have a life and that can’t happen anymore. On my name, I will not rest until this shit stops, even if I have to die in the process.”

  “I don’t know about all that, but I do know if you have anybody you care about in the world, anybody at all, you better walk away and leave this shit alone. Unless you’re a millionaire, you don’t have the money or the resources to fight AFCOG. You can never stop this because prostitution is only a portion of what these people are into. There’s too much money involved for anybody to allow you to blow up the spot. When you have the kind of money these people do, you can make anybody disappear. Including you…your family…and friends.” She looked at all of them intently. “Turn around and walk away while you still can. Please.”

  “You don’t get it because you’re a coward. These mothafuckas have taken everything from me. Everything.” She said slamming her fist into her hand. “They took my body, my mind and now they want my life. I might not be able to stop this shit all the way, but I’m going to do everything I can to put a dent into it. Believe that.”

  Ebony sighed. “I might be a coward but at least I’m alive. And if you care about Delilah like I think you do, you’d better turn around now.”

  Goosebumps covered Yvonna’s skin when Ebony said her daughter’s name. “Who told you my daughter’s name?”

  “I know more things than you think I do.”

  “Kill this bitch!” Gabriella instructed. “Now!”

  On instinct, Yvonna rushed Ebony and placed both hands around her neck. Ebony tried to fight by clawing at her arms. Bricks and Ming attempted to pull her away, but there was no stopping her. Reason was thrown out of the window because the chick brought to attention Yvonna’s worst fear that someone was after her only child. Delilah was the reason she was putting her life on the line to begin with. And the traitor had the audacity to judge her and better yet, say her child’s name? When she chose to lay up with a man who had a thing for underage kids?

  “Squeeze tighter,” Gabriella cheered. Without Yvonna’s medicine, she was becoming more impulsive. The feeling she derived in the past from killing was heightened. She was remembering how she enjoyed it. Remembering how she loved the sound of her victims’ pleas for mercy. “She’s almost gone, Yvonna. Don’t let up until she’s dead.” Gabriella continued.

  “Squeeze, if you kill her, we might not find these mothafuckas.” Bricks was trying to reason with her but it was difficult. “Let her go, babes.”

  “I’m going to find, Swoopes. Maybe he can help.” Ming said, rushing out of the room.

  “Squeeze,” he said placing his hand on her shoulder firmer. “We didn’t come here for this. We came to find out who we dealing with. Think smart!”

  When Ebony’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, Bricks was finally able to snatch Yvonna away. He rushed up to Ebony and placed his fingers on the vein in her neck. There were no beats. Just as he predicted, she was gone. Suddenly sane, Yvonna flopped to the floor and cried her eyes out. At the moment Ming returned to the room and consoled her by rubbing her back but Swoopes was not present.

  “They’re going to kill her.” She said to no one in particular. “What am I going to do without my baby? If she dies, I don’t have a reason to live.”

  Yvonna knew where Delilah was but she chose to let her stay. Bradshaw, who was Delilah and Ming’s son Boy’s father, had her with him. He kidnapped her awhile back and he thought Yvonna was dead. Since he wasn’t a killer, although he tried, Yvonna allowed Delilah to stay until things cleared up. In her opinion she was safe. She drove past his house on many occasions and hung in the background. Each time Delilah appeared happy and at peace. Now she wondered if it was a mistake.

  “Ming knows you miss Delilah,” she said softly, rubbing her back. “Ming misses Boy too.”

  Yvonna shook her away, stood up and dusted off the back of her pants. Weakness amongst the crew had to be kept to a minimum. If she were seen as inadequate to carry out the mission, she would lose respect. “You don’t know what the fuck you talking about, Ming. This bitch jumped out the window when she mentioned Delilah’s name. She don’t know shit about her and that’s why she not breathing.” She walked to Ebony’s bed, pushed her to the floor and sat on the part of her ass that didn’t hurt. Going through the box she pulled out several stacks of paper. Scanning them quickly she saw a list of names and addresses. “Ming, get lost. You don’t need to be in here anyway.”

  Ming tried to bite her tongue one time until she said fuck it. “One day you gonna wish you didn’t talk to me like that. All Ming does is try to be there for you. That’s it. I’m your friend, Yvonna. All I want is a little respect.”

  Mad at the world she said, “The only friend I got in life is me.” She looked her in the eyes. “Now bounce.”

  “Ming goes to find Swoopes. At least he listens to me.” She disappeared from the room.

  “You mean at least he lets you suck his dick!” Yvonna yelled, although she was already gone. She focused back on the papers in her lap. “That girl gets on my fucking nerves, Bricks. She thinks everything we do is a game! She don’t know nothing about what me and Swoopes went through with this shit. I think I’ma ditch her ass before I have to hurt her.”

  “First off you can’t do that.” He said seriously. When he looked at things in a broader perspective, he realized he and Ming were in the same boat. If she was expendable then so was he. “I don’t know what you been through either, but I’m here because I want to help you. And I love you. She does too.”

  “But you my man. You gotta be here.”

  He thought her comment was cute. “And Ming is your best friend. That girl has given up everything to help you…including her kid for the moment. Stop looking at her like an irritant and remember that she don’t have no reason to be here if she didn’t care about you.”

  “You don’t understand. You think this some stupid girl shit.”

  “I don’t, but I hear her spending a lot of time in the bathroom crying. She misses her son but she gave that up for the moment to help you see this shit through. She deserves more credit than that.”

  “And I don’t miss Delilah?”

  “I ain’t saying that, Squeeze. All I’m saying is you gotta think about shit before you move so quick to X people outta your life.” He rubbed her leg. As if he had a better idea he said, “If you get rid of anybody, let it be the nigga Swoopes. If anybody’s jeopardizing the operation it’s him.”

  “Naw…we need him.” She was still thinking about what he said about Ming. She didn’t agree with him at all. “He knows weapons and he’s fearless.”

  “And I’m not?”

  “Don’t play with me, Bricks.”

  “I asked a question.” When she didn’t respond out of left field he said, “I think the nigga wanna fuck you.”

  “Ain't shit about him attractive to me. Don’t forget, at one point in life I wanted to kill him.” She looked into his eyes. “Remember the history and know my heart.”

  Ming suddenly appeared in the doorway interrupting their conversation. “Ya’ll gotta come downstairs.” Swoopes hung in the ba
ckground. “It’s important.”

  “Why what’s up?” Yvonna asked.

  “Ming can’t explain. You must come see for yourself.”

  BILAL, Jr.

  Bilal stood confused in the doorway, as his brother fingered him for a crime he didn’t commit. Although he was sure he didn’t care for him, he would’ve never thought he’d stoop so low.

  When his sibling misidentified Bilal, Jr., the cop stepped closer. “Is your name Laser, young man?” He question, his right hand hovering over the handle of his weapon.

  “I want you mothafuckas out of my house right now!” Easter yelled, adding gasoline to the fire. She was flailing wild arms in the background. If she hit one of the cops, the situation would surely escalate. “You don’t have no warrant to be up in my house. Ya’ll think ya’ll can do anything you want in people’s houses! Well I know the law!”

  “We have something better than a warrant.”

  Easter stayed in front of the TV watching the First 48 so, she figured that made her knowledgeable of all aspects of the law. Hands on her hips she asked, “What’s better than a warrant?”

  “Probable cause!” He yelled, forcing her back a few inches. “And if you don’t step the fuck back, you’ll be going downtown too.” When she didn’t move, one of the other officers grabbed his handcuffs. Embarrassed that her law education failed her, she retreated to the living room and slumped on the sofa. But not before yelling, “Fuck you, Uncle Tom ass cops!” On the way to the couch.

  “Tia!” Uzi yelled to his aunt, fearing the last insult may have pushed the limit. “We got it. Just sit down and chill.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her legs.

  “Officer, I don’t know what my brother is tripping off of,” Uzi said, bringing them back to the problem at hand…his twin’s lie, “but Laser Pliers is me. Not my little brother Bilal, Jr.” Uzi accepted full responsibility like a G. “Now can I help you with something? Because it’s obvious that there’s been a mistake.”


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