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Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents)

Page 21

by Reign (T. Styles)

  It took the clan a second to understand why they weren’t rejoicing like the others they freed. Anna was in the room, giving them nonverbal glares. One of the older teenagers stepped out of her shell and pointed at her. There was something about her vaguely familiar.

  “What,” she asked her, “you’re afraid of this bitch?” Yvonna questioned, as she looked at Anna. They remained still.

  To put them at ease, Yvonna kicked her in the gut and Ming, as always, got in on the fun. After the melee against Anna, the children finally realized what was going on. Their tormentor, the woman who kept them hostage all of their lives, forcing them to breed for money, afterwards stealing their children, was no longer in charge. Partially unconscious, Anna lay on the floor coughing up blood chunks.

  “This woman will no longer bother you. You’re free.” Yvonna responded.

  The girl said, “Thank you so much.” It was then that Yvonna realized that she was Gabriella’s daughter, the one that caused her to betray her. The one that they were using as blackmail, to complete the mission to kill Yvonna. She didn’t respect her mother, so she wouldn’t tell her she was dead.

  Another male teenager stepped from the darkness. “My name is Clandus,” he told them, “well that’s the name they gave me anyway.”

  Slowly he approached Anna with rage in his eyes and vengeance in his heart. Hair covered the weirdest places of his body, including his forehead and back. The mucky briefs he wore, protruded a little more than what Bricks thought was necessary in the front. While Ming smiled in embarrassment. The cave boy stooped to Anna’s level to address her. “You have taken everything from me!” He screamed, as his body trembled. It was obvious that although he was angry, he was still afraid. “When all I ever did, all we ever did, was try to love you.”

  With that, he gripped her by the hair and pulled her to her feet. “When I fathered my first child, I use to pray to God, that you would find it in your heart to let me and his mother keep her.” He sobbed heavily, and Bricks recognized the pain all too well, with the loss of Melvin. “And when you took our baby anyway, I prayed that God would at least place it in your heart to let me keep his mother, because we were in love. But again my prayers were unanswered. When you took her anyway, my prayers changed again.”

  “Then I asked for the strength to get through each day. To just breathe and be the best man I could.” He was shaking so much now, his motions resembled and earthquake preparing to rumble. “But you even took that from me when I was forced to lie with a twelve year old little girl so you could make your money!” His voice escalated, startling everyone in earshot. “When that child was killed while giving birth, I asked for one thing, and that was that you be delivered to me alive, so I could kill you myself.” He looked at Yvonna and her clan. “Finally my prayers have been answered.” What he did next was so horrifying, neither Yvonna, Bricks nor Ming could believe it.

  Bending down, he took a bite out of her face and spit the chunk out on the floor. As if they rehearsed this a thousand times, the rest of the children closed in and did the same thing. They chewed different parts of her body, as if she were a full course meal. Her wails didn’t stop or hinder their process because they meant business. Bricks, Ming and Yvonna backed up and looked at the horrid scene, while Anna’s bloody hand extended from the crowd as she mouthed, ‘Help me.’

  Wanting to bounce, and in the loudest voice she could muster Yvonna said, “All I want to say is this, do not leave her alive.”

  The leader looked up at her, with Gabriella’s daughter by his side and said, “If I do nothing else in life, I will see to it that this bitch does not walk the face of the earth again.”

  With that, the clan trekked up the stairs to a waiting Swoopes. Yvonna quickly grabbed a pen and paper, with a number to record Dynamite’s number. She placed it on the door with a knife, knowing they would see it.

  When Swoopes saw the stunned looks on their faces he asked, “What happened?” No one could articulate it in the right way, fearing they wouldn’t do the scene justice. “What the fuck went on?” he pointed at the door as if they didn’t know where they just came from.

  “If you stop being afraid of basements, you would’ve seen the most horrendous shit you’ve ever seen in your life.” Bricks admitted.

  “First off I ain’t scared. Second of all…”

  The knock at the door ceased all conversation. It was light at first before growing louder. The clan dropped to the floor to avoid being seen from the windows. “Anna open up the door!” She banged harder. “It’s Ramona.”

  “Wait. That’s the bitch we gotta get next.” Bricks whispered.

  “What you think she doing here?” Ming muttered.

  “I don’t know. But if she comes in, she’ll make shit easier for us.” Swoopes responded.


  “Anna! Open up the door! I see your car parked out front. I just talked to you on the phone so I know you in there.” She paused for a quick second. “If you don’t open up, I’m coming in!”


  Detective Connie Griswald sat in her chair, with her legs on her desk as she filed her nails. It wasn’t in her nature to be lazy, but because her lieutenant was tired of her scratching up surfaces, which resulted in more work for his department, she was given a desk job. What a waste because truth be told, she was a great detective. However Lieutenant George South was more interested in maintaining a high closed case ratio, instead of finding out who actually committed the crime. He would put anybody behind bars, just to keep his impeccable, although flawed, record in place.

  “Are your nails smooth enough?” Lt. South asked, hanging over her like a baiting storm.

  She quickly placed her feet on the floor and threw her nail filer in the drawer. “Lieutenant, I was just…”

  “Doing your nails.” He attempted to smile, but years of trying to prove himself as a capable black lieutenant, didn’t allow any signs of compassion to seep through. “Look, I’m not going to waste your time or mine, its time to go to work. And I need your help.”

  Her eyebrows rose. “My help?” She cleared her throat. “Is this some type of joke?”

  He frowned and she wished she hadn’t spoken to him as if they were homies. “Now why would you say that, Griswald?”

  “Because you haven’t needed my help in over a year.”

  “Well I need it now.” He looked at her nails. “Or are you looking to make a career as a nail technician.”

  “No…no, I want to work.” She shook her head rapidly. “Please tell me what I can do.”

  A manila file appeared from behind his back and he threw it on her desk. “Great. Now there was a mass murder at the AFCOG convention center some days back. Eight ministers were murdered in a ballroom. It was a brutal scene and the Christian community is in an uproar, believing God fearing people are being targeted by a mass murderer. I had Dunsen on it but as you know, he had a death in the family.”

  “What kind of monster would kill a minister?”

  “Let alone, eight.” He added. “Well, whatever monster responsible made it obvious that he isn’t interested in what you or I think, which is why he needs to be caught.”

  “What makes you think it’s a man?”

  She was already reading further into things than he wanted her to. He would’ve never used her had his other detectives not been tied up. Lt. South didn’t have a problem with her solving a case, just as long as she didn’t spend too much time on leads, which went nowhere.

  She eagerly picked up the file and skimmed through the documents. “Well?” he said looking down at her.


  “What are you waiting on? Get moving!”

  She quickly grabbed her coat and headed for the exit. Turning back around she said, “I know this is far fetched, Lieutenant, but do you remember the reverend that was murdered some months back? I think his name was Pastor Robinson.” She knew exactly what his name was, but often dumbed down her intelle
ct to make him feel smarter.

  “Yes.” He dipped his head. “I recall that case. Why do you ask?”

  “He was the same pastor that was involved in that case with the missing little girl many years ago. Remember, he was the last person who seen her at his church. The girl’s name was Gabriella, and that case ended up being connected to Yvonna Harris.”

  His forehead wrinkled. “You mean the woman in the news for her multiple personality disorder?”

  “Yes, sir. I think they made a movie on her life too.” When he said nothing else she proceeded. “I know this is a lot, but I was thinking that the deaths of the eight murdered ministers and the pastor, may all be related some how.” She hit a home run but his response made it seem as if there was no one in the ballpark to see it.

  “Listen, Griswald, focus on the eight ministers. I don’t want you adding murders to my department that don’t involve me.” She smiled and walked away. “Griswald!”

  She stopped and faced him. “Yes, sir?”

  “Remember what I said. Stay focused, unless you really want that career in the nail salon after all.”

  “I got it, Lieutenant. You can trust me.”


  Bricks was in bed alone, looking at the bathroom door, which hid Yvonna inside. It suddenly had become her favorite hovel. Ming and Swoopes shared another bed and watched the TV, kissing on every commercial break.

  “What we gonna do ‘bout that, man?” Swoopes asked, although his eyes never left Ming’s. “It’s gettin’ over the top now.”

  Bricks eyed him suspiciously. “Do about what?”

  “You know what he talking about.” Ming said, looking at the bathroom door. They could hear her having a good ole time talking to herself. “It’s getting a little weird.”

  “It’s been weird.” Swoopes admitted. “And wit’ the cops closing in on us, we need everybody on this team to have a leveled head.”

  Detective Connie Griswald had proven to be a worthy adversary. In the days since she was given the file, she had already questioned Bricks’ family, his friend Kelsi, Ming’s employees at the nail salon and even Swoopes’ great aunt, whom he hadn’t seen in ages, about where they were, and their possible involvement with the case and Yvonna Harris. How she knew the three of them were rolling together was beyond them.

  “I’m still trying to figure out what the fuck ya’ll talkin’ ‘bout.” Bricks knew exactly what they were referring to, but he chose the moment to act ignorant. Anyway, he’d been to both of them separately about a plan of action and nothing ever came of it. Now the only thing he wanted to do was remember his brother, kill rapists, and drink beer. “Anyway, I thought ya’ll was ‘bout to fuck.”

  The moment he said that, from the bathroom Yvonna said, “I don’t want to hurt people! I’m tired of you making me do things I don’t want to do.” Ming and Swoopes urgently looked at Bricks. He had to admit that the situation was escalating. She was now talking about not wanting to hurt people. The question was, which people?

  Hoping she was talking to someone on the phone, although he knew she wasn’t, he yelled, “Squeeze, who you talking to? You on the phone or something?”


  “Uh…no, I’m not talking to anybody, baby. It must be the TV in there.”

  Swoopes shook his head and Ming looked as if she wanted to cry. “She’s my best friend, and I don’t know what to do.” She whispered. “I don’t understand what this is. To talk to yourself. She does it all the time now, and it’s like she loves it or something.”

  “Is it true?” Swoopes asked, Bricks. “That she got schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder?” If she did, to him it would explain the day she sucked his dick at Bradshaw’s. If he knew it was the crazy person and not Yvonna, he might have let her do it. “’Cause if she do, we have to take charge of this operation. I want to see this shit through just like the next person, but I don’t want to die unless I have too.”

  “So just because she’s sick, you wanna kick her out?” Bricks inquired with an attitude, although part of him knew it would be best. “This was her idea to begin with not ours.”

  “I’m not saying that. But I am saying that we boxing’ wit’ heavyweights. We can’t afford to have her on the frontline if she can’t handle the fire.” He focused back on the television. “Since she’s your bitch like you so eloquently told me more than once, it’s your responsibility to take care of it.”

  Bricks knew he was telling the truth but he also didn’t want to tell his girlfriend that her opinion no longer mattered. “From now on, I’ma be handling all aspects of this operation. It ain’t like I haven’t been doing that anyway.”

  “You had help, nigga.” Swoopes responded. “Don’t act like you been rolling dolo.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “And what are you going to tell Yvonna?” Ming asked. “She’s not going to understand if we don’t make her a part of the plans anymore.”

  “Allow her to think we still following her lead. I don’t need the heat until I can figure out another plan. Just give me a few days.”

  BILAL, Jr.

  Bilal, Jr. was lying on the bottom bunk, in his cell, while his leg unconsciously shook. He couldn’t believe he was in such a fucked up predicament. He wasn’t sure whom to fully blame. When he and Rozay were arrested because she fired the gun into the wall, per his request, the bullet penetrated a pedestrian’s leg. And although the man was alive, it pierced his femoral artery and was threatening to take his life. At the moment Bilal, Jr. was being charged with the reckless discharge of a firearm, possession of a firearm and assault. If he died, the charge would escalate to manslaughter.

  “Santana!” An officer yelled approaching his cell. “Rise and shine, youngster.”

  He stood up, brushed the back of his pants and said, “Yes, sir.”

  The correctional officer came into view. “You have a visitor.”

  His heart pumped wildly as the C.O unlocked his cell. When Bilal stepped out he said, “Turn around.” He did and was dressed with a pair of silver handcuffs. He grabbed him by the forearm and led the way. “Right this way.”

  When Bilal, Jr. was taken to a grungy visiting area, he took a seat and looked at the glass separating him from the opposite side, as if it were a movie. Finally Uzi and Laser walked in. Disappointment covered him because the most ridiculous part of his soul, hoped it was Rozay since he heard she was released. Bilal, Jr. followed their lead and picked up the phone on his right.

  “What happened?” Uzi got right down to business. “And why the fuck would you do something so dumb?”

  In a less than audible voice he said, “It wasn’t me.”

  “What you talking about it wasn’t you? They found the gun with your fingerprints on it, Jr. Your fingerprints alone.”

  Bilal played the tapes back in his head. The last time he held his weapon, he’d given it to Rozay per her request and walked to the bathroom. When he remembered it had bullets, he returned, removed it from her hold and took the bullets out. He tried to give it back but she didn’t accept. So at the very least, it should be two sets of fingerprints on the gun. “That can’t be. Rozay pulled the trigger and…”

  “Did she wipe the gun off before she handed it back to you?”

  He scratched his head and his world spun. He knew she was sneaky but was she capable of such treachery? “I can’t remember. I mean…I didn’t see her do it.” He had no idea that the young girl actually wiped her fingerprints off the gun the second Bilal stepped into the bathroom. She used the edge of the sheet. He was too ignorant to foresee or understand such things.

  “Well you facing some serious charges. Plus,” Uzi looked around, before peering into his brother’s eyes, “They know about the other thing you did too.”

  He gripped the phone tighter and asked, “What other thing?”

  Uzi laughed and sat back in the chair. “Come on, man. You know, the other thing.” It finally soaked in. “It was the same gun
, B, they already know about the dude Melvin and his bitch. And if the dude dies in the hospital, you got three bodies to concern yourself with.”

  Bilal saw immediately what was going on. The pain he felt in his heart was too much to explain. They were setting him up. “I don’t know what you talking about.”

  “Come on, B.” Uzi chuckled as Laser hung back and watched the show. “Stop fucking around. You know, the other thing you did.”

  “I thought you said it wasn’t me.” He swallowed. “I thought you said it was Laser.”

  “Look, lil nigga,” Uzi said in a swift tone, “You not gonna try and put this shit on me or my brother.” Suddenly it was as if they all weren’t related. “Now it’s your crime which makes it your time. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “I don’t even care no more.”

  Uzi laughed. “That’s good, ‘cause you gonna need that attitude to make it in prison.” The smirk on their faces made him ill.

  Bilal looked at both of them knowing it was over. Then he placed his fist on the glass so they could see his bruised knuckles. “It was me, who beat Easter to a pulp.” He smirked. “I tried to kill that bitch but she had a head like a brick. If she ever wakes up, she should be brand new, minus the nonstop talking.”

  Uzi wasn’t smiling anymore. “I’ma kill you, mothafucka! Do you hear me? You’re dead!”

  Bilal gritted on both of them. He was alone, and he reasoned that he had better get use to his new home behind bars. “It don’t make me no difference, fuck both of you niggas. I’m out!”


  Beneath Rufus Day’s compound was a fairytale world for kids. Colorful candy in red machines hung against the walls and brand new dolls with large smiles on their faces, waited for a little girl’s love. So when Rufus led Tyisha downstairs, the grim look she once held was wiped away and replaced with a twinkle. She was in heaven within the crooked kiddie world.


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