Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 28

by Reign (T. Styles)

  “If we leave, I’ll feel like we failed.”

  “I wish you stop saying that shit. We didn’t fail!” he stabbed his fist into his palm. “If anything, we let this nigga know we not to be pushed over.” He assured her. “We came a long way with this shit. We freed all of the kids in the breeding camps and we took out his captains and secretaries. He never gonna be able to move the way he use to. We did good, Squeeze.” He looked back at Swoopes. “What you think, man?”

  “I think I want to break that nigga’s jaw.” Swoopes confessed. “But he’s right, Yvonna. Going into that church now would be like a suicide mission.” He laughed to himself as he looked out the window.

  “Isn’t that what you wanted?” Yvonna asked. “Don’t think I don’t know that all the times you got into it with people, was in the hopes that somebody would kill you.” She pulled his card. “Remember…a blaze of glory?”

  “You right, but I’m wondering if that was a mistake.” He looked at the church again. “Who would’ve thought you could die going into a house of God. Then again, that ain’t no house of God…that’s hell.”

  “See what we saying, babes. It’s over.” Then he looked back at Swoopes again. “You did everything you gotta do so we can bounce, Swoopes?" he dug into his pocket and threw a passport in his lap; he’d already given Yvonna hers back at Chris’ house. Although it possessed a picture of his face, the name was different. "If you didn’t we not gonna be able to wait on you when that jet pulls off. We’ll have to get up with you another time.”

  Swoopes reviewed the document in shock. "Wait, how did you get my picture?”

  “We stole the fake ID in your pocket when you were drunk. I gave it to Chris and he made it work.” Bricks laughed. “You shouldn’t sleep so hard.”

  He tried to hide the smile on his face. “But I thought I couldn't roll."

  "That was then and this is now.” Bricks responded seriously. “If you wanna leave wit’ us you free to do it. But I ain’t ‘bout to hold your hand either."

  Swoopes couldn't believe it. Prior to now he didn’t have a clue as to where he would go when it was all said and done. He didn’t have a girl. He didn’t have family. He didn’t even have a friend outside of them. But thanks to Bricks, all of that changed. Bricks didn’t invite him for what he could do for him; he invited him because he wanted Swoopes around. But the nigga in him wouldn't allow him to show his full appreciation, not yet anyway. "I guess I can bounce wit’ y'all.” He shrugged. “I ain't got no other plans, after all, who else gonna protect you?"

  Bricks nodded, oddly delighted he was still with them. "Good.” He focused back on Yvonna. “So you ready, Squeeze? We not gonna be able to hit this cat.” He looked at the church. “It’s over. Let’s get our family and get on that jet.”

  She looked at both of them with disappointment. The plan although near perfect was faltered in her eyes. "If we leave without confronting that bastard, everybody who died including my best friend would have died in vain.” She touched his hand, remembering the sad way Boy looked, when they told him his mother was never coming back, but that she loved him. “It’s not enough to just walk away, Bricks. To me that’s cowardly and it’s not my style, you know that about me. We have to handle this all the way and we gotta do it now, before we leave.”

  Frustrated he sat back in the seat and shook his head. “I don’t know how we going to get in there. He keeps two security guards in the front of the sanctuary, so the moment they see us, it’s gonna be a problem.”

  “We could go in there blasting. Hitting up any and everybody in the way.” Swoopes suggested. “I damn sure don’t have a problem wit’ it.”

  “No. I can’t do it like that anymore.” Yvonna interjected. “If you can get the guards off the door I can do the rest. I just want him to see that after everything he did, I’m still alive. To me that’ll be better than killing him.”

  “If you say so.” Swoopes doubted. “I think he needs four extra holes in his face. Then again, that’s just me.”

  Bricks threw his head into the headrest and looked at the road ahead, it seemed grim. Everything in him said to leave and leave now. But if Yvonna wasn’t going with him, he didn’t want any part of it anyway. He raised his head and looked at her. “If you insist on doing this shit, then I got an idea.”

  Bricks and Swoopes stole a jacket and shirt from Wal-Mart to look the part. It didn’t take them long to realize that they could’ve saved themselves the trip, because the moment they walked through the church’s door, the two security guards moved in on them like they were soul mates. Neither of them expected them to come at them so quickly, but they didn’t have time to think, either. The situation only allowed for reactions. Luckily nobody was in the lobby area of the church because service had already started. So this was perfect because they were going for the element of surprise when they got at Rufus.

  In an attempt to make as little noise as possible, Swoopes stole the man in the face before crawling on him to slice his throat. Bricks dropped his opponent as well, before climbing on him to cover his mouth to jab a blade inside his chest. When the murders were complete, Yvonna ambled inside and through the sanctuary door. Swoopes and Bricks, who were covered in blood, followed.

  Rufus Day was so engaged in deception, that he didn’t see them, so they melted in the wooden back row pew. With hostility in her heart, she looked at him behind the pulpit. He looked sicker than she imagined. His mannerisms mirrored a snake and it took everything in her power to contain herself. When she looked around at the congregation, something to her seemed off but she didn’t know what. And after listening to him for two minutes, she knew it was almost time to stand up.

  “You’re not going to always get your way when it comes to the Lord.” Rufus preached to his members. “You’re not going to always get him to give you what you want. But as sure as my name is Rufus Day, he will most certainly give you what you need.”

  “Will he really give you what you need?” Yvonna yelled, rising from her seat. Bricks and Swoopes hung behind her like a cape. “Because as I remember, all I needed was peace and to have a family who loved me.” She laughed to herself as she slowly walked toward the front of the large church. “Instead I endured a lifetime of pain and hurt when I was just a child. Under your reign and for your financial gain.”

  The color seemed to drain from Rufus’ face. He looked behind them at the door, for his men, although he knew they were not there. The situation was futile and he guessed it wouldn’t end well for him. In an attempt to maintain his composure, he cleared his throat and said, “You aren’t the only one who dealt with pain, my child. Most of the members in my congregation have too. But it is how you handle it that builds character.” He hit his chest for effect.

  “You really do believe that shit you be saying don’t you?” Yvonna spat, stopping where she stood. “You are so sick, that you convinced yourself when you’re here, that you really are a reverend.”

  He was flushed at the disregard she had for his church status. “Young lady, this is a house of worship and I am the leader. If you can’t respect it, you can just leave.”

  “Fuck this house and don’t call me young lady! You know exactly who I am! My name is Yvonna Harris and I am no longer a victim! I’m no longer your sex slave! And although bruised, I am finally free!” She hit her fist into her palm and tears rolled down her face. “And the only place you can lead these people to is hell!” Her voice sent thunder throughout the large sanctuary. “I was a child. And all of the children you sold were too! But you didn’t care! You don’t care. The only thing on your mind is money and getting your rocks off! I represent everyone you abused, everyone you took advantage of and everyone you exploited.”

  “I don’t have time for this…”

  “You don’t get to do anything but listen to me.” As if they planned this, Bricks and Swoopes hopped on the pulpit and grabbed his arms. “You aren’t worth the bones your body is being held up with.” Her head dropped, an
d a flash of her past troubled her again. “I was coming here to kill you today. To take your life, like you tried to take mine. But you know what, it’s not my job anymore.” She shook her head. “Instead I wanted you to see my face and know that you did not win. You are not able to make me feel worthless anymore. And I wanted you to know that no matter what, I have my life back. And you can have what’s left of yours.”

  “He’s not going to live, Yvonna.” A teenager said standing up. It was Porter, the same teenager she rescued from the tractor-trailer. He was cleaned up and looked handsome. “We’re here to see to it.”

  Yvonna looked around the church and saw all of the children she rescued. That’s what seemed off to her when she first walked in; most of the congregation seemed too young. They smiled in recognition and she covered her mouth in surprise. This wasn’t the plan and she wondered how they pulled it off.

  “I don’t understand.” She looked at everyone. “What are you doing here?”

  “We knew we could never have a life until he was murdered.” He looked up at Rufus. “And we’re here to do just that.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “We didn’t know this was the plan so it’s a coincidence that you came today. We thought of this when we all met at Reverend Dynamite’s house in Virginia. It was last minute.” He smiled at her. “You’ve done enough, Yvonna. You’re free to live and it’s our time to take it from here.” He turned toward the congregation. “If you don’t want to witness what’s about to happen next, I suggest you leave now.”

  There was a flood of people who at first, sat in shock because they couldn’t believe their eyes, running out the church. When he gave them a warning, most took it and bolted out of the church to save their own lives, unless they were with him. One member however, chose to finally stand up for her dead child.

  “So it’s true!” Marge yelled, walking toward the front. “You…you had something to do with my baby dying?”

  “Marge, don’t listen to these people.” He tried to pull away from Swoopes and Bricks who maintained their hold. “They’re crazy!”

  “We’re not crazy but you are!” Clandus responded, his bones protruding from his face. “You took our kids, and made us have more, all while you raped the girls! And I have been dreaming of this day ever since.” She met Clandus at Anna’s house when he ate her flesh.

  “Tell me what happened to my baby!” Marge interrupted them. “You’re about to die, the least you can do is tell me what happened to my child!”

  Realizing he really was about to die, he told her how he felt. “You are what happened to her! Had you watched her, she would’ve never been subjected to my ways.” He grinned and licked his crusted lips. “And my rules. I gave you fifteen thousand dollars and you sold her to me but you know what, I could’ve given you less and you still would’ve taken it. Any person, who doesn’t watch their child and they’re raped, is just as guilty as we are. We can’t get to your children unless you hand them to us.”

  He hit a nerve. “But I trusted you! You were my pastor!”

  “And whose fault is that?”

  When he said that, the children of AFCOG converged on the pulpit. Bricks and Swoopes hopped down to get out of the way. “Thank you so much, Yvonna.” Porter said holding her hand in the midst of the drama. “But you need to leave now. We have it from here.”

  It turned out that seventy percent of the church was filled with the children of AFCOG. And the rage on their faces expressed how she felt inside. She knew then that they would finish the job, without her having to lift a finger. It was finally over. She would get to live the life she always wanted, in peace.

  “Let’s go, Squeeze.” Bricks said, gripping her hand. “The cops are on their way.”

  Yvonna took one last look at the melee behind her and decided it was time to bounce. On their way out, they passed detective Griswald, who was walking up the steps.

  “Yvonna Harris! Don’t move!” She went to draw her weapon but they ran away before she could shoot, disappearing into the flock. Not to mention the crowd in and around the church didn’t allow her to get a clear shot. “Freeze!” When they didn’t obey, she called for backup and focused her attention on the confusion inside the church instead.

  The three of them jumped into the car with three police vehicles in pursuit. They knew if they were going to have a chance to get the kids and avoid the cops, they needed to split up.

  As the police sirens blared from behind, Bricks looked through the rearview mirror at all of the flashing lights. “Squeeze, I’m gonna shake ‘em but when I do, I need you to go to the jet strip.” He dodged in and out of traffic. “Me and Swoopes will scoop the kids.” He dug in the console and pulled out a phone. “I got a few minutes left on that. Call Jesse right now and let her know I’m on my way.”

  Reluctantly she made the call and when she was done, threw the phone on the floor. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Bricks.” She looked at the cops who were still on their trail. “Stay with me. Please. I got a bad feeling about this.”

  “I can’t, baby I won’t be away long though. We just have to split up for the moment. I don’t want nothing stopping us from getting on that jet and out of the states. And if we not there at the time we told Chris we would be, they might not take us later. So you have to go, to tell ‘em we coming and to make them wait.” He smiled although it was obvious he wasn’t sure about his decision. “Just do what I’m asking.” He looked at the road and back at her. “Please, Squeeze. For once in your life,” he placed a free hand softly on her face and said, “trust me.”

  Yvonna had a bad feeling, but since she wanted to see Bilal, Jr. before she left anyway, to apologize for ruining his life, she figured it would be best if they separated and got back together later. “Alright, Bricks. I’m gonna trust you.”

  “I think you did it, slim.” Swoopes observed, looking out the back window. “I don’t see them behind us no more.” Yvonna never seen him smile so high before. “Just pull up over there.” He pointed to a busy strip mall. “I know we can get a couple of cars with no problem there.”

  Bricks eased into the parking lot checking their surroundings first. They piled out of the car and Bricks grabbed Yvonna after seeing her sour face. “I don’t like how you looking at me right now, Squeeze. You gonna jinx me.”

  She tried to look up at him, but the sun was blinding her view. “I’m not trying to, baby. It’s just that I never get to have the life I want. Ever.”

  “You deserve it now, Squeeze. And I don’t know what’s going to happen with those kids at the church, but you gave them their freedom. What they choose to do with their lives after that is up to them.” He kissed her forehead. “Just do what I’m asking right now and prevent that jet from leaving without us okay?”

  “Okay.” She hugged him tightly.

  “Come on, slim.” Swoopes said anxiously from the sidelines. He observed their surroundings. “Shit gettin’ thick now.”

  “Yvonna, go straight to the jet strip. I know something is on your mind, but I need you to stick to the plan. I’ll see you later.” Before separating to get the cars, Bricks planted a passionate kiss on her lips. It tasted sweet to her and she reminisced how it would be waking up to him every day. She could tell then, that they were going to lead a great life together.

  When the chivalries were over, they converged on two unsuspecting preys in the search of two new whips. With two quick surface wounds to their victims, they had stolen cars in their possession. They waved at each other once more, before fading away.

  When she got behind the wheel, she thought about what Bricks said. If she went straight to the jet strip, she wouldn’t be able to speak to Bilal, Jr., which was something she wanted to do for a while now. If she didn’t see him and stayed on mission, she could make a quick stop first to buy Delilah a new doll. She didn’t know what to do and she needed help deciding.

  **Alternate Endings**

  In celebration of the first Shyt
List, where you got to choose your ending, we are allowing you the honor again.

  But choose at your own risk.


  Have Yvonna visit Bilal in jail.

  Hint: Possible Happy-Sad Ending.

  Click Here ONE:


  Have Yvonna go to the mall to buy Delilah a new doll.

  Hint: Danger. Danger.

  Click Here TWO:


  Take the Surprise Route

  Hint: Expect the unexpected

  Click Here THREE:


  The Jail Visit

  Yvonna was nervous as she waited for Bilal, Jr. to appear on the other side of the glass. She was wearing a long brown wig, large black-rimmed glasses and zero makeup. She always kept a fake ID on her so it was easy to see him without being detected, not to mention he hadn’t been transferred to prison yet. She couldn’t believe how skittish she was, he was just a child.

  The moment she saw his face, she couldn’t get over how much he looked just like his father. As a matter of fact, since he was older now, he looked exactly like Bilal did the last time she saw him. When he picked up the phone, she followed suit.

  “Thanks for retaining my lawyer.” He looked at the table under him. “But I’m confused on why you did it.” He faced her. “One minute you trying to kill me and the next you want to help me out. Why?”

  “I know it’s confusing, Bilal. I don’t understand a lot of this either. Just know that you and I are connected in more ways than you realize. And it was my responsibility to help you get out of here. And to right a few wrongs. In all of my life, you’re the only one I truly regret hurting.”


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