Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 29

by Reign (T. Styles)

  He frowned. “Why you say that?”

  “When I was younger, I murdered your father. I didn’t know until years later, that it was triggered after I overheard him talking to your mother on the phone. She wanted him to leave me. He just proposed to me and I must’ve been consumed with jealously. So I took his life, and I’m so sorry, Bilal. I truly am.” She sighed. “When it happened I thought it was my father who committed the crime, but it was actually me. I’m sick, sicker than a lot of people realize, and I’m just understanding why.”

  “I’m confused.”

  “I suffer from multiple personality disorder. It’s plagued me all of my life.” She swallowed hearing her truth. “And the night of your father’s death, I was so dead set on revenge that I didn’t think about how life would end up for you.” Tears rolled down her face. “It wasn’t enough for me to murder him. Mad at the world, I murdered your mother and your grandmother too.” She looked into his eyes. “And for the first time in my life, I want to say I’m sorry. The way your life ended up is my biggest regret.”

  Bilal, Jr.’s cheeks trembled and his eyes were red and teary. “You left me with nobody.” He balled his fists up and stared at them. He could still see Easter’s teeth prints on his fingers. “You left me with nothing.”

  “I know. And I’m sorry.” She looked at him intently through the glass. “I did to you, what they did to me.” Her watch beeped indicating she had thirty minutes to make it to the strip, or risk getting left. “Look, I know you can never see it in your heart to forgive me, but I hope you’ll try to accept my apology. I just wanted you to know that none of the things that happened to you was your fault, including being in here. It’s all mine.”

  “Did you kill my twin brothers too?”

  Bilal and Swoopes told her about the situation, but for some reason, she didn’t want him to know they were involved. “No.” She lied, holding her head down. “I didn’t have nothing to do with that.”


  “I’ve been waiting to talk to you alone. I wondered what I’d say to you and how I would feel.” He confessed. “And now that the time has come, I don’t have the emotions I thought I would.” He paused and focused on the ceiling. “I don’t know what to say to you, Yvonna. I’m confused…”

  “Say whatever you feel.”

  He sighed. “Okay,” he swallowed and tapped his knuckles on the desk. “I would like to say thank you for paying for my attorney, because when I get out of here, I’m going to spend the rest of my life looking for you.” He pressed his finger against the glass, leaving his sweaty print behind. “You haven’t seen the last of me, bitch so I hope you’re a good hider. Now get the fuck out of my face.” He got up, dropped the phone and left her alone.

  Bricks and Swoopes were at a light waiting on it to change. They were five blocks from Jesse’s house when all of a sudden; Swoopes’ eyes widened and anger covered his face. Bricks saw the look before when they had beef, and immediately went for his gun, thinking he was about to turn on him. Before Bricks could react, Swoopes pressed his weight on the top of his body and bore down.

  Seconds later, shattered glass from the driver’s window covered their bodies. Still in control of the car, Bricks pressed the gas even though he couldn’t see ahead of him. When the car was in motion, he shoved Swoopes off of him, and fired at the driver who was obviously trying to take his life, all while driving. When he got a look he saw a dark skin man, with heavy lines on his forehead and face. He didn’t know it then but his name was Charles Bank. But when Bricks was done with him, he would be identified as John Doe.

  Halfway up the block he was finally able to catch his breath and speak. He murdered a man he didn’t know wanted him dead. The car was dead silent, but thoughts of how close he came to dying ran through his mind. “Man, can you believe that shit?” Bricks asked, focusing on the road. “Niggas don’t wanna see us survive!”


  Fear crept over him. He knew he was gone but was in denial. “So when we get on the island, don’t be bringing no bad ass Filipino bitches around us who got sisters. I ain’t trynna get killed fuckin’ around wit’ you.” He laughed. “You the type of nigga who loves to do shit in abundance. And Yvonna would kill me.”


  “So you did it just like this huh?” he shook his head. “You went out like you always wanted, in a selfish blaze of glory.” He was overwhelmed with the loss of yet another close friend. “We came so far, Swoopes!” In a lower voice he said, “We came so far.”

  When Swoopes saw Charles about to fire at Bricks, he saved his life and he would never get to ask him why. He did it for a few reasons but it was mainly because Bricks had Yvonna and Chomps, and he had no one. He wanted to die after he did something good, before he had a chance to fuck up his life again.

  Bricks couldn’t believe what was happening to him. A lot of soldiers had fallen just to bring AFCOG down. Melvin, Ming and now Swoopes. Although he never planned on it, Bricks couldn’t deny that he connected with a man who at one time was his sworn enemy. Slowly he looked at Swoopes. His eye was wide open and a gaping hole lie in his neck. Brick was filled with rage and confusion but knew he had to push forward. He pulled over on the side of the road and pulled Swoopes’ body outside. There was a large tree in a patch of green grass and he sat him against it.

  “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t mean for you to go out like this.” One tear fell down but he wouldn’t allow anymore. “At least you got to smoke some crazies.” Quickly he dipped back into the car and out of sight.

  Yvonna made it to the landing strip on time. To her surprise the pilot had been given orders not to fly out until they had Yvonna’s approval. She called Chris and thanked him again but he told her to remember their promise. He was serious about filling the void in Yvonna’s life, if Bricks ever fucked up. She allowed him to have his dream but there was no other man for her, she was sure of it. And even if Bricks did fail, she could never come back to the states. She had to make it work with Bricks, and she was looking forward to life with him. Which is why when he was an hour late, she felt impending doom.

  She was just about to call Jesse to see if he made it to her, when a red car sped onto the landing strip. It was different from the car he’d stolen earlier and she wondered what happened. When he parked, Chomps and Delilah hopped out without a care in the world. As instructed earlier by Bricks, they held each other’s hands as they moved toward the jet. She saw the happiness in their eyes, but she also noticed the mournful look on Bricks’ face and that the fourth car door failed to open. Where was Swoopes?

  “Mommy!” Delilah cheered, having gotten over her fear of her. “I miss you so much!”

  “I missed you too!” She avowed, stooping down and opening her arms. Delilah ran into them and she appreciated the embrace. When she was filled up with love she said, “Okay, baby, get on the jet. I’ll be up in a second.”

  “Yeah! We’re going to fly!” She sang, running up the steps with a new doll in her hand. When Yvonna saw it, she realized she didn’t need to buy her another one anyway.

  “You go with Delilah,” Bricks said to Chomps. Yvonna touched him softly on the head as he passed her by. He had gotten cuter since the last time she saw him. “Hey, Squeeze.”

  “You came back to me.” Her tone was sad but unassuming. “But it looks like you’re alone.”

  Bricks held his head down. “He didn’t make it.”

  She looked out into the open and tears poured from her eyes. “So you finally killed him.”

  She was joking but he had taken her seriously. She knew then that he loved him. “He died defending me, that’s payback enough.”

  “So I guess it’s just you and me huh?”

  “You gotta problem with that?”

  She smiled. “If I had to pick one person to spend the rest of my life with, I wouldn’t want it any other way.” She grinned a little. “Even at our worst, we’re still doing better than a lot of people aren’t we? At least w
e have each other.”

  “You know it.”

  “Have I told you thank you, Bricks?” She asked, already knowing the answer. She didn’t express her gratitude enough because she took him for granted, but that would be changing. “And how much I love you for giving up everything for me? And that I’m nothing without you and that your love made me a better person?”

  “No, but I don’t have nothing to do on the way to the Philippines.” He kissed her. “You can start telling me all,” he landed a kiss on her lips, “the way,” he planted one on her nose, “over there.” He continued as they got on the jet.

  A lot happened that day. Rufus Day was murdered by the hands of those whose lives he destroyed and Clandus and Porter were arrested. They weren’t concerned when a hot shot attorney, eager to be a part of the high profile case, agreed to represent them in court. It was definite that they would get off.

  Some weeks later, AFCOG was finally recognized for what it was a modern day slave operation, which specialized in the exploitation of children. Of course all great things were attributed to one woman, a fugitive from the law. Some said the authorities knew where she was but after everything she and her team went through, they deserved a chance at life. Not to mention the world was embarrassed that it allowed AFCOG to mislead them into thinking they were legit for so long.

  Sitting closely together, they gripped each other and kissed passionately. As the jet glided through the air, Yvonna looked out at the window at the sky. It was icy blue, and she knew it represented her future, which was very bright.



  The Doll

  Yvonna decided that before going to the jet strip, she would buy Delilah a new doll. She could already see the smile on her face when she handed it to her. It would be her gift, for how she treated her the first night they reunited. So she drove a few miles out to a mall she knew was in the area.

  Knowing time was not on her side, she parked in a handicap space and stepped out of the car. The moment she did, she felt a stinging sensation rip through her shoulder and arm. She fell forward and leaned on the car for support before another bullet pierced the flesh of her back. She couldn’t reach the weapon in the car and it wouldn’t matter anyway. Because the next bullet traveled through her ear, forcing her to the ground.

  She looked up at the sun, realizing her life could’ve been different, had she stuck with the plan and went straight to the landing. Bricks would be so hurt and Delilah would be so sad without her in their lives. How stupid! Still focusing on the sun rays, they were momentarily blocked when she saw her sister’s beautiful face.

  “Jes, Jesse…” She couldn’t speak, her lungs were punctured and life was slipping away from her. Still with her eyes, she asked her why.

  “I’m sorry, Yvonna. But I can’t let you do to Delilah, what you did to me.” Tears rolled down her face. “She told me about what you did, when you slapped her at her father’s house. And I can’t have my niece going through what I did, when I was a kid, with you. I really am sorry, Yvonna. But the world is better off without you. Please know that I love you.” Jesse ran away leaving her alone.

  Something weird happened when she left. The bright sun now resembled an eclipse, as she passed out.

  The doctors thought Yvonna Harris was unconscious. Thought she couldn’t feel a thing, but they were wrong. This was a nightmare. She felt extreme pain as a scalpel sliced the flesh of her arm, to remove a bullet that pierced one of her arteries. It was the most excruciating pain she’d ever experienced in her tumultuous life.

  Whoever shot her three times in the upper body, and once in the ear, wanted her dead. They wanted her stopped. And judging by the amount of blood she’d lost, they were going to get their wish. Yet a little girl by the name of Delilah, needed her to survive. And that same little girl, born to a woman plagued with a mental disease, would not understand if she didn’t keep her promise, to come back to her in one piece.

  Yvonna did enough dirt to see death row ten times over, yet as she lay on the top of the operating table, she was asking the one with the final decision, to spare her the death penalty. In the past, dying was not a fear but that was before she experienced unconditional love.

  Trying to get her mind off of the bullets occupying her body, her thoughts flashed to those she murdered. As if they were standing before her on a jury, she could clearly see their faces - Bilal Santana, Bernice Santana, Cream Justice, Sabrina Beddows, and Dave Walters. Sure there were more, but in her opinion, when she took their lives, it was the beginning of her demise.

  Remembering the prayer Pastor Robinson recited before she killed him some months back, she wondered would it work for her. Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy…hallowed be thy…

  She couldn’t finish the prayer because she was enveloped in pain once more, thanks to the relentless effort of the doctors. This time the feeling was so incapacitating, that she saw flashes of light under her closed lids. She tried to part her lips to speak once more, to let them know that they were making a mistake, but nothing on her body moved, not even her mouth.

  Screaming from the inside she yelled, I can feel you! Please stop! You’re hurting me! There was a brief pause before she felt the rest of her clothing being torn from her body. What are you about to do now? The moment the thought entered her mind, a scalpel ripped through her trachea.

  She died instantly and so did the legend of Yvonna Harris.

  The End TWO


  Crazy Walls

  Yvonna sat on a bed, in an all white padded room, with her arms held closely to her body by a straight jacket. Her hair had grown wild and longer than what it was before she first committed herself. She’d been there for years, shortly after Charles Bank strangled her, in an attempt to take her life. Had it not been for her pregnancy, she would’ve been dead. Her voluntary stay ended up being involuntary, when she grew more violent each passing day. She was high all the time, and could never get her thoughts together. Although she’d been on many medications, Yvonna was by far the most complex patient Dr. Connie Griswald was ever assigned.

  When the door to the room that kept Yvonna hostage twenty hours out of the day opened, in strolled Dr. Griswald and Gary Manes, an orderly who was at her side pushing a wheel chair. “Hello, Yvonna! Your family is here to watch television with you for an hour.” She walked closer to the bed but stopped short. Just because she was bound by the arms didn’t mean she wasn’t dangerous.

  One fall day Dr. Griswald found out when she approached her without assistance. Yvonna hopped out of the bed and lunged on top of her, in an attempt to chew the side of her face off. Gary Manes saved her just before she nibbled on her jugular vein. He’d been with her whenever she approached Yvonna ever since. “Are you ready for your visit?” Dr. Griswald always spoke to Yvonna as if she were sane, although she never answered properly.

  “There’s a conspiracy.” Yvonna looked at them both with wild eyes. “There’s a conspiracy with AFCOG. You need to let me go so I can help! There are children. Lot’s of them who are being sold to movie stars and pedophiles for sex. I can help them! I know who’s involved.”

  Dr. Griswald looked at Gary who shook his head. “Yvonna, AFCOG is a reputable agency, sweetheart. They do a lot of charity work for the community. I assure you you’re greatly mistaken.” She knew Yvonna wouldn’t understand but every now and again she got a kick out of antagonizing her anyway.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” She yelled, as Gary lifted her and placed her securely in the chair before strapping her in place.

  “Sure I do. You’ve seen AFCOG on TV, and you’re confusing it with other programs you watch.” Yvonna seemed to hallucinate more when she watched television, which resulted in Dr. Griswald stopping her TV privileges last month. She ended up changing her mind when Yvonna’s family claimed she was so inconsolable and sad during their times together, that without it, the visit wouldn’t be worth it. “
Everything you see is not real, Yvonna. You’re a very sick, sick woman.”

  “You a liar!” She looked over at her. “You’re all liars.” She looked at Gary. “You’re part of the conspiracy. You’re part of AFCOG!”

  Gary pushed her slowly to the TV room with the doctor following. Once there, Dr. Griswald removed the keys from her pocket and opened the door to the family room. She stepped back, allowing Gary to wheel her into the area first.

  Inside the room sat Penny, Jesse and her daughter Delilah, who always had a new doll in her hands. It was the only thing Yvonna remembered about her, because the dolls’ faces always seemed happy.

  When she came into the room, her family wore hopeful looks upon their faces. They hoped she would speak to them. Hoped she would be sane. And hoped she would know how much they loved her.

  “I’m going to leave you alone now,” Dr. Griswald said, “she may be a handful today. Just warning you.” She and Gary walked out closing the door behind them.

  “Yvonna, how are you?” Jesse asked softly, from where she sat. She was afraid of her although her arms were bound to her body. “You look pretty.” She lied. “Your hair is growing longer every month we see you.” Yvonna looked deranged and out of order. She was anything but attractive at the moment. “I love you, sis, and I wish you would just talk to me.” She wanted to comb her hair but last time Yvonna tried to bite her.

  Immediately Yvonna shot an evil look at her. “You shot me!” Her eyes rolled around in her head. “You tried to kill me but it didn’t work! Who are you working for? AFCOG? Is that it?”

  “Yvonna, nobody tried to kill yous, baby.” Penny said, with Delilah on her lap. “Yous had a rough life and you’re a little confused. That’s all, chile!”


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