Young-Minded Hustler

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Young-Minded Hustler Page 18

by Tysha

  “Prince,” Shy called out.

  Like a small child being picked up from daycare, Prince rushed into his mother’s arms. Prince couldn’t shake the vision of his brother being shot and lying in a puddle of his own blood. Having to relive that horrible scene from seven years earlier was overwhelming. Being in that same place twice in a seventeen-year lifetime was too heavy of a burden to bear. Prince was on an emotional rollercoaster ride headed for a tragic collision.

  “Why again? Why is this happening again, Mommy?” Prince cried in his mother’s arms.

  Shy’s heart broke into a million little pieces. She could not help but to cry. Life had been unfair to Prince. His entire world seemed imbalanced. There was far too much pain and not enough happiness surrounding Prince.

  “I don’t know, baby, but we’ll get through this, you hear me? We’ll get through this together,” Shy promised with love.

  Shy felt helpless. Seeing the familiar pain in Prince was tearing her soul apart. Mothers are supposed to protect their children. Standing there in a hospital waiting room, Shy was powerless to protect or help her boys. There was no worse feeling in the world for a mother.

  Quincy sat on the couch, stiff as a board after receiving his aftercare instructions and release papers. Tara had yet to arrive at the hospital. Given the situation, Quincy received permission from the doctor to sit with his family while he waited for his parents. He was as relieved as Prince to see his aunt. Just having her near him gave him a sense of security. Shy looked at Quincy and didn’t know what to say. He looked so fragile sitting in the corner of the room like a lost puppy. For as much time as Quincy spent with the twin, most would assume his street savvy was as honed as Jayden’s or came natural the way it did for Prince but they’d be wrong. Quincy was built different. He may have spent most of his time in the hood but Quincy was a child of the suburbs. Drugs, guns, and violence weren’t part of the world in which he lived.

  “Come here.” Shy invited her nephew into her open arms. Quincy melted when Shy wrapped her protective arms around him. It was at that moment Quincy knew he was safe. He knew his aunt would shield him and his cousins from any further harm. “Everything’s going to be okay. We’re going to band together and help Jayden heal. He’s going to be fine.” Shy tried to comfort Quincy and convince herself that she would not have to bury a son. “Are you all right?” A nurse interrupted them before Quincy could answer.

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” said the nurse as she stepped into the room. “Are you Mrs. McGee?” the brown-eyed, attractive nurse said in a soft voice.

  “Yes, I am. What’s going on with my son?” Shy asked in agony.

  “He’s in surgery right now. Jayden was hit twice in the lower back. One bullet pierced his kidney, the other hit the spleen. Our best doctors are in with him now. The head surgeon, Dr. Fitzgerald, will be out to give you an update as soon as possible but it may be a couple of hours before that happens,” Nurse Gordon explained slowly and clearly. “In the meantime, there are some forms we need you to fill out and sign. If you would come with me, please.” Her compassion came through with every patient and their families. She was a recent graduate of Kent State University and had returned home to be near family and give back to her community. That level of commitment made LaTonya Gordon great at her job. Her heart especially went out to victims of crime. When she was a child, her father lost his life when an assailant decided another man’s life was his to take. She was dedicated to helping other victims of crime work through their pain and anger.

  Prince’s nerves were wrecked. He grabbed Shy’s hand and held on to his mother for dear life. Prince didn’t want to let his mother out of his sight. She tried to follow LaTonya out of the waiting room but Prince held her back.

  “It’s okay, baby. Mommy has to go take care of this so the doctors can do everything possible to save your brother. I’ll be right back,” Shy attempted to assure Prince. He maintained his grip on her hand. Shy noticed Prince was physically shaking. She decided to take another approach.

  “Karl, will you sit here with Quincy while I take care of this paperwork?”

  “Of course, anything you need,” Karl replied.

  “Come with me, Prince.” Shy and Prince walked hand in hand behind LaTonya.

  As hour after hour passed without word from the operating room, Shy was sick to her stomach waiting to hear if her son would live or die. She refused to break down in front of Prince and Quincy. They had been through enough. Shy would not force them to be her rock. She was determined to be theirs. Karl remained with Shy and her family for hours, only leaving her side to get food for everyone. He’d been where they were before and understood how they felt. Karl prayed for a different outcome from the one he experienced.

  The waiting room was quiet. Brianna and Monica had arrived along with Quincy’s girlfriend Caron. Aisha stayed back at the house with Princess. C-Lok and Bossy were in the hallway keeping tabs on their troops. While everyone else focused on Jayden, they were coordinating the hunt for the shooter. The city was in for an escalating rise in its murder rate. They wanted to know who was behind the attack before the clock stroked midnight.

  Shy heard a female voice in the hallway talking loud and stupid. “I wonder what that’s about,” she said aloud. It quickly became evident who was behind the ruckus. Shy stood up and firmly planted her feet shoulder-width apart. It was time to rumble.

  “Where’s my son? No, no, C-Lok, I’m not trying to hear all of that. Where is my son?” Tara yelled and pushed past her brother. Nyla walked in right behind her best friend.

  “This is all your fault! I knew something like this was going to happen,” Tara screamed at Shy.

  “I know you’re upset but you need to calm down,” Shy responded to her sister’s rant.

  “I don’t need to do shit. I should have kept my son away from you like I started to. If you’d have done what you should’ve back then, we wouldn’t be standing here now,” Tara growled at Shy.

  “Calm down, Tara. My son is back there fighting for his life. I’m not in the mood for one of your bourgeois temper tantrums right now. This ain’t the time,” Shy warned. She stood with her hands on her hips, ready to pounce. She understood her sister being upset about Quincy getting shot but that didn’t give her a right to come at Shy the way she was. Shy knew this was about more than Tara being upset about Quincy since she hadn’t acknowledged his presence in the room. Tara was so focused on fighting with her sister that she hadn’t hugged Quincy or asked him if he was okay.

  “You think everybody’s supposed to be scared of you but I ain’t,” Tara lied. “Quincy got shot, Jayden’s in surgery, and the reason behind it all got away without a scratch.”

  “Watch it, Tara. That’s your last warning. If you were so worried about your son, why’d it take you three hours to get here? What was more important than you coming to see about him?” Shy demanded. She was steadily losing control of her temper. Tara was taking things to a dangerous level. Shy had an immeasurable amount of pain and aggression stored up inside of her and Tara could get it if she wanted.

  Monica sat holding Prince’s hand. She knew how his aunt liked to put him down but placing blame on him for what happened was so unfair. Her mother standing behind Tara only angered Monica more. Monica thought her mother was just as ignorant and selfish as Tara. Nyla hadn’t consoled Brianna or even looked in their direction. Brianna was still in a daze. She didn’t care about anything but Jayden. Monica simultaneously wrapped her right arm around her sister and rubbed Prince’s knee with her left hand. That was all she could do to let them both know that she had their backs.

  Quincy felt so embarrassed and ashamed. He could never figure out what was behind all the animosity between his mother and aunt but he hated it. She liked to put on airs and turn her nose up at people. Everything with his mother was about money and status. If it had a big name attached to it, Tara wanted one for herself. She had spent nearly his entire college fund on unnecessary status symbols
for herself. Tara had name-brand clothes, cars, purses, and furniture, but her son had no way to pay for college. Quincy was able to attend college because of his Uncle C-Lok. His mother had lost all of his respect the day he overheard her disrespecting Shy. If he had his choice, Quincy would have moved in with Shy years ago.

  “C, come get your sister,” Shy called out to their brother.

  “Jayden does not deserve to be suffering and fighting for life. Whoever did this was probably aiming for Prince. That’s who should be on the operating table.” Tara spit out her vile words.

  “Ma! That’s enough. You need to leave. What’s wrong with you?” Quincy cried out as he jumped up from his seat. He was fuming.

  Shy’s next move was slow and deliberate. She paused and said to her nephew, “Quincy, baby, please forgive me for what I’m about to do.” Like a mother lion protecting her cubs, Shy faced her prey and went on the attack. She punched Tara square in the face so hard it sent her falling backward into the wall. Her head made a hole in the drywall. Tara landed on her behind in an upright position. Shy stood over her sister, throwing haymakers faster than Laila Ali. “Bitch! I will fucking kill ya ignorant ass.” Shy beat on Tara like she’d stolen her man. Nyla tried to grab Shy from behind. Bossy pulled Nyla back just as Shy turned around and knocked Nyla to the floor. Shy tried to stomp Nyla out but C-Lok pulled her off the helpless woman.

  Enough was enough. Shy had no time to think before she pounced on Tara and Nyla. Tara had been trying to provoke Shy into mutual combat for years. Shy tried to steady her breathing as nurses, security, and other hospital personnel rushed the family waiting room.

  “Somebody grabs a gurney,” someone yelled.

  “Better make it two,” another instructed.

  “What happened here?”

  Shy went back to where she was sitting before Tara singlehandedly broke hell loose. If Tara and Nyla needed medical attention, they’d brought it on themselves. Shy had no time for regrets. Besides the condition of her child, Shy had no interest in anything going on around the room. Stoic was the only word to describe her demeanor. Shy’s heart went out to Quincy, Brianna, and Monica. They had to bear witness to their mommas getting their asses whipped, but those apologies had to wait. Jayden was her immediate focus.

  Karl was left in the dark. He had no idea what had just happened. Shy had spoken of her brother but never mentioned she had a sister. Karl assumed Quincy was her brother’s child. Nothing he could think of to say seemed appropriate so Karl decided it was best for him to remain silent. When the time was right, he knew Shy would open up to him about the obvious feud with her sister. Until then, Karl would stay by Shy’s side for as long as she needed.

  When police detectives walked in, Shy didn’t move or blink an eye. They would have to arrest her later. If they insisted on going against her wishes, Shy had no problem giving it to them too because she was not leaving without a fight. The police were not above getting the same beat down Tara and Nyla had just received.

  Chapter 29

  Letting Go

  The detectives had interviewed the eyewitnesses who remained at the scene. Hours had passed and they still needed to talk to the victims. They knew Prince and Quincy had experienced a traumatic event but they had to do their jobs. Speaking with the family was always difficult, especially when critical injuries or death was involved. Emotions always controlled people’s reactions to life’s difficulties.

  Detective Iverson scanned the roomful of sad and worried faces. His heart went out to them all.

  “Excuse me, Ms. McGee, I’m Detective Iverson. I’m investigating the case with my partner here, Detective Selma.”

  Shy looked both detectives up and down, pausing before extending her arm to meet Detective Iverson’s open hand to shake.

  “How’s Jayden doing?” Detective Iverson genuinely wanted to know. The worst part of his job was the number of young black boys losing their lives on the streets.

  “We don’t know yet. He’s still in surgery.”

  Shy’s right leg began shaking. An indication that her nerves were frazzled and on edge.

  “Ms. McGee, we’ve spent the last couple of hours interviewing witnesses. I want to personally promise you that we won’t stop investigating until we find those responsible.” Detective Iverson offered assurance of his resolve to give Jayden justice.

  Shy felt both detectives’ sincerity but nothing would make her trust them. She was as leery of the police as her son Prince. Detective Roberts made certain of that the split second Melvin took his last breath.

  Karl knew Shy didn’t have the mindset to speak with the police. Though their relationship was in the beginning stage, Karl felt protective of Shy. Her body language screamed out how uncomfortable the police presence made her. Karl knew Detective Selma. She was the detective assigned to the shooting death of his son. Detective Selma was professional and empathetic. Karl was grateful for her role in bringing justice to his fallen son, Tubb.

  “Mr. Wilkins, how’ve you been?” Detective Selma asked once she recognized the man standing next to Shy.

  “I’m blessed,” Karl replied with a weak smile.

  “No parent should have to bury a child, especially as a result of violence. You seem to have come through that dreadful time much better than some. I admire that level of strength,” Detective Selma said.

  “I hope you’re able to bring this case to a close with a better ending. We won’t lose another child to the streets,” Karl responded with sadness.

  From what he’d learned about Shy and Prince, Karl knew another loss could crumble the McGee family.

  “I’ll do all that I can to find those involved. Right now, we really need to get a statement from Prince and Quincy,” Detective Iverson interjected.

  Karl was well aware of Prince’s attitude. He lived by the code of the street. That meant no snitching. Prince’s frame of mind and experience with the civil servants behind the gold shields would hinder the investigation. He’d solve it on his own.

  Before Detective Iverson could open his mouth to ask his next question, he was interrupted by the surgeon. Dr. Fitzgerald had a presence that attracted attention. He stood just over six feet and sported salt-and-pepper hair with a thick mustache. His poor upbringing kept him humble and grateful. Education and a strong mother helped in his success.

  Shy’s stomach turned when she saw the doctor. It had been eight long hours since Jayden was first wheeled into the operating room. She was sick with worry.

  “Doctor, how is my son?” Shy held her breath and waited for the answer.

  “Ms. McGee, you have a strong young man. I’m Dr. Fitzgerald and please accept my apologies for the lack of updates on Jayden. The bullets to his stomach did massive damage. His condition is critical.” Dr. Fitzgerald paused and took a look around the room. There were many concerned faces but he had to be sure he had permission to speak in front of them all. “Ms. McGee, would you like to talk alone or should I continue?”

  “You’re fine, what’s going on with my baby?”

  “Jayden has extensive damage to a few major organs. We had to remove his spleen and perform a colectomy. In layman’s terms, we had to take a portion of his large intestine,” Dr. Fitzgerald explained slowly.

  “Oh my God!” Shy cried out. Karl and Prince embraced her tightly. “He will die if he can’t play basketball. It’s such a huge part of his identity.”

  “Most people recover fully. He will most likely be able to do most of the activities he did before surgery. Jayden is in very good physical condition. His body is that of a well-disciplined athlete,” Dr. Fitzgerald reassured.

  “Thank God.” Shy exhaled.

  “Jayden is far from being out of the woods. His kidneys are not functioning. The damage is far too extensive for modern medicine. If he doesn’t receive a kidney transplant, Jayden will require dialysis for the remainder of his life,” Dr. Fitzgerald said somberly.

  Dr. Fitzgerald gave Shy a minute to let the news set in
. He’d given her some difficult news and did not want to overwhelm her. The doctor looked on as Shy broke down. Her knees were weak and she needed help staying on her feet. Dr. Fitzgerald watched as the young man who mirrored his patient comforted his mother. Realizing that Jayden had an identical twin brother gave Dr. Fitzgerald hope that his patient could make a full recovery.

  “Young man, what’s your name?” Dr. Fitzgerald asked.

  “I’m Jayden’s twin brother, Prince. My little brother can have both of my kidneys if he needs ’em. Just tell me what to do,” Prince said with urgency.

  “He can have one of mine. I’d rather it be me donating a kidney. Prince doesn’t need to go through this,” Shy insisted.

  “In all honesty, identical twins are perfect matches for one another. As his mother, there’s a good chance that you would qualify as a possible donor. What we’ll do is test you both but as I said, your son here will be more compatible. I want to test you both as soon as possible,” Dr. Fitzgerald said before making notes in Jayden’s chart.

  “I’m down with givin’ dat nigga a kidney.”

  Prince was livid. Who did Raequan think he was? Raequan had tripped over the line of friend; he was forever a mortal enemy. He stood in the doorway with a stupid smirk on his face and his mother standing by his side. They both sported obvious signs of having lost a physical battle. Shy and Prince were three seconds from going for their necks when Karl and Monica jumped in between the four of them.

  “Not here, not now,” Karl said. “Remember where you are and that Jayden needs you right now. What good would you do him behind bars?”

  Shy took a step back and reached for Prince. Karl was right. Their focus had to be on Jayden. Cherise and Raequan would be dealt with another time.

  “Testing multiple people is likely unnecessary, but considering my patient’s condition, I’ll have everyone who volunteers tested. It may take up to forty-eight hours to get the test results back and time is of the essence. Ms. McGee, let’s take care of Jayden. You and Prince will be the first tested. We have to move as fast as possible. Nurse Gordon will be in with paperwork.” Dr. Fitzgerald spoke with Shy a minute longer before he left the waiting room. There was thick fog of hate floating in the air. He wasn’t sure what was going on with the family but Dr. Fitzgerald knew all hell was going to break loose soon.


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