Young-Minded Hustler

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Young-Minded Hustler Page 19

by Tysha

  Prince sat on the side of his brother’s bed with a variety of emotions flooding both his mind and soul. Suddenly, Prince was overtaken by a tidal wave of sentiment inside his chest. Tears burst from the wells of his eyes. Prince leaned forward in his chair and rested his head on the side of his brother’s hospital bed. He hadn’t left Jayden’s side since the nurses wheeled him in from ICU. Prince’s head lightly brushed the side of Jayden’s hand. Not since the loss of their father had Prince experienced such fear. For years Prince had been able to hold back his tears. Instead he expressed his disappointment, sadness, and fears through anger and aggression. Those repressed feelings looked like irresponsibility and lack of motivation. When children become depressed, they have no idea how to explain it. Many times the adults labeled Prince’s sorrow as ADD, hardheaded, or just plain bad.

  Prince gripped Jayden’s hand and spoke from the heart.

  “I can’t lose you too, bro. I ain’t built fo’ dis right here. It just hurts too bad,” Prince cried. He paused long enough to catch his breath as he used his T-shirt to wipe his face. Prince fell back in the chair. Tears continued to fall as he stared at all of the machines and tubes running in and out of his brother.

  Beep, beep, beep . . .

  Sounds of artificial life assisting his brother to breathe tore into Prince’s heart relentlessly. The sight sent a paralyzing bolt of fear through his body. He felt lost in the world. At that moment, Prince questioned his own existence. No one person should be condemned to a life of agony. Prince couldn’t help but think God must be angry with him about something. All he had done was be born. He would be the first to admit all of the wrong he’d committed over the years but Prince didn’t know why so much sorrow haunted him. The emptiness he felt inside made him feel like God had turned His back on their family.

  “What did I do to make my brother have to fight for his life? It should be me in that bed,” Prince sniveled.

  Prince reached for his brother’s hand again. He’d give anything to trade places with Jayden. “I’m sorry, bro, it’s my fault Daddy ain’t here. I’m sorry.” It seemed like forever that Prince had housed that guilt inside his heart. “If I hadn’t jerked Dad would be here. Why did I move that day?” Like a spirit leaving its earthly being, guilt washed from Prince when he confessed his sins. Prince had never let go of his brother’s hand. He thought their energy might recharge Jayden and bring him back to life. “Please forgive me, Daddy... I’m sorry for moving,” Prince whimpered.

  Shy stood inside the doorway, listening to her son sob his pain away. Hearing Prince’s cries broke Shy’s heart. Helpless didn’t begin to describe the way she felt. As much as she wanted to rush over to Prince and hold him in her arms, Shy knew Prince needed to cleanse his soul.

  Shy let her tears stream down her face. She too had to forgive herself for the mistakes she’d made as a single mother raising boys. Shy had done her best but she had no idea what it meant to be a man in this world, especially a black man. Through trial and error, Shy did the best she could. Witnessing the emotional scene between her twins made Shy proud. Somewhere along the way, she’d done a good job.

  Prince’s cries slowly changed to weeping as he sat with his head hung low. Prince jerked upright and gasped. He felt Jayden move. Jayden had clasped his brother’s hand by moving his fingers. Prince was certain of it.

  “Jayden, can you hear me, bro? Squeeze my hand again,” Prince begged.

  Shy rushed into the room. She stood on the opposite side of the bed and took Jayden’s left hand into hers.

  “Baby, Mommy’s here. Give us a sign if you can hear us,” Shy asked excitedly.

  Shy and Prince waited patiently for Jayden to respond to their voices. He looked so weak and fragile. They stood over him with tears dropping down on the blankets covering Jayden. Shy thought that maybe Prince wanted his brother back so bad that he’d imagined Jayden moving.

  “Jay, come on, man, holla at me.” Prince encouraged Jayden to move.

  “Do it for Mommy, baby. Can you hear us?”

  Shy and Prince didn’t have to wait long for proof that Jayden could hear them. Jayden moved his hands with just enough pressure for his family to feel it. His wiggling fingers brushed on both hands simultaneously.

  Prince’s tears turned into joy. His brother was going to be okay. He sat back down in the chair. “I’m right here, bro.” Prince took a deep breath and silently thanked God for His forgiveness. “I’m not leaving you by ya ’self.”

  Shy broke down into tears. She bent over and held her son. Knowing Jayden could hear her meant he was fighting to stay alive. Shy knew without a doubt that Jayden could win the fight. He was a McGee.

  Chapter 30

  Look at This Bitch . . .

  Shy used a washcloth to wipe down Jayden’s legs while Brianna scrubbed his chest and arms. The nurse was happy to hear she had one less patient to give a sponge bath. The patient’s mother and girlfriend would work things out.

  “Like I was saying, Baby Girl has been begging to visit you. I told her you were still tired and taking a nap, so you have to wake up before that girl has a tantrum,” Shy half joked. She felt Jayden could hear her and Shy decided to have a one-way conversation with him. After they got him cleaned up, Brianna planned to read him a book.

  “Well, good morning, Ms. McGee,” Dr. Fitzgerald gave a slight nod in Shy’s direction. “How did I know I would find you in here?” Dr. Fitzgerald checked the machines helping to keep Jayden alive.

  “Good morning,” Brianna and Shy said simultaneously.

  “Ms. McGee, I need to speak with you. Will you please follow me?” Dr. Fitzgerald stepped toward the door but waited for Shy to join him.

  “Brianna, be sure to rub the cocoa butter lotion on his legs. You finish up and I’ll be back in a minute,” Shy promised.

  Shy followed the doctor down the hall to the family room where Prince was cowered in a corner taking a nap. She was unhappy to find Tara there along with Cherise and Raequan. It upset Shy to find enemies that close to her son when he was oblivious to their presence. Just when Shy opened her mouth to cuss everybody out, Dr. Fitzgerald explained their presence.

  “I requested those tested yesterday to be here. It will save a lot of time this way,” Dr. Fitzgerald explained.

  Quincy, Karl, and C-Lok sat quietly while the doctor took charge of the room. They knew Shy was a ticking time bomb. She could explode at any minute. For the sake of everyone involved, the men sat at attention.

  “I didn’t realize you actually tested everyone. I thought Prince and I would be the safest donors,” Shy said, irritated.

  “We want to help Jayden so we were tested. You never know what might happen,” Cherise interrupted with a nervous smile.

  Shy looked at Cherise like she’d just blown morning breath in her face. She was not impressed. Cherise and Raequan showing love meant nothing to Shy. It was just another way for the mother and son team to keep tabs on Jayden’s condition. Shy stared Cherise down as she stood with her arms crossed and lip twisted. Prince woke up but remained seated where he lay. He paid close attention to the room. This was his second time seeing Raequan since their fight. Prince tightened his jaw and breathed deeply as he looked at Raequan. Anger and hate raced through Prince at lightning speed. For as much as he hated Raequan, Prince loved his brother more. I’ve got plenty of time to drop his ass. All that matters to me now is taking care of my fam, Prince told himself.

  Dr. Fitzgerald cleared his throat and gave one last read of the chart in hand.

  “There’s no surprise that Jayden’s identical twin brother is a perfect match. That is wonderful news.” Dr. Fitzgerald scanned over the papers again. “Ms. McGee, if anything goes wrong, you and the half-brother are good matches.”

  Cherise and Tara gave slight gasps at the doctor’s announcement. Cherise’s heart raced and sweat beads formed on her forehead. She was having trouble breathing.

  “What half-brother? He doesn’t have any half-brother. You m
ust mean my nephew Quincy is a match. He’d have some of my traits since his mother is my sister,” Shy clarified for the record. A mistake had been made somewhere in the testing process.

  Dr. Fitzgerald flipped two papers over and confirmed the test results. He’d gone over them so many times that morning he practically had everything memorized.

  “Yes, here it is. According to the blood test, which includes DNA, the young man shares the same male, or fathers, markers as the twins.” Dr. Fitzgerald was oblivious to the implications.

  “Who? Quincy?” Shy demanded angrily. Her eyes were the size of half dollars and agitation took over thoughts. Was that the reason for Tara’s jealousy? Had she and Melvin slept together? Shy had her fist ready to go on her sister again.

  Tara delighted in the thought that Shy might find out that Melvin was not a perfect husband.

  “No, not Quincy. Raequan Jackson, no relation, is the twins’ half-brother.” Dr. Fitzgerald unknowingly revealed the truth Cherise had planned to take to her grave.

  Prince jumped to his feet. C-Lok, Karl, and Quincy followed suit. Shy was in shock. She was unable to move a muscle. When was Melvin fuckin’ with Cherise? There’s no way they could have been gettin’ it in without me knowing. He would never cross that line, especially with my best friend, thought Shy.

  There it was for the world to see. Cherise’s secret was out. The night of their high school graduation was just the beginning of many three-way trysts with her, B-Boy, and Melvin. It happened two or three times a year. Cherise’s jealous heart gave her cause to betray her best friend. B-Boy always got the three of them together. He liked watching another man bang out his woman but it couldn’t be just any nigga. B-Boy always lured Melvin in after a long night of drinking moonshine and smoking weed. Cherise kept their secret close to her chest.

  There was nothing Cherise could say to explain her position so she said nothing. Cherise knew how Shy operated. She was afraid Shy was going to come for her. Raequan stood by his mother with a stupid look on his face. He stared at Prince as if to say, “I got street cred now, nigga.” Raequan was being arrogant about the situation. Being a McGee mattered on the streets and he wanted the status Prince always had. Raequan was anxious to spread the word.

  Prince was stunned by the news. He didn’t care what the test said, there’s no way Raequan shared his bloodline. Karl walked over to comfort and restrain Shy. C-Lok pulled Prince down next to him on the couch. Melvin’s sins had been unearthed and that meant turmoil, but there was a bigger issue at hand. Jayden needed a kidney. Prince suspected that Raequan was the reason behind it all.

  “Remember, we’re here about Jayden. Nothing else matters right now,” Karl said to Shy.

  Shy felt homicidal and wasn’t trying to hear Karl. She had temporarily found the strength to contain herself. Shy knew she could forgive him of his sins if it weren’t for the fact that her best friend was Melvin’s bitch on the side. The weight of her husband’s betrayal was overwhelming. Knowing that Cherise and Melvin played with her heart in the most disrespectful manner hurt so bad Shy felt as if she wanted to die.

  “Treachery comes with a high price, you scandalous bitch.” Shy lunged at Cherise. No one was able to stop her. Shy wrapped her hands around Cherise’s neck and put all of her strength into choking her out.

  “Get her,” Karl yelled as he and C-Lok tried to pry Shy and Cherise apart.

  “I’m trying but Shy ain’t letting go,” C-Lok replied. He couldn’t believe how strong she was.

  Despite the devastating news, Prince remained focused on his brother. He had his mother by the arms as he begged her not to kill Cherise. “Ma! Don’t do this here. Mommy, let her go,” Prince urged.

  The three men continued to scuffle with Shy. She had a vice-like grip around Cherise’s neck and would not let go. Cherise was seconds away from passing out.

  “Mommy, let her go. Jayden needs you,” Prince implored his mother.

  Hearing her son’s name snapped Shy back to reality. She held Cherise’s life in her hands. At that moment, Shy decided that being choked to death was too kind. Shy was going to torment Cherise but Jayden trumped her need for immediate retribution. Shy released her grasp, causing Cherise to fall to the tiled floor.

  Prince hugged his mother for dear life. He was giving her time to catch her breath and refocus on saving Jayden’s life. After Prince promised Shy that their plot for revenge would be relentless, she took a deep breath and apologized to the doctor. It was time to move on.

  “Am I right to assume the twin will be donating a kidney to his brother?” Dr. Fitzgerald was uncomfortable. He had no idea that the test results would open Pandora’s Box. The only thing that concerned him was saving his patient. They needed to get Prince and Jayden into the operating room. Time was of the essence.

  “Yes, Prince is giving Jayden a kidney. When will the surgeries take place?” Shy asked with a tight throat.

  “Right now. Prince, let’s get you prepped for the operation. Jayden’s waiting on your gift.” Dr. Fitzgerald smiled.

  “I’m ready,” Prince responded without hesitation. “I want my brother back. I’m with you, doc.” Prince gave Shy a long, tight hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “I love you, Prince, and I’m so proud of you,” Shy cried.

  “Love you too, Ma. That bullshit will be dealt with later. We need to tell Jayden what’s up with the operation.” Prince held his mother’s hand.

  Shy and Prince headed for Jayden’s room hand in hand. The three of them needed some time together before Prince was wheeled away. Everyone else in the room was left in mayhem. Cherise may very well have been taking her last breaths on earth. C-Lok would hold off on the retribution until Shy was ready to make a move.

  “You shoulda been told me this shit,” Raequan said, almost jovial. He was so focused on how his life was going to improve that the thought of a deadly war never crossed his mind. A street battle with Shy was all Cherise could think about. There was no doubt Shy would get C-Lok and Bossy involved. She was ill-equipped to face her enemy in combat.

  Chapter 31

  Strong as Steel

  After multiple hours on operating tables and days spent in ICU, the twins were resting comfortably side by side in a regular room. Dr. Fitzgerald had been sympathetic with their family issues. He arranged for them to share a semi-private room. It was the first time Prince and Jayden had shared a room in seven years. Shy couldn’t have been happier. Princess was even allowed to visit her brothers. Brianna and Monica helped her make the twins some macaroni artwork and colorful get well cards. Princess was looking forward to their return home, in part because Shy promised she could help take care of them.

  Dr. Fitzgerald and Nurse Gordon were impressed with the twins’ recovery. Jayden’s turnaround was nothing short of a miracle. Shy’s dedication to them was evident. She stayed by their side every day. Dr. Fitzgerald was pleased to deliver some good news.

  “Good morning, sons, how’d you rest last night?”

  “As good as we could with nurses waking us up every two hours,” Jayden joked.

  “That’s the best part about being in here. Dr. Fitzgerald, you got some fine broads walking around here.” Prince unconsciously adjusted his manhood when he spoke. Everyone laughed at Prince.

  “Good morning, Ms. McGee,” Dr. Fitzgerald greeted.

  “Good morning, Dr. Fitzgerald. How are my boys doing and when can I take them home?” Shy inquired.

  “Prince can go home today. Jayden will follow in a couple of days, perhaps a week at most. We want to keep close attention to how his body is reacting to the new kidney.”

  Dr. Fitzgerald examined Jayden and was pleased with how strong Jayden had become. He completed his assessment of both boys before excusing himself to get started on getting Prince’s release papers in order.

  He hated leaving his brother behind but Prince was ecstatic to be home. Taking a hot shower and tasting his mother’s cooking were his immediate goals. Prince was exhauste
d after the hot shower. Dr. Fitzgerald warned him to take things slow because his body was still healing. The level of fatigue took Prince by surprise. He had to take a nap.

  Shy and Princess went in search of Prince shortly after hearing the shower water turn off. He wasn’t in his room when Shy and Princess went to check on him. Shy automatically knew he had gotten into her bed. The sight brought back a flood of memories that made Shy’s heart smile. Shy thought back to all of the times Prince had crawled into his parents’ bed. Prince had always found comfort being in his mother’s presence. He’d lie and watch movies or just talk to his mother.

  “Shhh, he’s sleeping,” Princess whispered.

  “Do me a favor and stay here with him while I go cook. Can you watch your brother for me?”

  “Yeah, I can watch him. I’m going to lie on this pillow in case he needs something. Will you put on a movie for me so I won’t be bored?” Princess said excitedly.

  It wasn’t long before she fell asleep next to her big brother. Shy couldn’t help but snap a few pictures of her babies. She left them to rest, feeling blessed.

  Prince being comfortable was Shy’s main focus at hand. Shy finished with the small details in the family room. The goal was to put the PS3, TV remotes, blankets, pillows, and anything Prince might need within reach. Shy had Monica purchase a dorm room-sized refrigerator and an oversized La-Z-Boy that Prince could sleep on comfortably.

  Shy was in the kitchen prepping dinner when the doorbell chimed. NuNu and Mike Frank stood on the porch, looking like young boys with crushes on the teacher. They both blushed when Shy invited them into the house.


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