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Wayward Lady

Page 18

by Nan Ryan

  Austin took one of her small hands and placed it on the gold tasseled pull by the bed. “You see this, darlin’?”


  “You’ve only to pull it. You can have something to eat anytime you’ve an appetite.”

  “Even in the middle of the night, Austin?” Her fingers played with the tassels.

  “Yes, sweetheart.” He smiled and ran a hand over her soft, bare bottom. “I told you, I intend to put some meat on your bones. Now pull on that cord, Mrs. Brand. Then kiss me and tell me you like being married.”

  Suzette did as she was told, then leaned over her husband’s face and kissed him wildly. “I love being married to you, Austin Brand. May I please have ham and eggs and buckwheat cakes?”

  Wrapping her in his big arms, Austin Brand laughed as he nodded his head. Burying his face in her warm, sweet neck, he murmured huskily, “Yes, yes…oh, God, yes!”


  The remainder of the trip to New York passed rapidly for the honeymooners in the private railroad car known as Alpha. The ardent bridegroom, feeling much younger that his forty-two years, revelled in the role of lover to his luscious twenty-two-year-old bride. Entranced by Suzette’s beauty, Austin never tired of holding her in his arms while the train sped across the frozen countryside.

  Suzette, though not in love with Austin, found him extremely appealing and welcomed his lovemaking eagerly. Never in her life had she felt so adored. She knew she was fortunate that such a kind, rich, and handsome man had wanted her for his wife when she was positive he could have had his pick of the society ladies of Dallas and Fort Worth, and perhaps even New York City. It was still a mystery to her that Austin had chosen her over women who were much better educated, more sophisticated, and nearer his age.

  On that first romantic night aboard the train, Suzette fell asleep in her husband’s arms, full from the huge breakfast they shared at three in the morning. Austin remained awake long after she curled up against him. He was tired, but he was much too happy for sleep. Suzette lay with her arm across his chest, her face pressed into his neck and shoulder. Her soft, naked body touched his, its warmth and silkiness a constant sensual delight to him. He’d had many women in his life. Beautiful women. Experienced women. Women so in love with him they were anxious to please. But never before had he made love to a woman and found the ecstasy his innocent young bride had given him.

  He trembled as he lay beside her in the darkness. He loved her too much and it frightened him. He worshipped her already and this was only their first night together. What if he should lose her the way he lost Beth and Jenny? Austin’s big arm automatically tightened around the slender body next to him. His happiness was tinged with fear—and guilt. He knew that, should he lose Suzette, it would hurt him much more than losing Beth had. It would hurt him more than losing his darling little Jenny. It would kill him.

  Kissing the silky blond hair that fell about her bare shoulders, Austin vowed silently never to let her out of his sight. He would be at her side always. No one would take this precious creature from him as long as he had breath in his body. Never would he allow her to be alone and vulnerable. No man would ever harm one hair on her golden head. Suzette Foxworth Brand was his and his alone. No one had ever touched her but him, and any man who dared try to touch her would pay with his life!

  Suzette moaned faintly in her sleep and Austin whispered, “Darlin’, I’m sorry,” and eased the tight grip he had on her. She never opened her eyes, but turned over and backed up against him. Smiling, Austin kissed her shoulder and turned with her so as to curl around her. Soon the hypnotic lull of the wheels on the track bed pulled him into a deep slumber.

  When Suzette awoke the next day, Austin was not in the bed. Brushing her hair from her eyes, she pushed herself onto an elbow, holding the sheet with one hand to cover herself. As if by magic, Madge appeared.

  “Your bath is ready, Mrs. Brand.” The woman smiled as she held out a large white towel.

  Suzette reached for the towel. “Where is my husband?”

  “Right now he’s in the car ahead where the chef is preparing your meal. When your bath is finished, breakfast will be waiting, and so will Austin.”

  Suzette blushed as thoughts of the preceding night came back to her. She almost dreaded seeing Austin in the stark light of day. Her stomach aflutter, she drew the towel about her body and rose from the bed.

  Inside the bathing chamber, she sighed when she stepped into the huge marble tub of hot sudsy water. She laid her head back against the tub’s rim and let the soothing water work its magic. When her soak was finished, Madge held out a robe. It was not the eggshell satin from last night but a rich, luxuriant midnight-blue velvet with long tight sleeves and an empire waistline. The square neckline was daringly low; it would barely conceal the swell of her bosom!

  Suzette looked about for a gown or underclothes and saw none. She put on the robe and pulled the ribbon sash tight under her breasts. She slipped her bare feet into the blue velvet slippers Madge indicated and patiently let her brush the tangles from her long hair.

  “There,” Madge said, satisfied. “You look very pretty this morning.”

  “Thank you, Madge.” Suzette pulled at the neckline of her robe and stood stiffly, waiting for the woman to leave.

  “I’ll be going now, dear. Mr. Brand is back in your stateroom.”

  Suzette nodded and went to join him. When she stepped inside the door, Austin rose from the table and smiled at her. “Darlin’,” he said softly, his eyes feasting on her beauty, “you look lovely.”

  Wishing the neckline of her velvet robe covered more and that she were not completely naked underneath the heavy robe, she started toward her husband shyly. From the corner of her eye, she noted that the big bed had been remade. The eggshell satin sheets had disappeared, as had the satin nightgown. Sky-blue sheets of soft silk now stretched tightly across the expanse of the huge bed; a heavy coverlet of blue velvet was folded at the foot.

  “Good morning, Austin.” She let her eyes slide over him. He wore tight gray cashmere trousers and a white shirt open down his chest. He stood with his arms out to her.

  “My wife,” he breathed against her temple as he pulled her up into his embrace. Cradling her head in his big hand, he bent and tenderly kissed her lips. “How do you feel, sweetheart?” He nuzzled her mouth. “Are you…uncomfortable?”

  “I’m wonderful,” she assured him saucily, “except I’m hungry.”

  Austin laughed. “I personally went to the galley to oversee the preparation of your breakfast. Shall we?” He extended a long arm to the table behind them.

  Suzette’s place setting was across from his. As soon as his hands dropped from her, she started to step around the table. “No,” he said, and pulled her back. “Please, sweetheart, that’s too far away from me.” With that he sat down and pulled her onto his lap. “Indulge me for a bit, Suzette. I like to hold you close; it’s still such a new delight. I can’t bear to have you away from me.”

  His candor was appealing. She giggled and kissed his bronzed jaw. “Austin, you may hold me whenever you like, but don’t you think it will be difficult to eat with me on your lap?”

  “I only want coffee. The sight of you made me lose my appetite for food.” His eyes gleamed devilishly. “But I shall be delighted to feed you! We’ll begin with fresh orange juice mixed with champagne.” He picked up a stemmed crystal glass and held it to her lips. Suzette took a small sip, swished it around in her mouth, and sighed.

  “This is good, Austin. I insist you have a drink.”

  He took a drink to please her, then set the glass aside. He buttered a blueberry muffin and held it up to her. Suzette laughed and let her husband feed her poached eggs, crisp, thick-sliced bacon, honey, assorted pastries, and fresh fruits. While he lifted the silver fork back and forth to her waiting mouth, Suzette playfully entwined her fingers in his thick hair and sprinkled kisses over his smoothly shaven face. Her arm around his neck, her hand in his ha
ir, she unwittingly offered her husband a tempting view of her breasts. As she moved the rich material fell away to give him glimpses of the soft rounded mounds of creamy flesh, their pale pink crests clearly visible.

  With great patience Austin fed his hungry wife, all the while fighting the blinding desire to toss the fork to the table and bury his face between her soft breasts and kiss them until she sighed his name in ecstasy. He longed to yank the long robe up over her legs and thighs, to push it high up around her waist so that her bare buttocks were deliciously pressed against his aroused body, straining now against the tightness of his trousers. God, how sweet it would be to unbutton his pants hastily and immerse himself in her sweet warmth while she sat on his lap. To feel that velvety bottom squirming against his thighs while she offered her tempting breasts up to him for his further enjoyment!

  Austin bit his lip and tried to compose himself. He knew that he must be very careful with his new wife. He loved her as much as he lusted after her, and he would rather suffer than do anything that might shock or disgust her. With superhuman effort, he continued to feed her until finally she pushed the fork away, rubbed her full stomach through the velvet robe, and sighed contentedly. “No more, Austin. I’m so full I may pop.” With that she bounded from her husband’s lap and rushed to the window, pulling open the drapes. “Austin, come look, it’s snowing! Isn’t it beautiful!” The frozen countryside rolled gently by. Huge snowflakes, coming from the northwest, hit the warmth of the train window, melted, and slowly trickled down the shiny panes. Her eyes wide, a dazzling smile on her face, Suzette turned to look at her husband. He remained where she had left him. “Austin,” she pleaded, holding out a hand to him, “come look, please. It’s so lovely.”

  His face grew pink and he gave her a strained look that puzzled her. Her eyes drifted from his face down over his chest and finally to his lap. Her hand flew to her mouth. “Austin!”

  “I’m sorry, darlin’,” he said sheepishly. “I suppose I should have let you sit across from me.”

  Suzette, suddenly wise beyond her years and awakened by his tender loving, smiled and walked slowly to his chair. She fell to her knees beside him and brazenly put a hand on his thigh. “Austin,” she whispered in a soft, honeyed voice, “I’m flattered you find me so attractive. Come with me.” She rose, touched his cheek affectionately, and turned away from him. She strolled to the bed, untied her robe, and let it slide seductively to the floor. Austin saw only her bare backside as she got into the bed and pulled the blue sheet up around her.

  With a shaking hand, he pulled the drapes together, shutting out the falling snow and its brilliant light. He came to the bed and hurriedly undressed in the semidarkness while she watched him, a sensual smile on her face, her eyes now glazed with desire. In seconds he was holding his naked wife in his arms while the blood in his temples pounded and his heated mouth took hers in a kiss of hunger and possession. When his open lips moved to nibble on her neck, Suzette’s hands slid up into his thick hair. She closed her eyes as he moved his handsome head down over the swell of her breasts. They opened for an instant when his mouth tenderly closed over an erect nipple. When finally he shifted, making a place for himself between her silky thighs, Suzette clung to him while she murmured sweetly against his lips, “Austin, my husband.”

  The entire trip to the big city was one long idyll as the newly married couple did little but eat, sleep, drink champagne, soak in the marble tub, make love, and occasionally play a game of cards or read a book. Their days and nights became mixed and they would sleep throughout the day as the train made its slow steady progress northward across the vast country. At sundown they’d awaken, have a huge meal, take a leisurely bath, and spend the long winter night talking and making love.

  On the final night of their long journey, Suzette lay propped on her husband’s chest. Austin was telling Suzette that when they arrived in New York he would take her to the dressmaker first of all. She would need many new clothes, as he intended to show her the city and show the city her. Her arms folded over his broad chest, chin resting in her hands, she lay on her stomach and looked at him as he spoke. The large Seth Thomas chimed four A.M. but neither was sleepy. She loved to listen to her knowledgeable husband talk; he seemed to know so much about everything. She was impressed that he’d often visited the magic city and promised her that he knew many people, had lots of friends there.

  “Austin”—she raised her head and put an elbow on his chest—“what shall I wear when we arrive at the train station? Will Madge press the dress I got married in? That’s really all that I have. I’ve worn nothing on this trip but gowns and robes. Do you realize I haven’t dressed since we left Forth Worth?”

  “My love, that’s the way I planned it. If I could have my way, you wouldn’t even have robes to wear. I’d have had you nude from Fort Worth to New York if I could have managed.”He smiled and brought a hand from under his head to caress her shoulder.

  “Austin, I think you’ve managed pretty well.” She giggled and kissed his furry chest. “Answer my question. Will I wear the dress I was married in when we arrive?”

  “Darlin’, it so happens I purchased a couple for you before we left Fort Worth. One is a brown wool that should be nice and warm and quite appropriate.”

  “You bought me dresses?” She smiled and sat up. “Where are they, Austin? I want to try them on.”

  Pulling her back down to him, he said, “Sweetheart, it’s the middle of the night. I just got you undressed, and I intend to keep you that way until morning.” He lifted his head from the pillow and kissed her throat.

  “But, Austin,” she protested.

  “But, Suzette,” he teased and gently pushed her over onto her back. He leaned over her, pinning an arm over her head with his big hand. He kissed her lips softly, over and over, and between each kiss he tried to convince her that this was not the time for a fashion show. “Darlin’,” he murmured, “it’s so nice and warm here in our bed. Stay here with me, please.” He traced her upper lip with his tongue. “Let’s play awhile, my love. Let’s drink more champagne and let it warm our blood.” He teasingly bit her soft bottom lip. “Let’s lie here and explore each other.” His lips closed more surely on hers and his kiss deepened, his tongue penetrating, between her lips. “Please, beautiful girl, let me love you once again.” His mouth moved to the side of her neck, located the throbbing pulse, and worried it with his tongue. “You taste so good, sweet, let me feast on you for a time.” His mouth came back to hers; it dipped down and teased at hers, leaving her craving for more. “Let’s fill our big bathtub with bubbles and sit in it together. I’ll take the champagne bucket with us.” He released her arm, his big hand sliding down to cup a breast. He heard her gentle sigh.

  “Austin,” she whispered, smiling, “you’ve made me forget what it was I wanted to do.” Her arms went around him.


  As though nature itself were at their command, the snow ceased during their last night on the train. By the time the Alpha snaked into the giant city, the skies were clearing and the air was dry, though bitter cold. Austin, natty in a suit of pearl-gray flannel, white shirt, gray silk cravat, and gray kid leather gloves, stood at the window of the slow-moving train, his arm around his excited wife, pointing out landmarks of the old city.

  Suzette, her face glowing as her eyes swept the skyline, looked fresh and radiant in the soft brown wool dress Austin had picked for her. Long-sleeved and long-waisted, it was topped by a waist-length matching cape trimmed in red fox. Boots of buttery brown kid kept her small feet warm, and a saucy brown wool hat trimmed in red fox complemented the fur muff covering her gloved hands. A strikingly handsome couple, they were both eager to arrive and together explore the many delights awaiting them.

  Suzette had been unusually quiet. Now she pressed her head to her husband’s shoulder and sighed. “Sweetheart”—he squeezed her neck—“is something wrong? You haven’t said a word for five minutes. That’s not like you.” His big hand
toyed with the fur-trimmed bonnet.

  Tossing her muff aside,. Suzette turned and put her arms around his waist. “Austin, suddenly I’m not sure we should have come to New York. I’m afraid I’ll embarrass you. I’ve never been anywhere and I don’t know—”

  His hearty laugh interrupted her. He put a finger underneath her chin and bent to kiss her small nose. “My dear, not only should you be here, but I predict that you will take this jaded old city by storm. You’ll be sought after by the handsome sports longing for a smile or a dance, and you’ll be the pride of all hostesses eager to have you make their parties the best of the season. Trust me, my love, you belong. Don’t be fearful. It is I who should be afraid.”

  “You afraid, Austin?” she asked incredulously. “Whatever of? I can’t imagine you frightened of anything.”

  His hands on her upper arms, he said seriously, “My only love, you are much too sweet and unspoiled to realize just what power you have over me. I am afraid—afraid of losing you to one of the well-heeled playboys you’ll undoubtedly meet while we’re here. You see, you’re correct, you haven’t been anywhere. If you had, you’d know just how desirable men find you. I fear someone handsomer, wealthier, more charming, and, frankly, younger will turn your lovely head and you’ll be tempted to leave me.” His great gray eyes were somber and Suzette knew her husband was not teasing her; he really was worried.

  “Shoot, Austin!” she said and stood on tiptoes, clinging to the lapels of his fine suit. “You’ve turned my head until I feel quite dizzy.” She smiled fetchingly up at him and put her thumb to the thin line of his mouth. “You won’t lose me, Austin, so stop your fretting. For heaven’s sake, you’re the one who wanted to bring me to New York. I’ve had the most wonderful time of my life traveling up here, just the two of us alone. I would be as happy if we never stepped foot off the train. Why, we could turn right around and go back to Jacksboro and it would suit me fine.” The lips she traced were beginning to curve into a smile and the hands on her shoulders went to her waist. “Austin, already I’d be lost without you. I am naive, just as you said. You’ll teach me all I need to know, won’t you?”


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