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She Became My Water

Page 7

by Amy DeMeritt

  Before she left, she had asked, with a shy grin, if I would be wearing a bikini top or a tank top. She smiled really big when I told her I would be wearing a bikini top.

  Bailey should be here soon to pick me up so I turn the music down so I’ll be able to hear her knock. Just as I finish getting my bag packed with glow jewelry, food, drinks, and a change of clothes in case we get wet, there’s an excited knock at my door. I smile and nearly trip over my book bag as I leap towards the door.

  I open the door and feel a twinge of desire in my core. Bailey’s standing in my doorway wearing a pair of short camouflage shorts. Wow, she has gorgeous legs. Her legs look impossibly smooth and flawless. I don’t see a single freckle, beauty mark, or scar. Her thigh has just the slightest hint of definition just above the knee, but as she shuffles on her feet, the muscle flexes in a mouthwatering way. She’s wearing a loose tank top and I can see her bikini top tied behind her neck. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail, revealing the soft curve of her smooth slender neck. On her feet she’s wearing a pair of black with white toe, low-top Converses.

  Bailey’s also scanning my body up and down with a slightly hungry look on her face and her eyes take longer to meet mine. She blushes when she sees me watching her with a grin. She giggles a little and I reach my hand out for hers and pull her inside.

  Bailey wraps her arms around my neck and gently kisses my lips. “So, before all my friends get to see you in your bikini, I need to ask you something.” I laugh and pull her closer. “Ok, what do you need to ask me?”

  “Do you have any more tattoos that will be revealed by taking this top off?” I scrunch my brow in confusion. “Embarrassed by my ink all of a sudden?” She laughs and shakes her head. “No, definitely not. But, I would like to find them before my friends get to see them.” I smile big and nod my head. “Ah, so you would like to go for a scavenger hunt on my body again.”

  She grins and slightly bites her bottom lip and shuffles on her feet in a cute excited way. I release my arms around her waist and reach for the bottom hem of my tank top to pull it off, but Bailey grabs my hands. “I thought I was the one hunting?” I smile and raise my arms above my head so she can remove my top.

  Bailey moves in close, grabs the bottom of my tank top, and while she slowly raises it up, she presses her lips against mine and engages my whole mouth in a kiss that makes my heart start racing. While she lifts my top off, her hands firmly run up my sides as she allows the top to bunch above her wrists. When the top is bunched at my neck, she pulls back just long enough to pull the top off completely and then pulls me back into another kiss. Her hands press against my back and she pulls me firmly against her. I moan in her mouth and feel her smile.

  When Bailey pulls back, she’s smiling in that “this is real” way that I love. “Ok, I’m ready to start my hunt now.” I laugh and Bailey slides her hands from my back to my hips and pulls her body off mine. Her eyes scan down the front of me in a hungry approving way and then she smiles big. She moves to my left side and lifts my arm some and gasps.

  “Piper, have you had this tattoo this whole time and you haven’t told me?”

  I smile and almost moan as she presses her lips against the feather quill on the side of my ribcage. When she pulls back, she reads the cursive script out loud.

  “’Write your love upon the world as the wind carries pollen across all boarders and keeps the world beautiful. R. C.’ Who is R. C.?”

  “Roger Cline was my father. He wrote that in the last birthday card he gave me before he died.” Bailey runs her fingers over the tattoo and when she looks in my eyes, she looks teary eyed. “This is beautiful, Piper. I can’t believe the detail in the words and this quill with as small as it is. I am so sorry about your dad. This is a really nice tribute to him.”

  Bailey presses her lips against mine and holds them there a moment before pulling back to resume her “scavenger hunt” over my body for the rest of my ink.

  “How many more do I have to find?”

  “Two that you can see now.” Bailey grins and bites her lip as her eyes scan down between my legs. She inhales deeply and then backs up to pace around me to try and find the last two.

  When she gets behind me, her fingers glide over the back of my right hip and her thumb slightly pushes my shorts down a couple inches on that side. I hear her moan slightly and her thumb rubs firmly across the top part of my right cheek and hip. I close my eyes and inhale deeply. Oh her hands feel so good against my skin. Bailey moves in closer to me and presses her lips against the side of my neck, just below my ear, with her thumb still looped inside my shorts.

  “I really like this one.”

  Her hand moves and I feel her fingers press inside my shorts, just a few inches, and firmly presses into the inked flesh there. I moan and press back against her. Bailey places her other hand on my stomach and presses in against me. I feel her breath on my ear and she coos into my ear, “Does this one have special meaning?” I nod my head, and feeling aroused, I quietly breathe out, “It’s a lotus flower. The petals are different colors to represent the different meanings of the different color lotus flowers. A blue lotus symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. The white lotus symbolizes mental purity and conquering one’s self. And the purple lotus symbolizes rare beauty and extraordinary kindness.”

  “I like that a lot.” Bailey kisses my neck again and then slowly backs up. After tugging my shorts down, just enough to see the tattoo again, she pulls her hand out of my shorts and starts moving around me again.

  When she’s standing directly in front of me, her eyes scan down my body looking at every inch. When her eyes reach my feet, she smiles. She looks in my eyes, and holding my gaze, she kneels down in front of me. I bite my bottom lip and feel a twinge between my legs. I know she’s only kneeling to examine the last tattoo, but the suggestive position is almost too much after she’s gotten me so aroused.

  Her fingers brush over the two-inch black ink image and she looks up at me. “Can I guess what this one means?”

  “Of course.”

  “Ok. Well, this looks like a book laying on its side. Sitting on the left corner is a little fairy and standing on the book is a little girl and a woman. So, the book is fairytales, and they represent a foundation for the woman and girl’s relationship. Is this a tribute to your mom?”

  I smile really big and nod my head. “You guessed it perfectly.” She stands up and grabs my hips, pulling me in close. “I really like that all of your tattoos hold special meaning. It’s like your body is telling the story of you. I like that I can see you and your beautiful skin, but then there are all these little images that tell so much about you in so little space. A couple of my friends have full sleeves on their arms or legs. I don’t care for that because it hides the skin and shape of the body.”

  “I don’t like full sleeves either, for the same reasons. I met a woman once that had her entire torso covered. She could go completely topless and you didn’t know it.” She quirks an eyebrow and grins. “An ex?” I laugh and shake my head. “No way. Just a fellow spectator at a concert that had too much to drink and decided to strip down. Security was none the wiser and she walked around the rest of the day completely topless.”

  Bailey laughs. “Any tributes I’m going to find to past girlfriends that broke your heart?” I shake my head. “Nope. No tats for past girlfriends. There hasn’t been a girl yet that touched my heart in the right way to earn a permanent mark on my person.” Bailey smiles really big. “I accept the challenge.”

  I feel my happy butterflies erupt in my stomach and warmth spreads through my body. I pull Bailey into a kiss for a few moments. When we pull back, Bailey bends down to grab my tank top and helps me back into my top.

  “I guess we better get going now.”

  It only takes about ten minutes to get out of the city and onto the highway. After another ten minutes, we’re climbing the mountain road to Aspen Ridge Park. The ride up to the lookout point is gorgeous. The road curls in and ou
t of the trees, and each time we pop out along the edge of the mountain side, we can see the valley and city falling further below us. The views are spectacular out over the ledge, but the mountain side we’re hugging, as we climb higher, is an awesome show of natures might and beauty. The sharp rock faces and ancient trees jut out in a way I think for sure we’re going to collide with them as we take the sharp corners. It’s a far more entertaining ride than any roller-coaster.

  When we get to the parking lot for the lookout point, there are about a dozen other vehicles already here. We grab our bags and follow the sound of raucous laughter and talking and the amazing scent of burning wood. When we step out of the trees into the midst of all of Bailey’s friends, we’re immediately greeted with roars of “Bailey!” and “Who is this?” Bailey smiles brightly and makes introductions to all of her friends.

  Working in coffee shops for about eight years has helped me to develop a great system for remembering people’s names. When you’re pumping out order after order, you have to be able to keep straight who ordered what or it slows you down. Pairing a name with unique facial characteristic, or something they’re wearing, or even an accent really helps. Sometimes, however, the person and name are just so generic that the name doesn’t want to stick at all. There’s one woman here I think upon first appearance is going to fit into that generic category, but then she speaks and wow, she’s definitely not generic. Her voice is shrill and sharp like an out of tune violin. Definitely not going to forget her name. Becky – the generic looking girl with the banshee voice.

  I immediately like Cory. She’s short, round, and very spunky with a manic smile and laugh. Her mood is contagious and I just can’t help but be in a good mood around her.

  Cory is tight lipped about what the plan is tonight and insists that we all eat and drink and just hang out. The “gimmick” part of the evening won’t actually start till it starts to get dark.

  After talking with some of her friends for a little bit, Bailey pulls on my hand. “Follow me.” She leads me away from the group and through the trees. We walk out onto the lookout platform and she pulls me in close to stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I hold her close and gently kiss the side of her neck.

  “We’ll go back soon, but I really want you to hold me right here, while we watch the sun set over the valley.” I smile and nuzzle in her neck. I love that she wants to share such an intimate and romantic moment with me.

  The view is amazing. This is definitely one of those spots that belongs on a postcard. Sitting in the valley floor, between three tall mountains, sits our city and suburbs. As the sun starts to set between the two mountain peaks across from us, the horizon ignites in bright yellow, orange, and red, lighting up the whole sky. The brilliance of the sunset blots out the entire valley floor and all you see is dark silhouetted mountains and bright sunlight. It takes about five minutes for the sun to dip low enough behind the mountains for the valley to be visible again and the valley starts to glitter and sparkle with the city lights. It looks like a dark pool full of lightning bugs.

  I whisper in Bailey’s ear, “Its beautiful.” She squeezes her arms against mine a moments and then suddenly turns in my arms to face me. She firmly presses her lips to mine for a moment, before saying, “Thank you for coming with me tonight.”

  “I’m very happy to be here with you. Everyone seems cool, but I especially like Cory. She’s very funny.”

  “Yeah, Cory is sweet. I’ve known her since my freshman year of college. So, I guess seven years now. We should get back and eat something before Cory starts whatever she has planned. Cory’s outings typically don’t allow for food and drink after the events start.”

  When we get back to the group, everyone is either sitting around the fire or standing in little sub-groups eating, talking, and laughing. Bailey and I make a plate of food and grab a couple of the beers we brought before plopping down on a log in front of the fire.

  While we eat and drink, we get into a conversation with a couple girls she went to college with. One of them, Kaitlyn, strikes me as one of those “curious” straight girls. I notice her eye both Bailey and I up and down in a lustful way more than a few times, but she is here with a guy. Bailey doesn’t seem to notice, or is very good at ignoring it.

  It’s starting to get pretty dark outside, so Cory and a couple guys turn on a bunch of tall LED torches that are planted around the outcropping we’re in the middle of.

  “Ok, finish your final bites of food and swig back those beers. We’re going to get started soon.”

  I watch Cory unload a couple big black bags. It looks like she’s pulling out a bunch of film equipment. She suddenly looks up and spots me watching her. She smiles and calls over to me, “Hey, New Girl, come give me a hand.” I pat Bailey’s knee and stand up. “I’ll be back.” She smiles warmly and watches as I step away from our group to go help Cory.

  “Looks like some serious equipment here. Are we about to recreate the Blair Witch Project?” She laughs and shakes her head. “Way better. Here, take this bag and hold this lantern for me. We need to setup back here by this big tree.”

  I follow Cory and hold the light and help hold things steady while she sets up a camera on a tripod and sets up some lights.

  “So, I’ve heard you make the best cup of coffee in town – among other things.” She looks at me with a wide grin and laughs a little. “Bailey does not hand out compliments just for the sake of complimenting or being polite. She really has to mean it to say it.” She stands up and looks me straight on in my face – as best as she can through the dim light the lantern is providing. “In college, Bailey was the only person I could count on to give me an honest opinion of my art and she still is. She doesn’t bullshit to save face or coddle your feelings. So, I need to ask you, are you as serious about her as she is about you?”

  I smile and nod my head. “I am. I’m not just here to have fun.” She smiles and bends back down to finish securing the tripod to the tree to keep it from falling over on the uneven ground. “Good.”

  After we get three cameras setup at different angles, we go back over to the group and Bailey’s quickly at my side, slipping her hand in mine. I look up and smile.

  “Hey. I hate to disappoint you, but we’re not hunting witches in the woods tonight, and I still have no clue what we’re doing.” Bailey laughs and kisses my cheek. She looks behind me and her lips spread into a huge grin. “I have a feeling I get to paint your body.”

  “What?” She laughs and turns my head to look at Cory. She’s pulling out several big bottles of glowing paint and paint brushes out of a book bag.

  A few minutes later, Cory calls the group to attention and explains what we’re doing. Bailey was right. Cory wants us to paint each other with the glowing paint, wear our glow jewelry we all were required to bring, and then we’re going to make a music video.

  Everyone gets really excited and loves the idea. Cory spends the next ten minutes going over “parts” for everyone. She has completely choreographed the video on her laptop with an animation program and if we can pull it off, it will be awesome. We all watch our parts we’re supposed to perform and then she gives us brushes and paint to start painting each other.

  Bailey looks at me with a wide grin and moves in to take my tank top off. As soon as my top has been removed, I lift hers off as well. I release a small moan when I see her. She’s wearing a camouflage bikini top that matches her shorts. My lips suddenly tingle with the desire to kiss every inch of soft supple breasts, slender stomach, and hipbones. I run a finger down the center of her stomach and Bailey moves in closer to me.

  Bailey whispers in my ear, “I’m very jealous of this paintbrush right now.”

  I smile and swallow hard. Grinning in a happy way, Bailey picks up the paint and dips her brush. She looks at me and slightly bites her bottom lip as she presses the brush against my neck, just below my ear, and makes a slow gentle stroke all the way down my neck and across my shoulder. She repeats t
he same stroke on the other side, just as slowly. She walks behind me, and a moment later, I feel her brush stroke all the way down my spine, starting at my hairline. She comes back around the front of me and repeats the brush stroke down the front of me, starting under my chin.

  With each stroke of her paintbrush, I feel my breathing becoming more shallow, heat rising up in my chest, and a pulsing between my legs. It’s as if the paint has been spiked with her passion and desire and it’s seeping through my skin into my blood stream and making me very aroused.

  After she finishes painting me from head to ankle, she hands me the paintbrush and paint with a smile full of anticipation and desire. I bend down and start at her ankles and slowly work my way up her legs. As I glide the brush up the inside of her thigh, Bailey inhales deeply and her hips slightly push forward. I smile and look up in her eyes as I repeat the stroke on the other leg. Bailey smiles and leans forward to kiss me briefly.

  As I stroke the brush over her breasts, I can see her nipples harden through the soft fabric of her bikini top. Oh god, Cory, you are a freaking genius. I am so in love with this activity. When I finish painting her, I walk around her to check out my handiwork and smile.

  “I must say, you look very hot right now.” Bailey laughs and almost wraps her arms around me, forgetting we were told we’re not allowed to touch each other because the paint will smear.

  Cory walks around getting us all in position and showing us again on her laptop what we’re supposed to do when the music starts. While we wait, it’s very disorienting looking around the woods with seemingly disembodied forms floating around. Cory has turned off most of the LED torches, so all we can really see of everyone else is their glowing paint. It’s pretty neat.

  After everyone is ready, Cory opens some bags of dry ice and sets some battery powered fans by them to add a ghostly fog to the woods. When the music starts, we all start performing our little routines.


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