Succubus Dungeon

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by Eden Redd

  Succubus Dungeon

  A Lewd Saga Adventure

  Eden Redd

  Succubus Dungeon: A Lewd Saga Adventure © copyright 2019 Eden Redd

  All Rights Reserved

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  Lucid Dream Editing

  “Not all who wander are lost.” ~ J.R.R Tolkien

  Succubus Dungeon

  A Lewd Saga Adventure


  Smoke curled as jovial conversations floated on warm air. The Tavern Inn was filled with bodies, laughter, and excited chuckles caressing drunken senses. Pipes glowed and frothy mugs were raised. The very air carried a cool electricity, blending together into a homey soup from which the crowd drank with distilled pleasure.

  Outside, lightning cracked the darkness as torrents of rain fell from the nighttime sky. The storm appeared suddenly and sent the townsfolk and visitors fleeing for refuge. On the heavens raged, trying to drown the world while many huddled in warm homes and taverns, enjoying a nice smoke and partaking in spirits. Despite the thick rains and deep thunder, it would not dampen the excitement of the evening. If truth be told, it enhanced it, adding a wrinkle to a hearty mood. The vibrant sun would return in the morning. For now, adventurers, visitors, and travelers would enjoy a simple evening in and have a warm bed for the night.

  Lightning cracked again. The door to the tavern swung open, eyes and heads turning for just a moment. A dark figure stood at the entrance, thunder rumbling in the vast distance.

  Patrons eyed the robed man as he stood in the doorway. Another flash of lightning lit up the black sky, reflected off billions of raindrops before the sky went dark again and the storm thundered with unfeeling enchantment.

  The figure stepped in, the door closing shut behind him and blocking out the raging storm. Water dripped off his matted robe. The hood hung heavy, shadows covering most of his face, except for his mouth and chin. Puddles trailed behind him as he walked through the center of the tavern. Eyes turned away and the murmur of conversations once again returned. Patrons ignored the man in the dark, red robe as he moved to an empty stool by the bar.

  Hands reached up and pulled back the sopping wet hood. A sliver of relief touched Lucian’s eyes as he sat down at the somewhat crowded bar. The thick robe clung to his body, a chill seeping into his bones, but the roaring hearth was already beginning to warm his tired muscles. Warmth licked at his wet face and he drank it in. Hands moved to the leather satchel hanging at his side and strap across his chest. Adjusting it, it fell into the comfortable part of his shoulder before he began to relax.

  Lightning flashed from beyond a window. Lucian glanced over before turning his attention back to the bar. Sitting on a tall stool, a small exhale floated out as he waited patiently for his body to warm up.

  “What can I get you,” the bartender asked as he approached.

  “Whiskey, neat.” Lucian said plainly, not bothering to look at the man.

  The bartender nodded before he stepped away.

  Lucian continued to look down at the bar but his senses were alive. Words, chuckles and the sounds of guzzling liquids stormed his senses. Wrangling the onslaught, they became orderly, listening to what he wanted to listen to and ignoring things that wasted his precious thoughts. A singular thought pushed at his soul and he entertained it, coloring his inner world with hope.

  An elderly man sitting on a stool next to Lucian looked over and smiled. “Welcome to Twin Points,” the man said with a jagged smile, missing several teeth.

  Lucian continued to look down, but a small polite smile bloomed. The bartender stepped to Lucian and put down a glass of whiskey. Hand diving into his satchel, Lucian pulled out twenty gold coins and placed them in a small pile on the bar.

  The bartender’s eyes widened a hair before they turned into a scowl. Turning around, he snatched a full bottle of whiskey off the shelf and placed it next to Lucian’s glass.

  “This should help. I’ll also get you some food when you’re ready,” the bartender said as he scooped up the coins and placed them in a deep apron pocket.

  Lucian looked up as the bartender stepped away, attending to other patrons.

  The old man to Lucian’s right nodded, “That was a lot of gold to flash around like that.”

  “If you want service, you have to pay for it,” Lucian said with a tired edge, like he had been saying that exact line his entire life.

  The old man nodded again, “Too true. My name’s Burk.”

  Burk held out his hand. Lucian looked down at the extended hand, reached out and clasped the old man’s forearm while he gripped his.

  “Lucian Malyx.”

  The two men shook before they let go. Burk picked up his mug of mead and took a deep drink, a thin river of the drink running down from the edge of his mouth. When he was done, he placed the mug back on the bar and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

  “Passing through or staying for the main attraction?”

  Lucian picked up his glass, took a deep sip and placed the glass down on the bar. “Staying for the main attraction. A few towns away, I heard about Twin Points and knew I had to see it for myself.”

  Burk nodded, “This town wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for those demons. Growing up, I was always warned to stay away until I was ready. I don’t mean to scare you off, but you’re never ready when you visit the dungeon.”

  Lucian poured more whisky into his glass as he nodded. “I heard the rumors several towns over. There is even talk about this place in the Middle Kingdoms. Your town has been making a name for itself.”

  Lucian gestured the bottle of whiskey to Burk and the man shook his head with a polite smile.

  “No, thank you. Whiskey turns me into a mad man. Good old mead is perfect for me.”

  “Did you find your fortune?” Lucian asked, moving the conversation along.

  Burk’s smile faded a touch. “It’s less about finding your fortune and more about finding your true self. I made a modest living visiting the dungeon, but there is always a price to pay.”

  Burk shook his head, “I’m sure you don’t want to hear me rattle on.”

  Lucian turned in his seat and faced the older man with a kind smile. “No, please do. Part of travelling is hearing stories. I have never been this close to the Kunarr lands and would like to know more, if you will indulge me?”

  Burk’s haphazard smile returned. Taking another deep sip from his drink, he placed the mug down on the bar and turned his body to Lucian.

  “I tend to visit this tavern a lot and have no problems imparting wisdom and advice when it comes to the dungeon. I think most adventurers never truly understand what it means to explore this one. Their egos and greed always get the better of them, but they keep coming, every one of them thinking they can conquer it. I hope, for your sake, you’re not one of them.”

  Lucian kept his smile. “I’m a careful man in search of knowledge, nothing more.”

  Burk nodded. “Good to hear. If you’re just wanting the experience, stay to the upper levels of the dungeon. Plenty of places to find gold because the succubi like to entice explorers. Our town’s economy wouldn’t exist if they didn’t tempt us with jewels and coin.”

  Burk adjusted himself on his stool, making himself comfortable before he continued, “The succubi are a bit feral on the upper levels, but if you follow the rules and don’t try to hurt them, they will have their fun and move on. Bring plenty of water, you’ll need it. Never go anywhere in the dungeon alone. Lone explorers have been known to go missing if they don’t at least have another with them. I can’t get into the gory bits because those who have gone off along never return. When you reach the dungeon entrance, be sure to listen to every word Rika sa
ys. It will save your life and hopefully make yourself a little richer in the process.”


  Burk nodded. “She’s your hostess when your reach the entrance. She tells you the rules before sending you on your way. She’s like them, but don’t for one moment think she’s nice. She is only a mouthpiece for her dark masters. Twin Points and the dungeon are partners and each side would like to keep it that way so both sides can prosper, if you get my meaning.”

  “I do. Thank you,” Lucian said and took a sip of his drink.

  Burk’s eyes looked away for barely a moment. When he turned his gaze back to the robed man, a serious edge curved into his demeanor.

  “I…made it to the lower levels once. I had been coming to the dungeon for years and, I don’t know, something pushed me to explore it a little deeper. The succubi are smarter, more devious the deeper you go. I was strong and skilled. I bested some and ran from others. I had made it beyond what was recommended. I glimpsed the throne room, her throne room, and almost made it in.”

  Burk’s head lowered an inch, “Stay away from the lower dungeon. They steal who you are. You don’t know where your greed ends and their lust begins. They feed on you, again and again, and when you think it’s over, they feed some more. Enjoy your time in the dungeon, gather gold and indulge in your needs, but I must warn you to stay away from the lower levels.

  “I can’t enter the dungeon again because it will kill me,” Burk said with a deadly serious tone.

  Lucian gave Burk his full attention, eyeing the older, gray haired man with curious eyes.

  A wicked smirk appeared as Burk stared with half-closed eyes. “If you need an example on what the dungeon does to you, know this, I’m twenty-eight years old.”

  Lucian stared with unblinking eyes. Despite the room around them, the air between them was eerily silent. A moment later, Burk cackled like a mad man. The laughter grew and soon, Lucian’s mouth curved into a smile and he chuckled with the old man.

  After a long moment, the laughter and chuckles died down. Burk wiped tears from the corners of his eyes while Lucian signaled to the bartender. Pointing to a spot on the bar before Burk, Lucian instructed the bartender to supply drinks to the older looking man for the rest of the night and placed another twenty gold coins on the counter.

  “Thank you, kind stranger,” Burk wheezed before drinking from his mug once again.

  “Thank you for the story,” Lucian smiled.

  Burk stood up, mug in hand and looked to the bartender. “Arlington, have my food and drinks sent to my room. I think I just want to drink to the sounds of rain.”

  Burk turned his attention to Lucian, “I wish you the best on your adventure. May Drogoss bring you power and luck.”

  Lucian bowed his head. Burk bowed his before turning and weaving through the crowd to the stairs against one wall.

  Lucian kept his amused smile as food was placed before him. Steam rose up from cooked pork, beef and vegetables slathered in oils and herbs. Picking up a knife and fork, he began eating like a hungry wolf. He wasn’t sure how hungry he was until the food was before him and soon found he could not stop himself. Chunks of meat tore away like butter, Lucian enjoying every bite.

  It didn’t take long for the satisfied feeling to envelope his soul. Slowing down, he mentally called up his stat screen.

  Lucian Malyx


  Hit Points: 240/240

  Mana: 520/520

  Armor: 5

  Strength: 17 (+1)

  Intelligence: 62 (+15)

  Wisdom: 45 (+10)

  Dexterity: 22 (+5)

  Stamina: 71 (+18)

  Charisma: 82 (+21)


  Spell Books (2)

  Tome of Regret

  Robe (Armor 5)


  Leather Boots


  Mana Potions (10) + 50 Mana

  Healing Potions (10) +50 HP

  The stats appeared in his gaze, but no one else around him could see it. It was natural, like flexing a muscle, Lucian knowing everyone had their own. Gazing over the stats, he felt confident he was ready for the mysterious dungeon. With Burk’s words touching Lucian’s mind, he looked to his two spell books.

  Lucian reached down to his satchel. Opening it, he fished out a spell book and placed it on the counter, next to his food. Eyes moved from left to right as he looked over his spells. The Spell Book of Hindrance carried all his non-lethal spells. He specifically created this book just for such occasions where a gentle approach was needed. Thoughts touched on his Spell Book of Malefic Intent for circumstances where aggression and destruction were needed when negotiations failed. A small part of him hoped he wouldn’t have to use it on this adventure.

  Reading the arcane words, the mage wasn’t too concerned about anyone reading over his shoulder. It was written for only those who followed the academic teachings of the mage schools. It ensured such powerful magics could not be accidently used by those without a firm understanding of the arcane arts.

  A shadow touched the open book and Lucian turned his head sideways. Over his shoulder, a man in black stood, hood over his head, but his bright blue eyes shone like two radiant pools. It contrasted against his dark skin and black leather clothes, giving him a slightly unnerving appearance.

  Lucian turned his body sideways and looked to the man standing by him.

  “What ya reading,” the man asked with a deep voice.

  “Spells and incantations,” Lucian said without concern.

  The man in black nodded. “I had you figured for a mage.”

  Lucian gave a sardonic smile. “What gave it away? The robe? Thick book? Or maybe because I don’t have a sword or dagger at my belt?”

  Lucian glanced down to the man’s short sword and dagger pommels showing at the edges of his cloak around his waist.

  The man’s smile appeared, white teeth glowing against his dark skin and features, “It was the robe. Mind if I sit next to you?”

  Lucian smiled and nodded. The man in black sat down and motioned to the bartender for a drink.

  “I saw you talking to Old Burk and felt I had to bring some damage control. He likes to scare visitors with his stories. But looking at you, you were never afraid, were you.”

  “The dungeon here in Twin Points has a reputation of lust and gold, nothing more.”

  The man nodded as his drink was served. “That it is. My name is Rayce Smyth, Shadowmancer from Moon Haven. Is lust and gold what you seek?”

  Lucian kept his expression cool as he spoke, “Lucian Malyx. It seems everyone here is very friendly, asking personal questions.”

  Rayce grinned. “It breaks the ice.”

  Lucian turned his attention back to his spell book. “What brings you from the shadows of the corner table to break the ice?”

  Rayce’s grin grew broader. “You noticed me, didn’t you? You mages are a tricky sort, I’ll give you that.”

  The Shadowmancer took another swig from his drink and gave a gruff chuckle. “The dungeon calls to many and it tickled my curiosity.”

  Lucian didn’t look up.

  Rayce then let out a hearty chuckle. “You don’t play games, do you? Alright, that was a lie. I’m looking to explore the Succubus Dungeon and I need a party to join. Most adventurers don’t like shadowmancers because they think we all fuck corpses. It’s simply not true, at least with me. And if you hear anything otherwise, I was young.”

  Lucian fought the urge to smile. Instead, he lifted his head and turned to the Shadowmancer. “Burk informed me that going alone wasn’t a good idea. I may be looking for others to join me.”

  Rayce kept his grin, “It seems we can work together for our mutual benefit, if you’re interested?”

  “I am, if you tell me the truth on why you’re here,” Lucian said with amused eyes.

  Rayce nodded. “Alright, I’m looking for love and demons are hot. They are more inclined to like my kind of love. I hear y
ou can sometimes take one home, if they’re willing. I won’t know until I test the theory.”

  “You think you’ll find love in a dungeon inhabited with succubi?”

  Rayce parted his lips when a voice cut through their conversation.

  “Rayce, still begging to join a party,” a tall female troll said as she sauntered closer.

  Lucian and Rayce turned their heads to the newcomer. The troll stood at about six-foot-five. Black hair was pulled back into a ponytail but she had two locks of deep blue hair, each running along from her temples like horns painted on her head. She wore white leather with armor plates on her shoulders, forearms, knees and shins. Her supple, blue thighs were bare. The white leather of her top barely contained her firm breasts and inviting cleavage. A mace hung from her belt as she gave the two men a pleasant smile.

  Rayce’s grin turned into a sad frown. “Lota, can’t you see I’m conducting business?”

  The beautiful troll nodded, “If you keep coming off desperate, it’s only a matter of time before they kick you out of town. I doubt this handsome mage wants to waste his precious time with a sad shadowmancer like yourself.”

  Lucian eyed the crescent moon symbol etched into the troll’s leather top. It was small, one could miss it just under her shoulder armor but Lucian noticed it immediately. “What’s a Paladin of Vala doing in a town like this?”

  The troll turned her attention to the mage, “Keeping the peace and helping those too drained by the demons in the dungeon. There are a dozen of us, helping to maintain the balance. If the succubi decided to descend on the town, we are the first line defense against their appetites.”

  “She likes to remind everyone why she’s here. It gets annoying,” Rayce said, coughing and looking away.

  Lota shot him an annoyed glance before turning her attention back to Lucian. “Many visitors tend to overestimate their abilities and skills when entering the dungeon. We are there to pick up the pieces.”

  “Have you been to the dungeon?” Lucian asked.

  Rayce barked out a laugh. “She mopes around town giving lectures, but doesn’t step foot in the dungeon. I asked her to join me and she patted my head.”


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