Succubus Dungeon

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Succubus Dungeon Page 2

by Eden Redd

  The troll ignored him, “I personally have not stepped into the dungeon.”

  Lucian smirked. “Would you like to join us?”

  Rayce shook his head. “You’re wasting your time, mate. She’ll talk to you about Vala’s ways and the healing power of love, but she doesn’t join anyone for the dungeon. You have a better chance of finding a goblin not interested in sex than this troll right here.”

  Lota’s black eyes drank in Lucian’s features before dark blue lips parted. “I would love to join your expedition. I’m sure Vala’s healing light will be needed to guide you back from the lurid darkness of the dungeon.”

  Rayce’s jaw dropped.

  “Since you two seem to know each other and I do need a party to enter the dungeon, we can leave at first light, if there are no objections?”

  “I look forward to it,” Lota said with a disarming smile.

  Rayce’s shoulders deflated, “She’s going to talk our ears off about Vala.”

  “I’ll keep my lectures to a minimum,” Lota said before lifting a hand and patting the shadowmancer on the head.

  Rayce seethed with amused contempt.

  “Let’s have some drinks, my treat,” Lucian smiled as he motioned over the bartender with a wave of his hand.


  Lucian climbed the set of stairs, Lota close behind. The mage didn’t look back as he made his way to the top and walked down the long hallway. The troll stayed behind him, following his steps. The pair had left Rayce passed out on a table. The bartender said he would get him to his room.

  Lucian reached his door and stopped, making no motion to open it. Lota stepped closer, her body barely an inch away from his.

  “I think we should save our energy for the dungeon,” the mage said in a low tone.

  The troll ran the back of her fingers against his cheek, “Vala’s way is more powerful than the calling of demons. Let me show you?”

  Lucian reached up and grabbed her wrist. Even with the simple act of pulling her hand away, he could tell she was very strong. Lota relented and Lucian let go. The troll let her arm drop to her side but gave the mage a sultry gaze.

  “Goodnight, Lucian,” the troll said with a small bow.

  “Goodnight, Lota,” Lucian returned her bow.

  The troll paladin turned and walked off, hips swaying with each step. Lucian eyed her until she stepped into her room and disappeared from sight.

  The mage opened the door and stepped into his room. Closing it behind him, he took off his satchel and tossed it on the bed. Senses dulled by the drinks, he mentally pushed away the cobwebs. Stepping over to the bed, he sat down on the edge. The warmth of downstairs had dried his once soaked robe.

  A simple lantern glowed from a metal hook, shadows dancing along the walls. Rain pelted the lone window, lightning lighting up the sky.

  Lucian stared off, dark thoughts invading his mind. A swirl touched his heart and he clenched his jaw. Reaching over to his satchel, he opened the flap and pulled out a book. It wasn’t like his spell books. It was small and weathered, but Lucian’s eyes widened with an excited edge. The title “Tome of Regret” shone with muted gold letters. Swirls ran along the borders of the dark blue book.

  “Almost,” Lucian said as he opened the book.

  Brownish pages turned to Lucian’s fingers, eyes drinking in every written word, knowing the book like an old friend. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled as the mage continued to read, the very heavens outside wailing against his lone window.


  Sunlight bathed the lands as the last drops of rainfall fell from emerald green leaves. Animals emerged from their dens, sniffing at the fresh air. Birds took to the sky, their songs cascading across the clear, sunny day.

  Lucian walked, hood over his head and eyes staring straight ahead. With a blank gaze, he watched the small crowd of adventurers nearly a hundred feet ahead of him and his party. Men and women jostled each other, laughing and talking. Lucian summarized they were mostly fighters, looking forward to sex, gold, and maybe some mild violence. Their egos spoke volumes, bodies relaxed as they made their way up the wide, beaten path. Past them, two rounded mountains stood, their shadows cast off to the side as the sun slowly rose to early morning.

  “Since this dungeon is so popular, they could have at least created a road, maybe some rest stops,” Rayce grumbled.

  “Would you like a bench so everyone can observe your weakness,” Lota quipped, the paladin troll walking easily along the uneven terrain.

  Rayce turned his hooded head to the paladin in white, “You seem strong. Cradle me in your arms and carry me the rest of the way.”

  “Maybe I can offer my breast for you to suckle on,” the troll smirked.

  “Now, that would be a feast,” Rayce grinned from the darkness of his hood.

  Lucian ignored them, drinking in the path, the surrounding patches of woods and the serene air. Lifting his gaze, he stared at the shadows along the pair of mountains, trying to penetrate them for glimpses of monsters or demons watching their approach.

  “I cannot believe you both left me on the table! I remember Arlington carrying me before I woke up in my bed. He could have done many things to me and I couldn’t have said no,” Rayce complained.

  “You should have protected my purity,” Rayce said as he stabbed a finger towards the troll.

  “You are anything but pure,” Lota said smugly.

  The Shadowmancer shook his head, “Lucian, do you see how she talks about me? How can we be a party if she treats me like this? Maybe she should go back and we do this adventure just the two of us?”

  Lucian continued to walk, eyes continuing to scan the mountains as they made their way up, “Three is better than two. I don’t trust the dungeon to be as innocent as many make it out to be.”

  “What are you expecting? Succubi like to feed and play with their food. They rarely kill except to defend themselves. Many adventurers have returned to tell their tales of lust and gold.”

  “Not all,” Lucian said simply.

  Rayce gave the mage a shrewd look. “You want to go deep. Deeper than many others. Those who survive encounters on the lower levels say they barely made it out with their skins.”

  “The greater the risk, the greater the reward,” Lucian stated.

  “What reward do you seek,” Lota asked.

  “Knowledge,” the mage said.

  “Sounds dangerous,” Rayce grinned. “Knowledge is like a flame; it will burn you if you get too close.”

  “You both are free to return back to town,” Lucian said without a hint of emotion.

  Rayce tut-tutted, “No, no, it’s dangerous to go alone. The demons could swallow you whole, even a mage of your power.”

  “I came to help and protect in the name of Vala. I’m not going back,” Lota said with conviction.

  “We carry on,” Lucian said as he led the party of three.

  “Are you used to travelling and adventuring on your own?” the Shadowmancer asked with a curious edge.

  Lucian smiled, but didn’t let it show to his companions. “I do not often travel alone. I seem to be cursed with attracting odd and strange adventurers, who spend a lot of time complaining and generally acting foolish. Do not take what I say to heart. I think the gods and goddesses influence my surroundings, luck driving those kinds of companions to my side. I used to be very angry about it until I simply accepted it.”

  Rayce nodded, turned his head and grinned at the troll in white, “He accepts us. It’s a good sign.”

  Lota rolled her eyes as she followed.

  Lucian’s smile faded as he pressed on. He wished what he said was simply in fun, but every word spoken was true. He couldn’t quite understand why weirdos and fools were drawn to him and after many years, he truly accepted it as a quirk he could not deny. Years of serious magical studies to hone his craft was his main focus, but no matter how hard he tried to surround himself with like-minded individuals, the odd ones broke through. Worst
yet, the odd ones liked him and he couldn’t understand why? He was rude and verbally tore them to shreds, but they kept coming back, treating him like everything he said was made in jest. It was something he couldn’t understand and the only thing he ever gave up trying to make sense of. His gravity brought them out of the mist and he put up with it, for better or for worse.

  Picturing the shadowmancer and troll behind him, they were exactly the kinds of people to seek him out. A sigh fell from Lucian’s lips, wishing for once, he could find the tribe he deserved and not the one that followed.

  “I see the entrance!” Rayce said with glee.

  Lucian woke from his thoughts, his gaze taking in the base where the two mountains met. Earth and stone touched between the twin mountains. Shafts of sunlight touched metal carvings along a large entrance. A small structure stood to the side of the entrance and the group that was ahead of them was already there. They stood, all facing the same direction, heads nodding every few moments.

  “Rika must be talking to them,” the Shadowmancer smiled, an extra bounce in his step.

  “You really are excited,” Lota said with a wry smirk.

  “Why shouldn’t I be? A dungeon where death is rare, and gold and lust are plentiful. I’d much rather be here than in some crypt. Even you can let your hair down and enjoy the fruit freely given.”

  Lucian stopped in his tracks, Rayce and Lota also stopping behind him. The mage turned around to face his party members with a serious look in his eyes.

  “This adventure is not for simply sating our desires and needs. I have on good authority there is hidden knowledge on the lower levels, knowledge I wish to understand. We are not to be slowed down by feral succubi, wanting nothing more than to drink our souls. We will keep to task, making our way as deep as we can and only then, do you partake in anything you desire. Do we understand each other?”

  Rayce raised an eyebrow while Lota crossed her arms.

  “Is this what this is about? You are searching and we are along so you have a chance to return,” the paladin said plainly.

  Rayce remained silent.

  Lucian nodded with grim shadows under his eyes. “It is. Temptation can ruin what I seek. I won’t deny either of you any pleasures you may desire, but we wait till the lower levels. Do we understand each other?”

  Lota studied the mage for a long moment before nodding in agreement. Rayce gave a heavy sigh before he too nodded in agreement.

  “Good,” Lucian said before turning and marching up the sloping incline.

  “At least the smarter demons are more fun…from what I’ve heard,” Rayce grinned and continued his march.

  Lota walked, black gaze lingering on the robed mage for a long moment.

  The trio reached the dungeon entrance, the large metal door open and the party of fighters before them stepping into the foreboding darkness, two at a time. The entrance itself held demonic faces with seductive gazes and licking lips, frozen in metal along the edges. Naked, horned bodies filled in the rest around the faces, backs arched and thighs spread. Lucian noted the intricate detail, seeing that the entrance, for all intent and purposes, was to signal to all newcomers that demonic lust waited beyond the thick metal doors.

  To the right, a small wooden building stood. The door was open and before the trio could take one step toward it, a scantily clad succubus sauntered out. The party watched as she gave them a wicked smile, her hips moving with caged power. The sheer robe hid little, her pale skin glowing beneath the fabric, her dark nipples hard and a dark triangle between her legs. Breasts bobbed as a tail snaked behind her. The demoness stepped down the three stairs and walked barefoot along the dirt road, her fanged smile growing wider as she looked to the two men and troll standing before her.

  “Welcome to the Twin Points Dungeon! My name is Rika and I will be your information guide for what to expect and the rules of the dungeon. My first question to everyone here, do any of you have any heart issues?”

  Lucian, Rayce, and Lota shook their heads.

  “Excellent! We wouldn’t want any issues to slow down your enjoyment,” the succubus winked before stepping over, her back to the dungeon entrance.

  “A brief history of the dungeon before we go over the rules. The Twin Points Dungeon was created when a portal opened, stranding a number of succubi deep within her depths. They carved out the ten-level labyrinth over several years. It was a difficult time, but they managed it before a growing madness took hold. Food scarce, they grew ravenous, abducting lone travelers and keeping them as pets to feed off of until the poor souls perished with smiles on their faces.

  “About ten years ago, a large party from town made their way up here to destroy the dungeon entrance. Many succubi came out to defend their home. When both sides met, they began to talk, each side coming to an agreement that no one should die and they could help each other. The succubi needed to feed and many of the townsfolk didn’t mind sharing their bodies for some gold and needed release. After years of mining, my people had amassed a great fortune of gold, silver, and gems.

  “It was then that an accord was struck. People were allowed to visit and gain some wealth while my people could feed without threat of violence. The accord strengthened over time to this day, where adventurers and succubi could live in harmony.

  “Are there any questions?”

  Lucian and Lota were silent. Rayce gave a sheepish shrug.

  Rika continued, “There are rules for any who enter the dungeon. Violence is discouraged, but not banned. We understand some like to play rough as do some of my people.”

  The succubus stopped talking when a cart was wheeled out from the entrance. Lucian, Rayce, and Lota turned to see a large cart being pushed by two skeletons. Three men and a woman lay in a heap, half clothed and eyes fluttering. Small moans rose up as they barely moved, the rest of their clothes haphazardly all over them and sacks of gold along their sides. The skeletons pushed without looking around, keeping the cart stable as they began their slow descent down the mountain path.

  The trio turned back to Rika, concern in their gazes.

  Rika let out a giggle and then a laugh. “As you can see, exhaustion does happen. Those four were part of an earlier expedition. The undead that inhabit the dungeon help with moving those who cannot stand on their own power. They also maintain, clean and even provide directions if the need arises.”

  Rika’s eyes took on a dark edge, “Killing is forbidden in the dungeon. Any who break this rule will suffer a harsh death from the undead or succubi. Many other creatures live here and will aid the dungeon citizens should any attempt to kill be made. Do not be a fool and you will come back to the surface on your own feet or in a cart.”

  The dark edge turned like a switch, her demeanor growing bright once again. “Any coins and gems you find or acquire are yours to keep. Do not steal or hurt others exploring or distracted by seductive embraces.”

  Rika looked to Rayce, “Do not attempt to influence the undead here.”

  The shadowmancer nodded rather quickly.

  The succubus turned her gaze to Lota, “Do not use holy powers or blessings on the dungeon’s citizens.”

  Lota gave a stiff nod, arms crossed.

  Rika turned her attention to Lucian, “Do not use spells that will injure or kill.”

  Lucian bowed with a smile.

  The succubus eyed him for a moment before licking her lips. “I hope you enjoy your time here in Twin Points Dungeon. May you find everything you’re looking for and more.”

  Rika bowed before turning and walking back to the small structure. The succubus’s hips swayed with each step, while Rayce, who was caught in a hypnotic trance, stared, his head nodding to each step. When Rika stepped in and was gone from sight, Lota tapped Rayce’s shoulder.

  “Let me dream a little,” the Shadowmancer said with a faraway voice.

  Lota clamped a hand on his shoulder and turned him around, the shadowmancer sighing.

  “I’m sure you will find what yo
u’re looking for,” Lota smiled.

  Rayce lifted his hooded head to looked to the taller troll. “I hope you find what you’re looking for, too.”

  Lota’s brow wrinkled. “What makes you think I’m look…” the paladin was cut off by Lucian’s voice.

  “Let’s get started,” the mage said as he stood by the open entrance, staring into the waiting darkness.

  Lota and Rayce made their way closer, watching as the mage stepped in without giving them a second glance.


  Their eyes adjusted to the dark gloom as torchlight glowed. Lucian led the way, his heart beating a little faster with each step further into the dungeon. Rayce was silent, old instincts causing his hand to lay on the pommel of his blade. When he looked down to see what he was doing, he smiled and removed his hand, letting it fall to his side. Lota on the other hand walked with an alert edge. The troll’s eyes darted to dark shadows as a tension ran up her neck.

  Rayce turned his gaze to the paladin, a smirk forming. “You’re not having fun.”

  “Shut up,” Lota growled.

  Lucian rolled his eyes before turning his head and talking over his shoulder, “Let’s stay to task.”

  Rayce threw his cloak over his shoulder and danced as he walked, “Look at me! I’m a holy paladin of Vala and I’m afraid of demons!”

  Lota’s eyes narrowed, “Rika said we couldn’t harm the dungeon’s citizens. She didn’t say anything about hurting each other.”

  Rayce’s dance slowed. When he saw the look of deadly intent in the troll’s eyes, he stopped all together and simply strolled.

  “Rayce, scout up ahead,” Lucian ordered, not wanting to keep the pair of them together longer than he had to.

  The Shadowmancer nodded, quickening his step. Cloak falling down over him, he seemed to melt into the shadows ahead of their small party and vanish from sight. The eerie silence pressed down on their eardrums as Lucian and Lota walked.

  The long dungeon corridor stretched out into the dark distance. Walls, floors, and ceiling were blocks of stone, perfectly cut and fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle. Lucian eyed the walls and floors, noticing the lack of dust, dirt, or debris. He had been in crypts and dungeons before, but never had he seen such a well-manicured dungeon in his life. It seemed the dungeon was well kept for visitors like a dark hotel.


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