Succubus Dungeon

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Succubus Dungeon Page 3

by Eden Redd

  “How do they keep it so clean?” Lota said, echoing Lucian’s thoughts.

  The mage continued to walk, spotting a small, square hole at the base of the right wall. As they approached, something made a sound and a breath later, emerged. The Mage and Paladin stopped in their tracks as a cube-like slime slithered out. It moved easily, sliding along the stone floor.

  “There’s your answer. They have slimes cleaning the surfaces,” Lucian said in a low tone.

  “If more dungeons took care of themselves like this one, there would be an increase in raids.”

  Lucian absently nodded his head.

  Lota eyed the mage before speaking again, “Since we are alone, what is truly down here for you? Saying its knowledge is merely a deflection. Such a high concept doesn’t truly satisfy your needs or wants.”

  “Is that why you came along, to show me Vala’s way?”

  Lota walked slightly behind the mage, dark eyes looking to the side. “Vala’s way have satisfied many, but you didn’t answer the question.”

  Lucian’s shoulders sank down an inch, “I wasn’t lying about why I’m here. Knowledge is what I seek. It moves me to action. It moves me with desire.”

  The mage stood up straighter as he walked, “I have seen many trolls following Vala’s ways when they didn’t before. Is there something you’re trying to accomplish, a wrong you’re trying to right?”

  Lota turned her gaze to the back of Lucian’s red hood, a sad fire blooming along her heart. “I carry no shame about why I joined the Order. Before the Great Migration, my people tried to take over all of Lukken. Their jealousy of the dragons filled them with madness. They made deals and pacts with the Dread Lords and during the final throes of the war, many were turned into undead foot soldiers for the Mad Emperor. We lost many of our once great people and nearly lost all of our culture with it.”

  The troll’s head tilted forward, shadows covering her eyes. “I feel a debt must be paid, healing the fractured lines between my people and the rest of Lukken. My body and my faith can ease the once great pain all races endured.”

  Lucian turned his head, giving Lota an understanding nod. “The war was over 900 years ago. I think the world has moved on. Emperor and Empress Reed built the new empire and Lukken has never known such a long peace. You don’t need to carry the sins of your people. Be free in mind, body, and spirit.”

  Lota’s eyes took on a shine before her brow hardened a sliver. “I don’t think you understand. It is a curse that haunts many Kunarr, myself included. I will know when I have done enough and release myself of this burden I choose to bear.”

  Lucian nodded. “We all have our demons we must overcome. I applaud your convictions and respect them.”

  Lota gave the mage a small smile, but he had already turned his head forward, missing the moment.

  Lucian walked on until a shadow emerged and Rayce stepped into view. The mage and paladin stopped, eyeing the cloaked shadowmancer as he approached.

  “You both are like a drum circle! I can hear every word,” Rayce grinned.

  “Anything ahead?” Lucian asked.

  Rayce nodded. “Yea, a big chamber with many tunnels leading in different directions from it. It would also seem, the group before us has run into a little trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble?” Lota asked.

  “You’ll have to see it for yourself. Stay low and be quiet,” Rayce ordered, turned and led the way.

  Lucian and Lota followed the shadowmancer’s directions. Staying in the shadows of the corridor, they moved as one. Lucian opened his satchel and rested his hand on his spellbook. Magic used to be simply memorized and used, but times have changed from the great days of yore. Spells and incantations held greater power if a mage held his spellbook. It greatly enhanced their power and aided them if another mage used any befuddlement spells. It was a loophole many mages used to their own advantage in battles. If their mind was affected, they couldn’t remember which spells to use in combat and it often led to quick deaths. By having a spellbook in your hands, the magical protections it carried cut through any mind-altering spells. In essence, reading the spells dispelled the mental fog, allowing a trained mage to quickly use any spell at their disposal.

  Flickering light appeared at the end of the long tunnel. Rayce stayed low, his body becoming one with the shadows. Lucian and Lota followed, their forms hunched and low. A long minute spun on until the trio reached the edge of chamber entrance. Looking inside, they watched in muted silence.

  Moans and gasps filled the large chamber. Clothes, armor and weapons littered the stone floor, naked bodies pressed against walls or lying on floor. Men and women grunted and gasped as demonic women smothered them. Hard members filled mouths and the spaces between thighs. Hips and heads moved to a sensual rhythm. The low sounds of slurping and suckling filled the room like a quiet symphony. Women cried out, holding onto succubi heads as the demons slathered at wet lines. Men grunted, white seed spurting on naked demon flesh.

  A man cried out, his soul spent. A succubus crawled over and bit his thigh. A demoness lay on the floor, rubbing the man’s spent seed all over her breasts and stomach. The man shook his head in defiance, but his manhood said otherwise. It remained hard as diamonds and was quickly devoured by the succubus who just bit him. She moaned her pleasure, not looking up as the man grunted in pain and lust.

  The moans carried on, echoing off the walls. Beyond the orgy, six open doorways stood, darkness filling them.

  “I count twenty, ten adventurers and ten succubi,” Rayce whispered.

  “We simply have to cross the room to one of the corridors,” Lucian said as he studied the feral succubi at work.

  “Which corridor? We have no idea where they lead and any one of them can have more succubi lying in wait,” Rayce scowled, resisting the urge to join the party.

  Lucian pulled out his spellbook and flipped through a few pages. When he reached the spell he wanted, he mumbled the incantation, his words lost to the sounds of moans. When he finished, he closed the book and slid it back into his satchel.

  You have used Scry. Mana: 510/520

  Lucian looked into the chamber again, faint glows touching the top of each corridor leading away from the chamber. The glow danced before symbols and faces carved above each entrance. After a moment, the magical energy faded away, leaving Lucian to study each symbol and face.

  “What did you do?” Rayce asked.

  “A simple but effective spell to help me understand. The symbols and faces above each corridor are different for each one. I believe they are meant as signposts for the dungeon’s denizens. The spell won’t tell me which one we need to take, but my extensive knowledge can help decipher it.”

  “Sounds like your showing off,” Rayce grinned.

  “It’s only showing off if your impressed,” Lucian said as he studied each entrance.

  “Sounds like you’re being know-it-all,” Rayce said, his grin growing wider.

  “Focus,” Lota scowled.

  Lucian eyed each symbol in turn until his gaze settled on the one in the middle of the room. A porcelain smooth face with horns and a single tear running down her cheek caught the mage’s attention.

  “We must go down the center corridor on the other side of the chamber,” Lucian declared with a whisper.

  “What about the feral succubi” Lota said, hand resting on the pommel of her mace.

  “They seem to be busy. We could just try walking through to the other side,” Rayce said as he eyed the writhing bodies.

  “That is actually a sound idea,” Lucian nodded.

  “And if they try to stop us?” Lota asked as she watched the room.

  “We simply don’t allow it,” Lucian said as he stood to his full height. “The two of you take lead. I’ll follow to ensure I can subdue any succubi who try to slow us down.”

  “Do you think you can handle that many demons at once?” Lota asked as she stood at the ready.

  “We are about to f
ind out,” the mage smiled.

  Lota shook her head before stepping in front of Rayce. The shadowmancer watched as the paladin entered the chamber and soon followed. Lucian was last, spellbook back in his hand and his senses alive.

  The trio entered the chamber and stepped along, bodies writhing to either side of them. A woman whimpered as she tried to crawl away, a succubus holding her in place with a long, pointed tongue deep within her valley. Men groaned as demons on their knees suckled thick inches. The amorous sighs and torturous grunts filled the air and the smell of sex of overpowering.

  Lota looked to the right and left, watching the demons as they played with their food, hand firmly on the pommel of her mace.

  Rayce watched with wide, piercing eyes, taking in each hip movement and bouncing breasts. Blood rushed to his member and he mentally cursed himself. A succubus seemed to notice as she pulled a cock from her mouth and eyed the shadowmancer.

  “Join us,” the succubus said simply as she twisted her own, hard nipple.

  “I want to,” Rayce sighed in a low tone.

  The succubus watched him, stroking the man’s member in her hand and giving the tip a lick. After Rayce moved more than ten feet away, she shrugged and engulfed the hard member between a pair of luscious lips.

  Lucian watched like a hawk. The succubi were many different colors, ranging from pitch black to pale reds, pinks, and blues. One was nearly white as a ghost, begging for the man she was pleasing to turn her over and invade her bottom. A moment ticked by and he did just that, turning her onto her belly and driving his cock into her puckered ass. The succubus let out a loving shudder, raising her ass and pushing it against the invading veiny member.

  A clawed hand reached out for Lucian’s robe and he deftly moved just out of reach. The succubus gave him wanting eyes as the naked man punished her from behind. The sights and sounds of the hungry demons stirred Lucian’s soul. Despite his directive before they arrived, even he had a difficult time fighting temptation. They were only on the first level and the calling of release clawed at him.

  The trio managed to make it across the chamber. The adventurers caught in the seductive embrace of the succubi seemed to barely notice them as they focused on the pleasures of the flesh.

  “Almost there,” Lota said over her shoulder.

  “Yea, I wish I was almost there,” Rayce muttered under his breath.

  Lucian kept his focus as they crossed the chamber and reached the corridor on the other side. Standing at the entrance, a sliver of relief touched the mage when he turned his head, several succubi stepping out of another corridor.

  Breaths froze as the demon women turned their attention to the two men and the troll. Knees bent as claws flashed. Horns shined in the torchlight as five naked succubi caught the sight and smells of fresh meat. Tails shuddered and a wanting snarl filled the air.

  “Run,” Lucian commanded.

  “We can…” Lota began before she was cut off.

  “RUN!” Lucian shouted and opened his spellbook.

  The trio broke into a run as the five succubi screeched and charged. Bodies moved with liquid grace as they gave chase. Lucian’s legs pumped as he ran. Lota and Rayce were before him, slowly gaining distance. The mage was healthy, but could clearly see his party members were faster than him. Clutching his spellbook, he mentally prepared spells he wanted to use. When they were halfway down the corridor, Lucian spun on his heels and faced the incoming succubi with an open spellbook in hand.

  Rayce moved like the wind, but Lota turned back to see Lucian standing in the corridor, his back to them. The troll skidded to a halt, turned and ran back. Rayce kept running without looking back.

  Lucian stared down the incoming demon women. They indeed had a feral look in their eyes as they charged toward him with hungry intent. Calming his mind, the pages to his spell book turned on their own, falling open to a spell.

  “I’m coming,” Lota yelled as she drew her mace and readied for battle.

  Lucian ignored her, arcane words spilling from his lips as he remained focused.

  You cast Unseen Force! Mana: 485/520

  The lead succubus hissed as soon as she was within twenty feet of the mage. Leaping into the air, her eyes went wide as something took hold of her and threw her in the opposite direction. Body and limbs flailing, she could not control herself as she hurtled back and slammed into two other succubi. Bodies hit the floor and bounced while the last two succubi leapt over their fallen sisters and pressed their charge.

  Lota was nearly to Lucian’s side as she heard the mage mumble incantations.

  You cast Black Tentacles! Mana: 435/520

  Black tentacles appeared from the stone floor in the blink of an eye. The succubi on the ground struggled to stand up when tentacles wrapped around limbs and pulled them down. The remaining two succubi leapt into the air, only for tentacles to grab them by their ankles and stop their momentum. Bodies fell like rocks, hitting the stone floor before being pulled back to the group.

  Lota stared in astonishment as all five succubi were being held in place, their snarls filling the corridor.

  Lucian turned and began walking, “No sense on leaving them hungry.”

  Lota watched as the ends of tentacles slithered along nubile bodies, the tips caressing between legs or along hard nipples. The snarls turned to loving gasps as the succubi enjoyed the sudden attention.

  Lota walked backwards, watching the demons writhe, their eyes rolling into their heads.

  “It won’t last long since they are feeding. The mana I used to create the spell will have a shortened duration from feeding their desires, so we still have to hurry,” Lucian instructed.

  Lota turned and stayed at Lucian’s side. The pair made it to the end of the corridor, Rayce standing by a stone staircase.

  “What took so long?” the shadowmancer smiled.

  “Needed to slow down the locals,” Lucian smirked before looking to the dark stairway leading down.

  “We really going to avoid as many as we can?” Rayce asked with a hint of defeat.

  Lucian clamped a hand on the shadowmancer’s shoulder, “I promise, we will all get what we desire.”

  The mage moved to the stairs and began his descent. Rayce looked down the corridor to the writhing succubi in tentacles, sighed and followed. Lota was last, eyeing the demons for a long moment before turning and following her companions down, the heated gasps of demons echoing off the stone walls.


  Lucian breathed like a bull after a lengthy charge. Turning a corner, he nearly crashed into the opposite wall. With his hand out, he pushed off the wall and ran, soreness creeping into his limbs. Eyes darted around, searching for any sign of Rayce while behind him, Lota was physically throwing a succubus into a wall.

  They had been sneaking, running, and even hiding for the last four levels. Rayce would scout ahead, Lucian followed and Lota covered the rear. Squads of horny monsters often appeared from rooms, dark corridors, and twice from secret passages. The succubi were relentless, chasing them down until they were subdued or the party managed to escape.

  The few times they managed to simply explore, they snuck by rooms filled with a single man or woman and several succubi draining them of their energy and their sexual energy. Lucian felt nothing for them, knowing they would be carted back to the surface. He was more concerned with some of the demons breaking off and chasing them down.

  Lota’s grunts echoed off the walls as she rounded the corner and followed Lucian. Two succubi appeared behind her, calling out with sweet words, but their true wants glowed in their wide eyes.

  Lucian slowed to a halt and called up his stat screen.

  Lucian Malyx


  Hit Points: 240/240

  Mana: 120/520

  Armor: 5

  Strength: 17 (+1)

  Intelligence: 62 (+15)

  Wisdom: 45 (+10)

  Dexterity: 22 (+5)

  Stamina: 71 (+18)

p; Charisma: 82 (+21)


  Spell Books (2)

  Tome of Regret

  Robe (Armor 5)


  Leather Boots


  Mana Potions (10) + 50 Mana

  Healing Potions (10) +50 HP

  He was essentially fine except for his mana and exhaustion. He had been using every non-lethal spell in his arsenal, slowing or stopping the mad demons, but they continued to hunt. Lota used her considerable strength to knock or throw the small succubi away, but it only seemed to entice them more. They laughed as they hit walls, bounced back onto their clawed feet and ran at them again. Lucian simply needed a breath and he could regain his composure.

  Lota rushed toward the mage, dark eyes wide as several succubi turned the corner, chasing after her.

  “Lucian!” the troll paladin called out.

  “We want to love you!” a succubus cried out, licking her lips when she finished.

  Lucian held out a hand and began an incantation. Running low on mana, a flashy spell came to mind and hoped it was enough to deter their pursuit.

  You have cast Fireball! Mana: 95/520

  A ball of fire appeared in the mage’s hand, flames rippling outwards.

  “You can’t!” Lota shouted.

  “Get behind me!” Lucian commanded.

  The troll paladin raced past the mage, turned and pulled her mace from her belt. Lucian eyed the approaching succubi, calculations running along his thoughts. When the three demons were within range, Lucian pulled back his arm and hurtled the ball of flames.

  The fireball streaked down the corridor at an angle. When it struck a wall, an explosion filled the corridor, followed by smoke. The demons were thrown from the force, hitting a wall and sliding down onto their rumps. Dazed and confused, they struggled to get back to their feet.


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