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Succubus Dungeon

Page 8

by Eden Redd

  Beyond the orgy taking place, a golden throne stood on a high dais. On it, a tall woman sat, skin white as starlight, eyes black as coal. She rested her head in her hand, staring out with a blank expression like she was carved from stone. Alabaster skin glowed as her garment was nothing more than thin fabric laying over her large breasts, barely covering her pale pink nipples. Shapely hips and crossed legs defined her lower body, sharp talons for toes graced her feet, ready to eviscerate.

  The lustful writhing slowed as Lucian took another step in. Horned heads turned to see the man in their midst. Some licked their lips while others frowned. Some moaned while others hissed. Rippling across the chamber, the orgy slowed to a stop and soon the succubi rose up, standing to their full heights.

  Lucian watched them, about a hundred filling the chamber, not including the queen. He bowed his head and waited as many demons stalked a little closer. Calling up his stat screen, he gave it the once over as it appeared in his vision.

  Lucian Malyx


  Hit Points: 240/240

  Mana: 520/520

  Armor: 5

  Strength: 17 (+1)

  Intelligence: 62 (+15)

  Wisdom: 45 (+10)

  Dexterity: 22 (+5)

  Stamina: 71 (+18)

  Charisma: 82 (+21)


  Spell Books (2)

  Tome of Regret

  Robe (Armor 5)



  Leather Boots

  Mana Potions (10) + 50 Mana

  Healing Potions (6) +50 HP

  “I’ve come for an audience,” Lucian stated.

  Giggles and laughs filled the chamber, some of the succubi shaking their horned heads.

  “He thinks he can demand,” said one succubus.

  “Hubris shall be his end, “said another.

  Lucian ignored all of them, his gaze on the queen, “I only wish a moment of your time. After that, you may do as you wish.”

  Cackles and laughter rang out. The succubi held onto each other, seeing this simple man making requests from their queen mother. It was unheard of and they laughed louder.

  The Queen was unmoved.

  Lucian took a step forward and the laughter died and turned to hisses.

  “One more step and we will eat every morsel while you scream,” a succubus growled.

  Lucian bowed his head again, “I mean no disrespect. I mean the opposite. When I first heard of the beautiful Demon Queen Systra, I had to know more. The writings I could find spoke of her and I will admit, I was enraptured. I searched across Lukken, trying to find anything I could. The obsession had nearly killed me on more than one occasion.”

  The mage lifted his head, staring at the demon queen as she remained still as a statue. “Madness consumed me. Not only did I find many writings, I burned them when I was finished.”

  Growls filled the air.

  Lucian continued, “I knew the world could never understand your terrible beauty and warm heart. I struck out in my private crusade, burning any book that mentioned you except for one.”

  Systra sat, but her eyes blinked.

  Lucian dug in his satchel and pulled out the Tome of Regret. The mage held it high, for all to see. Gasps filled the chamber, eyes wide and tails low. A shocked murmur ran through every damned soul and some looked to their demon queen.

  Lucian smirked. “I thought I was imagining it. I didn’t find this book in some deep tomb or in some forgotten ruin. I found it at the Mage Academy of Valis. It sat in a section, long forgotten. I noticed it, pulled it from the shelf and began to read and when I finished it well into the night, I read it again.”

  “You have my attention,” a voice flowed like silk across every mind in the vast chamber.

  Lucian took a step back, the demon queen’s voice causing his very soul to shudder from her power. Regaining his wits, he stood firm.

  “Much of Lukken doesn’t remember your story. Even now, not many know and the few that did, died by my hand. Sacrifices to your greater glory.

  “I won’t stand here and speak of the terrible things that happened to you and your lover. Tragedy will not heal old wounds. I will speak to your love of William Fyre. The book I hold was written by your hand, a journal of your time with the one man who ever loved you for who you truly were…until this day.”

  Systra’s head moved slightly. “Those words were written over nine hundred years ago. They no longer matter in this age,” Systra’s voice washed over Lucian and the crowd.

  “I, respectfully, disagree. Your words hold a passion and fire that has infected my soul. Your lover is long gone, but your words speak of his legend. He battled for you, protected you and you loved him for it. You awoke in a time where many across Lukken had awakened. He looked past the surface and saw a woman for whom he wanted to lay his life down. He betrayed everything for you.”

  Lucian took a step closer and opened the book as the succubi backed off. “Once he was gone, you stepped through the portals during the age of Midnight. You began a new life, but you waited for your William to appear. The last sentence speaks of your long wait, counting the moments until he walked into your arms.”

  Lucian closed the book. “He never came back. There has been no word of him as he disappeared into the ether.”

  A silence caressed alert senses.

  Systra sat up on her throne, hands folded on her lap. “You’ve come to my home to tell me a past I already lived? You seek a torment that will last eons for your insults. My lover is gone and I have accepted it.”

  “Your love for him has not died. I know this from your own writings. The book in my hand betrays the lies you speak.”

  Claws grew along the succubi as tails quivered in agitated rage.

  “Choose your next words carefully for they may be your last,” Systra’s voice flowed without a hint of emotion.

  Lucian nodded before staring across the vast distance between him and the demon queen.

  “I have seen your soul and I have fallen for you. I wish to court you. I wish to bring joy to your soul like William had. I wish to be your messenger to Lukken.”

  Lucian bent down to one knee. The crowd parted, giving him and queen direct eye contact.

  The mage continued, “In over nine hundred years, Lukken has known peace. In nine hundred years, they have misaligned our world. The kingdoms and people have forgotten the light cannot exist without the darkness. They have lost their way.

  “You have created a home here, but your subjects entertain the locals and visitors. They debase themselves, fear keeping them from living their full potential. They follow you, but they have grown weak from lack of conflict.”

  Lucian stayed on one knee, his voice growing louder, “You hold hope William will return. I am not selfish as to want you for myself. I wish to be a loyal general in your armies, loving you close or from afar. It matters not to me. What matters is you know love once again!”

  Lucian’s brow hardened and his eyes narrowed. “The Kunarr failed. The Dread Lords failed. The darkness had failed this world, but we can bring it back. We can restore balance and shape the world where no one will take your love away again.”

  Systra leaned forward, hands clasped in front of her mouth, black eyes on the mage. “You speak of dreams and nightmares, nothing more. Many men and women have professed their love for me and died when I had taken everything from them. You bore me. You bore my existence.”

  Lucian bowed his head, shadows covering his face, “If I bore you so much, why are to speaking to me?”

  The demon queen’s perfect eyebrow rose.

  Lucian looked up, a smug smile on his handsome features. “Unlike your previous suitors, I do not fear you. I only wish to love and serve you.”

  Systra’s blood colored ruby lips curved into an amused smirk. “You stand on a knife’s edge between life and oblivion.”

  “I kneel to a woman who should be loved,” Lucian said and brought his other kn
ee down and bowed completely.

  A succubus fanned her neck while another one fought back tears.

  Systra’s wicked smirk turned into a small smile. “You may be useful. Please rise.”

  Lucian slowly stood up. A succubus stepped close to the mage and snatched the book from his hand. Turning, she returned to the crowd.

  “The book shall be returned to my library. Only the greatest of tomes may fill these shelves and I must thank you for returning one of my lost journals,” Systra said, her words touching minds but her lips never moving.

  The demon queen adjusted on her throne before looking down once again.

  “Your spirit is inspiring despite your weak and frail body. I doubt you would last long in my embrace, even with your magical knowledge.”

  Systra’s eyes narrowed. “Kiss my foot and I will consider your proposal.”

  The demon queen sat back, one leg over the other and a clawed foot hanging above the dais edge.

  “If that is your will,” Lucian smiled.

  The demon queen lowered her chin, dark eyes smoldering. “My daughters on the other hand will be allowed to take you for theirs, if they can best you. Should you be defeated, they will enjoy your meager body and toss what is left into the refuse.”

  Lucian moved his gaze from left to right, seeing the growing hunger among the succubi gathered.

  “My only caveat, you can beat them, you can harm them, but you cannot end their existence. Should one of my daughters perish, you perish with her,” Systra said across minds while giving an elegant and an amused smile.

  Lucian reached into his satchel and pulled out his Spell Book of Hinderance. The crowd of demon women eyed the lone man, some of them bending their knees while others licked their lips. A few pulled daggers. Energy rolled along bodies as fire, ice, and lightning filled hands. The tension began to build as they centered their gazes on the one man in the middle.

  “Let the courting, commence,” Systra’s words were like venom covered velvet sinking into Lucian’s mind.

  The mage readied himself as the demon women pulsed and writhed around him. Like a pack of wild animals, they growled, sneered and cooed, ready to strike. The air took on a deadly gloom as Lucian knew he could not misstep, not even once.

  “Shall we?” Lucian said smugly, showing no fear.

  Time slowed down as Lucian opened his spellbook. Succubi grinned evilly before a shout lit the match. Like a spark turning into a roaring fire, the demon women rushed at the lone man, madness and insanity filling their wide eyes.

  You cast Unseen Force! Mana: 225/250

  The mage manipulated the spells energies as he shouted the word of power. An invisible force struck out in all directions like an explosion. Succubi launched into the air only for their bodies to be blasted backwards and in many directions. Chaos bloomed as bodies from the first wave crashed into their sisters behind them.

  Before any of the bodies hit the floor, Lucian bolted forward, another incantation spilling from his lips.

  You cast Mana Shield! Mana: 125/250

  Pumping a point of mana for a point of protection, the mage spent a hundred points, a shimmering shield glowing around him. Bodies continued to rain down as Lucian charged. Hand diving into his satchel, he grabbed two potions and knocked off each cork in turn with his thumb. Raising both potions to his lips, he ran and drank as the succubi ahead of him prepared to tackle him.

  You gained 50 Mana! Mana: 175/250

  You gained 50 Mana! Mana: 225/250

  Lucian kept his cool as pages flipped along his book on their own and he hurtled the two empty potions away. Arcane words filled the air as he reached a demon woman. Claws flashed but the mage slid under them and spoke a word of power.

  You cast Black Tentacles! Mana: 175/250

  The alert scrolled past his gaze as black tentacles sprouted on either side of him. Claws reached down to grab at the mage when tentacles wrapped around arms and legs and flung bodies into the air.

  Lucian slid to a halt and a lone tentacle lashed across his back and helped him to his feet. The mage continued to run as the tentacles grabbed anything nearby and threw them like rag dolls.

  Lightning flashed and struck the mana shield. Lucian stumbled as an alert filled his gaze.

  You have taken 58 damage! Mana Shield: 42/100

  Gritting his teeth, he pressed on when fire and lightning missed him by inches. Reaching into his satchel, he pulled out a mana potion and drank it.

  You gained 50 Mana! Mana: 225/250

  The mage mentally kept track, knowing he had seven Mana potions left as he bashed his shoulder into a succubus. The demon’s claws whipped out, slashing against the shimmering barrier before she was knocked off her feet and her back hitting the ground.

  You have taken 38 damage! Mana Shield: 4/100

  Lucian was about to recast his Mana Shield spell when two swords arced through the air and came down. The mage skidded to a halt as the blades sliced down and missed him by an inch. The metal struck the stone floor as sparks flew, the two demons already drawing back for another strike.

  Lucian eyed the succubi, time speeding up as the crowd surged toward him. Pages turning in his spell book, he looked down and whispered the incantation as the swords reached their zenith and slashed down.

  You cast Unseen Force! Mana: 200/250

  Magical energy rippled and exploded outwards. Demon women were thrown in every direction except for three. Lucian’s eyes narrowed as he charged, seeing the three before him had mana-shields up, energy cascading over invisible barriers. Blades in hands, they charged the incoming mage.

  Pages turned as Lucian dodged an incoming sword and twisted away from a dagger. Arcane words filled the air as he kept them just far enough away so as to not be cut. A dagger sliced and cut through the Lucian’s mana shield, shattering it instantly. The mage backpedaled a step before unleashing a word of power.

  You cast Earth Weaving! Mana: 190/250

  The floor cracked and three stone blocks shot up under each succubus. Eyes widened and they were launched into the air before the stones pulled away, streaked in a half-moon formation and slammed into the sides of horned heads.

  Lucian continued running as the three demon women pinwheeled, fell and crashed into tables and furniture. The mage pressed on, not giving the demons a chance to regroup when a dagger spun through the air and stabbed into his back.

  You have taken 38 damage! HP: 202/240

  Lucian grunted as he reached behind, grabbed the dagger and pulled it out. The metal blade made a clatter as he dropped it and pushed through, his prize still half a chamber away.

  Spellbook in his left hand, pages turned once again. The mage glanced to it until he reached the spell he wanted when a succubus launched herself sideways. Arcane words formed until the mage hesitated, the spell fizzling. The succubus soaring past him didn’t attack with a weapon but her eyes glowed with supernatural light. The effect was immediate, the tension easing away and Lucian missing a step. Stumbling, he pondered on why he was fighting so hard. A befuddlement sank into his mind as he tried to think.

  The succubus’s feet hit the ground and she slid to a halt, claws at the ready and a wicked smile on her lips. Several more succubi rushed in, closing the small distance with claws, daggers and swords. Lucian slowed, seeing the demon women as his friends. They were smiling and coming not to hurt him, but to hug and hold him.

  A page turned and the mage looked down as several succubi were on him. Seeing the magical words, it cut through the mental fog and he whispered the incantation.

  You cast Black Tentacles! Mana: 140/250

  Lucian stepped forward, calm as a summer pond as black tentacles stabbed upwards and grabbed demons by the waists. Bodies changed directions as they were flung, some smacking into walls and falling to the floor below. Cries of pain and anguish filled the chamber as Lucian walked calmly forward.

  Tentacles continued to grab any demon that tried to pass them but Lucian stared at the demon
queen on the throne, determination filling his brow.

  “I won’t be stopped,” the mage shouted as he walked through the chaos.

  Systra said nothing, a bored expression in her eyes and her foot still forward.

  The mage whispered another incantation and hissed the word of power.

  You cast Mana Shield! 100 points of protection! Mana: 40/250

  The moment the shield went up a shadow touched Lucian’s senses and power exploded. A blue-haired succubus flew silently through the air with a spear. The point struck the barrier and shattered it, the point stabbing into the mage’s shoulder.

  You have taken 20 damage! HP: 182/240

  Lucian grunted again, realizing that the damage would have been more severe if he didn’t bring up the barrier in time. Turning his head, he saw Nadia from the 9th floor, grinning at him like a demented blue doll.

  “You will be mine!” the succubus giggled.

  Lucian spun, the spear ejecting from his back, causing damage and the succubus stepping forward to slash with her claws.

  You have taken 12 damage! HP: 170/250

  Lucian was silent as a page in his spell book turned and he recited the spell. Mid incantation, Nadia’s claws flashed and sliced at his side.

  You have taken 48 damage! HP: 122/250

  You cast Sleep! Mana: 25/250

  Nadia was smiling until Lucian’s hand clamped on her face. A breath later, the succubus fell to the floor, snores rising up.

  Black tentacles continued to hurl demon women from behind but many more circled around to press their attack. Lucian noted the precious moments he had, right hand diving into his satchel and pulling out two mana potions.

  You have gained 50 Mana! 75/520

  You have gained 50 Mana! 125/520

  Bleeding into his robe, he glanced to his left and right to see waves of succubi coming for him. Pain dulled his senses but his mind was sharp as a blade. He calculated he could utter two spells if he timed it just right. Page turning, it fell on a spell and he began the incantation, one step at a time.


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