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London Growl: An Ian Dex Supernatural Novel, #4 (Las Vegas Paranormal Police Department)

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by John P. Logsdon

  “Correct,” he said as Piper went over and subdued Tats, who looked like he was more than willing to give up at this point. “I’m being punished for transgressions against my Order.”

  “Oh,” I said and then shrugged. “Cool.”

  He held up a finger. “Please don’t kill him, Piper.”

  “I said I wouldn’t,” she said.

  “Thank you.” Reaper then whispered to me, “We’re paid on commission, you know? I have rent to pay.”


  Reaper suddenly glanced in the direction of Harvey. “I sense someone is injured.”

  “My partner is,” I stated, holding up my hands. “Injured, not dead. Don’t get any ideas, pal.”

  Reaper tilted his head at me as if confused.

  “Don’t be a dumbass, Ian,” Piper said. “Reaper can heal the guy.”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  We walked over to Harvey and found he’d already passed out. Being shot wasn’t much fun. Trust me; I knew.

  Reaper knelt down and placed his hand on the wound. A glow emanated from him much like the light show that my mages used. It was clear that this guy had at least some level of magic flowing through his veins, which I guess made sense seeing what he was normally.

  Harvey sat up straight and yelped, but Reaper held on to his leg and kept his focus.

  “Chill out, Harvey,” I said, putting my hand on his chest. “This guy is a reaper.”

  “What?” Harvey yelled, his face going white. “I’m not dead, right?”

  I frowned at him. “Would I be standing here if you were?”

  And they called me an idiot.

  “You might have died too,” Harvey shot back.

  Valid point.

  “Well, I’m not dead.”

  “Are you sure?” His brow was furrowed. “There is a reaper here, right?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. He’s a member of the PPD now. He works in the Retriever unit because he got in trouble with the Reaper Clan or something.”

  “Order,” Reaper corrected. “Clan is a dirty word where I come from.”

  “Is here, too,” I conceded. “Well, depending on context anyway.”

  Reaper stood back up and pulled Harvey to his feet.

  Harvey tentatively put weight on his leg.

  Then he smiled.

  “Should be good as new,” Reaper said without inflection.

  Harvey slapped Mr. Glowy Eyes on the arm. “Feels great!”

  Reaper merely nodded in response.

  “All right,” said Piper as she dragged Tats over to where we were standing. The djinn looked to be in a daze. “This was the last one. Thanks to the rest of your team. Blah blah blah.”

  “So heartfelt,” I replied.

  She pointed at me. “And if this ever happens again, see if you guys can be a little quicker about things, okay?”

  I gave her my best duck look.

  “How about you guys making sure this never happens again?” I countered with a grunt.

  “Not my jurisdiction to stop prison breaks,” she stated. “My job is to bring back lawbreakers.”

  “Right. Well, it was simply a pleasure seeing you again.”

  She nodded in an I-don’t-believe-you sort of way.

  Then she paused and gave me another onceover.

  “Actually, we should get together sometime,” she said with what was almost a smile. “It was fun last time.”

  “Fun?” I scoffed at that. “As I recall, you were using a whip last time we were together.”

  “Like I said,” she replied mischievously, “it was fun.”


  Chapter 4

  After a quick check with all my officers, I headed up to meet with the Directors. This wasn’t exactly the most enjoyable part of my job, but being the chief wasn’t always glamorous.

  “Sweetie,” said Lydia before I walked into the meeting room that sat at the back of my office, “Paula Rose would like to speak with you.”

  “I’m about to go into—”

  “She says it’s urgent, puddin’.”

  “Fine,” I said with a sigh. “Put her through to my connector, please.”

  “I have Officer Dex for you, Ms. Rose,” Lydia said.


  “Yes, Paula?”

  “What the fuck did you do this time?” Her voice was tight yet controlled. She wasn’t screaming at me or anything. I hated it when she was like this. It meant that her level of irritation was far beyond the norm. “I’ve got bodies all over the damn place here!”

  “Is the Ink Club helping?” I said, keeping myself calm.

  “Well, yes, but—”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “Do you have any idea how difficult this is going to be to spin?”

  “Oh, come on, Paula,” I said with a laugh. “You’ve got the Djinn Ink Club right there with you.”

  “So? If they…” She stopped. “Oh, wait.” Another pause. “Oh, wow.”

  I smiled. “Exactly.”

  “I could get a commission on this, too,” she said. “Assuming that djinn didn’t throw people into nightmares. But even then, the Ink Club could fix that…right?”


  “Oh, this is great!”

  “See?” I stated as firmly as I could. “It’s not always a negative thing when this stuff happens. And remember, nobody was killed.”

  “This time.”

  “Which means something, right?”

  “Yeah,” she replied. “I guess it does. Thanks, Ian. I owe you one.”

  Now that was rare.

  “No problem,” I answered. “I have to run to a meeting now.”

  We disconnected and I walked into the meeting with the Directors.

  They were all waiting for me, but I couldn’t really see them. Well, I saw wisps of them mostly, though sometimes I’d catch a full visual. But it never lasted. It would fade from memory super fast. That’s the way it was with these guys, though. It was meant as some form of protection for them, I suppose.

  On the left was Silver, the head of the Vegas Vampires. Next was Zack, leader of the Vegas Werewolf pack. O was the mage who controlled the Crimson Focus Mages in Vegas. Finally, EQK ran the Vegas Pixies.

  “Are we correct in understanding that everything is under control?” asked O.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied as I took my seat in front of them. I felt like I was giving testimony at a political investigation. “The Spin is currently working with the Djinn Ink Club to assuage fears, too. They’re going to use this as a way of showing what kind of fun people can have if they visit the club.”

  “But won’t that mean people will be exposed to the fact that the djinn are supernatural?” said Silver.

  “I’m sure Paula will spin it in such a way as to make it seem like just a magic trick of some sort.”

  “Like hypnosis,” Zack stated. “It’s a good idea.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Pixies can’t be hypnotized, you know,” EQK announced. “Our brains are far more advanced than your Neanderthal-like clumps of goop.”

  “Anyway, Mr. Dex,” O said before EQK could get started on one of his insulting rampages, “we have some information for you that is going to be unsettling.”

  I didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Sir?” I said.

  “Now, you must understand that we are with you one hundred percent here,” O said before revealing the news.


  “And you must also know that—”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” EQK blurted, “you’re slower than a snail with an erection.”

  I saw a flash of O as he leaned forward. “Excuse me?”

  “You’re excused,” EQK said sincerely. “Dex, your ex-partner was kidnapped.”

  I stood up. “Rachel?”

  “Do you have another ex-partner that we don’t know about?” asked EQK with a smattering of sarcasm. “Of course it’s Rachel, you wal

  “Where is she?” I said, my pulse rising. “Has she been hurt?”

  “London PPD says that they received a note that she was taken and that they would be given instructions in a few days as to what their demands are,” explained Zack. “If the demands are met, she’ll be released.”

  My mind was racing. I couldn’t just sit idly by while Rachel was in trouble. Yes, she was the one who’d made the decision to leave the Vegas PPD and, yes, she said that she could no longer be around me…but she’d been my partner for seven years! She meant more to me than anyone I knew, and my team was like a family to me, so that was really saying something.

  “I’m going,” I said.

  “We fully expected that,” Silver replied. “We also know that the rest of your team will want to join you, but we obviously can’t allow that. Therefore, you must choose who will be your replacement while you’re gone.”

  “Officer Benchley,” I answered without hesitation.


  I made for the door.

  “Mr. Dex,” O said before I could leave, “please know that we are fully behind you, whatever you need to do here. We all understand what it means to have a partner in trouble.”

  “I don’t,” stated EQK.

  Silver groaned. “You’re a real asshole, EQK, you know that?”

  “Thanks, Silver,” EQK said genuinely. “That means a lot to me. I think you’re an asshole, too.”

  Silver groaned again.

  Chapter 5

  I had Lydia call everyone to the meeting room. This was not going to be a fun one. I knew that everyone was going to want to join me on this mission, but it couldn’t be done and they had to deal with that.

  “Listen up,” I said as they all sat down. “I just got word that Rachel has been kidnapped in London.”

  “What?” growled Felicia, her eyes going instantly red.

  I put my hands up. “I know that all of you feel the same way I do about this, and I’m sure every one of you wants to go and help, but you have to realize that you must stay here and protect this city.”

  Their faces were ones of sheer determination. I got that. I felt it, too.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen,” I said before anyone could start to argue. “Griff is going to be in charge while I’m gone.”

  “Wait, you’re going?” snapped Serena. “Why are you going and the rest of us have to stay?”

  “Because Rachel was my partner, Serena.” I’d said it more harshly than I probably should have. I took a breath. “Sorry. She was my partner. If we were talking about Chuck being kidnapped, Griff would be going. If it was Felicia who had been taken, Jasmine would be heading out the door.” I looked from face to face. “That’s not the case here. Rachel was the one taken and so I’m the one going.”

  Everyone looked irritated at this, but they also seemed to get the point.

  “Again,” I continued, “I’m leaving Griff in charge of the precinct while I’m gone.” I turned to him. “Hopefully things will be standard run-of-the-mill stuff, but if anything bad turns up, just do whatever you think I’d do.” Then I sighed. “Shit, you already know that. Hell, you’re probably still more qualified than me to have this position, Griff.”

  “I will uphold the position faithfully,” he said in his posh way. “I shall even attend to any meetings that the Directors wish to convene.”

  “Yeah,” I said, shaking my head. “Good luck with that.”

  Chuck sat up. “Are you bringing any of us with you?”

  “Harvey,” I said, pointing at my partner. I’d just assumed he’d want to go, but the fact was that he was still a rookie. Putting him in this position this early in his career was probably a bit unfair. “Assuming you’re okay with going, Harvey?”

  “To London?” he asked with a huge grin. “Hell, yeah. I’ve always wanted to go there. It’s where Sherlock Holmes did all of his sleuthing, you know?”

  I squeezed my eyebrows together. “Yeah, okay.”

  “Wait a second here,” said Felicia. “No offense to Harvey, but he’s still pretty green. He’s got no idea how to—”

  “I know what you’re going to say, Felicia,” I interrupted before she could instill fear into my new partner, “but Harvey’s been doing just fine by my side over these last couple of months. We have a rapport and he knows what I expect from him.” That wasn’t really true at all. Frankly, Harvey was rather trying at times, but I needed to keep everyone else here doing their jobs. “Plus, I’m sure I’ll be provided with one or two seasoned officers from the London PPD. They know more about their city than we do, right?”

  Felicia looked away.

  “Again, guys, I know how all of you feel about Rachel, but this is how it’s going to be.” I glanced at them all. “Are we clear?”

  Like a bunch of school kids who were just told that they had to write a “What I did on my summer vacation” paper, they grumbled their reply.

  “I promise to keep Lydia informed,” I added, “and she’ll keep everyone else up to date on what’s happening.”

  Nobody said a word for the next few moments, though Harvey looked more excited than concerned.

  He was nearly beaming.

  I couldn’t quite blame him since this was going to be an adventure, of sorts. From his perspective, anyway. The fact was that he didn’t know Rachel all that well, so he wasn’t as emotionally charged as the rest of the group.

  “Right,” I said finally. “Harvey and I are going to head out now. Griff, keep everyone in line while I’m gone.”

  “I shall.”

  “Good luck, Chief,” said Chuck.

  “Yeah,” agreed the rest of the crew.

  “You have enough ammo?” asked Turbo before I turned toward the door. “I can line your jackets, if you want?”

  “Actually,” I said, checking my reserves, “that would be good. Line Harvey’s too, please?”

  Turbo flew like a shot from the room, calling, “You got it,” over his shoulder.

  The crew split up and Harvey and I headed to my office.

  “Lydia,” I said aloud, “please hook us up with a direct portal to the London PPD precinct where Rachel works.”

  “You’ll have to go through the Netherworld system, honey,” she explained. “It’s just a brief jump point, though. Shouldn’t take but a few minutes.”

  “Fine,” I said with a sigh.

  “Turbo said that he has your ammunition ready,” Lydia stated. “Promise me you’ll be careful, puddin’?”

  “I’ll try, Lydia,” I answered. “I’ll try.”

  Harvey grimaced and looked up at the ceiling.

  “I’m going too, Lydia,” he said, sounding hurt. “Don’t you care if I’m going to be careful or not?”

  “Actually, Harvey,” Lydia said slightly less pedantically than she sounded with the other officers, “I do hope you’re careful, too. I think you’re humorous.”

  “Yeah?” he said, all smiles. “Thanks, Lydia. I think you’re a lot of fun, too.”


  “Heck yeah. You’re much cooler than Siri, I can tell you that!”

  “Aw shucks,” Lydia said with a digital giggle. “You’re too kind.”

  Chapter 6

  We reached the Netherworld portal at the main PPD station house. This was where all officers started their processing and training.

  You’d think it would be some incredible digital world with floating screens and cops all dressed in plain suits. It wasn’t. It was a lot more like the regular police stations you saw in the Overworld. There were desks all over the place, and they were covered in paperwork and coffee stains. Regular cops wore standard green outfits, detectives had on the shirt and tie, but nothing that marked them as fashionistas. The Retrievers all went with that Piper and Reaper look, meaning they wore trench coats, hats, and anything else you could think of that fit the clandestine visual.

  The place was bouncing with activity. Djinn were being processed

  I tried to seek out the one who had been messing with me and Harvey, but being covered from head to toe with tattoos made everyone look pretty similar to each other. I was sure if I could catch a direct glance into his eyes, I’d recognize him, but it wasn’t worth the effort. Piper had nabbed him, so he’d be back in jail in no time.

  “This place is great,” Harvey said in a voice of awe. “It looks like an episode of Barney Miller, but with a lot more desks.”

  I wasn’t familiar with the show. I just shrugged and turned my attention back to the portal so we could get ourselves to London.

  “Lydia,” I said through the connector, knowing that relays would allow me to fully communicate with her, “do you know the code for getting me into the London PPD from here?”

  “Seven-seven-three-nine-four,” she replied. “Just so you know, honeycakes, that won’t take you directly to the precinct. It will drop you at St. Martin-in-the-Fields.”

  “We’re going to be in the middle of a field?” I asked while entering in the code.

  “It’s a church, silly,” she giggled. “You’ll end up in a null zone near the exit. Nobody will notice you.”

  “Got it,” I said, but I hesitated again. “So where is their PPD?”

  “It’s in the National Gallery, across the way from the church.”

  “Walking distance?”


  “Thanks, baby,” I said.

  Just as I was about to hit the button, I looked over and saw that Harvey was not standing with me. A quick scan put him about halfway down the row of desks. He was talking with someone I couldn’t see.

  “Damn it,” I said as I strode after him.

  When I got there, I saw he was speaking with Reaper.

  “Hey, Chief,” Harvey said excitedly. “I was just thanking Reaper here for fixing my leg earlier. Worked like a charm, you know?”

  “Officer Dex,” Reaper said with a nod.

  “Reaper,” I replied in kind. “Sorry for the interruption.”

  “It’s not a problem. I rarely have the opportunity to speak with people who live topside. Well, at least not people who are living there legally. When I was still in the Order, I was only able to speak with them after they’d expired.”


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