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Legend of Oria 1: Initial Contact

Page 8

by James Campbell

  Oria seeing Linda's expression looked her straight in the eyes and said “Linda, please relax. I'm not here to stop you or get in your way.”

  Linda glared back at Oria and said, “DON'T tell me to relax! I just met you and you upset my efforts to gain support for my Nanticoke PAC (political action committee)! You are challenging my interpretations of one of the biggest excavations in my career, and now you have convinced my local people that you are one with us. How am I supposed to relax? Who are you anyway, and I don't mean just telling me your name?”

  “You ask a very difficult question. If I answer your question truthfully, you won't believe me.”

  “Try me. You obviously are very acquainted with some of our older customs and traditions. I don't even know the code between chiefs. Your insights into my people, oh, excuse me, our people, after all, you're supposed to be my Uncle, are quite remarkable for someone who is probably an outsider.”

  “You're right. I know a lot about the ancient Nanticoke people who lived in this village. You're also right that in one sense I am an outsider. I have been gone for a long time. A lot has changed since I was last here.”

  Linda said rather sarcastically, “I guess the next thing you’ll be telling me is that the empty stake, the one where no remains were found, is where you were bound. I saw Jack Stone feel your forehead.”

  “Those are your words. I can say nothing to disagree with you.”

  Linda looked outraged. She angrily replied, “I guess you can tell me what I found at the foot of that stake.” Linda had secretly stolen a petrified scalp with a complete Viking helmet attached to it.

  Oria reflected for a moment and then said, “All right, you found a Viking helmet with a petrified scalp.” He then wrote out the inscription inscribed on the helmet. Oria further described in detail where a tomahawk, used to scalp him, split his helmet many years ago.

  Linda saw the writing and listened to Oria describe in detail the helmet and how it had become split open. She felt shocked by his accurate descriptions and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Her thoughts became totally scrambled. Oria seeing her distress walked around the table and put his arm around her. He was about to speak when Linda freaked out and shouted at him. “You were there! How could you be here? Jack is right, you must be my Uncle!”

  Oria gently squeezed Linda and said “Shhh, please calm down. Jack was partially right. Only it wasn't the Spirits who seized me but aliens.”

  “Aliens?” thought Linda, “Just what is the truth?” A light went off in Linda's head. She was recalling their conversation at the massacre site. She remembered watching the struggles Oria went through while they were talking earlier during the tour. She looked up to Oria, gave him a squeeze, and said, “Please forgive me for giving you such a hard time earlier. I can't imagine what you must have gone through seeing your family brutally killed.”

  Oria sat back down and pulled his chair closer to Linda’s chair. “It was difficult. That is one reason why I came here first. I need to come to terms with my past, and I'm happy to be home and among family.”

  Linda was still a bit shocked. She said, “Wow, I don't think I can really believe all of this. You said aliens seized you?”

  “Yes, I remember my last moments here as vividly as if they happened yesterday. I was bound to the stake. The Susquehanna had just scalped my father and were beating him and poking him with burning embers. He was still alive when they turned and came towards me. One of their warriors buried a tomahawk in my scalp. They started poking me with their spears and shoving burning embers into my side. I could see my father watching in pain. Then, all of a sudden, there was a bright light. My mind went blank. That was my last memory as a young man here on Earth.”

  Linda stared at Oria in amazement, “I'm having a hard time believing you.”

  “That's quite understandable. Feel my scalp.”

  Tentatively, Linda reached up, ran her hand across his forehead, and replied, “I feel your scar, but that still doesn't prove anything.”

  “No it doesn't. Just that I'm someone with a scar. Let's leave here and go somewhere private and we can talk more.”

  “Fine, I know a good place near the preserve.” The two of them left the coffee shop. Linda's Ford Expedition was sitting out front. She was shaking slightly as they climbed into the truck and drove quietly to the preserve. Once Linda reached her hideout, she pulled the truck off the road and onto a small beach on the Choptank, out of eye site of the road.

  Oria pulled out a small device from one of his pockets. He signaled the Hercules to transport the two of them up to the ship. Immediately, the transport crew transported them into the transporter room on the Hercules. Linda was dumb-founded. Oria seeing her distress put his arm around her and said, “Are you all right? I just had us transported to my starship.”

  Linda scanned the small room, as she felt disoriented. “Alright Oria, just where are we? Are we really in space?”

  “Yes, we're in the transport room of the AFS Hercules. Please follow me and I will take you to one of our observation decks.”

  While trying her hardest to keep her mouth from dropping open, Linda followed Oria out of the transport room and down a long corridor. At the end, a door opened automatically in front of them where she followed Oria into a room that looked like lounge with a bar. There were several people sitting around tables sipping drinks and eating food. On the far side of the room was a glass window with Earth in plain sight. She followed Oria over to one of the tables and they sat down.

  A waiter came over immediately. “Hello Admiral, what would you like to have today?”

  Oria gave the waiter an order for food and drinks, none of which sounded familiar to Linda. She looked at Oria and said “Admiral? I think you have some serious explaining to do right now!”

  Oria smiled and replied, “Yes, I am an Admiral and I’m responsible for the ships overall mission. Even though this is my ship, Captain Borella actually commands it. We have ordered everyone to speak English even though English is not their first language. I put this order in force for the duration of our mission on Earth. This way, my crew can become more comfortable speaking with people on Earth.”

  Linda sat there shaking her head in disbelief. “Your mission? What mission are you talking about?”

  “Earth is in danger. Since Galactic politics are a complex subject, I will attempt to simplify the situation. Most of the members of Azortec, of which this ship is part of, are human like. However, there are non-human species in the universe. One such species is the Creytes. They are a developed civilization similar to ours. In their part of the universe, they raise humans for food much as we raise cattle. Obviously that poses a natural point of contention with us.”

  “I imagine so. I take it that Azortec is supposed to be the good guys.”

  Oria chuckled. “I don't think I have ever put it quite that way. Azortec is a Federation of mostly human or human-friendly planets. Most advanced civilizations don't have a problem with like species attacking each other.”

  “I guess that statement implies that Earth is not all that advanced.”

  “That's what most members of the Azortec Council believe. You have to understand, for most of Azortec's history, they have not known war. Azortec has been in existence for over 100,000 of your years. Only recently, about 450 years ago did they run into the Creytes. A conflict ensued. Azortec has little tolerance for violence or war. Generally, they let the Creytes turn primitive human populated planets into farm planets. In exchange, the Creytes agree not to attack any of the more advanced members of the Azortec Federation. Earth is on the latest Creyte/Azortec exchange list for the Creytes to conquer and convert into a farm planet. My mission is to stop that exchange. Earth is my home, home of my ancestors, and home of their children. The only way to defend Earth is to convince Earth to build and man a fleet of starships with enough power to conquer any attacking Creyte forces.”

  Linda continued to be amazed. “So why am I here?
I'm only an archeologist.”

  “Several reasons, first, my last days as a child on Earth were difficult. I need to get that experience behind me. Second . . .”

  “I'd say. I can't even begin to imagine the horrors you went through,” said Linda as she unconsciously stroked Oria’s arm.

  “Yes, then I hope you understand why I had to return to my old village. My second reason is I need help. I don't think flying the Hercules over the White House and announcing ‘take me to your chief’, would create an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding.”

  “Putting it that way, I'd agree. You’d be laughed at and they’d put you in a room with rubber walls, and besides, our government is full of power hungry people.”

  “Yes, that is precisely why I want to use a more indirect approach to get their attention. My idea is to attract the attention of the military by wowing them with technology.”

  “That shouldn't be too hard to do. I still don’t understand why you are including me in your plans.”

  Oria smiled. “Linda, you’re a key part of getting our plan kicked off. You have contacts at the University of Maryland that are influential in defense technology.”

  Linda’s eyes popped up as rage overcame her. “All you want to do is use me?”

  Linda’s sudden outburst and anger surprised Oria. “Not exactly, but I guess in a sense you’re right.”

  Linda shouted back. “YOU KNOW I’M RIGHT! I’m not just some doormat that you can step on.”

  Oria wasn’t quite sure how to handle Linda at this point. People were generally less direct in Azortec and did not show anger like a neon light. “Linda, I never thought of you as a doormat. You were included in our plan because I have to come to grips with my past here on the Eastern Shore, and I need help to get to the right people. I don’t have many choices. The future of Earth is at stake!”

  Linda calmed down some and replied. “How do I know that you are on the up and up?”

  Oria looked puzzled. “Up and up? I’m not quite sure you mean by that phrase.”

  Linda rolled her eyes. “You do need help. Up and up, that’s a slang expression meaning that you are telling me the truth and are being completely honest with me.”

  “Then you don’t know that I’m on the up and up. However, do you believe that Jack Stone would ask the same question now?”

  “No. You certainly have knowledge of our people, at least enough knowledge to convince Jack that you are one of us.”

  “Thank you. That being the case, are you willing to introduce me to some of your friends in the scientific community?”

  “I’m with you, so what are you doing tonight?”

  “I'm listening, but I’m not quite sure what you mean by I’m with you.”

  Linda laughed. “That expression means that I am on your team. I’ll help you.”

  Oria was pleased that their first debate appeared to be over. “Thanks. I can see that communication is going to be a challenge for me. So what did you have in mind for tonight?”

  “I’m going to a small gathering with some of my fellow faculty at the University of Maryland tonight in College Park. We frequently get together and discuss issues of science. This may be a good opportunity to network into other groups of scientists. Why don't you join me?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Let's catch dinner here and then we can transport back to your truck and drive to the party.”

  “I have another idea, why don't we return to my truck, drive to Laurel, work out, catch something quick to eat, and then drive to the party in College Park. Tonight is a workout night for me.”

  “Alright, but what do you mean by a workout night?”

  Linda laughed and rolled her eyes. “This is going to be interesting. A workout night means I’m going to go to the gym and work out.”

  “Gym, what do you mean by a gym?”

  Linda took a deep breath. “It’s a place where one exercises with weights and other workout equipment.”

  Oria and Linda transported back to Linda's car and headed to Linda's home in Laurel. It took almost an hour for them to get to Linda's townhouse. When they finally got there, it was 5:30PM. Linda grabbed her gym bag and headed to the Laurel Fitness Club. Oria had his crew provide him with some clothes under Linda's direction.

  Linda led Oria into the gym and turned and asked him “Gee, I should have asked, you do work out, don’t you?”

  “Yes we have exercise programs. However, I am not overly familiar with your equipment.”

  “No problem, you probably wouldn't like my workout. Let me set you up with one of the club's trainers.”

  “Hey, George.”

  George yelled back “Hi Linda, what, you bring another guest?”

  “Of course, somebody has to bring new guests around here. This is my Uncle Oria. Oria, this is George.”

  George looked at Oria and said “Good to meet you.”

  Oria replied “The pleasure's mine.”

  George chuckled and said, “We'll see, I can tell by the way Linda is acting she wants someone to show you the ropes around here.”

  Linda interrupted, “Thanks George, do you have time to help Oria now?”

  “I believe that can be arranged.”

  “All right guys. Oria you’re in good hands and I need to get through my workout.”

  George led Oria back to one of the offices. He pulled out one of the club's standard interview forms and started asking Oria the usual health questions required before he could show him around the club.

  “Oria, before we get started I need to ask you some basic questions so that we don't kill you or something out there.”

  “That sounds reasonable.”

  “First, how old are you?”

  “I don't know exactly. My family didn't keep any birth records.”

  George gulped. “Well, you look like you're at least 30.”

  Oria replied, “That's a safe bet.”

  George wrote something on the form and then asked a series of questions about diabetes, heart disease, etc. Oria said he knew of no family history of such diseases and that his doctor certifies that he is healthy. George then took Oria's blood pressure. When he completed the readings, he looked at Oria and said, “Remarkable, your blood pressure is 110 over 60 with a resting pulse of 40. You must be in pretty good shape.”

  “I do alright.”

  “Let’s measure your height, weight, and we'll measure your body fat. Why don't you step over to the scale?”

  Oria stood on the scale, which had one of the new electrical systems to measure body fat percentage. He weighed in at just over 400 pounds with 8% body fat. Oria stood about 5' 9” and looked like he could not possibly weight over 220 pounds. George was dumb founded. He looked at Oria and said, “This can't be possible. There is no way you can weigh that much for your size. I'll have to get the scales checked. Let's get started in the weight room. I'm going to show you some of the basic exercises after we warm up.”

  Oria started thinking his trip to the gym was probably a bad idea. He knew that the early Azortec experiments on his body had significantly altered his body’s biomechanics and his DNA. Oria's skeletal structures were much denser and had much higher iron, magnesium, and zinc content. The experiments had also left him with much denser muscles and a tough outer skin. Azortec made these changes hoping to create super-humans for use in battle against the Creytes.

  George led Oria over to the stretching mats, showed Oria several stretching exercises, and asked him to do a bunch of sit-ups. When they completed the warm-up phase, George led Oria over to the bench presses. Someone was already there using one of the bench presses to perform curls. George looking at Oria said, “Let’s start with some bench presses. I’ll put some weight on the bar and you can get started.” George thought Oria was strong, so he grabbed a 45 lb. plate and put one on each side of the 45 lb. bar. As George was putting on the plates, one of the other trainers yelled for him to get the phone. George asked Oria to hold tight for a minute w
hile he answered the phone.

  Oria knew that he and Linda were on a tight schedule. He watched the other person using the bench press to perform curls with the bar and a 25 lb. plate on each side. Oria decided to do the same exercise with the weights George had placed on the bar. He walked up to the back of the bench press, lifted the bar over the vertical supports, and started to do some curls. He quickly fired off 12 curls and realized that the bar was much too light for him to get a good workout. It was becoming apparent to Oria that it would be very easy to draw attention to himself just on his physical strength alone. He quickly decided that he’d have to take care not to reveal his true strength and avoid becoming a circus freak.

  As George got off the phone, he saw Oria out of the corner of his eyes completing his set of curls. He chuckled to himself and thought, Linda was right, even though this guy is strong, he sure doesn't know his way around a gym. George knew that he was going to have to use more weight before he started Oria on his chest workout.

  George returned to Oria and said, “Hey man, I see you're pretty anxious to get started. You just completed the wrong exercise for this equipment. We do curls in a different section of the gym. Here, we normally do an exercise called a bench press.”

  George then lay down on the bench and fired off several reps. He explained to Oria the purpose of the exercise and explained the techniques while he pumped out several sets. Oria watched and smiled. On Earth, just like on his ship, people frequently used exercise equipment incorrectly. Oria admired George's excellent form.

  When George got up from the bench, he looked at Oria and said, “Ok, it's your turn. I know this will be light for you, just work on your form. I'll put some more weight on it when you complete a set of, let say 15.”

  Oria lay down on the bench and slid his head up under the bar. He grasped the bar at what appeared to be grip markings. He lifted the weight off the rack and slowly raised and positioned it over his chest. He slowly lowered the weight flexing his muscles the whole way down. He then lifted it back up to the raised position. Oria repeated this procedure for 15 reps and returned the bar to the upright holders.


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