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Legend of Oria 1: Initial Contact

Page 10

by James Campbell

  Doc shot his wife a dirty glance and replied “Yeah right, that's where I spotted you coming out of the Physics lab. You weren't supposed to say anything, thought we had a deal.”

  “Some deal, you tracked me down and made me work as an assistant for you. Now you want me to cook and do the laundry.”

  Doc smiled and saw Oria was not quite up to his wife's strange sense of humor. He laughed and then said “Oria, don't pay Berta any mind, she and I are always riding each other.”

  Berta laughed and said, “That's right, with Doc there's a lot to ride.”

  “Come on honey, I don't think Oria is quite up with our jokes.”

  Berta mumbled, “Yeah, you're probably right. Oria, I was just teasing Doc. We met on campus and I became one of his assistants. We fell in love and entered marital bliss. End of story. Well, sometimes I just need to stir the pot. No, actually, I was just trying to change the topic. We always talk about work and Doc will take whatever audience he can to discuss his latest project.”

  Oria replied, “It sounds like an interesting project. I have an interest in physics, and in particular lasers.”

  Berta shook her head “Geez another techie. It's bad enough that I have to work with a bunch of computer geeks during the day. When I hang out with my husband, he attracts physics geeks. Everywhere I go there is a geek!”

  Linda smiled and said “Ok Berta, chill, maybe we should leave the men alone to do their geek thing. Why don't you and I see if we can get some better music playing? I don't think Seth picks the best tunes. He should let Julie pick the tunes. She has better taste.”

  Berta replied, “You’re right, let's find some good music. Maybe we can get the men to dance a bit later.”

  Linda and Berta headed over to Seth and Julie's computer and started surfing the Internet for some get tunes. Linda knew she had to get Berta to stop interrupting Oria and Doc if they were ever to talk anything technical. Normally, she would have helped Berta change the subject. This time was different.

  Oria was glad that Linda saved him from Berta's constant interruptions and change of subjects. He wanted to pursue further his conversation with Doc. He didn't have to wait long. Doc enjoyed talking about his work and was anxious for the willing audience that Oria presented.

  “Ah, now that they're gone, you said that you are interested in lasers?”

  “Yes, however, I believe my interest is more military than science.”

  Doc smiled, “Well part of my project is science. That's not the whole story. DOD (Department of Defense) is trying to get me to work on using my laser techniques as sensors to improve missile detection and in other defense applications. So far, I've resisted them. I don't want to have to deal with security clearances, etc. It's nice when I can freely talk about my work and get it published.”

  “So you aren't working on these DOD projects?”

  “Well, that's not true either. I'm doing some research for them. They would classify some of my work if I agreed to the appropriate security clearances. I'm begrudgingly doing work for them, but I'm not going to commit to all the restrictions they want to impose. Besides, given my anti-war activities during the Gulf ware, there is no way they'd give me a clearance. Why are you so interested in the military aspects of lasers?”

  “I believe that with the right improvements in laser and laser-like technologies, that a strong defensive shield can be created against a space launched attack.”

  “That sounds freaky; do you really think we are in danger of an alien attack? Maybe like Independence Day?”

  “I'm not quite sure I follow you.”

  “Where have you been dude; you know, are you thinking about all of the Area 51 nonsense or something similar?”

  “I see.” said Oria not really seeing it at all. “Actually I was thinking of objects originating from space.”

  Doc was thinking, great another Republican trying to justify expensive military systems on civilian grounds. “Good luck, most research that I’ve read shows that it is unlikely that even if we could get a powerful enough laser, that we would be unable to actually hit something like an incoming alien space craft or any other object originating in space. My own discovery of a new planet beyond Pluto was purely accidental. The probability of my search algorithm actually being able to map conclusively our own solar system is quite low. We would most likely miss any object as small as a meteor. There are huge holes between each one of my probing beams. This results in large amounts of unmapped space.”

  “Yes, but if we do find something, the laser could be aimed at it. If we had sufficient power, we might even be able to stop something like a meteor on a collision course with Earth.”

  “True. Oria, that type of usage would be all right with me. However, there still is the power issue. Our most powerful lasers are hydrogen fluoride based. In order to create a beam capable of destroying a meteor, you'd need a nuclear explosion. We don't have any way to contain such an explosion let alone focus such a beam on an object.”

  “What if we had a power source that wasn't nuclear? One that was even more powerful than a nuclear-based laser. What if we could discover an energy source that is currently unknown to us?”

  “This sounds like a lot of wishful thinking. Right now, I'm wishing for another beer. Can I get you one?”


  “What do you want, another of the same?”

  “That would be fine unless you have something with a fuller taste?”

  “You could try a Killian’s. It has a fuller taste than that Bud you’re drinking.”

  “That should hit the spot.”

  Doc got up and walked over to the cooler to retrieve two cold beers. He saw Berta headed his way and knew that he needed to wrap up his discussion on lasers with Oria. He then sat back down handed a beer to Oria and opened his own.

  “Oria, I don't think the ladies will let us talk lasers much longer. I'll tell you what. If you can make it Thursday night, there is a seminar on new laser technologies. I believe the seminars called the Applied Physics Symposium on Particle Energy Laser Technology. Dr. Suzanne Caldwell is giving it. She's another peace nut like me. I will give you my ticket. Something came up at work and I won't be able to make it. You can tell me about it at the next party.”

  Linda and Berta returned after starting a new music selection. They were in the mood to dance and forget work. Linda coaxed Oria into dancing and they danced and drank beer until midnight. Linda was getting tired and signaled Oria that it was time to leave. On their way out, Linda invited him to feel free to stay at her place any time he needed. Oria thanked her for the invitation and told her he would love to stay, but work awaited him on his ship.


  Wednesday May 24

  Creyte Exploration Ship

  Commander Retilia was on the Yasinomot's bridge when the ship entered the Earth's solar system. He had all of the ship's scanners running full power. He wanted to make sure there were no Azortec warships present, particularly the Hercules, anywhere nearby. He was shocked when his crew informed him that they found energy traces similar to what a fleet of Azortec Starships would leave behind. However, there was something strange about the residual traces. There was only a 70% match to the standard Azortec residual trace. This discrepancy was greater than what would be expected from a new ship or any known Azortec technology. Whoever left the traces must have been long gone. The Yasinomot’s sensors were unable to detect the presence of any other ships.

  Retilia was confident that he could detect any Azortec ship. The Yasinomot had the latest scanner technology with the ability to detect any known Azortec ships, even if they were in stealth mode. What he could not know, is that the Hercules contained stealth technology from a year in the future making the Hercules invisible to the Yasinomot’s sensors. Azortec scientist would develop new stealth devices that the Hercules took back into time. Retilia also did not know that the Hercules had just detected his arrival into the Earth's solar system.

  Oria had
just returned to the Hercules after his long day with Linda. It was already early Thursday morning in Maryland. Oria thought he would retire to his bed and catch some sleep prior to getting ready for Thursday night’s symposium. He thought wrong. At almost the instant he climbed into bed, the ship's alarms went to Red Alert.

  Captain Borella hailed Oria in his room.

  “Admiral, our scanners have picked up a Creyte Exploration ship entering our solar system.”

  “Thanks Captain, do we know which one?”

  “Aye sir, I believe it's the Yasinomot.”

  “I was afraid of that. Place the Hercules on course to intercept and follow them. I'm on my way to the bridge.”

  Oria suspected that the Creytes had started a preliminary campaign almost a year prior to his meeting with President Shalat. He was just surprised at the timing. There was no question in Oria's mind that they must attack the Creyte ship and attempt to take it. It would be invaluable to learn what the Creytes already knew.

  Captain Borella welcomed Oria upon his arrival on the bridge. “Good to see you Admiral. We are within 50 miles of the Yasinomot. I don't believe they have detected us yet. Their shields are down.”

  “Very well, I'd like to capture her if possible. Prepare a boarding crew. Captain, you know the drill.”

  Borella had already second guessed Oria’s likely plan. “Aye sir, however I do have several concerns.”

  “Yes Captain, if you’re concerned that our attack will create a space time anomaly, I concur. However, I believe we’ll have to risk this anomaly. The Yasinomot is likely to interfere with our mission. I think we have to proceed.”

  “Very well Admiral, I'll have Commander Surhoff prepare and lead the attack. They should be ready in less than 15 minutes.”

  “Excellent. Who's in the combat bridge?”

  Borella replied, “Lieutenant Agustonson.”

  “Very well, hopefully we don't have to fire any kill shots. I'd like to take the ship undamaged. When we initiate the attack, I want all of their communications systems jammed. Also, Lieutenant Agustonson, I want you to radiate their ship and take out their COM systems.”

  Agustonson replied, “Aye sir, it will be done.”

  Oria walked over to the scanning station and examined some of the information starting to come in from the scanners. The Yasinomot had close to 50 humans on board with over 100 Creytes. It must have been a full ship. If it were not for the element of surprise, the Hercules' boarding party would not stand a chance. He had only 200 people out of a normal complement for a starship of over 10,000. The boarding party would only be about 50 strong. They would be greatly outnumbered.

  Oria then noticed some peculiar readings. He was picking up traces from Azortec stardrives on the hull of the Yasinomot. The readings were too faint to identify the class of ship. However, it had to be a friendly visit. The Yasinomot was not a battle class ship. After all, it was an exploration ship. Shalat would have known any official visit by Azortec and would have communicated that information to Oria. It had to be the traitors from the Azortec council. Oria knew that there were traitors on the council. He just had no proof, until now.

  Surhoff hailed the bridge and informed Oria that his team was in place and ready for an attack transport. Since the Yasinomot had not raised their shields, the attack team could beam directly aboard the Yasinomot. Once on board, Agustonson could initiate his attack on the Yasinomot communication systems.

  Surhoff split the attack unit into five squads of ten men. They were going to hit the Yasinomot Bridge, the engine room, the arsenal, the food galley, and the halls around the crew's quarters. Surhoff would lead the attack on the bridge. Surhoff's plan called for gaining control of the ship, killing as many of the Creytes as possible, and freeing the humans held captive in the food galley.

  Retilia was on the Yasinomot's bridge when the attack started. Out of nowhere, ten humans materialized on his bridge with phasers blasting his crew. Retilia was one of the few Creytes on the Yasinomot that had actually tasted battle. He quickly took cover and escaped the bridge before any of Surhoff's men could kill him. As Retilia scrambled out of the bridge, the Yasinomot's sensors put the ship in Red Alert. The computer informed him that he was under attack by the Hercules. He knew that the Yasinomot was no match for an Azortec starship. His best plan was to take one of the escape pods and head for Earth. He managed to get to the escape pods without any further incident. Five others in his crew were already there and waiting for him. He gave the order to abandon the ship. On his way out, he set the ship's timer to explode. Retilia knew the explosion would quickly end whatever was left of his crew. Unfortunately, he had no choice. He clearly did not want any of his plans getting into the hands of Oria.

  Retilia's escape pod successfully got clear of the Yasinomot and the Hercules. He initially headed the pod in a line that put the Yasinomot directly between him and the Hercules. If the Hercules detected his location, the explosion of the Yasinomot would temporarily blind the Hercules and enable him to get away. At least that was his intention.

  Surhoff soon discovered that the Yasinomot's commander was gone. That could mean only one thing. He had failed to stop the Creytes from setting the Yasinomot to explode. He quickly plugged in scanners into the Yasinomot's console. He figured that he could count on less than 5 minutes before the Yasinomot would explode. He signaled all of the attack teams and the Hercules to make ready to beam them back to the Hercules.

  On the bridge of the Hercules, they detected the release of Retilia's escape pod. Oria chose not to shoot it until they were able to retrieve the attack teams from the Yasinomot. It would be too risky attacking the pod in the event that the Creytes rigged it to explode. An explosion could block the rapid recovery of the teams using transporters and there was not enough time to retrieve the teams with shuttles. Oria had no choice but to let the pod get away. He would try to catch it later.

  Within minutes of recovering the last of the attack teams, the Yasinomot exploded and blazed for a half an hour. The Hercules' shields blocked the blast from damaging the ship. On Earth, many people observed a large flash twice the size of the moon in the sky. It was visible from North America and Europe illuminating the nighttime sky.

  Linda was asleep in her bed with her windows open when the blast occurred. The flash woke her from a deep sleep. There was sort of an eerie daylight from an unknown source in the sky. The hairs stood up on the back of Linda’s neck. She immediately suspected it had something to do with Oria and hoped that he was all right.


  Thursday May 25

  Pentagon STAR HAWKS Operations Center

  It was early in the morning, when Major Karen Brown was waiting for the worn out coffee machine to produce its usual dose of muddy fluid. She was tired from being rudely awaken the night before by a big flash of light illuminating the night sky brighter than daylight. She contacted her office and found out no one knew anything more than she did.

  Her cup was almost full when General Bronson walked in.

  The General looked at her and said “Good morning Karen. You look as tired as everyone else in Washington this morning.”

  “Good morning General Bronson, so it woke you too?”

  “No, I managed to sleep through the flash. My pager got me. When I returned the call, they told me about the flash.”

  “Sorry to hear that, sir.”

  “Me too, no one knows anything. Have you talked with any of your friends in Florida?”

  Karen smiled to herself. Since she was still officially part of STAR Hawks, it seemed that everyone still expected her to be on top of all of their operations. “Yes, and they don't know anything either.”

  Bronson did not think STAR Hawks had anything to do with the explosion. It had to be something else. “I saw one report this morning that scientists are estimating the blast to be thousands of times greater than anything we could produce. They're trying to determine if it was a collision between meteorites or something.”

/>   “What timing. Didn't you take your wife to that meteor movie last night?”

  A slight smile broke across Bronson’s face. “That's right. It's funny, my wife and I enjoyed the movie immensely and joked about having an unknown comet hit Earth.”

  “Oh well, I have to get back to work. By the way Major, would you like to get some more flight time? I'm working on getting you some time so that one of our better pilots does not become rusty because of a short stint at the Pentagon. Colonel Henley would not appreciate that.”

  “Yes General. Nothing personal, but I would much prefer to be sitting in a cockpit than behind a desk.”

  “As expected, Major. Um, I have a request to make of you. Do you recall Dr. Caldwell's new book on gamma radiation?”

  “Yes sir.” Karen thought, great, Bronson must have another boring assignment for her.

  “I think we should get a copy. It contains some interesting findings on the effects of gamma radiation on mice from an earlier space shuttle flight. It might relate to the special project you are working on. In addition, I hear Dr. Caldwell is conducting a book signing at a downtown bookstore on 18th and L St. Why don't you head down there, check it out, and pick up a copy of her book. You should plan to attend her High Energy Symposium too. Brief me on anything that relates to our operation.”

  “Yes sir, I will take care of it.” What Karen really wanted to do was find out all she could about last night’s mysterious flash. Sometimes, the General could be a royal pain in her butt.

  West Virginia, Ocean City, Maryland

  It took several hours for the magnetic effects of Yasinomot’s explosion to settle down and permit Retilia to establish communications with the Creyte command post on Earth. The Creytes built the command post several years ago to initiate the tasks required to convert a planet into a farm planet. The command post could handle up to a 100 Creytes and included facilities to train human overseers.


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