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Legend of Oria 1: Initial Contact

Page 18

by James Campbell

  Jack chimed in “Right, there are only two ships, each with two seats. Since Bob and I are the most experienced, why don’t we split it up that way?”

  Karen shook her head no. “I’d like to fly against the computer a few times first. If you guys want to duke it out, go ahead.”

  Karen switched places with Jack in line since he wanted to battle Bob. The two men climbed into the simulator by themselves. Karen and Oria waited for the next opening. Oria and Karen watched the battle start on the overhead display. As the two starfighters appeared on the display, Oria was shocked to see that they were pictures of 100-year-old Azortec starships.

  Oria knew that it was unlikely the Azortec Federation placed the simulators there. Azortec law prohibited interference of this sort. Also, it was unlikely that a pirate ship placed them there. There was no profit and why expose yourself with such an obvious crime. No, the only likely possibility was the Creytes placed it here. Oria thought they were either looking for him, or maybe, they were trying to determine the natural fighting capability of Earthlings.

  Bob and Jack battled each other for about 30 seconds before the computer started creating enemy attack ships. Somehow, the simulator remembered them, knew their ability level, and initiated level 4 attack sequences. They lasted only about 20 seconds in level 4 combat.

  Karen and Oria were up next. Jack and Bob climbed out of the simulators smiling ear to ear. They were ready to go again. Jack slapped Karen’s butt as she climbed into the simulator. They wished both Karen and Oria good luck.

  Oria climbed into the simulator and selected computer simulated combat. The machine started out at level 1. Oria felt good to be back at the controls of the older starship, even if it was only a simulator. The computer generated several attack sequences that Oria easily defeated. Oria debated with himself whether to throw the game at a low level or to let the Creytes who were probably monitoring the machine know he was there. Oria decided to throw the game at the second level.

  Karen was having the thrill of her life as the simulator entered level 4. The most that either Jack or Bob had lasted in level 4 was 15 seconds. If she could last 30 seconds, the computer would switch to level 5. Enemy fighters were coming at her with blinding speed. Karen was jamming the stick in and out dodging enemy fire. She could feel the sweat dripping from her forehead and into her eyes. An enemy craft mysteriously appeared and locked onto her from the rear. Karen jammed the craft down, and with full throttle spun the ship around and into a full reverse. She managed to shake the craft only to end up in a gauntlet of enemy ships. She had only 8 seconds to go before reaching level 5 as the enemy destroyed her ship in the gauntlet.

  When Karen staggered out of the simulator exhausted, a small cheer rose from the crowd watching her battle. She held the new record for the machine. Jack and Bob ran up to her congratulating her, shaking her hand, and giving her hugs. Oria watched the crowd’s reaction. A warm feeling came across him. These people had what it took to win. Had this scene occurred on Azortec, no one would have noticed Karen’s success let alone congratulate her. Azortec had a hard time recognizing its warriors. Oria was the lone exception, and that was because he had saved their lives, more than once.

  Oria joined Jack and Bob in congratulating Karen. He gave her a big hug and told her that she did well. Karen was still exhausted and told the group to come back to the simulators tomorrow and return to the condo to down some brews.

  The four of them walked to one of Ocean City’s bus stations. It was already jammed with people. Several buses came by, all jammed full of people. They waited almost 20 minutes before giving up on OC’s bus system. Jack said, “Come on let’s walk, maybe we can catch a bus further north.”

  The group then started the long walk north. The next bus station was just as jammed with people as the one was where they started. They kept on walking only to find the same story block after block. It wasn’t until they reached 30th St. that they started to see buses actually stopping at bus stops and picking people up. They decided to wait and catch a bus.

  Finally, the group arrived back at their 90th St. Condo. Several cases of beer were waiting for them in the refrigerator. Jack swung open the fridge door, grabbed four beers, popped their tops, and brought them out onto the balcony overlooking the ocean. Jack, Bob, and Karen couldn’t stop talking about the flight simulator. Oria just sat back and listened.

  After an hour on the balcony and multiple beers, Karen was ready for bed.

  “Hey guys, seeing as I’m the only woman here, I’ll take the smaller of the two rooms and you three men can fight over the other.”

  Oria had been wondering how Karen was going to handle the sleeping arrangements. In Azortec and in his early childhood men did not sleep with a woman unless they were committed to each other. He wasn’t sure how morality currently worked on Earth. “That’s fine with me. I’ll just sleep on the sofa.”

  Jack and Bob grunted and agreed to share the remaining bedroom together. Thirty minutes later, the condo was quiet. Oria could hear Jack and Bob snoring in the master bedroom. Karen’s light was out and she was asleep as well. Oria rose and signaled Borella to beam him on board the Hercules where he could work on other tasks.

  Borella welcomed Oria aboard and the two men headed for one of Oria’s briefing rooms. Oria wanted the latest Intel and to discuss a strategy on dealing with the flight simulators.

  Oria and Borella entered one of the small private briefing rooms connected to Oria’s quarters. It was one of the few rooms with genuine wood chairs and tables. The walls were made of cherry wood panels with most of the modern accouterments well hidden from view.

  “Captain Borella, it’s good to be with you again. May I get you something to drink?”

  “Sure, let me try one of those Coors Lights you like drinking so much on Earth.”

  Oria walked to the back of the room and reached into a small refrigerator hidden by one of the cherry wood panels. Inside was a variety of beers. Oria returned with two cans of microbrewery lager.

  As Borella twisted the cap off his bottle, Oria said: “Alright Borella, we probably should get back to business. What do you know about that flight simulator?”

  “Ah, a very interesting find, we’ve done some preliminary investigations of the device. At selected intervals during the day, the machine broadcasts a microburst using year old Creyte encryption technology. We are deciphering it now.”

  Oria nodded approvingly. “Very good, I bet it’s being received in West Virginia.”

  “That’s a safe assumption. Which of course means our nemesis, Retilia, will be monitoring it.”

  “I agree, Borella. It’s a given that Retilia knows I’m here. He’ll have to suspect either time travel or that Azortec has cloned me.”

  “Oria, it’s not necessarily bad if he knows you’re here.”

  Oria thought about Borella’s words for a minute. “Yes, you might be right. It may force his hand and throw his timing off.”

  “That’s what I was thinking.”

  “Very well, Borella. I won’t hold back next time I fly that simulator. Maybe Retilia will act quickly and rash trying to surprise us thinking that I am unaware of their presence. Creytes always like to underestimate us.”

  “Good. On another topic, your trip to Ocean City has created excitement. Martello reported everything back to Bronson and the rest of their team. While you were dealing with that business opportunity . . .”

  Oria cut in with a burst of laughter. “Come on Borella, you must admit it sounded farfetched.”

  “Yes Oria, let’s all sign up and put off our mission.”

  The two men laughed together. “Borella, let’s get back to the task at hand.”

  “As I was saying before being rudely interrupted, while you were having your little meeting, Jack and Bob were briefing Karen on Martello’s adventures chasing you across the Eastern Shore. In addition, after everyone retired behind closed doors, your roommates had a short conference call exchanging the lat
est on your medical escapade on the boardwalk among other things. Your medical escapade may have caused as much interest as your trip to Ocean City.”

  “Good. Things are going almost too smoothly. You just know something has to go wrong.”

  “I know Oria. When something does go wrong, you can rest assured that Retilia will be behind it.”

  “I agree. I better return to Earth before anyone notices me missing.”


  Saturday May 27

  5 AM: West Virginia

  It was about 5AM when Retilia met the two lackeys Durinea used to install the flight simulator in Ocean City. Retilia carefully examined the two delicious bald headed white men standing before him. Even though he had eaten a large breakfast, Retilia still felt an urge to devour the two men. It was an urge that he had to resist, but humans were just so tasty.

  “Good morning gentlemen. You must be Tom Whitman and John Cummings.”

  “Yes sir. Lieutenant Durinea told us that you might have another mission for us.”

  “That’s right. Lieutenant Durinea and I would like you to help us get some leverage on your President.”

  It was all Tom could do to hide his smile. He hated the President for what he considered immoral behavior, immoral policies, and the selling out of the American dream. “That would be a pleasure sir. John and I would love nothing more than to get something on the President. What did you have in mind?”

  Retilia was pleased with himself. It would be easier to manipulate people on Earth than he first thought. “We’ve been scanning your newspapers and other intelligence. We would like to break into the White House computer network and get a copy of what’s been called the White House Database.”

  Tom laughed. “With all due respect, I understand they have the White House fairly well guarded.”

  Durinea grinned back. “You’re partially right, Tom. Commander Retilia and I think the White House is vulnerable. There have been other successful attacks against the White House Internet portal. We want to structure another such attack.”

  John was getting nervous. Neither he nor Tom was much with computers. “I hear what you are telling us. You do know that Tom and I don’t have a computer background.”

  Retilia roared back. “Of course, we don’t need you to do anything with a computer. We want you to kidnap some kids.”

  Durinea glared at the two men. “Yes, Commander Retilia and I want you to kidnap a kid from the White House computer security manager and the child from the White House database administrator.”

  Kidnapping and violence; Tom enjoyed handling those tasks. Ever since he retired from the Green Berets and Vietnam, he had worked a number of mercenary missions all over the world. Organizing a few men to grab some kids should be easy.

  “Yes sir, give us whatever information you got on those kids and we will bring them back here.”

  Retilia smiled as he handed Tom a packet of information. “I think you should be able to accomplish your mission by the end of today.”

  Tom responded, “Ok, we’ll do that.”

  Tom and John left the Creyte’s mountain base and headed straight for Tom’s house. They spent less than an hour putting together the basics of a mission plan. Once they got closer to Washington and their intended targets, they would finalize their plan.

  8 AM: Ocean City Maryland

  It was just past 8AM when Karen woke from a deep sleep. She could smell the aroma of fresh coffee brewing through her closed door. Karen threw on her swimsuit, shorts and a T-Shirt. The bathroom was just down the hall and fortunately was empty. She quickly entered the bathroom and splashed cool water on her face. Her mind was still racing with thoughts of the past several days. One important question still eluded her. Just who is Oria and what does he want? Karen’s thoughts came to a halt when she discovered that in all of her hurrying, she forgot to bring her sunscreen.

  When Karen finally was done and left the bathroom, Jack, Bob, and Oria comfortably sat on the condo’s balcony wolfing down breakfast and drinking coffee. Jack saw her first and yelled out at her. “Look who’s finally returned to the living. Did you get enough beauty sleep?”

  “Yeah, at least one of us isn’t gonna scare little children. I see you men are selfish as usual, only putting out enough food to stuff your own fat faces. It would have been nice if you had left me some coffee.”

  Bob looked at his full cup of coffee. He was the guilty culprit who took the last cup without making another pot. “Sorry Karen. Would you like me to get up and serve you now?”

  “That would be nice, but don’t bother. I think I can manage, and you now owe me!”

  Bob smiled. “I’d rather owe you than cheat you out of your just due.”

  “Keep talking Bob, you’re only sinking yourself further. Since you all have been up, have you figured out what we’re doing this morning?”

  “Sure, Jack and Oria are heading to the flight simulator while I work out. You could join them or hit the gym with me.”

  “Ok, I’ve got to get some sunscreen. I’ll go down with you and pick some stuff up on the boardwalk. I’ll catch up with Oria and Jack at Playland.”

  Thirty minutes later and breakfast done, everyone was ready to hit the road. The group headed to the elevator and out to the bus stop. They waited only about 10 minutes to catch a bus headed for the downtown boardwalk.

  When the group finally reached the gym near 3rd St., they got off the bus and split up. Oria and Jack headed for the flight simulator. Jack was determined to beat Karen’s flight from the night before.

  When Oria and Jack approached Playland, they saw a bunch of people gathered around the simulator. Some kid was flying and had managed to reach level 5. He lasted another 2 minutes on level 5 before having his ship destroyed by the enemy. When the kid emerged from the simulator, a small applause erupted from the crowd. The kid had scored a new high for the machine.

  Oria walked up to the kid and looked him straight in the eye as he congratulated him on a job well done. Oria saw a spark of fire in the kid’s eyes unlike any of the recruits he had trained at Azortec. Maybe Shalat was right. Earth could produce warriors able to lead Azortec in victory over the Creytes.

  Jack grabbed Oria’s arm. “Come on Oria. Why don’t you fly the second seat with me? I’ll show you some of my tricks.”

  “OK, you take the first mission and I’ll fly the second one.”

  The two men climbed into the simulator. Jack inserted two $5 bills into the slot and prepared to fly the first mission. The simulator still had his profile stored in it from the night before.

  The simulator started with the starfighter preparing to leave the mother ship and engage the enemy at level 3. Jack eased the fighter out of the mother ship and into the open space beyond. Instantly two enemy fighters appeared and started attack sequences against Jack. Jack engaged the front shield and armed his lasers and a set of lasers for Oria.

  “Ok Oria, I’ll steer the fighter. You have fire control over laser system B.”

  “Rodger Jack.” Instantaneously Jack and Oria fired at the enemy fighters. Oria destroyed both fighters while Jack’s lasers were off mark.

  “Good shooting Oria. You got them!”

  “Thanks, Jack. We have more bogeys coming from behind.”

  Jack saw his sensor screen light up with three bogeys attacking from behind with another two bogeys coming at 11 o’clock from the front.

  “Jack I’ll cover the rear if you get the ones in front.”

  “Rodger Oria.”

  Jack and Oria locked in on their respective targets and took them out. The simulator automatically shifted to level 4. Another six bogeys appeared attacking the lone starfighter. Sweat started to drip down across Jack’s eyes as he maneuvered the fighter using standard Air Force defensive tactics. Jack was able to shake two of the fighters off his tail but still had to contend with another four fighters. Oria took out two of the ships with the laser system. The game immediately replaced the two destroyed fighters with a
nother four fighters.

  Jack then felt his fighter shudder. The enemy had scored a close hit taking out 50% of the starfighter’s shields. Another hit and the enemy would destroy his fighter. Jack jammed the starfighter into a loop followed by a barrel roll. Several of the enemy fighters kept up. Oria continued firing at the fighters taking another two of them out. Jack continued firing knocking out several fighters, which the game quickly replaced with more fighters. Jack’s fighter shuddered again, and the game was over.

  Jack wiped the sweat off his forehead. “Wow that was incredible. I almost made it to level 5. A couple more missions and I should reach level 5.”

  “Yes Jack, you did well. Are you ready for another battle?”

  “Sure. Go ahead. I guess you’re the pilot this time. Let’s call up your profile from last night.”

  “Ok. I only made it to level 2.”

  “Judging by your shooting you should smoke that today. Do you want any flight pointers?”

  Oria looked straight at Jack. “No. Yesterday was only for fun. Today, I will take this machine through its paces and see how far it can go.”

  Oria’s reply surprised Jack. “Ok. You’ve flown before?”

  “Yes. Let’s get started.”

  Jack watched as Oria took the starfighter out of the mother ship. Within seconds a single fighter appeared. Oria throttled the fighter forward and destroyed the enemy fighter. Several more fighters appeared in front. Again, Oria throttled the starfighter forward and destroyed the enemy. Jack was seeing a different pilot this morning than what he saw the night before.

  It wasn’t long before the machine switched to level 3. They quickly were under attack with multiple enemy attack sequences, similar to the sequences experienced by Jack. Oria easily maneuvered the starfighter against the enemy and quickly destroyed them. The machine switched to level 4. Jack watched as the enemy at times approached as many as 10 fighters. Each time Oria easily steered their starfighter through the enemy fighters destroying them.


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