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Legend of Oria 1: Initial Contact

Page 21

by James Campbell

  “You might be onto something Bob. There are a lot of things that don’t add up about Oria; the science, his fighting ability, and his impressive ability with that flight simulator!”

  “That’s what Jack said. The two of them reached level 10. I think Jack wanted to tell us something related to the flight simulators”.

  “Bob I think you’re right. Jack told me he wanted to talk.” Karen took a deep breath and continued, “It’s still hard believing he’s gone.”

  “Karen, I know. Jack was a good friend of mine as well. I can’t believe those foreign intelligence groups; aren’t they supposed to be our allies? They were shooting up our people right here in Ocean City.”

  “Bob where is Oria? How can he leave at a time like this?”

  “I don’t know. You like him, a lot, right?”

  “It shows that much?”

  “Afraid so, Karen, you better be careful. I’m not sure where all of this is going to end.”

  “I know. Me neither. I guess Oria had good reason to leave. I just miss him.”

  “You’ll get over it. Let’s get down to some dinner.”

  “Oh alright” Karen wearily responded. She was exhausted from the day’s events.

  8:00 PM AFS Hercules

  Oria contacted Peter and Hoss several hours after leaving Karen and Bob in Ocean City. He requested them to watch the safe house from across the street. Oria was confident that between Peter, Hoss and the Hercules monitoring all communications in Ocean City, they could eliminate any threats before they caused more damage.

  Upon boarding the Hercules, Oria walked to his quarters and started to catch up on news and other communications. He checked in on Jack’s status and was happy to discover that his crew beamed him into sickbay where he was recovering nicely. The doctors informed him that Jack should soon regain consciousness. Once Oria completed his news update, he headed to sickbay where he could check in on Jack.

  When Oria entered sickbay, he saw Jack was regaining consciousness and was still in one of the intensive care beds. He headed directly to Jack’s bedside.

  As Jack slowly regained his consciousness, he opened his eyes. He could see the familiar figure of Oria hovering over him. He looked up at Oria and felt a cold shudder of fear. Oria sensed Jack’s fear and observed Jack’s apparent bewilderment at his new environment.

  “Hi Jack, it looks like you’re going to make it.”

  “Oria? Is that really you?”

  “Yes Jack. You are on board the Hercules.”

  “Oh man! You were telling the truth.”

  “Of course, I think your Earth EMS system would have declared you dead at the scene. Your heart was riddled with over 10 bullet holes and your lungs had been punctured multiple times as well.”

  “How am I now?”

  “You’re going to be fine. I’m not a doctor, but my guess is that you should be up and able to walk around in less than an hour.”

  “That fast!”

  “Yes, you only had your heart and lungs shot up. Your brain was fine. We were able to get you on board our ship before there was time to receive irreversible brain damage. You’ll be fine.”

  “Amazing! Bullets tore up my heart and lungs and I should be up walking around with no problems in only a matter of hours! Incredible!”

  “Essentially, our medical capabilities are somewhat more advanced than what you have on Earth.”

  “When do I get to go home?”

  “That’s a good question. They think you’re dead. Your funeral is Friday.”

  “What! I need to let them know that I’m still alive!”

  “Jack, I’m sorry. It’s not quite that simple.”

  “What do you mean it’s not that simple?”

  “Karen and Bob are hiding in a safe house. After the Massad shot you, a French group attacked us back at the condo. Furthermore, the real enemy, the Creytes, they are attempting to set up a meeting with your President.”

  “What? Who are the Creytes and why should I believe you over them?”

  Commander Turrani, the ship’s Chief Medical Officer walked over to Oria and Jack as they were talking.

  “Hello Admiral. It’s good to see you sir.”

  “Yes Commander, it’s good to be back on board. I see Jack is recovering nicely.”

  “Aye sir, Major Peterson is good to go.”

  “Great, thanks Commander. Jack, why don’t you join me in one of our briefing rooms? I believe it will be easier to explain things there.”

  The exchange of protocol between Commander Turrani and Oria was an eye opener for Jack. It was slowly dawning on him that the man he had been hanging out with the past few days was a high-level officer. The flight simulator had called him Admiral as well. Jack respectfully agreed to follow Oria to one of the briefing rooms.

  Jack silently followed Oria out of sickbay and down a long corridor to what remotely resembled an elevator lobby. The walls were mostly plain and metallic in appearance with occasional communication stations dotting the walls. Once they reached the lobby area, a door opened and Jack followed Oria inside. In seconds, the doors opened up into a new hall with walls made of wood paneling and decorated with artwork.

  “Welcome Jack, this floor contains the senior officers’ quarters. My quarters are at the end. We can use one of my briefing rooms.”

  “Oria, or should I call you Admiral? This is incredible.”

  “I’m glad you’re impressed. In quarters, you can call me Oria. In more formal settings protocol dictates the use of titles.”

  “Alright, I can work with that.”

  Jack followed Oria through the door at the end of the hall into a central lobby complete with chairs, workstations, and other gadgets that were unfamiliar to him.

  “Before we get started, do you need anything? We have food and beverages in the briefing room.”

  “Yes, where is the restroom?”

  “Thought you might need one, we do things somewhat differently up here. Follow me; I will pull up a short instruction program on the restrooms aboard the Hercules. It should cover the basics.”


  Jack followed Oria over to one of the small terminals in the lobby and watched the program. When it finished, Oria pointed him in the direction of one of the doors connected to the lobby. As Jack approached the door, it automatically opened. Jack walked in and saw the facilities just as described in the program. Once by himself, he took a deep breath. None of his training had quite prepared him for what he was now going through. There had been some training videos addressing procedures to follow if he encountered alien life forms on one of their STAR Hawk missions. However, nothing in those videos prepared him for his current situation.

  When Jack completed his business, he left the restroom and joined Oria in the lobby. Oria led him to another door of the main lobby that automatically opened for them. Inside was a long conference table with computer terminals located at each seat. The front of the room contained a large display screen. Seated at one side of the table was a man in what appeared to be a full dress uniform.

  “Captain Borella thanks for coming here on such short notice. Captain, I want you to meet Major Jack Peterson of the United States Air Force. I believe you received a briefing on his status. Major, I want you to meet Captain Borella. You’re on his ship. Much like your Navy, as Admiral, I am responsible for the mission and fleet matters. Captain Borella is responsible for the Hercules.”

  Jack stood and saluted Captain Borella. “Hello sir. It’s a pleasure meeting you.” Jack was glad for some resemblance of protocol. He would have felt quite awkward without it.

  Borella returned Jack’s salute with the traditional Azortec Federation Salute. “The pleasure is mine, Major. Since we are in quarters, it is customary for us to drop some of the military protocol. You may call me Borella.”

  “OK, Borella, I’m Jack.”

  Oria smiled and indicated that everyone should take a seat. “Jack, I know you must have many questions a
nd would very much like to let Earth know that you’re alive. As I was telling you in sickbay, the situation is not that simple.”

  “Yes Oria. That is what you said. Am I a prisoner?”

  “No, definitely not; you will be given quarters on board this ship and be free to move about. But first, we have to go over some things.”

  “Alright, I’m ready.”

  “Do you recall our conversation in the flight simulator?”

  “Yes. You said that the future of Earth is at stake.”

  “That’s right. Borella was born on one of the original planets comprising the Azortec Federation. Azortec has had the technology for space travel for over 20,000 years and has been at peace for most of that time. The Azortec Federation is a Federation of planets inhabited by mostly human-like species. Their peace was shattered around 500 years ago when they discovered another Civilization known as the United Creyte Republic. The Creytes are non-human, advanced, generally peaceful, but raise humans for food much like you raise cattle for food on Earth.”

  “That’s unbelievable, so where does Earth fit in?”

  “Good question Jack. Generally, the Azortec Federation has lost the spirit to fight. Approximately 500 years ago, they attempted to alter human DNA and create super humans. That experiment failed, at least for the most part. Everyone in the experiment died except me. I, alone, survived. Something about human Earth DNA enabled me to live.”

  “So that’s why you have your strength and longevity. Is that where Earth fits in, a continuation of that experiment?”

  “Logical thought, but no. Ever since the failed experiment, Azortec has forbidden further such experiments. Instead, they permit the Creytes to take over primitive human planets in exchange for peace.”

  “Are you saying Earth is primitive and being traded?”

  “Exactly; in approximately one year, the Azortec High Council will decide to allow the Creytes to set up Earth as one of their farm planets.”

  “In a year? What are you saying?” asked Jack. Jack felt his world was crashing in on him. If Oria were correct, he would soon face a major nightmare.

  “Yes, it’s a bit difficult to explain. The crew on this ship traveled back a year in time through the space/time continuum.”

  “You can travel through time?”

  “Yes, but Jack it’s not like going for an afternoon drive. Time travel is experimental and dangerous. This is the first time in Azortec history that a crew has traveled back a complete year in time with only minimal casualties.”

  Jack’s mind was spinning with everything he just learned. In the last few hours, someone shot and killed him, at least by Earth standards, healed on an alien spacecraft, presented with the reality of time travel, and now part of an alleged effort to protect Earth from an alien invasion. If he didn’t know better, he would think he part was part of a Science Fiction story.

  “Ok Oria, assuming everything that you have told me is accurate, why is it that I can’t let my friends on Earth know that I’m still alive?”

  “Jack, in about a year, the Azortec Federation plans to turn Earth over to the Creytes. Unless Earth builds a defense, Earth will become a Creyte farm planet. Creytes will eat millions of humans at their dinner tables. I aim to prevent that.”

  “I don’t want that to happen either, but, what you’re telling me sounds far-fetched. It is a lot for someone to take in at one time. You sure have a funny way of making your case.”

  “I’m sure it appears that way. There is no fail-safe way to meet and gain the confidence of a world that has not developed any more than yours has. Normally, Azortec has laws against intervening in the affairs of primitive planets. Unfortunately, for Earth, time doesn’t exist for a normal evolution of technology and the development of your culture. Within a year, if Earth is going to survive as an independent planet, they must build a fleet of starships and man them with Earth-trained crews.”

  “Oria, I don’t understand your game plan. This is so unbelievable. Where does Karen fit into your game plan?”

  “At first Karen provided an opportunity to get one of the initial phases of our strategy started. I wasn’t planning on a relationship. That just happened. The initial phase of our strategy follows a simple plan in concept. Our goal is to get your DOD interested in meeting me and interested in the technology that I might be able to provide them. My presentation at the high-energy laser symposium was the first step in that effort. From there, we plan to expose Earth to additional technologies until there is clear interest throughout your military establishment. This is occurring as we speak. Patience is required to allow more intensive interest to develop in multiple groups within your defense department.”

  “So far I’d say you’ve been successful at that.”

  “Yes, but our plans have been complicated.”

  “Yes, your involvement with Karen!”

  “Yes that too, but more importantly, the Creytes have already initiated efforts to cultivate Earth for food. They’ve had a small team in West Virginia that already is collecting information. Furthermore, a disgraced starship commander who wants to earn his reputation back has joined them. We shot his ship down last week. He’s escaped and assumed command of the outpost in West Virginia. Earlier today, they broke into the White House computer network and stole sensitive data on many important people within your government. They killed several White House employees and ate their children.”


  “Yes. Borella, can you put on one of Earth’s news channels?”

  “Sure, it’s time for the 8:30 headlines.”

  Jack watched CNN Headline News as they featured the White House cyber break-in, the murders, and the violence in Ocean City. He felt a cold feeling shoot through his body as he watched a picture of himself with the newscaster discussing his murder. The newscaster said nothing about Karen and Bob. Jack wondered if they were safe.

  “Jack, is something else bothering you?”

  “Yes Oria, how are Karen and Bob? There wasn’t any news about them”.

  “They’re fine Jack. I have Peter and Hoss, fellow Nanticokes, watching over them. Just so you know they’re ok, I’ll let you see what they’re up to. Computer, please display what’s happening in the living room of the safe house.”

  A hologram magically appeared at the center of the table with everyone seated at the table having exactly the same view. In the image, Jack saw Karen and Bob sitting down, sodas in hands, watching the news on TV. Neither of them appeared hurt; however, they did appear depressed.

  “Oria, this is incredible. Can I speak to them?”

  “It’s technically possible. However, I don’t want to disturb the delicate balance of our plans. In time, you will be able to contact them. It will probably be a few days or maybe longer.”

  “Alright, I’m beginning to understand the situation. One thing though. Why are you spending all of this time with me right now? Certainly you could have kept me in a deep sleep.”

  “Yes, we could have done that. However, one of our goals is to train crews to operate newly built starships. Major, I need your assistance. We are short on pilots. I was unable to bring a complete crew back though time. I would like to start your training immediately. You can help teach others once Earth joins us in its defense.”

  “This is a bit overwhelming. You want me to become one of your pilots? This is just so amazing; when do we get started?”

  “Tomorrow morning. Is that soon enough?”

  “Yes. That will be fine.”

  “Excellent, Lieutenant Agustonson will meet you tomorrow morning around 600 Earth EDT. He is responsible for your initial training. Borella will show you to your new quarters and have the quartermaster set you up with anything that you require. In addition, we will provide you some basic training presentations on life onboard a starship and our military protocol. I suggest that you review these prior to retiring tonight. Is there anything else I can do for you to make your stay more comfortable?”

��Yes, I want to thank you for saving my life.”

  “You’re welcome, anything else?”

  “No sir.”

  Oria stood up followed by Borella and Jack. Jack started to salute Oria when Borella interjected.

  “Jack, that’s not necessary here. Remember we’re in quarters. Your training presentations will go over that. Please follow me.”

  Jack followed Borella out of Oria’s quarters and back to the transport lobby. After a short trip in the transport, Borella led him down a plain hall into a modest-sized apartment. The apartment had a living room, kitchen, and sleeping area. At one corner of the living area were a desk and a computer system. Borella showed him the basics of getting the system running and launched the first training presentation.


  Sunday May 28

  1 AM: AFS Hercules

  A loud alarm rang out rudely awakening Jack from a deep sleep. He looked at his watch and saw that it was 1AM. It took him a moment to realize where he was. He immediately climbed out of bed and threw on the clothes provided by the quartermaster the night before. He hurried into his living room and was surprised to see a young uniformed man standing before him giving him a salute.

  “Good morning Major Peterson, I’m Lieutenant Agustonson. Admiral Oria assigned us to work together and for me to look out for you in the event of an emergency. You need to follow me to the fighter deck.”

  Jack returned Agustonson’s salute using his newly acquired knowledge of Azortec protocol. “Yes, he mentioned that you are here to train me. What’s going on?”

  “This is not a training mission. A large pirate force attacked an Azortec cruise ship not too far from Earth’s solar system. Admiral Oria has given us the go ahead to execute a rescue. You and I will take one of the starfighters and intercept the pirate vessel. A small commando team is in route to board the cruise ship. Our orders are to destroy the pirate ship and provide cover for the commando team.”

  “Let’s go.”


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