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Legend of Oria 1: Initial Contact

Page 24

by James Campbell

  2 PM: Pentagon - Kick off of Operation Alien Reception

  Helen Marshal wasted no time in getting together a team to set up relations with the Creytes. She was terrified that Commander Retilia would destroy her and her relationship with the President. She believed that quick action might upset the efforts of Bronson’s team at getting to the truth behind Oria and help keep Retilia from attacking her.

  Helen watched as several representatives from the State Department entered the small conference room set up at the Pentagon for her kickoff meeting. She only invited token representation from Bronson’s team. She requested that Lieutenant Johanson, one of Bronson’s junior intelligence officers, represent Bronson on her team. She told Bronson that most of her efforts were going to be on the diplomatic front and that, if there was a need for higher level input from DOD, that she would pass the request along.

  Helen’s team met with about a dozen representatives from State, several from HUD, and a couple from NIH. Since the Creytes provided medical technology as a gift in anticipation of friendship, she wanted to get the blessing of the medical community as well. The meeting lasted for several hours with a final decision made to set up a meeting with the Creytes in their West Virginia facility.

  4 PM: Somewhere in New York

  Oria and a strategic operations unit off the Hercules, beamed into the outside lobby of a large office suite in one of New York’s high-rise office buildings. The team wore assault gear, body armor, and carried high-energy laser weapons. They stood in front of a pair of heavy oak double doors. Oria led the small band in an assault-style storm through the doors. An older looking man sat behind a desk with several large bodyguards nearby. Oria’s men quickly subdued the guards as Oria stood in front of the desk glaring down at the man behind the desk.

  “Mr. Antonio Pirelli, you and I have some business to discuss.”

  Pirelli glared back and in an angry voice fired back, “You have a lot of nerve breaking into my office and just who in the world are you? If you have any desire to continue living, you best have a good explanation.”

  “Mr. Pirelli, I will cut to the chase. I have no desire to be here and had no reason to be here until someone in your organization attacked Karen Brown.”

  “Are you calling me a murderer? I don’t know any Karen Brown and I’m offended at your suggestion that I had anything to do with attacking this woman. Now if you don’t mind, remove yourself and your goons from my office.”

  Oria laid a small device down onto Pirelli’s desk. He pushed a play button and Mr. Pirelli’s voice sounded loud and clear negotiating a contract to assassinate Karen. Pirelli’s jaw dropped as he heard his voice with the hit man.

  “Where did you get that?” Pirelli was shocked that the stranger before him could obtain such a recording. As was his custom, Pirelli carried out all of his questionable business dealings in a soundproof room and all phone conversations were encrypted using 256-bit keys -- all very illegal and almost impossible to break.

  Oria glared back at Pirelli. “Mr. Pirelli, you obviously don’t know who YOU’RE dealing with and I don’t plan on playing games with you! We can easily clear this matter up and go on our separate paths, or I can have my goons, as you say, permanently neutralize you; your choice!”

  Pirelli stared back at Oria and it slowly dawned on him that the man before him was the man written about across the front page of every newspaper in the country.

  “You must be Oria. The newspapers quote many people who claim you’re some sort of Indian Spirit. I don’t know who you are, but I certainly don’t buy the theory that you’re a God!”

  “At last there is something that we can agree on. I’m neither an Indian Spirit nor a God! However, I do represent the most powerful force within 50 light years of Earth. You DON’T want to cross swords with me!”

  “Maybe not, but I don’t want to cross swords with the Creytes either!” Pirelli was already aware of the Creyte activity in West Virginia and their installation of arcade games in Ocean City. He had been quite upset when he discovered that Tom Whitman and John Cummings had accepted a freelance job from the Creytes in West Virginia. His anger turned to worry when his men following Whitman and Cummings had the opportunity to observe some Creytes feasting on local campers.

  Oria observed fear in Pirelli’s eyes when their discussion switched to the Creytes. “Mr. Pirelli, you don’t have a choice. The Creytes want to take Earth and farm its inhabitants for food. I plan on stopping them.”

  Pirelli took a deep breath and locked eyes with Oria. “I don’t know you! So why should I trust you?”

  “That’s true. You don’t know me and I haven’t given you any reason to trust me. First, I’m human, the same as you. Second, I’m from Earth the same as you. Finally, these men here, although they’re not from Earth, they are human as well. The Creytes want to farm their planets too!”

  “You make a compelling argument Oria. How do I know that you’re not here just to trade Earth away?”

  “You don’t know that. Use your instincts. Do you think you’re better off trusting those you know eat humans, or those who look human just like yourself?”

  “I see where you’re going with this. Look, it would be bad for business if Earth turns into an alien farm planet. What do you want from me?”

  “For starters, leave Major Brown alone. If you hurt her or her brother, I will consider that an attack on me.”

  “Your Major’s father had a certain business arrangement with me. His son should honor it. Everyone knows there is a cost to cutting ties with us.”

  “Antonio Pirelli, that’s history! It would be in your best interest to make new arrangements. In the long run, you may find it more profitable to find a more legal line of business.”

  “I’ll decide what history is! Her brother can buy his way out.”

  Oria stood before Pirelli clenching and unclenching his hands. He was trying extremely hard not to lose his patience and become violent. “Mr. Pirelli, or should I say Antonio, I don’t think you understand. You have an extensive operation that could be hurt by the wrong kind of exposure. I don’t have anything personal against you, at least not yet. Don’t make it so.”

  “Oria, you drive a hard bargain. So what’s in it for me?”

  “You get to live and I won’t take issue with your business, at least in the short run. In the long run, it is unlikely that Earth could rise above its current primitive state without addressing the sort of activities conducted by your business. I can help you get there.”

  “Alright, from what you’re telling me I play ball with you or I may be taken out of the game.”

  “Exactly, there is a lot at stake, namely the survival of Earth, as we know it. Don’t get in my way, don’t mess with Karen Brown again and we should get along fine.”

  “Very well, I’ll consider your suggestions. My men have seen those Creyte beasts eat people. I know there is no chance that I want to align with them. My organization is at your disposal. I believe I know why you’re here and in spite of what you think of my business practices, I feel a patriotic duty to help. After all, I live and work here! This is my country, my planet, and I will fight to defend it!”

  “Very well Mr. Pirelli, we’ll be in touch.” Satisfied with the results, Oria nodded to his team and they left Pirelli’s office.

  8 PM: Karen Brown’s Condo

  Karen was exhausted when she finally made it back to her condo. It had been an incredibly long and stressful day after an equally stressful weekend. Her mind was racing through the day’s events. Bronson had held a briefing with the Laser Watch and STAR Hawks teams informing them that the President considers their efforts a top priority. The two teams needed to keep on top of the situation with Oria. Bronson then briefed the group on a second team formed to establish relations with the Creytes and the Creyte position on Oria.

  After Karen changed clothes, she was ready drop onto her couch, crank up the TV, and enjoy a beer. She had just pulled a beer out of the refr
igerator when her brother Robert Brown called.

  “Hi Karen.”

  “Robert! Hello, boy do I need to talk to you.”

  “I know; I’m sorry Karen. You weren’t supposed to get tied up in my business dealings.”

  “Well, supposed to, didn’t work. Your business dealings almost got me killed!”

  “I know Karen; I’m sorry, and glad that you’re still alive. Look, I think the problem has resolved itself.”

  “What do you mean resolved itself? After all, of this are you throwing in the towel? You know you can’t just quit the mob! Nobody quits the mob and lives.”

  “No, although I thought about giving it up. By the way, Dad was the mob member. I never signed up for this.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You took over Dad’s business and the mob considers it their business.”

  “Not anymore Karen.”

  “Robert, what do you mean ‘not any more’?”

  “I mean Antonio Pirelli himself, called me, and said that everything is cool.”

  “No way! Do you actually believe him?”

  “Yes I do. We spoke for almost 30 minutes. He explained that there were some unusual circumstances working in my favor and that his organization was going to let me go about my business. Although we won’t conduct any business with his legitimate companies. I’m ok with that.”

  “Wow! I’d say so. It would be nice if he let someone at the Air Force know that. Bronson nailed me to the wall about your situation.”

  “That’s not right. I’m sorry Karen.”

  “It doesn’t matter what’s right. Look, I can’t go into any details but there is a lot of intriguing stuff going on right now.”

  “I see. Well, I just wanted to let you know that those attempts on your life should end. At least the ones made by the mob.”

  “Gee, thanks. It’s been good talking to you again Robert. Maybe we can get together in a few weeks.”

  “Ok sis, catch you later.”

  Karen hung up the phone while her mind was spinning. Something strange was going on. The mob didn’t just let people go. She reached for her beer when the phone rang and interrupted her again.


  “Hi Karen.”

  “Oria!” Karen felt a surge of anger swell up inside of her.

  “Yes. Sorry I left you at the ocean so quickly. Something came up that I had to attend to.”

  “Sorry! Sorry! Don’t think that a simple apology will get you out of this one. You left and didn’t even say goodbye!”

  “I know; I’ll make it up to you. I wanted to let you know, but circumstances prohibited that. I feel I should have at least said goodbye.”

  “You’re right about that. Oria, I thought we had something more going for us.”

  “Karen, we do”, Oria sighed. “Life is rather complicated right now. I love you. I haven’t felt this way about someone in a very long time. Falling for you was not part of my original plan.”

  “Well, it sounds like your original plan got messed up. Oria, I love you too. Look, we have to be careful about what we say. Those groups that tried to kill us in Ocean City could be listening in.”

  “Karen, they’re not; at least not your home phone. The only group trying to monitor our conversation is your employer.”

  “What? This is my personal phone!”

  “I know. I guess your associate, Captain Martello, doesn’t trust you. He suspects that you’re a little too close to me. Don’t worry about him now though. He won’t hear our conversation.”

  “He won’t?” Karen hesitantly asked. Karen was thinking how she’d like to fix Martello’s wagon after all the crap he put her through.

  “That’s right.”

  “Oria, Martello’s right about us. I think we are too close to each other for either of our jobs.”

  “In one sense you are exactly right Karen. I found my life has a perpetual problem with not being able to get involved with someone. There never is a good time. It’s time I changed all that. However, I won’t let it stop my mission.”

  “Me too! What do we do about our jobs?”

  “Nothing. We still do our jobs. In the end, it will work out. I’m not an enemy.”

  “That’s not what they’re saying about you in some meetings with the President.”

  “You’re referring to comments started by a Commander Retilia?”

  “Yes, how do you know him?”

  “Karen, I’m afraid I can’t tell you right now. I can’t tell you without compromising your position in the Air Force and the objectives of my mission.”

  “That’s just great, Oria.” Karen responded feeling the rejection, “What kind of relationship can we have? Every time I feel we’re getting close, you say something that separates us again”.

  “I know, I’m hoping for a great relationship with you. This situation won’t last forever. Look, I’d like to see you again.”

  “Me too; maybe we can get together Thursday. Tomorrow I’m flying to Atlanta for Jack’s funeral.”

  Oria felt a small knot building in his stomach when Karen reminded him about Jack. He wanted to tell Karen that Jack was alive and doing well. Unfortunately, that news would have to wait until a later date.

  “Ok, Karen; I’m real sorry about what happened to Jack. I just wish I could have been there and spared both of you the pain.”

  “Oria, I know if you could have done something you would have. I’m just glad you showed up when you did. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if you and Bob hadn’t been there at all.”

  “Karen, on another topic, I don’t think Antonio Pirelli will be bothering you or your brother anymore. We sort of had a conversation.”

  “So you’re the one. I can’t believe it. Robert just called and said that Pirelli let him off the hook. By the way, how did you know his name and how did you know where to find Pirelli?”

  “Karen, you should know by now that I have some powerful resources at my disposal.”

  “Boy, I’ll say. No one just quits the mob. At least not until you came around. I don’t want to even begin to imagine what you said to them.”

  “That’s just as well Karen. I couldn’t tell you anyhow.”

  “Oria, one of these days your secrets are going to come out and I don’t think they include you being a god like that cult believes. You know the one that’s forming as a result of your escapades in Ocean City.”

  “Karen, you’re right. I’m not a god and don’t know what to make of all this god-cult stuff.”

  “You have to admit that you have some unusual powers”, laughed Karen.

  “Oria laughed too, “Yes in the context of Earth, I would agree with you.”

  “What do you mean in the context of Earth?”

  “Just what I said; at any rate where would you like to go Thursday?”

  “Just change the subject on me Oria. Oh, all right. I’ll let you by this time. I do need to get away. How are you for the outdoors?”

  “It depends on what you mean by outdoors.”

  “How about shooting some white water in a canoe?”

  “That sounds magnificent. I love the water and mountains.”

  “Good, then meet me at my condo at 7AM sharp.”

  “I’ll be there. Oria hung up the phone smiling.


  Thursday June 1

  Oria and Karen’s Canoe Trip

  Oria rang Karen’s doorbell at 7AM sharp. When Karen opened the door, she was shocked to see Oria wearing a dark colored short sleeve cotton shirt, buckskin pants, and moccasins.

  “Hello Karen. Are you going to just stand there or are you going to invite me in?”

  Karen tried hard to suppress a laugh. “Yes, I mean hello, Oria. It’s good to see you. Please do come in for a minute. I have a full pot of hot coffee. Would you like some?”

  “Yes and thanks.”

  Karen continued to stare at Oria. She was happy to see him and amused by his choice in clothing. “Oria, you know i
t is going to be in the 90’s today. Are you going to be okay with those clothes? I mean do you have any shorts?”

  “I have the swim suit that I bought in Ocean City. Nevertheless, I think I should be ok. What type of clothes do you usually bring for a canoe trip?”

  Karen let out a muted giggle. “I was thinking more along the lines of cut-off jeans and some water shoes. I guess moccasins might actually be pretty good other than being a little hot.”

  “I guess I haven’t been in a canoe for a long time and don’t know what the current custom are for clothes.”

  Karen was thinking, “Great, we’ll have to drop by a store on the way to West Virginia and get more reasonable clothes. It’s a good thing I already packed the car. We need the time now.”

  “No problem Oria, we’ll stop at a store on the way down and get more comfortable clothes for you.”

  “Sure, although I think that I will be perfectly comfortable in these clothes. If you think I’ll look more modern in some other clothes, let’s do it.”

  Karen and Oria finished their coffee and headed out of the condo and to the elevators down the hall. In the elevator lobby, Karen stared into Oria’s eyes and felt happy that they were together again. The craziness of the past week seemed distant, as long he was with her.

  Oria was looking forward to the trip with Karen. It seemed that the world was more at peace when Karen was around. The last time he had fallen in love was prior to his capture and torture 500 years ago. Karen brought a new feeling of warmth, inner peace, and direction to his war torn life.

  Oria and Karen finally reached her brand new red Porsche. Karen pressed a button on her key pod causing the car’s alarm to chirp as it turned off and the doors to come unlocked. Karen climbed into the driver’s seat before Oria could even begin to open the door for her. Oria just started to sit in the passenger seat as Karen started the car.

  It was close to 7:30AM when their car headed west on the GW Parkway towards I-66. Upon entering the parkway, she saw a sedan with standard issue government plates in her rear view mirror. Overhead she observed several military helicopters. Karen was amazed at the circus created by her little trip to West Virginia.


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