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Legend of Oria 1: Initial Contact

Page 30

by James Campbell

  Karen shouted back, “Compromise! What do you think you’re doing now?”

  “Karen, please slow down, I wasn’t planning for something to happen between us. My mission is to contact Earth. This is not an easy task. Think about it. What would happen if I just flew the Hercules over the White House and demanded to speak to your leader? Earth is in grave danger and there is no time. I don’t know of an easy way to bring our two worlds together. Events are unfolding in our galaxy that could have dire consequences for Earth and everyone living there.”

  Karen was starting to regain her composure. Her crew was in total shock. The Colonel had briefed them that Karen’s reassignment to this mission was to get her away from Oria. Although the Colonel did not seem to have the slightest idea that Oria was really from an alien world.

  Karen finally said in a calm voice “Ok, what do we do from here?” She was still not that comfortable being pulled off course, and having Oria as her so-called captor.

  Feeling his heart swell with love at the sight of Karen, Oria looked at her and said, “There is so much that we need to talk about. Let Ratface take your crew and they can join his team in a briefing room. You and I need to talk and I am sure there are some things that you will want to discuss with me as well. Also, I have another surprise for you.”

  Ratface led Karen’s crew to the briefing room where his already drunk team was halfway through their briefing. Oria took Karen’s hand and led her towards the ship’s bridge. Karen hesitated for a second, and gave Oria a sharp look, smiled, and said, “Alright, do I have to call you ‘sir’ now? And, Oh yes, just where are you taking me?”

  Oria smiled and said “Only around my crew. Karen, you know you are special to me. I would like to take you to the ship's bridge. I thought that maybe you’d like to fly this baby.”

  Karen stammered back, “You want me to fly this ship? This ship is only thousands of years more advanced than anything I have experience with.”

  Oria chuckled and replied, “Trust me, the basics of flying this ship are easier than you think. I’ll show you around the bridge and then take you up into the combat bridge. The combat bridge is sort of like a two seat Air Force fighter. However, before we head towards the bridge, there is someone in the Officer’s Lounge that would like to see you.”

  Karen was wondering who could possibly be in the Officers’ Lounge that would know her. She let Oria lead her to one of the ship’s elevators and the officer’s lounge.

  The door to the Officer’s Lounge automatically opened in front of Karen. Sitting at a table 20 feet in front of her near an observation window was Jack Peterson. Karen stood speechless for a moment, overcome by emotions. She didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or do both at the same time.

  Jack watched as Karen and Oria entered the room. He stood up, smiled at Karen, and walked towards her. Karen, overcome with emotion, pulled him into her arms and gave him a big hug. They embraced for a long time. Karen didn’t want to let Jack go and it felt so good to hold him, see him, and talk to him. Karen was sobbing on Jack’s shoulder and telling him how she thought he was dead and was grateful that he was still alive. Once Karen regained her composure, a wave of anger engulfed her.

  “Jack Peterson, Oria! The two of you - Why didn’t you let me know that Jack was alive? I could just kill you two”.

  “Karen, Oria couldn’t tell you. Soon you will understand.”

  “Jack, you know how close we are, and that I can keep a secret.”

  Oria interrupted. “Karen, Jack didn’t have an opportunity to contact you. After the assailant shot him, I drugged him so his body wouldn’t decay prior to transferring him to the Hercules. If it wasn’t for our medical facilities here, Jack would be dead.”

  “You guys have some explaining to do.”

  “Karen, I agree with Oria. There is too much at stake to risk letting you in on everything prematurely.”

  “What are you talking about? I now understand where Oria got his technical knowledge.”

  “Karen, Oria is truly from Earth. He’s been gone for a long time and has returned with this ship to organize a defense against a powerful enemy.”

  “Yes, the Creytes. We know about them. How do we know which of you are to trust, or for that matter if we can trust either of you?”

  Oria growing weary of the current direction of their conversation again interrupted. “You raise a good point Karen and it’s not an easy one to prove either way.”

  Karen was expecting more of an argument from Oria. The last thing she expected from him was agreement. At this moment, she didn’t know whether to love or hate Oria. She was about to respond when the doors to the Officers Lounge opened and in strolled Ratface.

  Ratface walked directly towards them. When he reached the group, he smartly saluted Oria and turned towards Karen.

  Oria returned Ratface’s salute and asked “Lieutenant, I take it all is well with the Major’s crew?”

  “Aye, sir”

  Karen’s jaw dropped as she stared straight at Ratface; “Lieutenant? Whoa, a new first name. Is my favorite enlisted man now officer puke?”

  “Hey, Karen, chill! I’m still Ratface! I guess Oria couldn’t stand calling me Chief. By the way, this ship is impressive. Have you had an opportunity to see much of her yet?”

  Karen was not about to let Ratface off so easy and she responded in an accusatory tone. “Anyway you cut it that still makes you an officer; and to your question, no! Oria just reacquainted me with Jack.”

  “I see. So it’s safe to say that you are a bit on the mad side.”

  “And what do you mean by that?” Karen retorted back.

  Ratface shook his head and glared right back at Karen. “Do we have to play this game?”

  “Oh, alright, I’m not really mad. I just don’t know why they couldn’t tell me any sooner about Jack.”

  Jack smiled. “You will know soon enough. Trust me. We are on the right side. I’ve seen enough to convince me of the real agenda of the Creytes. They raise humans for food!”

  Karen’s eyes opened wide. “They do what? Are you sure?”

  “Yes Karen; I’ve seen them at work first-hand. Azortec has lived as a peaceful federation of planets for over 20,000 years. Only in recent history, maybe 400-500 years ago did they encounter the Creytes. The Creytes were expanding their empire and needed to develop new farm planets to continue ran out and their growth. They attacked several Azortec planets and a war resulted.”

  “How did this . . . are you sure your facts are right?” demanded Karen.

  “Yes, do I look blonde? Several high level politicians within the Azortec Federation have already agreed to give Earth to the Creytes in exchange for not attacking Azortec Federation Planets. Oria won’t let this happen. He has returned to Earth to build a defense against the Creytes. Does that about cover the basics Admiral?”

  “Pretty much; Karen, I apologize about having to leave you in the dark on some of these things.”

  “I’ll let you slide this time. I’m just a bit overwhelmed by all of this information and not quite sure how to deal with Bronson and company.”

  Oria smiled. “That is the million dollar question. Let’s get you more acquainted with our operation on the Hercules. We can meet later to discuss our strategy with Earth and the U.S. Government.”

  Oria led Karen away from the group and headed for the ship’s bridge. The couple walked back to the elevators leading to the lounge and took one up to the ship’s bridge. When the elevator doors next opened, Karen saw a large circular room was in front of her with about 12 crewmembers at various points on the bridge.

  The moment Oria stepped onto the bridge, the relaxed atmosphere quickly changed. One of the crewmembers yelled out “Admiral on bridge!”

  Lt. Agustonson walked over and sharply saluted the Admiral and said, “Welcome to the bridge sir. Is there anything we can do for you?”

  Oria returned the salute and replied, “Tell the crew to continue on, I would like to show Major
Brown around the bridge and then the combat bridge.”

  Oria then turned his head towards Karen. “This is our bridge. Actually, there are two bridges. We are currently in the main bridge. Up those stairs is a smaller bridge referred to as the combat bridge. When the ship is at battle stations, two fighter-qualified pilots sit there and direct the ship’s navigational and battle systems. The lower bridge is in a support role during combat.”

  Oria led Karen around the main bridge pointing out various consoles and explaining their functions and some of the related sensors. Once they made it completely around the main bridge, Oria led Karen up and into the combat bridge.

  Karen felt the excitement of the combat bridge and the closeness of Oria burn through her veins as Oria strapped her into the right pilot seat. Once Karen was secure in her seat, Oria placed his hand over her hand, gently lifted, and placed it on top of the flight stick. Oria then proceeded to strap himself into the other seat.

  Looking at Karen and seeing her excitement pleased Oria. “Karen, it feels good to be with you again. So what do you think of my ship?”

  “Wow. This is fantastic! What does it feel like to actually fly this baby?”

  Oria chuckled. “I thought you might want to take her for a spin. I’ll need to get clearance from Borella and the Officer on Deck.”


  Oria let Borella and Lt. Agustonson know what he planned. He then spoke to the computer, “Computer, engage combat controls.”

  Instantly a number of lights turned on and several navigational and combat displays appeared in the HUD. “Karen, that stick your left hand on is the main flight control. There is another identical control under your right side. You can choose either one. Go ahead and take control. The thumb control on the stick is one of the speed controls. We can talk about mind/thought control later.”

  Karen pulled on the flight stick and headed the Hercules towards the moon. She spun the control clockwise causing the Hercules to surge forward towards the moon. In a matter of seconds, the Hercules was well clear of the moon surprising her at the ship’s acceleration in speed. They both laughed at Karen’s first attempt to control the Hercules. She then slowed the ship down and began to talk.

  “This ship is something else. You said that is only one of the speed controls?”

  “But of course, do you want to try something even more challenging?”

  “I’m game as long as you think I won’t crash or do something else bad.”

  “You’re doing just fine; I’m going to engage the thought controls. All you have to do is let your mind think of an action, and the ship will obey your thought. Are you ready?”

  Karen nervously replied, “I’m ready. Go ahead.”

  Oria spoke to the computer “Computer. Engage right seat thought control training console.”

  Karen felt a surge of adrenalin as Oria completed his command. She looked towards the sun and felt her thoughts direct the ship towards the sun. As she thought speed, the ship accelerated with her thoughts. Karen then thought the Hercules through several standard combat maneuvers. After several minutes of tight maneuvers and rapid turns, she felt Oria’s hand on her arm. She turned and looked directly at Oria.


  “It looks like you are having way too much fun. Unfortunately, duty calls. We really need to leave.”

  Oria and Karen headed back down to the main bridge. Borella was standing there wondering what Oria’s plan was. “Admiral, it would have been nice if you had given me more notice that you planned to take the Hercules for a spin.”

  Oria stood facing Borella’s stern face and laughed. “Captain, your right, I guess this activity was a bit spur of the moment. We’re done now.”

  Oria and Karen traded the usual formalities with the bridge crew and then departed towards Oria’s quarters. Oria had his arm around Karen as the elevator headed towards the crew decks.

  Oria gave Karen a hug and then looked her straight in the eyes.

  “Karen, I don’t know how to say this. The time that we’ve spent together has given me new life. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Me too Oria, I really like being around you. When Bronson told me that I was back in STAR Hawk operations, I was afraid I would not see you again.”

  “Karen, I don’t think life can be normal for us. My greatest goal is to bring Earth into alliance with Azortec and create a coalition to protect Earth and defeat any Creyte attempt to farm Earth’s people for food. Yet my greatest fear of accomplishing this goal is that I will lose you. Your military rules won’t allow us to go out together.”

  “I’ve thought about that as well Oria. There is one exception.”

  “I know; when I last lived on Earth, a man and woman’s joining was about living and dying. The strongest man in the village chose his wife and gave presents to the woman’s family in exchange for the family allowing her to join him. Your customs are much different today.”

  “Oria, are you asking me to marry you?”

  Oria pushed the stop button in the elevator. He didn’t want anyone interrupting them at this moment.

  “Karen, all I know is that I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Azortec customs don’t apply to me and my birth customs are outdated. If you feel the same and that means marriage, then yes, would you marry me?”

  Karen felt her heart pounding in her chest. The thought of marriage hadn’t crossed her mind. Yet, she loved Oria and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him as well. She felt Oria’s hands on her arms as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug and squeezed with all her might.

  “Yes Oria. I love you too and want to spend the rest of my life with you as well. I wish we could marry tonight.”

  “Me too; although I should warn you, I was married one time before. When I was 16 years old, I was married for one night and half of a day.”

  “Oria, that’s okay. I’d be surprised if after 500 years you never had a relationship with another woman.”

  “Then what do we do next? In the days of my youth, I would have stood outside of your house with an offering to your family. If you came out and accepted it, we were married. It was quite simple.”

  “Things are more involved today. You get engaged, set a marriage date, obtain a marriage license, get married, and have a party.”

  “Now that sounds complicated. My friend, Linda StalkingWolf is going through that. That would mean we have to set a date. I’m not sure what’s next for us.”

  “Well, sometimes people elope on Earth. Also, a ship’s captain can marry two people.”

  “That’ll work; since we are on an Azortec starship, Azortec laws apply, we don’t need a license from Earth. Do you want to get married tonight, right now?”

  Karen’s head was spinning at the speed of light as her thoughts spun in a whirlwind of excitement. Oria was right; there was too much uncertainty in the future. Her relationship with Oria would be a lot less problematic for the military if she was already married. Why not get married now? She knew that Oria was the man for her.

  “Yes, but who will marry us? Do we need to go to Earth?”

  “You said a ship’s captain can marry two people on board ship. I’ll have Borella marry us. He’s the Captain of the Hercules. We can invite Jack, Ratface, and some others up here for a party afterwards.”

  “Terrific. Let’s go for it.”

  Oria punched the on button to the elevator and his communicator. He signaled Borella.

  Borella quickly responded “Yes, Admiral. I thought you were headed for some rest.”

  Oria bellowed back. “Almost; we have a change in plans. Would you meet me in the Officer’s Lounge and make sure that Ratface, Jack Peterson, their crews, and all available hands meet us there?”

  “Aye sir, what’s up?”

  “Karen and I are getting married and want you to marry us.”

  “What? Marriage? Isn’t that an Earth custom?”

  “Yes, and according to Earth custom, a shi
p’s captain can perform the ceremony.”

  “Congratulations, Admiral. I’ll make it so.”


  Saturday June 3

  12:00 AM: Oria and Karen Marry

  Oria headed directly for the officers lounge. Several crewmembers were already waiting there. Commander Turrani intercepted Karen as the wedding couple made it through the lounge doors. She led Karen back to one of the ladies rooms at the back of the lounge. Karen was shocked to see a beautiful full-length wedding gown waiting for her.

  Turrani smiled at Karen as she showed her the gown. “Well Major, I thought you might want something more fitting for a wedding. I had the ship’s replicators generate this gown for you. I think it is in style with Earth weddings.

  “It’s perfect; I had no idea that we could make something so beautiful so fast.”

  “That’s one of the advantages of having had space travel technology for over 20,000 years. You’ll find most of Azortec quite into the arts and finer things of life. Oria is the exception! If you haven’t noticed, he sometimes is clueless on the finer things in Azortec life.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Only that Oria’s not originally from Azortec, and he is so involved in the war effort, that he’s not had time to become familiar with the more civilized parts of Azortec culture. I don’t mean that as a bad thing. There would be no Azortec if not for the Admiral. There’s not a member of this crew that doesn’t hold the Admiral in the highest respect and appreciation.”

  “I guess I have a lot to learn too.”

  “Don’t worry. You have a new family. This ship and its crew is Oria’s family and soon will be your family too. You’ll find that this crew is much closer to Oria than is typical of Azortec starships and their commanders. Let’s hurry up. They’re probably already waiting for us.”

  Karen’s heart continued to pound in excitement as she slipped into the wedding gown. Turrani helped Karen finish dressing and then led her back out into the lounge. Oria was standing across the lounge in an Azortec ceremonial uniform with Borella, Jack, and Ratface standing nearby. The ships officers and its crew filled the room. A skeleton crew stayed behind to maintain the essential functions of the ship.


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