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Legend of Oria 1: Initial Contact

Page 34

by James Campbell

  Bronson expected this question. “Good question. Our commando unit reported that they saw Retilia enter some sort of escape pod. There was a flash and an explosion, but most of the pod’s launch pad is still intact. We are currently investigating the situation.”

  Medina was still not satisfied with the answer. “General, what we need to know is if Retilia has been neutralized or should we expect another ‘West Virginia’ somewhere else. Our constituents will demand an answer to this question.”

  Bronson took a deep breath to control the feeling of anger growing inside of him. “Mr. Medina, as I have already stated, we are investigating everything we can about Retilia’s whereabouts. We actually have a more serious problem. Retilia was part of a Creyte advance team. They were preparing to conquer Earth and convert it into a farm planet. They want to farm our people as food for the rest of the Creyte Empire!”

  The room turned silent as Bronson’s last remarks sunk in. Wilson, regaining his composure, spoke first. “General, this is quite a change from where things stood last week. We can concur given the West Virginia disaster that the Creytes are indeed dangerous. I have no idea how we can defend ourselves against this threat and I feel uncomfortable putting all of our trust in Oria. Wasn’t it only last week that we considered him a criminal? In addition, didn’t he commit a murder in West Virginia himself?”

  It took Bronson almost thirty seconds before responding. This only increased the tension in the already tense room. General Bronson inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly trying to remain calm. “Mr. Wilson, your explanation is a fairly accurate picture of where we stood last week. However, let me point out that Oria is only alleged to have committed murder. His accuser is the so-called victim’s Uncle. This victim sexually molested Major Brown. Moreover, he was part of a motorcycle gang that has created a crime wave in West Virginia. Local law enforcement has ignored these crimes since the sheriff was the dead gang leader’s uncle. Furthermore, a powerful Senator whose sister happens to be the wife of the Sheriff held off Federal Law Enforcement. So let’s not jump to any conclusions on determining Oria to be a murderer. Most of the other concerns were generated by Commander Retilia and the recently jailed Helen Marshal.”

  Wilson snapped back at Bronson, “Enough, General. We get your point. If what you say is true of the Creyte’s intentions, we most certainly will need Oria’s assistance. You may continue.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Wilson. The Hercules upgraded the shuttle used by Major Brown. It is much faster, improved weaponry, and has a new energy shield. However, improved shuttles are no match for a Starship. We need to start building our own fleet. Oria and his ship, the Hercules, will assist us and help us get started. My recommendation is we start a war effort against the Creytes and fully fund this development effort.”

  With Bronson’s last comment, the room erupted into a series of discussions. Everyone in the room was coming around to the same conclusion. The United States must declare war on the Creytes and start to enlist other major powers in the world to assist in the new effort.

  4:00 PM: Pentagon

  Oria agreed with Karen’s request to meet with Bronson at the Pentagon. His only stipulation was that Karen must also attend the meeting. Borella transported Oria in his full dress uniform to an obscure location inside of the Pentagon subway station. On his arrival, Oria headed directly towards the long escalator, which eventually led him to the Mezzanine level. Karen was waiting for him there at the agreed upon rendezvous point, just outside of Gretel’s Bake Shop.

  Karen was genuinely excited to be with Oria again. After all, it was her turn to show Oria around this time. She was quite surprised when showed up in his full dress uniform. It was slightly different from the ceremonial uniform that he wore at their wedding. He looked sharp in his black and blue uniform. Unlike U.S. full dress uniforms, Oria wore no jacket. He had sharply pressed pants with no cuffs. His shirt draped well below the belt line and he did not tuck it in. Across his shoulder was a brightly colored sash with stripes, medallions, and other ribbons.

  After exchanging a few words and a kiss, Karen led Oria into the Pentagon through security and to Bronson’s outer office. Bronson’s exec, Lt. Rob Johanson, greeted Karen and Oria with the usual formalities and then rushed them straight into Bronson’s inner office.

  Bronson stood up as Karen and Oria came into the office. There was a slight moment of awkwardness since there was no agreed upon protocol to greet someone of Oria’s stature from an alien world. They exchanged salutes as Bronson came around to the front of his desk and directed the couple to several seats around his coffee table.

  “Admiral Oria, it is an honor to finally meet you.”

  Oria replied, “The honor is mine General.”

  Bronson pointed to the chairs around his coffee table. “Admiral, Major, please make yourselves comfortable. First, I want to congratulate you on your new marriage. It doesn’t look like you’re going to get much chance for a honeymoon.”

  With a slight smile Oria replied, “Thank you General, I guess you’re right. There isn’t time for a honeymoon. We’ll just have to make up for it later.”

  Bronson became serious again. “Admiral, the Major and Ratface have informed me that we have a big problem with the Creytes.”

  “That’s about as good a way as any to put it. For thousands of years Azortec has been at peace in the universe. That is until about 400-500 years ago. The Creyte expansion grew into regions inhabited by Azortec or its member planets. Most of Azortec is comprised of human or human-like species. Since the Creytes feed on humans, obviously a conflict arose.”

  Bronson shook his head. “If I had not been through the last several weeks, I would have found this entire situation difficult to believe. I don’t understand why you want our help or what it is that we can do for you.”

  “General, Azortec has lost its will and ability to fight. They have opted for the easy way out by negotiating and trading primitive planets in exchange for leaving the more advanced planets alone. Azortec has the technology to win against the Creytes, what they don’t have is the will to fight and the instincts of a warrior.”

  Bronson took a deep breath before speaking next. “I’m afraid that the U.S. military is headed in the same direction as Azortec. Many warriors like your friend Ratface, already have left our military. They no longer fit in.”

  “General that may be true, but the will and fight in your people is far beyond that which exists within Azortec. I have the technology onboard the Hercules to help you build a fleet of starships. We still have time to train crews for those ships. I’ve seen firsthand what some of your pilots can do. One of your STAR Hawks officers, Jack Peterson, has been flying and training on the Hercules. We were able recover and save him after that vicious attack in Ocean City.”

  Bronson’s jaw dropped. “Did you just say Peterson is alive?”

  “That’s correct. If we had been in better communication earlier, I would have been able to inform you. At that time it was impossible.”

  “Admiral, we certainly have a number of communications and organizational issues to work out. I expect Jack Peterson to be returned to his unit.”

  “We should be able to accommodate that request now. Upon completion of our negotiations, I would hope that Peterson could continue training with us and become a full starship combat pilot.”

  “That is a possibility. Right now, we need to get you to meet President Ratherson at the White House.”

  “I agree we need to put this meeting together. That has been my primary objective”.

  Bronson felt that the meeting so far had been productive. There remained many issues, which he still needed to work out with Oria, but the meeting with Ratherson and Oria was already scheduled. Using some of the information provided by Karen and Ratface, Bronson had the State Department set up a more formal meeting that tentatively would start at 1800 with dinner following short thereafter.

  “Admiral, if your schedule permits, we have set up an introduc
tion for you to meet the President 1800 at the White House North Entrance.”

  “General that will be fine. Please allow me to return to my ship. I would like to bring Captain Borella with me. Also, I would like to escort my wife there as well.”

  “Very well, she can leave with you now.”

  “Thanks General, we will plan to be there at 1800 and will arrive in one of the Hercules shuttles. If you could clear that with your air traffic controllers, I will have Karen pilot the ship for the landing.”

  The group exchanged parting formalities. Oria and Karen then headed back to the Hercules. Bronson called his exec in and gave him instructions on everything that had to be setup for the White House meeting.

  6:00 PM: Ratherson and Oria Meet

  Oria, Borella, and Karen left the Hercules shuttle bay about a quarter to six. Karen climbed into the pilot’s seat with Borella in the second chair. Oria sat in the back of the shuttle studying both Azortec and U.S. customs for planetary meetings.

  As Karen approached U.S. airspace, she radioed ahead and received permission to enter above Washington D.C. Karen felt a strange feeling as she steered the ship towards the White House. Normally this was restricted airspace and it would be highly unlikely that a STAR Hawks pilot would receive permission to land within the White House grounds. She hovered briefly above the driveway leading to the North Entrance where a uniformed Secret Service agent indicated that she should land.

  Once the shuttle was on the ground, Borella opened the shuttle door. Oria took Karen’s arm with Borella directly behind him. General Bronson, Julie Foster (Secretary of State), several other VIP’s, and a small group representing the press, greeted Oria and his crew as they stepped onto the red carpet.

  President Ratherson with his wife was waiting at the top of the stairs and headed down to greet the group while music played “Hail to the Chief”. Cameras were flashing as Ratherson approached Oria. Since Oria was in uniform, he exchanged salutes with Ratherson.

  Oria felt a little uneasy with all of the ceremony. He felt much more comfortable flying into battle. State events and ceremonies never went over well with Oria. This event was no exception. Ratherson greeted him with cameras running non-stop on the small crowd.

  After exchanging salutes, Ratherson reached out his hand and exchanged a handshake with Oria. “Admiral Oria, it is a pleasure to formally welcome you back to the United States and Earth.”

  “Thank you Mr. President. The honor is mine. I am happy that we are finally able to meet.”

  After the short meeting and introductions, Ratherson, Oria, and the group of VIP’s headed to the Oval Office for a short meeting prior to a dinner reception in the White House dining room. The White House’s historical artifacts and décor impressed Oria as he walked through the North Wing hallway, to the West Wing, and eventually into the Oval Office itself.

  The small group found seats around a small oval table in front of the President’s desk. Once seated, Ratherson started the meeting. “Admiral Oria thanks for coming here on such short notice. I’ve already been somewhat briefed on your purpose here and the situation with the Creytes. Up to our battle with the Creytes in West Virginia, we were forming an alliance with them and considered you as an enemy. We now know differently about the Creytes. What concerns many of us here is why a civilization as advanced as Azortec, would requires assistance from a less developed planet like Earth. Also, how can we know that we won’t be making a mistake aligning ourselves with Azortec, much like we were fooled about the Creytes?”

  Oria paused for a few seconds before responding. “Mr. President, some of your questions I can easily answer. The most difficult one to answer is why you should trust Azortec, which I will translate into meaning why should you trust my crew and me. I don’t believe you can completely trust the Azortec Federation. We do have some friends there. However, we also have some very strong enemies. That is the core reason why I am here with the Hercules and trying to enlist help here on Earth.”

  Julie Foster did not have a comfortable feeling with where this conversation was going. “Admiral, you’re going to have to get more specific in order for us to better understand the political dynamics of Azortec and why you are championing Earth so much.”

  Oria knew that he had captured their attention. He viewed Julie’s questions as a positive sign. “Yes, and I plan to get more specific. First, you’re right. I am championing Earth more than one would normally expect an alien to champion Earth. That’s because I’m not an alien! I am from Earth, and more importantly, I am from the continental United States. Of course, there was no United States when I was born and the United States did not exist for several hundred years after I left Earth. Your other question, Azortec politics, is also simple to answer, at least from the viewpoint of a soldier. The Azortec Federation originated from the planet Azortec. The Federation now includes over 100 other advanced civilizations. Azortec did not know war up to five hundred years ago! At that time, the Creytes started expanding into Azortec territory and attacked several planets. The Azortec military was not much more than a symbolic organization and were unable to put up much of a defense against the Creytes. The real enforcement power resided with the Azortec Marshals who enforced Azortec laws. In contrast, the military was not much more than equipment, ceremonies, and politics.”

  Julie interrupted again. “Admiral, are we to understand that Azortec is not capable of fighting a war?”

  “No; that was close to five hundred years ago. The Azortec military now has real firepower and defensive capabilities. What they lack is the will and fortitude to defend themselves let alone anyone else! The politicians would much prefer allow the Creytes gradually acquire planets that are more primitive. In exchange, the Creytes agree to leave their member planets alone. In less than a year, Earth will become one of the more primitive planets traded for a few more years of peace.”

  Wilson saw the obvious flaw in the Azortec position. He could not help but break into the conversation. “That is really flawed thinking. How many years will it take before the Creytes are left with nothing other than the advanced member planets?”

  “Mr. Wilson, you are precisely correct. President Shalat, of the Azortec Federation agrees with you. In far less than a hundred years at the current Creyte expansion rate, member planets will again come under attack. With the current Azortec political climate, they will allow that crisis to occur and hope for the best.”

  Ratherson sat in amazement. “Admiral, this is an amazing story. If true, I don’t see where Earth has much of a choice other than to work with you. However, I still have some concerns. Even if we can build a fleet of starships and man them, what will Azortec do?”

  “That’s a very good question Mr. President. Our strongest ally in the Azortec Federation is President Shalat. Most of the Azortec council is corrupt and under control of the Creytes. Much of the Military leadership lacks the will to fight and will stay passive. I’ve always been viewed as an outsider and a necessary evil.”

  Borella was in full agreement with Oria and decided to add emphasis to some of his comments. “Mr. President, I concur with Oria. I am a citizen of Azortec that was born on the planet Azortec. I’ve had the pleasure of serving under the Admiral from the first days of my military career. What the good Admiral has not told you is that he is a living legend among the people and feared by the military leadership. The people are not stupid and they know that the eventual outcome of the current leadership will be their end. President Shalat and the people support Oria and any fleet of starships that will come from Earth. It is my belief, that through this alliance between Shalat, Oria, and Earth, both the Azortec Federation and Earth can be saved.”

  Upon noticing the time, Ratherson decided to move the meeting into the dining room. He knew it would be a long night and there was still much to discuss and plans to be made. Ratherson asked the group to head to the dining room without him and he would later join them once again. He wanted to initiate several phone calls and set up
a meeting in the cabinet room with the Congressional leadership. It was apparent to Ratherson that the number one priority of the United States and the rest of the world would be to build a space force capable of defending Earth. In order to accomplish this task, Congressional approval was required and probably a Declaration of War.

  10:00 PM: White House Meeting with Congressional Leadership

  Ratherson, Oria, Wilson, Foster, and Bronson spent an exhausting evening together. There wasn’t much time for diplomatic niceties. The group agreed to present an aggressive outline for the next year to the Congressional Leadership. They developed a program to develop an Earth based capability to defend itself and to aid their new ally, the Azortec Federation. Borella converted all of the presentations into a format compatible with one of the Hercules’ portable holographic projectors.

  The Congressional Leadership slowly entered the cabinet room. The display of alien devices sitting on the conference room table merely added to their general sense of tension and confusion over the latest events reported in the news. Almost no information had come out of either the White House or the Pentagon on the latest round of events in West Virginia. As is frequently the case in national emergencies, many self-proclaimed experts tend to come out of the woodwork. These experts were floating many contradictory theories, none based on the real facts. The Leadership looked forward to hearing the real story.

  Once the leaders took their seats, Ratherson entered the room. Instantly, the cabinet room fell silent. The tension was thick. Ratherson wasted no time, took the seat at the center of the long table, and sat down. The others in his party sat in the chairs lining the sides of the room.

  Ratherson finally broke the silence. “I want to thank each of you for coming out here at this late hour. As you undoubtedly have heard in the news, we have had our first conflict with an alien race. Our forces were unable to defeat these aliens until yet another alien force intervened on our behalf. I fear that we have not heard the last of our alien enemies and our new friends do not have the ability to defeat a full-scale attack from our enemies without our help. At first, we thought the Creytes were going to be friendly to us, as evidenced by their gifts of medicines and other technologies. Last week we discovered how untrue this façade was as we discovered their true nature. The Creyte strategy is to try to peaceably take over planets like ours and then farm the inhabitants for food. Last week, we discovered several half-eaten people. All attempts by local police and SWAT teams to deal with the Creytes failed. In the end, all they accomplished was the further loss of human life. Our military attempted to intervene and would have failed as well except for the intervention of a newly outfitted STAR Hawks shuttle. The Azortec Federation Starship Hercules rebuilt our shuttle. Admiral Oria and Captain Borella of the Azortec Federation command the AFS Hercules.


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