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Nexus Confessions

Page 10

by Various

  ‘Mmm . . . You feel so soft,’ he whispered in my ear, as his hand slid between my thighs and lingered over the crotch of my panties.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I asked, trying to be discreet, very aware of the customers seated just a few feet away.

  ‘I couldn’t help myself. You’re so young and beautiful. And I know you like it. You’re wet, I can feel it.’ His words almost slurred.

  I was in shock and didn’t know what to do. I was appalled that he would do this, but I didn’t pull away. I don’t know if it was the fear of having to face him, or that maybe he was right and that I was indeed enjoying it, feeling his body pressed behind me and his hand in the warmth between my legs.

  His hand eventually slid out and he said, ‘There it is; now get over there and serve those people.’

  I realised that someone had walked in. It was Rosanna, just popping her head in to say goodnight, and he must have covered up well because she didn’t seem to notice.

  My hands trembled as I served the few clients that I had that night. I couldn’t believe what had happened and wasn’t sure I could look him in the eye. I was dreading having the last customer leave for the night because that would leave only the two of us.

  ‘Thank you for coming,’ he called out from behind the bar as the final customer left.

  I was a wreck as I locked the door behind them, certain that he would make another advance; only he didn’t. It was business as usual, and he acted as though nothing had happened. Even stranger was that I wasn’t relieved, but almost disappointed. What was wrong with me? He was old, and unattractive, and just – greasy!

  The next night we were quite busy at work, and needed to enlist the help of the entire family. I was serving, Rosanna was cooking and Angelo manned the bar, while his daughter Lia, who was just a bit older than me, helped all of us out.

  Though it was hectic and I barely had time to breathe, I couldn’t get what had happened out of my mind, replaying it over and over.

  Angelo sent his wife out to get something which left Lia to take over the kitchen duties. ‘Can you come help me with these?’ he asked, motioning to the clean glasses that needed to be put away.

  I stepped behind the bar and began to make space for the glasses, when I felt him inch closer, once again standing behind me. ‘Shhhh. Don’t let Lia hear you,’ he whispered when he realised that I was about to speak.

  I didn’t say a word. He put his hands on my bare legs and ran them up under my skirt, slipping them between my panties and skin, kneading my ass cheeks. I could feel his fingers pulling them apart; his grip was hard and almost hurt.

  Keeping his grasp on one side, he used the other hand to slide his fingers back and forth in my crack, just grazing my cunt. I could feel myself getting wet and could hear his breath behind me.

  My heart raced, and I was horrified at the idea that someone might see, but I didn’t dare move. His fingers were moist from my pussy, and I could feel them leaving a trail of my juices along my skin. He pulled my panties to one side, and called out in a fake tone, ‘Oh, you dropped that – let me get it.’

  Keeping my panties pulled to the side, he squatted down behind me and, within seconds, my skin was tingling at the feel of his warm breath on my ass. With his head under my already short skirt and his hands holding my panties away from my skin, he stuck his tongue between my cheeks. It was hot and so wet and felt so good – unlike anything I had ever done before. He pushed a finger into my cunt while his tongue darted in and out of my ass. I struggled to stay on my feet and kept looking out into the full restaurant to make sure that no one was noticing what was going on. His saliva began to run down my leg and in spite of the clanging of glasses and voices of the patrons, I could hear only his tongue lapping away at my asshole. With my insides starting to quiver, I knew I was close to coming. Just then, Lia called out from the kitchen, ‘Dad, come here for a sec.’ And, with that, he quickly stood up and walked away, wiping his face with one hand and adjusting his obvious erection with the other, leaving me there on the brink of a climax.

  In the days that followed, it seemed to be back to work as usual. Angelo refrained from any inappropriate behaviour – there was no touching, no dirty little glances, and not one mention of our previous encounter. I began to wonder if he was suffering from some type of multiple personality disorder, or if maybe he was very much aware of what he was doing and the effect that it was having on me. This man repulsed me. He was a greasy middle-aged Godfather wannabe with a wife of at least thirty years and a daughter about my age who believed him to be wonderful. And yet here he was touching me, practically against my will, doing things to me so improper that I felt dirty afterwards, but yet craved in a way that I could not comprehend. I could not stop my mind from replaying the last incident, the way his small, rough hands slipped about sloppily between my thighs, and the way his breath felt hot and dirty behind me, and the knot in my stomach that I could only compare to the guilt of doing something bad – how that ill feeling took over every inch of me, sending chills to my very core, while making me feel more aroused than I ever had before.

  At least a couple of weeks passed, and my craving began to dissipate. I guess I had accepted to the possibility that maybe he had realised that what he was doing was wrong and just wanted to let it go.

  ‘Can you stay to close? I have Domenic, one of my old partners, coming by later and we have some things we need to discuss, so I really need the help – if you don’t mind?’ he asked, barely even glancing at me.

  ‘I guess so,’ I replied, disappointed at having to stick around so late.

  I was in the middle of chatting to a couple of old ladies I was serving when Domenic walked in. ‘That’s gotta be him,’ I giggled to myself, noting that he too looked as if he had wandered in off the set of The Sopranos.

  He was tall, and in his late 50s at least, sporting the fullest head of dyed black hair I had ever seen, with a handlebar moustache to boot. His ensemble of a lilac shirt and shiny dress pants were bad enough without the thick gold chains that adorned his neck and wrists. He made his way behind the bar to greet Angelo and I wondered if he would drop and kiss his pinky ring. Angelo spotted me watching and called out, ‘This is Domenic,’ as if I cared.

  I was a walking zombie by the time the last customer left. It had been a busy night, and I had been serving pretty much alone as Angelo was busy entertaining his friend. I was standing behind the bar, wiping off the glasses as quickly as I could, in the hope of being home at a decent hour.

  My mind was distracted when I felt the familiar presence of Angelo behind me.

  ‘We’re finally alone now,’ he whispered, running his tongue lightly along my ear.

  As before, I said nothing and just stood still, allowing him to take over. His hands moved quickly to my skirt, and he raised it as high as he could. The draft from the air conditiong above felt good against my skin as he lowered my panties to the floor. ‘Beautiful,’ he said as he caressed my ass.

  He reached around me and began to unbutton my blouse. The thin white cotton fell to the sides and I glanced down to see him pulling my tits out of my bra. He left them just hanging there and proceeded to squeeze my nipples. I could feel his erection through his pants, pressing up behind me. ‘You’re getting wet, aren’t you? I know, I know. You love this.’ His voice snarled against my ear. ‘Bend over for me,’ he instructed, while gently pushing me forwards from behind.

  As I leaned forwards, resting against the lower part of the bar, my ass cheeks naturally spread apart. My cunt lips also parted slightly making just enough space to allow me to drip a little. He slid a finger in and out of my slippery cunt and brought it up to my asshole, tracing the opening with my own juices, and then he began to slowly push the lubed finger into my ass. I tensed up and felt a tinge of pain, but he continued to slide it into me until I could feel his knuckle against my skin.

  Holding his finger inside, I felt his body shift off to the side, and was startled to hear him say, ‘He
y, Domenic, look at how tight this is. It’s beautiful!’

  I glanced behind me to see Domenic, sitting in a chair just staring. His gaze was sharp, but the rest of his face was almost somber. I could see one of his hands moving about in his pants as he looked at me, and this brought on a feeling of disgust so intense it made me nauseous. How long had he been watching?

  ‘Relax,’ Angelo growled, moving the finger in an out of me slowly in what I believe was an attempt to calm me down. It worked. The pleasure of having something in my asshole for the first time consumed me, and soon the idea of this perfect stranger watching this intimate moment excited me beyond comprehension. I pushed my ass towards Angelo, wanting his finger as deep inside me as possible and glanced back every now and again to see the expression on my audience’s face. The only sound in the restaurant was our heavy breathing and my soft moans. I could feel my cunt dripping and the warmth of my sex running down my thigh as the rest of my body began to tingle and crave something more. ‘Fuck me!’ I cried out, while pulling away from Angelo’s slippery finger.

  I turned to face the two of them, pulling myself up onto the counter and leaning back, spreading my legs as far apart as I could. It excited me to feel my cunt spread open to the eyes of these two disgusting men.

  Angelo quickly undid his pants, exposing his hard cock that was not as I had expected an older man’s to be. He gripped the shaft of his cock so hard that a tiny drop of jis appeared from the swollen head. I braced myself, holding the edge of the counter to keep my balance, and he pushed his cock into me. It slipped in with ease and I could hear just how wet I had become. He grunted as he pushed in and out of my cunt, not making eye contact with me at all. I focused my gaze on Domenic and his now exposed cock, as my cunt got fucked hard. Sweat was building on his brow and his lips were parted beneath his moustache as he watched his friend fuck me. His hand moved fervently along his dick, causing him to grunt now and again. My clit ached as I got fucked, as if it were wanting even more. I pushed my hips back and forth, fucking him like a champ. I don’t know what had come over me. How could these horrid men have such an effect on me?

  I arched my back, pussy pressed hard against him and my insides began to shudder. I wanted to come. My eyes were closed but it was as if I were seeing stars as every inch of me was overcome with sensations like never before.

  ‘My turn.’ I heard Domenic’s voice right in front of me, causing me to open my eyes.

  Angelo quickly obliged and pulled his cock out of me, a string of come following. I didn’t even have a chance to object before Domenic pushed his even larger cock inside my already swollen hole. He was rough and pumped hard in and out of me. I felt dirtier than ever as I felt his cock pushing around in the mixture of my and Angelo’s jis. He didn’t care that his friend’s cock had just been deep inside the same hole. He didn’t even know my name.

  He looked down as he fucked me, watching his dick slide in and out of me. Every now and then he would pull out all the way and then slip it slowly back in, enjoying the look of his purple head against my stretched-out pink lips.

  They were using me, and I was loving it. It took everything in me to keep from coming. My body trembled and my knees shook as the urge to climax built up inside me, but I held on. I had to, because they weren’t finished with me yet.

  Domenic must have fucked me for almost twenty minutes before I felt his cock quiver. He reached down to pull out, but I gripped my cunt around him tightly and pulled him to me, causing him to blow his load deep inside me. A final grunt and he practically collapsed against me, breathing so heavily that he was almost left gasping for air.

  I reached my finger down to my hard clit as soon as he moved away and began rubbing it as hard as I could. I wanted to come and couldn’t wait any longer.

  As I clenched my pussy lips tight and pushed my finger hard against my clit, I felt Domenic’s warm come oozing out of me. I became aware of Angelo moving towards me and, before I could finish climaxing, he was pushing his cock into my hole, still filled with Domenic’s jis. I continued to rub my clit with one hand as the other held me from falling off the bar. A hot rush came over me and my insides convulsed violently as I came. My pussy contracted frantically and before long brought Angelo to the brink. As his cock pulsed within me, I gripped him hard and took in his entire load as well, revelling in the knowledge that both men had filled me with their milk.

  We dressed and went on about our lives. I didn’t work for Angelo for much longer after that, having decided to go back to college instead. And though a couple of years have passed, I still meet up with him every now and again for a free meal and a fuck.

  – Sarah, Illinois, USA

  Linda’s Misdemeanours

  I started in my new office with all the best intentions. A clean slate, you know? A new haircut (putting my blonde hair into bushy ringlets the week before), new clothes (smart, sexy office wear, dress suits, a selection of heels and so on), and I even bought a pair of those spectacles with the flat lenses (a fashion accessory, for the intelligent look). The aim was to change myself, outside and in, and leave my naughty past behind me, to get to know a new group of people who wouldn’t judge me on rumours and locker-room talk.

  I have had my wild days, and I decided on the day I received the new job offer that they were behind me. No more one-nighters with colleagues, I said to myself. This is a chance to change your ways, Linda, I said, in an environment where your past won’t catch up with you. And I meant it.

  In my previous office, where I worked for the council, I’m afraid I enjoyed myself a little too much for my own good. It all started pretty harmlessly, snogging the office hunk one night, then shagging him the following week. But then I moved onto another, and another, then found myself going back to the first again to try something a bit more daring. You can imagine the cycle I’m sure. Eventually, the boys in the old office started to take me for granted (one of the things I really wanted to avoid this time around).

  Things really started to go downhill at the council, I think, when I got drunk one Friday night and confessed to one trusted male soul that I liked it up the arse. He was a little older, very pleasant, and very conservative. Poor chap didn’t know where to look. But I bet he was still thinking about doing me despite his strait-laced image, especially (and I blush to even think about it) when I explained to him that I liked it slow and with short thrusts at first, then slow long thrusts, then a really deep humping up there with my hair pulled a little at the end. God, I was so drunk that night; what was I thinking? Anyway, he was all very discreet and gentlemanly on the night and toddled off to his wife after he had seen me safely into a taxi and, although I cringed with horror during the morning-after recall, I thought the chances were fair to middling that he would keep it quiet.

  Anyway, as you can probably imagine, word got round. Faithful old darling to his wife that he was, and pleasant as anything to me in the workplace and social arena, I’m afraid he just couldn’t sit on the details of my lubricated confession and confided the content of our chat to a fellow male worker. Can I really blame him? Before I knew it, the same group of four or five guys I had let taste the strawberry before were queuing up to try the chocolate. It can tend to make you feel a little taken for granted, like I say, when guys expect to get a shot of your arse just for asking. Especially as they had all seemed to work out somewhere along the line that I simply can’t say no.

  So that was the plan then: no snogging and shagging in this new office, and no drunken confessions to co-workers. No more letting horny guys take advantage of me. I had put my past behind me.

  It started well. I settled in, got to like the job, made a few new girlfriends, had some laughs. Obviously, I still wanted to look attractive. Who doesn’t? But I kept it respectable, a kind of business-sexy as opposed to business-tarty. I was still out there; a girl’s ‘gotta eat’, after all; but I resolved only to go out with guys who tried to romance me a little and showed how keen they were. That was an attitude that
would keep me away from casual affairs and preserve my reputation, I felt.

  It went really well for at least three months. In fact my new attitude kept me completely celibate for the entire period. That was unexpected – not necessarily part of the plan, but I was kind of proud of myself. I had proved that I could do it, and I began to wonder if my life had changed for the better.

  I tried to ignore the fact that my pussy was biting my leg off. That was no more than an incidental complication.

  One fellow in the office came closest to my hungry pussy. For some reason I haven’t got my head round yet, his parents had called him Troy. I think they were either hippies, or they liked to be different, or they conceived him in Turkey. One of the three anyway. I knew he was interested in me – he couldn’t keep his eyes on his computer screen whenever I was in the area and I would always note his tendency to watch my legs if I was in a skirt and my feet if I was in heels.

  He was an affable chap and seemed to know everyone, so it was only natural that we would be introduced at some point. As things got more familiar, he got confident enough around me to pay me compliments on my, yes, you guessed it, skirts and shoes. I began to suspect he might be building himself up to ask me out.

  The old Linda, the council worker Linda, would have helped him out by flirting back and letting things escalate until, inexorably, she found herself bending over the arm of a sofa with a twitching cock pushing into her soft wet pussy and having her ear bitten, or hair pulled back, or both. But not the new Linda; she – that is, I – played it differently. ‘Hard to get’ I think they call it (I don’t really know because I haven’t played it that way before).

  I told myself not to encourage him and see if he took it any further. If he did, then I would go for it; if he didn’t, then he wasn’t for me. It was a radical new concept. Anyway, he made a few more hints about ‘going for drinks’ but it wasn’t quite an official proposal so, despite the temptation, I let him slip away. Silly boy, he doesn’t know how close he was.


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