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NOTE: Page numbers followed by f indicate a fi gure; those followed by t indicate a table.
ACT (AIDS Committee of Toronto), 208–
AID (as term), 116
9, 239, 249, 260– 62, 265
AIDS (as term), 308– 9
activism, 15– 16, 21; Brier’s grouping ap-
AIDS Action Now!, 21, 188, 213– 15, 251,
proach to, 249; in Canada, 175n132,
188, 201, 208– 9, 239, 247, 249– 58, 260–
AIDS Conspiracy, The (Nattrass), 12n32
62, 265, 331– 37, 345– 47; Dugas’s par-
“AIDS Patient Zero” (Colton), 54n45
ticipation in, 331– 36, 346– 48; on ed-
AIDS- related virus (ARV), 7n14
ucation and prevention, 308– 9, 318,
AIDS Vancouver, 175– 77, 224 f, 313, 331–
328– 29, 346– 48; against gay rights, 24,
37, 345– 47, 351, 364– 65
97– 98n61; HAART and, 288; HIV de-
Ainsworth, Thomas, 165
nialism and, 17n51, 237n126; NAMES
Air Canada, 296– 304, 342, 349, 371, 373
Project AIDS Quilt, 188, 241; in oppo-
Albertus Magnus, 49
sition to the Patient Zero story, 237–
Allen, Max, 207– 9
45; PWA movement, 169–70n106, 238,
American Medical Association (AMA),
314– 15n83; service provision as, 249,
243– 45
258; on social construction of knowl-
American Psychiatric Association (APA),
edge, 5– 7; Stonewall riots of 1969, 95,
23– 24, 95
145; transnational networks of, 252;
Amherst, Jeffery, 63
treatment advocacy in, 180– 81, 187–
Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic Page 69