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Page 8

by Justine Elyot

  ‘Oh no, please.’

  He grinned crookedly. ‘You’re going to be so much fun to tie up.’

  Filthy, evil, delicious, dirty pervert. Oh God, why does the idea of that make me want to explode with excitement? Nobody ever tied me up before.

  His inquisitive thumbs arrived at the southern side of her nipples and touched them, lightly but enough to make her wail again.

  ‘I’d keep this up for hours if I could,’ he said. ‘But I can’t, not tonight. I’ll be able to control myself better once I’ve had you a few times, I think.’

  A few times. Ah, now here was the advantage of a younger lover, what Deano had had in the early days. Stamina.

  Oh, the glorious melting mess she was now that he had his hands fully cupping her breasts and his thumbs stroking her nipples with skilled precision. The fact that she still wore her bra, cups wrenched down, added something to the whole feeling – something shaming but ferally hot. Teenagers in the disco car park, against the wall. That was how it felt.

  He stroked her until she couldn’t keep still and she jolted this way and that, bumping his erection into her groin.

  He took her wrists yet again and breathed on her poor abandoned nipples until they were damp with steam.

  ‘Oh, I can’t!’ she begged. ‘I can’t.’

  ‘Keep. Still,’ he commanded. ‘Or somebody’s asking for a spanking.’

  She actually squealed.

  ‘You wouldn’t dare,’ she exclaimed, knowing as soon as she said it that it was the absolutely wrong thing to say.

  He braced himself above her, eyebrows high, hands tight at her wrists.

  ‘That wasn’t very clever, now, was it?’ he said.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she back-pedalled. ‘I know you would. But please! I’ll keep still.’

  ‘I’ll let you off, just this once,’ he said. ‘Just this once. Have you settled down? Can I get back to work?’

  ‘Yes. I promise. Oh, God.’

  This last was her response to his tongue, darting out and performing an elegant circling of her right nipple. He followed up by taking it fully into his mouth and giving it a long and fulsome sucking. His left hand plied her left breast, while his right was laid flat on her stomach, as if holding her in position.

  She needed it. She was in a constant fight with her spine, trying not to arch it high in an effort to fit Leo’s erection tightly between her thighs and engage in a spot of illicit friction.

  She was starting to feel the need to come, quite badly.

  ‘Gorgeous,’ he said, releasing her nipple from his mouth with a smacking sound. ‘You’re proper gorgeous. I can’t count the ways I want to have you. So many men want to have you, and it’s me who gets to do it. Thank you, God.’

  With this heartfelt prayer, he moved on to her left nipple. This time, the hand at her belly crept lower, to stroke her hips and fit itself underneath her coccyx, testing the stretch of her waistband.

  Her heart bumped at this promise of what was to come.

  She had only to lie still and enjoy what he did to her, and she would get a huge orgasm, she was sure. Probably more than one. And, if she was honest with herself, the whole spanking thing had ratcheted her up more than a few notches. What if he actually did it? What on earth would that be like?

  She tried to picture herself on all fours, getting her bottom smacked over and over until it was hot pink. Another gush dampened her knickers. Surely they would have to be thrown away?

  ‘Too many clothes,’ was his verdict, and he made her sit up while he pulled off her top and unclipped her bra. Then she had to lie back down and raise her hips so he could pull off her jeans. Her knickers followed them halfway down her thighs, but Leonardo held them in position.

  ‘Not yet,’ he said, to Jenna’s frustration.

  ‘Oh, why not?’

  ‘Because I don’t want to rush,’ he said, maddeningly. ‘You don’t go to fancy restaurants and bolt the food down like it was a Maccy D’s, do you?’

  ‘Years since I had a McDonald’s, so I can’t answer that one.’

  ‘Tell you what,’ said Leonardo, disposing of the jeans, and the socks, once and for all. ‘One day I’ll treat you to the works. Quarterpounder with cheese, fries, large Coke and a McFlurry. That’s living it up, that is. In Bledburn.’

  ‘I can’t wait,’ said Jenna sardonically. She hadn’t replaced her wrists in position after sitting up, and her hands were available to prod Leonardo in the chest once he had taken off his own T-shirt.

  ‘Get them back over your head,’ he ordered, standing up to remove his own jeans and socks. ‘Cross them, yeah, like that. Now you look ready for me.’

  Stripped to his boxers, which bulged with promise, he did a few limbering up moves and pushed his hand through his hair.

  ‘Warming up?’ asked Jenna.

  ‘Too right. Got quite a workout ahead of me. OK. As they say on the cop shows – spread ’em.’

  Jenna parted her thighs, filled with wonder at this man’s astonishing sexual confidence. He didn’t doubt for a moment that she wanted him, and would do anything to have him. It must be quite a gift, to be able to know that. Even at the peak of her fame, with her clothes, hair and make-up dissected and fawned over in every celebrity magazine, she had never felt that the men who chased after her really desired her. They wanted something else, something that was nothing to do with who she was and what she had to give. They wanted a trophy.

  They had never given her what Leonardo was giving her now – genuine, eyes-on-stalks, salivating lust for her. Being bared to his gaze was almost frightening – he looked as if he might eat her up. She consoled herself with the knowledge that she was the tasting menu at one of Heston Blumenthal’s restaurants rather than the two-gulps-and-gone burger. If he was going to devour her, at least he would take his time.

  He shuffled himself, on his knees, between her legs and took hold of her hips.

  ‘Nice and slow,’ he said, nudging his hardness against her softness, the double layer of cloth doing little to soften its impact. She gasped at the contact, then he lowered his upper body over her so he was crouching, ready to pounce, his palms flat on either side of her head. ‘I want to feel your skin.’ He let himself down little by little. When her bare nipples were brushed by the hair on his chest, it was electric and she squirmed into his erection, longing for friction.

  He held himself just there for the duration of a dirty, animal kiss, tickling her nipples with his dark, wiry hairs while she tried to rub her legs up and down and clamp them over his thighs.

  ‘You’re hungry,’ he said, breaking off, and giving her that first glorious taste of skin against skin. He had the kind of body she most liked – a spare frame, not over-muscled but certainly not flabby either. Heavy enough to cause a crushing feeling behind her ribs, which she found oddly comforting. Trapped underneath his pinion weight, she was secure and endangered at the same time.

  He soon rose again, before her breath became too short, kissed her ears and neck and moved his mouth back down to her breasts. One hand held her still at her hip while the other slid underneath her, to take a handful of her bottom.

  The stroking and squeezing drove her to gasps – this part of her had always been sensitive. When he snapped her knicker elastic against the top of her thigh, it didn’t hurt, but it did make her desperate for him to get them off.

  ‘It’s all happening down here, isn’t it?’ he said, cupping her aching, soaking sex. He held his palm there and watched her push herself into it. ‘Someone wants to come.’

  ‘Oh, please,’ she said, her eyes shut, all her pride having leaked away or been transformed into need.

  ‘Let’s take a look at you, then.’

  He peeled the silky knickers down, so slowly that she could imagine him unveiling his own works of art in a similar fashion.

  ‘Mm,’ he said. ‘Oh, you’re bare.’

  ‘Kind of compulsory in LA,’ she said. ‘Not really by choice.’

‘Let’s have a proper look, then.’ He tossed the briefs aside and made a dive for Jenna’s lower lips. She kept her eyes shut and her fists clenched, finding this mortifying in the extreme. If only it weren’t also so exciting.

  ‘Get those legs properly wide,’ he ordered, his voice harsh and thick. He pushed her thighs apart until they strained. She felt her lips split and expose the juicy pink folds to his eye. Her clit, plump and full to bursting, was warmed by his breath. How could he just look at it for so long?

  ‘I want to paint you like this,’ he said, his hands still holding her thighs wide. ‘I want to paint you inside and out.’

  ‘God, who’d want to look at that?’ she said with a hysterical little laugh.

  ‘Who wouldn’t?’ he said, quite reverently.

  He moved his fingers to her outer lips and prised them further apart.

  ‘It’s gorgeous,’ he said. ‘I love how it’s all made for pleasure. You’ve got to give it to Mother Nature, haven’t you? A man mightn’t have thought to make this.’ His thumb drifted, very lightly, over her clitoris, causing her to jolt upwards.

  ‘You’d like a bit more of that, I take it?’

  She still had her eyes shut, but she knew he was smiling.

  He gave her inner thigh a gentle pat.

  ‘Don’t I get an answer? Open your eyes, Jen.’

  Oh no, don’t make me look at you. It’s easier if I can pretend you’re making me do and feel these things.

  ‘Jen.’ His voice was stern now and, almost involuntarily, her eyelids flew open.

  ‘What?’ she said sulkily.

  Obviously I want you to touch me there. Obviously! For fuck’s sake!

  But she knew he was going to make her say it.

  ‘Do you want my fingers on your clit?’ he said, his eyes like hard, black buttons.

  ‘Yeah,’ she breathed.

  ‘Are you sure?’

  The effort of keeping her eyes on him was making her face crumple. Her lips were wobbling. She thought she might even start to cry. This felt too huge for her emotions to deal with. It was worse than declaring love, it was worse than confessing to anything else. It was utterly soul-baring for her.

  ‘Sure,’ she whispered.

  He nodded and, without taking his eyes from her, he began to rub her clitoris with the gentlest pressure at first. Somehow she couldn’t break their eye contact. It was as if he held it with a laser beam, keeping her utterly focused on him.

  His touch grew firmer and she lay back and let it, giving herself up to him.

  This is surrender, she thought foggily. Why does it feel better than victory?

  Her body, thrumming all over, began to pool all its sensations at the pit of her stomach until she was aware of no other part of her but what was between her legs and its immediate area.

  ‘Do you want my fingers inside you?’ asked Leonardo, just at the point where everything was starting to turn molten inside her.

  ‘God, yes,’ she whimpered, not having to think about it any more.

  ‘Say please,’ he taunted, pushing one fingertip into the shallow dent.

  ‘Oh, please, please, yes, please.’

  ‘I like that,’ he said, then one of his fingers slid inside her, so easily it was shocking. ‘Christ, you’re wet. I hardly felt that. You need something bigger, thicker.’

  Two, then three fingers were inserted and now Jenna felt them probing inside her, stretching her without pain. In the meantime, Leonardo’s other hand kept upping the ante on her clitoris. She felt quite invaded and beaten, completely at his mercy now.

  He thrust with his right hand and stroked with his left until she began to quiver, everything standing on end, a wild, fast unfurling moving from bottom to belly to all over her body.

  ‘Yes, yes, I’ve made you come,’ crowed Leonardo. ‘Good girl, nice one. Oh, your face. What a picture.’

  He withdrew his fingers with a sucking sound and shimmied over her to capture her mouth in a delighted kiss. She felt like water, flowing around him, having no substance of her own. He had done for her. He had conquered. He could put her in his pocket and keep her there.

  ‘Didn’t you need that?’ he made her admit, between kisses. ‘You came so hard. You must have needed it really bad.’

  ‘Mmm,’ was all she could say.

  ‘I wasn’t going to let you come yet,’ he said. ‘Not until I was in you. But just because you’ve done it once doesn’t mean you can’t do it again. Benefits of being born a girl – not fair, if you ask me. Besides, I think you’ve earned a treat.’

  ‘You’re so bloody cocky,’ said Jenna, half-affectionately.

  He laughed. ‘You don’t know the half of it yet, sweetheart.’ He tutted sympathetically. ‘You look wiped out. Ready for more yet?’

  ‘More,’ she repeated weakly.

  ‘I want to fuck you,’ he said. ‘I want to be in you. Do you need a break, or …?’

  She shook her head.

  ‘I’ve got condoms in my handbag,’ she said, reaching blindly over the side of the mattress. But Leonardo was already on the case, fishing inside for the packet of three.

  ‘You were prepared for this, then?’ he said. He opened the cardboard carton and removed one of the little foil packets.

  ‘I always carry them. Well, ever since things with Deano … Not because I expected to have sex. Just in case. Precaution.’

  ‘You’re a smart cookie,’ said Leonardo.

  He pulled down his boxers, displaying a very impressive erection.

  Jenna looked swiftly away. It felt rude, somehow, to stare at it.

  How silly. The rudest night of your life and you’re worried about staring.

  ‘Don’t be frightened,’ said Leonardo, evidently pleased by her reaction. ‘I won’t hurt you.’

  ‘You might, you know.’

  ‘You can take it. You’re more than wet enough, that’s for sure.’

  He held its length in his hand, as if priming it, then he ripped open the foil condom package and made a slow performance of putting it on.

  Jenna wondered if it felt horribly tight. She hadn’t slept with anyone using a condom since the very early days with Deano. The days of cringing at the check-out of Boots and deciding against buying lube because that would be too embarrassing.

  She sensed that it wouldn’t be too embarrassing for Leonardo, though. He would pile up his multipack of Extra Large and his lube and God knows what else on the counter with a swagger and a glint for the cashier. You want some of what my girlfriend’s getting? She betted all the girls had been wild for him, showing off their teeny miniskirts and highest heels in the supermarket car park. And it wouldn’t hurt that he was one of the few lads capable of talking in more than monosyllables. Oh yes, he would have been a heartbreaker all right.

  And now, here he was, wanting her.

  ‘You’ve heard of kissing it better,’ he whispered, looming over her, shifting his hips to achieve optimum positioning. ‘Well, this is my version. Ready?’

  ‘Mmm.’ She was more than ready, as her leg brushing up and down his thigh signified.

  He pushed forwards and she was lost in a dark place of half-memory, half-new experience. It had never felt like this before. She hadn’t felt so stretched, so filled, so raw, so vulnerable before. He had a gold chain round his neck with a ring attached, and the ring swung over her breasts then brushed its cold metal traces over her face while Leonardo eased in, inch by inch.

  She was reminded of the early times with Deano – the heady aroma of that body spray that had been so popular with the teenage boys back then. Leonardo didn’t smell of that but there was something else, so familiar and so instantly transporting to those days of innocence that her heart contracted. A natural scent, a musky animal thing. Desire. Sex. Youth.

  Lately, with Deano, a sour chemical smell had accompanied him everywhere, even to bed. Jenna didn’t miss it one little bit.

  Here, with Leonardo, she was suddenly aware of an opportunity – to
have everything she had with Deano, but to take a different, better path. She could find out what she could have had, if they hadn’t been consumed by a whirlwind of fame.

  Lying here, while Leonardo entered her with considerate deliberation, watching every flicker of expression on her face for signs of pain or discomfort, she was aware of a clarity that had eluded her before. Sex was trying to teach her something. She needed to make sure she understood what it was.

  ‘Jesus, you feel sweet,’ he whispered, his dark eyes huge above her. ‘So tight. God.’ His voice gave out.

  She reached up and touched his cheek.

  ‘I’d forgotten,’ she said, and then she had to shut her eyes in case he saw the glisten.

  As if prompted to remind her, Leonardo began to thrust.

  She felt the passion in every move he made and was swept along with it, wrapping her legs and arms around him and clinging on for dear life.

  He kept his eyes upon her and she watched them grow rounder and darker and darker and rounder while the rest of his face remained pale and immobile. When his chest pressed against hers she felt the hectic bumping behind his ribs. He was hot against her, and their skin stuck together in places.

  Between her legs, he was inside her, drawing all her consciousness down to that place until the rest of her body floated off beyond the periphery. Everything was concentrated there, in that central nexus of sensation, while a white noise of panting and scents and the gold ring knocking against her teeth misted around it.

  ‘You’ve needed this,’ he said.

  He reached down between her legs and pushed the pads of two fingers against her clitoris. Together with the slick invasion of her sex, this drove her towards a rapid and violent climax, and she tensed against him, sure her whole frame would seize up, before pouring it all out.

  ‘Yes,’ he growled, ‘yes, yes, I can make you feel it.’

  He held her tightly and pushed, pushed, pushed, taking her so hard it almost hurt, and then he was there. His eyes had done too much work, and the rest of his face joined in at last, screwing itself up into configurations of agony and bliss that made Jenna want to kiss it all over.

  They lay all corkscrewed up in each other for a long time. Jenna felt her body loosen, little by little, whilst she breathed in her lover.


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