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Girls Only!

Page 27

by Beverly Lewis

  * * *

  Nothing did.

  The weekend came and went. No one called to complain that she’d missed Girls Only again. Saturday, while she was probably being voted out of the club, she hit the slopes one last time. When she arrived home, not a single message awaited her on Mom’s answering machine. So, Jenna had worked her magic with both Heather and Lizzy. Against Manda.

  Monday morning, before school started, Manda went to the gym. She noticed Jenna working out on the rings, but Manda kept her distance. No need to confront anyone so early in the morning.

  Busying herself with leg presses, she wondered what she might say to her former friend, the way she always tried to think through every detail of a ski run. Maybe she wouldn’t have the chance to talk to Jenna today. But . . . she could hope.

  She didn’t know how long she’d been doing that—thinking. But when she changed her position and looked up, there was Jenna standing nearby. “Hey,” Jen said. “Need a break yet?”


  They walked to the fruit juice vending machines without saying a word. Before Jenna could pay for her own, Manda quickly pulled out a bunch of quarters. “Here, let me buy yours this time.”

  “Thanks,” Jenna said, looking a little startled.

  They waited for the machine to eat the quarters and cough out the boxed juices. Both girls stuck the plastic straw inside the hole and sipped.

  When Manda could stand it no longer, she said, “I’m sorry about . . . so many things, Jenna.” Her words came flying out. “I was wrong to shut you and Livvy and Heather out.” She paused to breathe. “I don’t expect any special privileges or anything.”

  Jenna looked puzzled. “What do you mean?”

  “About Girls Only. You don’t have to let me back in the club. I just want to be friends. That’s all that matters to me.”

  “You were never kicked out,” Jenna said, her eyes squinting nearly shut.

  Manda jerked her head and looked at Jen. “What? Are you kidding me?”

  “Sure, I used some tricky tactics to try to get you to show up. But if you’re wondering about the extra meeting we had . . . well, it wasn’t about voting you out.”

  “What, then?”

  “Actually, we met to pray for you.” Jenna was smiling now.

  “You what?”

  “We asked God to wake you up . . . bring you to your senses.”

  Here she’d snubbed her nose at them, and they’d prayed. Wow. “Looks like God answered quick,” she said.

  “So . . . are you ever coming to Girls Only again?” Jenna asked.

  “Sure am.” Manda was happy, as happy as the day she’d won the race.

  * * *

  The next day Manda and her mom said good-bye to Mr. Greenberg and Tarin. The moment had the potential for disaster. But their farewells were actually bittersweet.

  Tarin seemed much more content with the move now. “I’ll never forget you, Manda,” he told her with a smile.

  “Don’t worry,” she said, reminding him that they could “talk” by email. “And you’ll have to come back to Alpine Lake and visit us.”

  Mr. Greenberg cut in. “I’ll make sure that Tarin sees both of you again.”

  Manda looked curiously at her mom. This sounded like the promise of something special. Something more serious than just dating.

  He continued. “We’ll need some time to get settled, of course.”

  Mom’s eyes twinkled so brightly, Manda knew something was going on.

  Then later, after the moving van had pulled away from the curb, Mom filled her in. “Matthew and I believe the Lord is preparing us for a life together. If all goes well, we plan to be married by late summer.”

  “Mom, is this for real?” She was overjoyed. “I’ve been hoping for this, you know . . . ever since I met Mr. Greenberg.”

  “Then . . . you’re not upset? I mean, about possibly having to move?”

  Manda didn’t know why she wasn’t. Maybe she was just so eager to see her mother happy for the rest of her life. “Don’t worry about me, Mom. This is so exciting for you. For both of us. Tarin too.”

  “The Lord willing, we’ll probably move before school starts in the fall.”

  A brand-new school and a new set of friends next year . . .

  She was still for a moment. “I’ll miss my girl friends a lot.” I just got them back! “But there’s no reason why they can’t come visit us, right?” She was thinking how cool it would be to have her very own, very wonderful, stepdad. She could show him off to Jenna, Livvy, and Heather. They would be so happy for her.

  “Matthew wants to build a big house in Utah. So I don’t see why your friends couldn’t come see us. Even Coach Hanson and his wife could visit.”

  Mom was talking some interesting stuff.

  “How hard will it be for me to get a new coach?” She knew firsthand that Utah had some of the all-time best downhill skiing and ski instructors in the country. It was still ski-racing country, after all.

  “Between you and me, I think our move will give you even greater opportunities,” Mom said.

  Manda was getting antsy. She headed for the steps. “Do you mind if we talk more later?” she asked.

  “Why, honey?” Mom followed her to the steps. “Are you upset?”

  Manda shook her head. Upset was the last thing she was today. “I just need to talk to someone else for a little while, that’s all.”

  Mom seemed to understand. “Well, when you’re finished praying, I’ll be here.”

  She knows me inside and out, Manda thought, hurrying up the stairs to her room. Kneeling beside her bed, she prayed, “Dear Lord, thanks for letting me ski well enough to win first place at Dressel Hills. I know I didn’t do it in my own strength. I know you were right there with me.” She paused. “I need forgiveness, Lord. For ignoring you for so long. And for the way I treated my friends . . . and everyone else.”

  A warm and gentle peace filled her heart. “Uncle Frank says I must forgive Dad,” she continued. “Well, now might be the time. I don’t know how you’ll help me do it, but at least you know I’m ready. One more thing: Please bless my mom and Mr. Greenberg in their marriage. Make it an extra-long-lasting one, a forever kind of love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

  Star Status

  Chapter Sixteen

  At the next meeting of Girls Only, Manda shared her moving news. “Mom says all of you can come see us anytime. And there’s always the phone or email,” she said, trying to soften the blow. “I know it won’t be the same. Not even close.”

  Heather started to cry, and Livvy got quieter than she usually was. Jenna, though, came over and hugged Manda. And then they were all hugging her and one another.

  “This isn’t the end, not really,” Manda said. “We’re just moving ahead with life . . . wherever God wants us to be.”

  “That doesn’t make it hurt any less,” Heather said, brushing away tears.

  Livvy nodded. “I remember how I felt when Dad and I first moved here. It was so hard. But then it got easier when I made friends with all of you.”

  Jenna suddenly snapped her fingers. “Hey, maybe Manda could start up another Girls Only Club—like a sister branch, you know.”

  Manda hadn’t thought of that, but Jen’s idea was fantastic. “Maybe someday there will be a bunch of clubs like ours all over the country. Who knows?”

  “That would be cool,” said Heather. “Like if my family moved away, too. Maybe to Lake Placid in New York or somewhere. I could start a Girls Only Club there.”

  Manda, Livvy, and Jenna turned and stared at Heather. “What?” they said in unison.

  Heather backed away from them, holding out her hands, palms out. “Uh, I didn’t say we’re moving tomorrow or anything,” she said.

  “But are you actually thinking of moving?” Jenna asked, eyes blinking rapidly.

  Heather shrugged. “My parents have talked about it. Kevin and I would have better skating opportunities if we did.”
/>   “So it’s just a might happen?” Manda asked.

  Heather nodded slowly. “Who knows.”

  Jenna paced the floor, back and forth two times. “So . . . is anyone else leaving town?”

  The room was still.

  “Hey, it’s not the end for us,” Manda said softly. “In some ways, it’s just the beginning.”

  “Right, for our athletic dreams,” added Heather.

  “Our friendship is solid now,” Manda said. “We just found out how strong.”

  “And don’t forget, we can pray for each other, wherever we are,” Livvy said in a near whisper.

  “Oh yeah, we’ll pray, all right,” Jenna said, chuckling. “We’ll ask God to keep Manda and Heather right here in Alpine Lake!”

  That brought a flurry of laughter. Manda knew Jenna meant well. Jen had a good heart. Always had. Nothing—not moving away or starting over with new friends in a different town—was going to change how Manda felt about her cool friends here in Colorado.

  In God’s eyes, each of them were stars, talented in various ways. Each girl gifted uniquely.

  Manda also knew in her heart that she would take seriously the short time she had left in Alpine Lake. Because, just as in sports competition, when it comes to friendship, every precious second counts.


  Beverly Lewis

  * * *

  Meet Merry Hanson, a fifteen-year-old girl who happens to live in Amish country—only she isn’t Amish. When strange things seem to be happening there, it’s up to Merry to get to the bottom of it. Like when her friend’s mom mysteriously disappears.

  Whether solving mysteries, learning the ways of the Amish, helping friends, or just trying to stay out of trouble, you won’t want to miss a single adventure with Merry.


  Whispers Down the Lane

  Secretin the Willows

  Catch a Falling

  Star Night of the Fireflies

  A Cry in the Dark


  House of Secrets

  Echoes in the Wind

  Hide Behind the Moon

  Windows on the Hill

  Shadows Beyond the Gate

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Follow the Dream



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Better Than Best



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Photo Perfect



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Star Status



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen




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