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Where the Night Ends

Page 2

by Melissa Toppen

  Blake is not what you would classify as a big guy, but there is something very intimidating about him—possessive even. I can see the attraction for Bree; she’s always had a thing for the bad boys, and Blake is definitely that.

  “Babe.” Bree smiles, pulling him to her the moment he reaches us. “I was looking for you, and I found Tess instead.” He barely acknowledges my presence before he leans in and says something to Bree, his voice low enough that I can’t hear his words.

  A wide smile slides across my friend’s face and just like that, I know I’ve lost her.

  “I’ll be back, Tess, okay?” she half promises seconds before Blake is leading her out of the room.

  Well, there goes hanging out with my friends tonight. Not like I didn’t know this would happen. This is what always happens, which is why I usually avoid these types of situations.

  Knowing there’s nothing I can do about it now, I down the beer in my hand, hoping to somewhat calm my nerves, and then toss my cup in the trashcan. Deciding to go hunt down Court, I’d rather play the third wheel than stand around by myself, I head back in the direction of the living room.

  A few of the girls I know from school stop me on my way, asking about my summer and making small talk. By the time I reach the living area a good thirty minutes have passed, and yet by the amount of people now crowding the space, you would think I’d been gone two hours.

  Pushing my way through the crowded room, I find myself entering another living space, this one even larger than the last. I swear the ceilings are thirty feet high. There’s a table set up in the middle of the room where some of the football players are playing beer pong, drunk girls giggling and watching them with lust-filled eyes.

  I really must have lost that teenager trait somewhere along the way. Maybe it’s because of how my mom raised me, maybe it’s because deep down I’m just a really good girl, but either way I feel like I exist on an entirely different planet than most of these people.

  I ignore the twist in my stomach that tells me I should leave and push further into the room in search of Court. It takes me a while to finally find her, spotting her through a wall of windows along the back that give a perfect view of the pool where she, Ant, and several other people seem to have migrated.

  I’m seconds away from going out to join them but stop dead in my tracks when I realize that not feet from where Courtney is sitting, her legs hanging over the edge of the pool, is Dylan and Taylor. Of course, you’d have to know what they look like really well to even know it’s them, considering they’re practically swallowing each other’s heads.

  I swallow down the bile that rises in my throat and quickly spin on my heel, taking off up a flight of stairs along the back wall, just needing a second to compose myself.

  When I reach the landing at the top, I turn left down a long corridor, desperately needing a bathroom to hide away in for a few minutes.

  Why did I come here?

  Why did I ever think this would be fun?

  The further down the hallway I go, the quieter my surroundings become. It’s a testament to just how big this house is. I can still hear the thump of the bass and the voices that filter through the house, but it’s nothing like being downstairs in the thick of it.

  When I come across a double glass door that opens up to an empty second story balcony, I quietly slip outside. Closing the door behind me, I make my way to the edge of the balcony, looking out at the thickly wooded landscape that seems worlds away from the other side of the house where all the action is.

  Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly, feeling my anxiety start to slip away.

  “Enjoying the party?” I hear his voice before I see him, startled by the sudden awareness that washes over me.

  Tiny pinpricks pepper my skin as I turn, finally spotting him hidden in the shadows of the house.


  I’ve been hiding out on this balcony for the better part of thirty minutes, trying to escape the chaos that always seems to surround me. Sometimes I feel like I can’t fucking breathe.

  I’ve got it good, I know that. I’m not in the business of complaining or playing the woe is me card. I know just about every asshole in school wishes he could be me. But being me isn’t as great as they all seem to think it is.

  I’m so lost in my thoughts that it takes me several moments to register the petite, little thing that stumbles out into my sanctuary, completely unaware of my presence.

  My gut instinct is to tell her to fuck off. But for some reason, I don’t say a word.

  I watch her cross the balcony, gripping the railing as she looks out over the woods that surround about ninety percent of the property. Her slender shoulders slouch inward as she takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

  I can’t help but let my eyes wander the length of her.

  She’s rather thin, there’s no doubt about that. But there’s also something really sexy about her too, the way her long hair grazes across her lower back. The way her skinny jeans cling to her backside just right. The way her purple tank top has chunks of material missing up the sides revealing tiny slivers of perfect ivory skin. My groin tightens just looking at her.

  “Enjoying the party?” I don’t know how long it takes me to find my voice, but as soon as I do, her entire body goes rigid.

  She turns, her eyes wide in surprise as she finally spots me sitting in the corner

  legs crossed in front of myself, a bottle of Jack hanging from my fingers.

  “Oh god, you scared me.” She lays a hand on her chest.

  Fuck me. She’s even prettier than I thought.

  I’m certain I’ve seen her before, but I can’t pinpoint how I know her. Then again, keeping girls straight has never been one of my strong suits.

  “My apologies.” I tip my chin, taking a long pull of whiskey, my eyes never leaving hers.

  “I didn’t realize you were out here,” she says, a slight tremble in her voice. “I didn’t mean to intrude.” She stutters over her words. “I’ll just go.”

  Before she even takes one step, my voice sounds again.

  “Don’t.” My statement doesn’t just surprise me, it seems to catch her off guard as well.

  “Are you sure?” I can tell every part of her is itching to take off, and this has me more than a little fucking intrigued. It’s definitely not the reaction I’m used to getting.

  If she was like most of the girls who are here tonight, she’d already be in my lap just hoping to get one night with the captain of the football team so she could brag about it to all her friends.

  And they say I’m the whore…

  It’s not my fault girls throw themselves at me constantly. Even knowing what they know about me—my no relationship rule—they still keep coming out of the woodwork to try to be the one to change me.

  Good fucking luck.

  Some thing’s simply can’t be fixed.

  “I’m sure,” I finally answer after a long moment of silence. “Here.” I snake my leg around the chair next to me and pull it out, gesturing for her to take a seat.

  She slowly makes her way toward me, her eyes full of hesitation as she finally takes the seat next to me. She immediately knots her hands in her lap, her eyes looking anywhere but at me. I don’t think she could look any more uncomfortable if she tried. I don’t know why but this knowledge only eggs me on more.

  “Drink?” I hold up the bottle of Jack, offering it to her.

  “No thank you.” She shakes her head, her blue eyes finally meeting mine.

  “You don’t like whiskey?” I arch a brow at her.

  “I’m just not much of a drinker.” She shrugs.

  “I see. So you come to a party with no intention of drinking and then end up hiding out upstairs where you think no one will find you?” I question, just trying to figure this girl out.

  “I had a beer just a few minutes ago.” She seems offended by my statement.

  “I meant no insult. Just seems like maybe this isn’t yo
ur scene,” I observe.

  “Well, you’re not wrong there. But not because I’m some goodie-two-shoes or anything,” she quickly adds. “I just don’t get the whole party atmosphere. Why anyone wants to get so drunk they end up hooking up with someone they don’t even like or they spend half the night puking in the bushes, is just beyond me.”

  “What was that you said about not being a goodie-two-shoes?” I tease, just wanting to keep her going.

  I’m mesmerized by her mouth, those full, pouty lips that I can’t stop myself from imaging around my…

  I clear my throat, trying to shake off the thought.

  “You’re so funny,” she says sarcastically, rolling her eyes seconds before snagging the bottle of Jack from my hands. “I bet this little routine works on all the ladies,” she spews, lifting the bottle to her lips and taking a long pull.

  I’m pretty impressed when she swallows it down like a champ and doesn’t even grimace after the fact.

  Okay, now I’m really intrigued.

  “Trust me.” I smile when she hands the whiskey back to me. “If I was trying to work you over, you’d know it,” I promise, narrowing my eyes at her.

  “Is that so?” She arches a brow.

  “Don’t get me wrong, you’re cute and all, but I usually go for girls with more…” I think over my words for a moment before adding, “experience.”

  Truth be told, she’s totally doing it for me right now. But I can tell she’s one who needs to be challenged, and so I’m going to do just that.

  “So you want a slut who won’t think twice about letting you stick your junk inside her.” Her choice of words has me fighting back laughter.

  “My junk?” I chuckle, shaking my head.

  “Oh, shut up.” She once again snags the bottle of Jack from my hands, taking two long drinks before handing it back to me. “Junk sounds better than dick or penis.” She crinkles her nose, and it’s about the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

  My junk, as she so eloquently called it, instantly stirs to life.

  “You’re quite the contradiction, you realize this, right?” I sit forward, resting my elbows on my knees.

  “How’s that?”

  “You don’t like parties and yet here you are. You don’t like drinking and yet I’ve watched you hit this bottle like a pro. You call my man parts junk and then spit out words like dick and penis without even blushing. I’m just trying to keep up here.”

  “Not everyone is so black and white.” She throws me a sideway glance.

  “In my world, they are.” I blow out a breath, looking off into the distance.

  “Well, maybe you should explore people outside of your world because it sounds like you’re missing out,” she states matter of fact, her blue eyes cutting right through me.

  “How is it I’ve never met you before?” I ask, not entirely sure that I haven’t.

  “I think it’s more remembering me rather than meeting me,” she confirms my suspicion. “Dylan Thompson.” The name instantly makes everything crystal clear.

  “You’re Tess,” I say, already putting it all together.

  “Wow. All I have to do is say his name and you know instantly who I am. Looks like he really did put me on the map,” she grinds out, snagging the bottle of whiskey once again.

  “You know, for someone who doesn’t drink, you sure are going to town on that bottle.” I chuckle.

  “What do you care? I bet you love when girls get drunk and throw themselves at you,” she bites, hurt and anger lacing her voice as she takes another drink.

  “Does that mean you’re going to throw yourself at me later?” I arch a brow, my statement bringing a small smile to her lips.

  “You wish,” she quips, taking another drink before handing the bottle back to me. I instantly take another long pull before answering,

  “So what if I do?” I ask, my question seeming to confuse her.

  “What if you do what?” she finally asks when I make no attempt to elaborate.

  “Wish that you would throw yourself at me.”

  Her head instantly falls back, and I swear to God the sweetest fucking sound I’ve ever heard flows from her mouth. Fuck me, even her laugh makes me hard.

  “In case you haven’t heard the rumors, I’m a prude bitch who won’t give it up,” she quickly adds, looking down at her hands which are once again knotted in her lap.

  “That only makes the victory that much sweeter. It would have been a damn shame had you given it to the likes of Dylan Thompson. Fucking douche bag. I find it hard to believe you even dated a guy like that to begin with.”

  “Well, he wasn’t a douche bag to me—at least not in the beginning. I guess I’m not the best judge of character. If I was I probably wouldn’t still be sitting out here with you.”

  “Ouch.” I flatten my hand over my heart. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re Sebastian Baxter. Star quarterback and captain of the football team. You’re rich and gorgeous and can quite literally have anyone you want.” She swallows hard. “I know you go through girls like you’re running a marathon, never actually dating a single one. And I know with complete certainty that the little smirk you’re wearing right now is probably one of your deal sealers, but trust me when I say, you can save it. I’m not like the girls you usually surround yourself with.”

  “I’m realizing this,” I observe, never taking my eyes off her. “But you made one fatal error in that little rant of yours.” I lean forward, my leg brushing against hers.

  “What’s that?” I don’t miss the way her voice catches or how she tenses at my nearness. She may play like she’s immune to my charms, but her body says something else completely different.

  “You said I can quite literally have any girl I want,” I remind her, giving her a knowing look.

  “Man…” She shakes her head slowly back and forth. “You are good.” She smiles like she’s figuring me out, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a bit of a slap to my ego.

  “Thank you.” I grin, not letting her see the effect her words have on me.

  “That wasn’t actually a compliment,” she challenges.

  I swear I think I could go back and forth with this girl all night.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” I ask, abruptly standing.

  “What?” My unexpected action clearly catches her off guard.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I repeat, extending my hand to her. She looks back and forth between my hand and face several times before finally responding.

  “You want to leave your own party?”

  “Trust me when I say, this is the last fucking place I want to be.” I smile, my hand still out waiting for her to take it. “Come on.”

  I can see the hesitation, the inner battle going on behind those innocent blue eyes.

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” she finally answers, standing on her own accord.

  I let my hand fall to my side, a smile playing on the corners of my mouth.

  “Do you always do that?”

  “Do what?” She eyes me curiously.

  “Question everything. I bet you’ve never done anything spontaneous a day in your life.” I chuckle. “You say no before you even know what’s being offered.”

  “Fine. Then what’s being offered?” She crosses her arms in front of herself.

  I shrug. “How about we just see where the night ends.”

  “That’s all you got?” She shakes her head on a laugh. “See where the night ends? How many girls actually fall for that?”

  “I wouldn’t know,” I answer truthfully. “It’s not a line I can say I’ve regularly used.”

  “Is that so?” She stares back at me, her gaze unwavering.

  “It is.” I grab the whiskey, tucking the half empty bottle under my arm. “I normally know what’s to come when I sneak off somewhere with a girl. But with you, I don’t know, I kind of like not knowing.”

  “Because I’m not a
ttractive enough to make a move on, is that it?”

  “Now, I didn’t say that.” I let my eyes trace down her small five-foot frame.

  “I just don’t know about you,” she admits, clearly still hesitant.

  I can’t say I blame her. I know the reputation I’ve made for myself. I wouldn’t be surprised if she told me to go fuck myself.

  “I promise to be on my best behavior.” I cross an X over my heart with my index finger. “Come on.” I close my fingers around her hand, not missing the way her eyes widen at the contact. “Just take a walk with me.”

  “Fine.” She finally concedes. “But if you try any funny business…” she warns.

  “You have my word.” I smile, leading her inside.

  When we reach the bottom of the stairwell that opens up to the main floor, I readjust our hands, intertwining my fingers with hers.

  She looks up at me questioningly, but I only wink and tug her along next to me, nodding to a few people who call my name as we cross through the family room and out the back doors that lead to the pool.

  I can feel her tense next to me the moment we step outside, and it doesn’t take me long to figure out why. I spot Dylan just seconds before he sees us. He’s got Taylor spread across his lap in one of the lounge chairs, his mouth leaving her neck the moment he registers our presence.

  I pay him absolutely no mind, and while it takes everything in me not to swing Tess around and lay a kiss on her mouth right in front of him, I refrain, knowing that probably wouldn’t go over too well with her.

  I’m honestly a little surprised when she stops, tightening her grip on my hand as she speaks to the girl currently up on Ant’s nuts.

  “We’re going to go for a walk,” she tells the dark-eyed brunette who seems more than a little excited by this news.

  “You two have fun,” she immediately responds, earning an eye roll from Tess.

  “A friend of yours?” I ask as we start to walk away.

  “She’s the only reason I’m even here tonight.” She peers up at me through thick lashes.

  Fuck me—I’ve only just met this girl and already I know I’m in fucking trouble.

  “Remind me to thank her later,” I tease, quickening my strides.


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