Where the Night Ends

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Where the Night Ends Page 10

by Melissa Toppen

  “You have to put these catty bitches in their place, Tess. Don’t let them walk all over you just because they’re jealous of what you have.” She says the last part significantly louder than the rest, but Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders have now moved far enough from us that none of them heard her.

  “Yeah, I’ll remember that,” I retort. “Where’s Bree anyway?” I ask, swiveling to look behind us.

  The stands are packed full of people, but it looks like the majority of students have all congregated on the right side. And boy was Courtney right about what people wear. Tons of people have painted their faces or are wearing handmade shirts and hats in support of the team. Several boys in the front row don’t even have shirts on at all. Instead, their entire torsos are painted blue and each one has a different letter painted across their chest in white so that when they all stand together it reads BLUE DEVILS.

  I never knew how into this people got.

  “I talked to her a little while ago. She said she was coming with Blake. Oh, oh, here they come.” Courtney pulls my attention back to the field just as the football team erupts from the locker rooms, a blur of blue jerseys as they pass through the banner the cheerleaders are holding.

  “Ahhh there’s Ant. God, look how hot.” Courtney sighs next to me, but I’m too preoccupied looking for Sebastian to really pay attention.

  It takes only a few seconds to locate him and the moment I do, my heart goes haywire. He looks impossibly sexy in his uniform. I mean, he always looks mouthwatering, but seeing him like this—his broad shoulders accentuated by shoulder pads and his lean waist defined by tight white football pants. I have to use the back of my hand to wipe my mouth in fear that I might actually be drooling.

  I watch him run onto the field, his helmet hanging loosely from his fingers as he circles back around and approaches the bench just a few feet down from where we’re standing. Like an electric current that singes every time we’re near each other, he looks up, his eyes finding me instantly.

  I watch the smile spread across his face seconds before he’s taking off in my direction. I ignore the glares I know are being thrown my way from the cheerleaders who have reclaimed their position to my right and give Sebastian my full focus.

  “You’re here.” He stops directly in front of me, the fence barely reaching his chest whereas I can practically rest my chin against the top.

  “Where else would I be?” I giggle when he drops his arms over the fence and pulls me into his chest, my feet leaving the ground.

  “Fuck, you look good.” He smiles, kissing me good and hard for the entire stadium to see.

  Someone screams, “Go Tessa,” behind us, and I laugh against his mouth.

  “Baxter, what do you think you’re doing? Get over here?” Coach Jones hollers.

  “Uh oh. Busted.” Sebastian chuckles, pressing his lips to mine once more before gently setting me to my feet. “I’m getting my good luck on, Coach,” he retorts loud enough for the coach to hear him without ever taking his eyes off of me.

  “You better get out there, hot shot,” I say, smiling like a damn idiot. I can’t help it. He makes me so happy I swear I feel like I’m going to burst open and rainbows are going to start flying out of me.

  “Stay here. That way I can look over here while I’m on the field and see my girl cheering me on.” He tips my chin up with the back of his hand.

  “Go. Fight. Win,” I say playfully, waving an imaginary pompom in my hand.

  The way he smiles at me does more than just make my knees go weak—

  it makes my entire body tremble. If melting were a thing, I promise I would be a puddle right now. Nothing can describe how it feels to have someone like Sebastian Baxter look at you the way he’s looking at me right now.

  “Dinner after?” he asks, backing away from the fence.

  “You’re buying,” I call back, blowing him a kiss just seconds before he takes off toward his team.

  “You two are sickening.” Courtney fakes annoyance, reminding me that she’s still standing next to me.

  “Shut up.” I don’t even attempt to wipe the smile off my face. I have a feeling it’s not going anywhere anytime soon anyway.

  “So, what did you think?” Courtney asks as I follow her out to the parking lot.

  “It was amazing,” I say, still not down from the high I feel after watching Sebastian lead his team to a 35-0 shutout victory.

  To say he’s amazing would never do that boy justice. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen someone so naturally talented before. The way he commanded that team, the field, all of it—it’s comparable to how he controls my heart—effortless.

  “See, I knew you’d love it.” She gives me her typical I told you so face—lips pursed, eyes narrowed.

  “How could I not?” I stop next to Courtney’s car but make no attempt to climb inside.

  We’re not leaving yet anyway. We told the boys we’d meet them out here after they got changed so we could all ride over to the restaurant together.

  “Sebastian was incredible out there. To see the entire stadium cheering for my boyfriend…” I hold my hand over my chest, words failing me.

  “Our boyfriends,” Courtney adds, and it takes several beats for me to catch on to what she’s saying.

  “Wait—you’re official?” I squeak, beyond excited for my best friend who has put up with enough of her fair share from Ant over the past few weeks.

  “As of ten minutes ago.” Her smile is so wide it practically stretches from ear to ear.

  “That’s what he whispered to you as he was leaving the field?” I question.

  Even though Sebastian had stopped by to lay a celebratory kiss to my lips and I was a bit pre-occupied, I still managed to pick up on the quick interaction that took place between Court and Ant, leaving my confident friend looking rather winded. I was too distracted at the time to address it, but now I can see why for a brief moment she looked like she might faint. She probably thought this day would never come. Lord knows I didn’t.

  Don’t get me wrong, Ant seems like an okay guy, and I know that Sebastian is really close to him, but the way he’s been stringing Court along has put a bit of a bad taste in my mouth where he’s concerned. Maybe now he can redeem himself.

  Courtney nods excitedly, biting down on her bottom lip.

  “Congratulations.” I immediately pull her in for a hug. “I’m so happy for you,” I say over her shoulder before releasing her and taking a step back. “It’s about time.”

  “Girl, you’re telling me.” She blows out a breath. “I was starting to believe this was my life, chasing after a guy who had no intention of taking things to the next level. I’ve gotta be honest, I was nearing my breaking point.”

  “I could tell,” I respond truthfully.

  I know Courtney better than anyone, and while some may be blinded by her tough exterior, I know that deep down she’s just as sensitive as me—maybe even more so—though she would never admit it.

  “This is so amazing. Look at us, dating best friends who are also both stars on the football team. This is going to be one hell of a school year,” she practically sings. “We can double date, go to homecoming together, spend our weekends hanging at Sebastian’s. Then there’s prom, of course.”

  “You’re getting a little ahead of yourself there aren’t ya?” I laugh, shaking my head. “Sebastian and I are so new; I don’t know that I’d be making plans for prom when school just started.”

  “Shut up, you two are going to be together forever.” She swipes her hand through the air.

  “Cause that’s not premature or anything.” I roll my eyes at her, even though deep down a part of me feels like I could do forever with Sebastian.

  “Whatever. You’re crazy about that boy, and he’s just as crazy about you. Look at you.” She points to the smile on my face that’s always there anytime we talk about Sebastian. “You’re already head over heels, and you probably don’t even know it.”

��s only been two weeks.” I try to deny my feelings even though I know she’s got me spot on.

  “People fall in love after an hour.”

  “Yeah, in the movies,” I retort.

  “Go ahead, deny it all you want. You forget I know you. I’m not saying you’re ready to start writing wedding vows or anything, but you’re definitely falling for him.”

  “So what if I am? You’re just as into Ant.”

  “The difference between you and me is that I own that shit, too. Hell yes, I’m into Anthony. Have you seen that boy? Besides, he’s killer in bed.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

  “Here we go.” I laugh. “It always comes back to sex.”

  “Because sex is very important. Just wait, you’ll see.” Her gaze flips behind me and an instant smile takes over her face.

  I know the boys are heading our way before I even turn around and see them approaching. The second I do, I swear all the wind leaves my body. Sebastian is dressed in a plain white tee with dark jeans, his blond hair still wet from the shower, a cocky smile pulling up one side of his mouth as he closes the distance between us.

  “There’s my girl,” he says, swooping me up the second he reaches me. Once again, my feet leave the ground as he secures me against his chest. “You miss me?”

  “Miss you? I just saw you fifteen minutes ago.” I giggle when he drops his face to my neck and breathes in. “God, you smell good.” He pulls back and something intense flashes through his eyes.

  My stomach bottoms out, and that tight coil in my lower belly returns with a vengeance. One look—that’s all it ever takes with Sebastian.

  “So do you.” I run a hand through his messy wet hair.

  “Are you two about done yet?” We both turn our heads toward Ant’s voice. He’s standing next to Court, arm draped across her shoulders, looking at us like we couldn’t be any more annoying.

  “Not quite,” Sebastian answers, his eyes back on me. “Why don’t you ride with Courtney, and Tess and I will meet you guys at Perchatellies?” he suggests, lowering me to my feet but not taking his gaze off me.

  “If it means I don’t have to watch you two, hell yes. Come on, Court,” I hear him say, followed by the opening of a car door.

  “We’ll see you there, Tess,” Courtney calls out, and this time I give her my attention, nodding, and throwing her a small wave before Sebastian is leading me toward the back of the parking lot.

  “So, how was it?” he asks, looking down at me as we make our way to his Jeep. “Your first game I mean?”

  “Incredible.” I smile up at him. “You were incredible.”

  “Well, I had some motivation.” He winks, pulling open the passenger side door of the Jeep the second we reach it. He waits until I’m firmly planted inside before shutting it and crossing to the driver’s side.

  “Did you now?” I continue the conversation as soon as he’s settled in next to me.

  “Hell yes. I had the most beautiful girl in the whole school cheering me on, and I had to make her proud.”

  “Really, sounds like a pretty lucky girl,” I tease.

  “Not nearly as lucky as I am.” He throws me a wink as he backs the Jeep out of its parking spot.

  “I think that depends on who you ask.” I wait until he’s pulling out of the parking lot before responding. “And I was—proud of you I mean. You were amazing out there. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “I love it.” He shrugs, his gaze focused on the road.

  “Do you think you might want to try to go pro one day?” I ask, not missing the way he shifts next to me.

  “I don’t know. I doubt it. I mean, I love the game and I definitely want to play college ball, but I’m not sure I love it enough to try to make it a career. The life of a pro athlete is too uncertain.”

  “Then why play college ball? Isn’t that usually the end goal? To play pro?” I ask, just wanting to understand better.

  “Not always. A lot of players do it to help pay tuition. Playing college ball gives me the freedom to go to school where I want and not where my parents’ think I should go. If I get a scholarship to play ball then it takes away all their power.”

  “Where do they want you to go?”

  “Ivy league. My father thinks that’s the only way to get a good education. But I don’t agree, and I have no desire to follow in his footsteps.”

  “So where do you want to go?” I ask, for the first time realizing just how short our time together actually is.

  It’s nearly September. Sebastian will graduate in May and then comes college. I, on the other hand, am stuck here for another year at least.

  “I want to go somewhere South. I’ve applied to LSU and Miami so far, but I think I’ll also submit to Georgia and Alabama just in case my first two choices don’t work out.”

  “Why South?”

  “Because they have amazing football and educational programs. I mean, there’s more colleges, they’re all over the country, but I’ve always pictured myself playing at LSU; that’s my top pick.”

  “Well, they’d be crazy not to want you,” I say, ignoring the sudden heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “Thank you.” He throws me a sideways smile, reaching over to squeeze my thigh. “What about you, you know where you want to go to school after you graduate next year?” he asks.

  “Columbia,” I answer without hesitation.

  “Wow. Just like that. Not an ounce of hesitation.” He chuckles.

  “I’ve always wanted to live in New York. I’ve known for as long as I can remember that, that’s where I want to go school. My dad went to Columbia. It’s how he met my mom. She was a nursing student and doing her clinical hours at the hospital not far from campus. My dad came into the ER needing stitches in his knee after he busted it open jumping off a second story landing at a frat party.” I chuckle at the story my mom has told me at least a hundred times.

  “Sounds like he was my kinda guy.” Sebastian picks up my hand and kisses the back of it. “So Columbia it is…”

  “Well, if I can get in.”

  “You will.”

  “How do you know?” I ask, my eyes locked on the side of Sebastian’s face.

  He slows the vehicle, pulling into the parking lot of Perchatellies, not bothering to answer my question until he’s parked. He shuts off the engine before turning toward me.

  “Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned in the short time I’ve known you it’s that you are extremely smart and driven. If you say Columbia is where you’re going, I have no doubt that’s exactly where you’ll end up.”

  “I wish I shared your optimism.” I force a smile.

  “There you go again.” He reaches over and tugs on the end of my braid. “Always doubting yourself.”

  “Sorry.” I blow out a breath, knowing he’s right. It’s something I know I need to work on.

  “One day, Tessa Wilson, you’re going to see what the rest of the world does, and I hope like hell I’m around when that day comes.”

  “Planning on going somewhere?” I cock my head to the side, eyes questioning.

  “Not a fucking chance.” He smiles, leaning forward to press a kiss to my mouth.

  Per usual, the second our lips meet, what was meant to be a quick, innocent kiss morphs into something else entirely. It’s like there’s this live wire that dances between us, and the second we connect we spark an electrical current that’s impossible to break.

  I shift in my seat, seconds away from crawling into Sebastian’s lap when a loud knock sounds against the driver’s side window.

  Like being doused in cold water, we instantly break apart, both of your gazes turning toward the window.

  “Let’s go,” I hear Ant, followed by another pound.

  “We’re coming,” Sebastian hollers back before his gaze once again locks on me. “Remind me again why the hell I’m friends with that douche bag,” Sebastian groans, sliding his thumb against my now semi-swollen bottom lip.

/>   “I don’t know.” I barely get the words out, my pulse still vibrating through me. “But we should probably go,” I say, resisting the urge to suck his thumb into my mouth.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. To be continued…”

  “To be continued,” I agree, pushing open the passenger door and climbing out.

  The second my feet hit the pavement I spot Court and Ant waiting at the back the Jeep, arms draped around each other.

  I smile at my friend, loving how happy she looks.

  “Who else is meeting us here?” I hear Sebastian ask just as I step around the Jeep and join them.

  “I think most of the team—looks like a few are already here.” Ant gestures to all the cars in the parking lot of the old family-owned pizza parlor. “You guys ready?”

  “Yes.” I’m the first one to answer, taking Sebastian’s hand when he offers it to me.

  We follow Ant and Court through the parking lot and then inside the small restaurant which is bustling with high school students, most wearing still wearing their Blue Devils attire.

  The second Sebastian steps through the door, voices pull us in every direction.

  “There he is.”

  “Great game tonight, Sebastian.”

  “You looked incredible out there tonight, Sebastian.”

  He just nods and smiles like it’s an everyday occurrence for him. Meanwhile, I’m shrinking smaller and smaller behind him as he leads me through the restaurant. He finally stops at the far corner booth where a couple guys from the team are sitting along with Bree, who I’m instantly surprised to see.

  “What the hell?” Courtney gets to her before me. “I thought you were joining us for the game.”

  “Sorry, something came up.” She shrugs, patting the booth next to her. I immediately slide in, feeling Sebastian’s hand on my leg the moment he settles next to me.

  “Where’s Blake?” I ask, watching something flash across her face before her carefree smile once again falls back into place.

  “He had to take off.” She shrugs, taking a drink from the soda glass in front of her.


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