Where the Night Ends

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Where the Night Ends Page 11

by Melissa Toppen

  “You okay?” I lower my voice, knowing something’s off.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. We just got a little preoccupied.” She says it in a way that I know instantly means they were having sex. “Anyway, we missed the game and instead of taking me home I asked him to drop me here. Since I bailed on the game, thought I’d at least come hang out for dinner.”

  “And he decided not to come?” I question, knowing how Blake can be.

  I don’t know why but the thought of him dropping her off where all the football players are hanging out and not accompanying her inside doesn’t quite sit right with me. He rarely lets her go anywhere without being glued to his side. It doesn’t seem like the healthiest relationship, but anytime anyone says anything about it Bree jumps to Blake’s defense.

  Courtney and I have gotten to the point now where we just keep our mouths shut. If Bree is happy then that’s all that matters anyway. Though more and more recently, she hasn’t really seemed all that happy.

  “Wasn’t feeling well.” She shrugs, quickly changing the subject. “So tell me about the game. Sebastian, I hear you were on fire tonight.” She directs her attention to where Sebastian is sitting next to me.

  “I did okay.” He leans inward, knocking his shoulder against mine.

  “Yeah, okay as in he threw four of the five touchdowns tonight.” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Always talking me up.” He smiles, dropping a kiss to my temple. “Keep this up, and I might end up with a big head.”

  “Might?” I tease.

  “You two…” Bree shakes her head, pulling my attention back to her.

  “Why do people keep saying that?” I question, looking at Sebastian for answers. “You two, like we have some kind of disease.”

  “Maybe because y’all are sickeningly sweet together.” Bree pretends to gag.

  “Oh, whatever.” I laugh, shoving her shoulder.

  “I’m serious. You two are like the poster children for a fucking teenage

  Hallmark movie.” She rolls her eyes playfully.

  I’m seconds away from spitting back some half ass attempt at a rebuttal when the waitress appears. By the time we’re all done ordering and she leaves again, an entirely new conversation is going on around the table.

  From there, the rest of the evening went on much like the first. Various people came to our table, talking to Sebastian and some of the other players about the game. A few random girls stopped by and much to my surprise, every time a new one showed up, Sebastian inched closer to me. By the end of the night, we were practically sitting on each other’s laps, not that I minded.

  Bree only stayed about an hour. After excusing herself to take a phone call, she disappeared shortly after. Court and Ant seemed like they were in their own little world for most of the night, which was totally fine by me because it meant I got more Sebastian time.

  While I was nervous for my first night out in public as Sebastian’s girlfriend, I have to admit I liked the attention of being on his arm more than I thought I would. Unlike at school, most of the people who surrounded us for a good portion of the night were actual friends of Sebastian’s and as such, accepted me with no more than an introduction.

  It was like being Sebastian’s girlfriend was an automatic acceptance into the cool kid’s club. The whole night was kind of surreal.

  By the time Courtney and I arrived back at my house just after eleven, I kind of felt like the entire experience was just some weird dream, and I’d wake up tomorrow having realized that none of it actually happened.

  That’s what being with Sebastian is like—one big dream. And it’s a dream I never, ever, want to wake up from.

  “Tess.” The second I hear Dylan’s voice behind me my entire body tenses.

  It’s been three weeks since our last altercation—the one that resulted in me becoming Sebastian’s girlfriend. And while that day ended way better than it started, that doesn’t mean I’m in any rush to go another round with my ex.

  “What do you want, Dylan?” I sigh, shutting my locker before turning toward him.

  He’s standing just a couple feet to my right, hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. Normally I might have swooned a little bit at the sight of him; Dylan has always been good looking, but the face that once made my heart beat faster now only makes my stomach turn.

  I guess having things put into perspective will do that for you. He may be attractive, but that’s where his pleasantries end. And he has nothing on Sebastian, who always looks like he just stepped out of a magazine.

  “I was hoping we could talk.” His voice is soft, hesitant even, and it instantly causes a nervous knot to form in the pit of my stomach.

  “About?” I go for annoyance.

  I mean, I am annoyed. Annoyed that he can’t just go away and leave me in peace. Annoyed that he waited until I was interested in someone else before even offering a semblance of an apology—which was ruined when he continued to speak. Annoyed that he thinks I owe him anything after everything he put me through.

  “Us.” He says it like it should be obvious.

  A weird cackle escapes my throat, and I look at Dylan for a long moment, slinging my book bag over my shoulder.

  “There is no us, Dylan. Or did you forget that now that Taylor isn’t up your ass?” Even I’m shocked by how smooth the statement leaves my mouth. Normally I’d stutter and stammer, my nerves getting the better of me.

  Not anymore… I’m done letting this asshole walk all over me.

  Tess—one. Dylan—zero.

  Damn, I like this.

  “Come on. Don’t be like that.” He wastes no time coming after me when I push past him down the hallway, heading for the exit.

  “Be like what, Dylan?” I spit, keeping my gaze focused ahead. “Don’t stand up for myself. Don’t hold a grudge when you completely screwed me over and made me look an idiot. What exactly don’t you want me to be like, Dylan? Huh? Tell me because I sure as hell would like to know,” I hammer out, not stopping until I’ve pushed my way outside, Dylan right on my heels.

  “Tess.” He abruptly stops as soon as we reach the parking lot and for whatever reason I find myself stopping with him. “I’m sorry, okay.” His gaze drops to the ground the moment I turn toward him.

  “You’re sorry?” The question is riddled with attitude, but I can feel my anger waning. I’ve never been one to stay mad at people.

  “I fucked up, Tess. I fucked up bad.” He takes a step toward me and then another, closing the distance between us. “I miss you.”

  When he reaches for me I take a full step back, holding my hand out between us.

  “You should have thought about that, Dylan.” I stand my ground. “I’m with Sebastian now. And even if I wasn’t, there’s no way I’d ever take you back.”

  “He’s just going to hurt you,” he threatens.

  “Like you did?” I snarl. “He wouldn’t do that.”

  “How the fuck do you know? Just because he’s whispering sweet nothings into your ear doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a hidden agenda. Come on, Tess, open your fucking eyes. He’s using you.”

  “Go fuck yourself, Dylan.” I spin back around, done with this whole situation.

  I’m so mad that when his hand wraps around my forearm seconds later preventing me from walking away, I have to physically restrain myself from swinging around and hitting him.

  “Why the fuck are you so quick to pass judgment on me, and yet you won’t even look at all the shit he’s pulled?”

  “Because he’s never hurt me,” I grind out, ripping my arm away. “My answer is no, Dylan. I’m not going to give you a second chance. I’m not interested in hearing any more of your half-assed apologies. I’m done. Do you hear me? Done!” I practically scream in his face.

  “You fucking bitch. You think he’s so different, do you? Just wait. It’s gonna be an epic fucking show when you finally realize what everyone else already knows—he’s only with you to fuck you.”

do you even care?” I can’t control the tremble in my voice. “My life doesn’t concern you anymore. Leave me alone, Dylan. For the last time, just leave me alone.”

  He’s pushing me toward my breaking point, and the look on his face tells me he knows exactly what he’s doing. And what’s worse—he’s enjoying watching me come unraveled.

  “You’re such a fucking…” It’s all he gets out before a fist comes out of nowhere connecting with Dylan’s jaw, causing his head to snap back.

  He falls to the ground, his eyes wide in surprise. It all happens so quickly I barely have time to process any of it.

  Sebastian is on top of Dylan in a second, punching him so hard that blood instantly spurts from Dylan’s nose and mouth, staining the concrete below him. He tries to fight back, but Sebastian is too strong, too quick, and Dylan’s efforts are pointless.

  I open my mouth, try to tell Sebastian to stop, but I’m not entirely sure any words come out. I can feel eyes on us everywhere, but I can’t seem to make myself move.

  Do something, Tess!

  “Sebastian.” I finally find my voice, gripping his shoulder in an effort to pull him off of Dylan.

  “You motherfucker,” he seethes, laying another hard blow to the side of Dylan’s face.

  “Sebastian.” I try again, his entire body tensing this time. He freezes with his fist still extended in the air. “Please stop.”

  His face turns toward me, the rage in his eyes softening the moment he registers my face.

  “Stop.” I mouth.

  He looks at me for another long moment and then looks back down at Dylan who’s holding his nose, trying to control the blood pouring from it.

  At first, I think he might hit him again, but instead, he leans down—his voice so low I have to strain to hear it.

  “If you even so much as look at Tess again I will fucking kill you. Do you understand me?” He waits until Dylan nods furiously before climbing off him, but the action is too late.

  Teachers swarm our position, one swooping down to help Dylan while two others back Sebastian away, telling him to calm down.

  I look back and forth between the two of them, wondering how in the hell something so small turned into something this big. Dylan just wanted to talk. I should’ve just said no and walked away. Instead, I stood there and let him get me riled up. I should’ve known he’d intentionally push my buttons.

  Then again, I never expected Sebastian to see the altercation, let alone jump in and do something about it. I watch helplessly as the two teachers lead Sebastian back into the school; if I had to guess I’d say he’s headed straight for the principal’s office. He doesn’t look at me even once, disappearing inside seconds later with his head tilted toward the ground.

  Dylan is helped to his feet and ushered inside after him; they’ll no doubt take him to the nurse first. His face looks like someone stomped on it with a big combat boot over and over again.

  My stomach twists violently as the events seem to catch up with me, and if it weren’t for Bree showing up just at the right moment, I might have lost the contents of my stomach all over the school’s parking lot.

  “Are you okay?” She immediately pulls me into her arms.

  “You saw?” I tremble in her embrace, the adrenaline pumping through my veins catching up to me.

  “I did.” She slides her hand over my hair in a soothing gesture. “What the hell happened?” She finally pulls back, her hands on my shoulders as she looks at me.

  “I don’t know,” I answer truthfully. “I don’t even know where Sebastian came from. It was like he appeared out of thin air.” I shake my head, trying to clear the fog. “Dylan was being Dylan, taking jabs at me just because he can. The next thing I know he’s on the ground and Sebastian is on top of him beating the hell out of him.” Tears spill from my eyes, and I swipe at them angrily. “What’s going to happen to him?”

  “Sebastian?” Bree questions, continuing when I nod. “He’s probably looking at a few days suspension at least. Probably won’t be allowed to play in the next few games either. Man…” She blows out a breath.

  “He won’t be allowed to play?” I question, guilt knocking into me like a round of bullets hitting me in all the right places.

  “Let’s just wait and see, okay?” She drops her arm over my shoulder and leads me back toward the school. “Come on. I’ll wait with you.”


  “Are you fucking kidding me right now, Sebastian?” His father’s voice practically vibrates the office windows next to where Bree and I are sitting.

  I knew who he was the second he entered the room. Tall and broad, like Sebastian, with edged features and the same medium blond hair. But unlike Sebastian—whose eyes are kind and smile is easy—his father is hardened and stern.

  I’ve been sitting here for the last thirty minutes waiting to find out what’s going to happen. The second Sebastian’s dad walked in looking like he was ready to kill someone, I knew it was going to be bad. But I never expected to witness him talk to his son the way he is right now.

  “Do you have any idea how bad this looks to colleges? You’re not a fucking child. Why would you do something so stupid?”

  In the entire time he’s been in there, I have yet to hear Sebastian say one word. Either his responses are quiet or he simply isn’t answering, which one it is I’m not sure.

  Bree sits next to me, her hand wrapped around mine. She squeezes a little tighter every time Sebastian’s father speaks, like somehow that’s going to make it better.

  My stomach has been twisted in the same ugly knot since everything happened and seems to get harder and harder with each minute that passes.

  I tried to talk to Ms. Shamin, the vice principal, to tell her what happened, but she wasn’t interested in hearing what I had to say. According to her, Sebastian attacked Dylan unprovoked and would receive the punishment the principal felt appropriate.

  Dylan, though just as guilty in my mind, was in her office for less than three minutes before he was excused to go home. I didn’t have to ask if he got into trouble too, I already knew he hadn’t, which only makes this whole situation that much worse.

  Sebastian’s in there right now getting screamed at and probably suspended—if not kicked off the football team—and here I sit, the one who’s responsible for it all, helpless to do anything.

  I jump when the office door swings open without warning and Mr. Baxter comes storming out, his pressed suit tight against his flexed shoulders. Sebastian follows shortly after, his eyes widening when they land on my face. Clearly, he hadn’t expected me to stay.

  I stand, seconds away from saying something when Sebastian gives his head a quick shake, as if to tell me not to, before following his father out of the office.

  The pressure in my chest constricts my ability to breathe freely, and for a moment I struggle to pull in a breath.

  “He’s gonna be okay,” Bree says, standing next to me.

  Flipping my gaze toward her, I manage to suck in a deep inhale and let it out slowly.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here. There’s nothing more we can do here.” She links her arm through mine and leads me out of the office without another word.

  I wish we would’ve waited a few minutes longer because when I look up to see Sebastian following his father down the empty hallway, his head lowered in defeat, I feel like someone has just hit me in the chest with a baseball bat.

  It takes everything in me not to run to him. I want to tell him I’m sorry. I want to make sure he’s okay. I want to pull him against me and tell him that nothing his father said is true. But I can’t do any of those things at the risk of just making the situation worse.

  So instead of going after them, I allow Bree to lead me in the opposite direction where we exit on the other side of the building.

  Courtney pulls up to the curb just as we step outside into the warm afternoon sun. I look at Bree who smiles reassuringly and tugs me toward the car. I don’t have to ask, I know
she must have text Courtney and asked her to come back and get us. My two best friends are nothing if not dependable.

  The ride home is a bit of a blur. I’m too worried about Sebastian to really participate in the conversation. I only half listen to Bree filling Courtney in on what happened. I offer a yeah or a nod when asked but offer nothing more.

  The five-minute drive feels like it takes forever and yet no time at all. All I want to do is call Sebastian but I know that even if I do, he’s not likely to answer.

  “Tess, did you hear me?” I register Courtney’s voice, turning my head to where she’s sitting next to me in the driver’s seat.


  “Do you want us to come in for a while? Keep you company?” she repeats since clearly, I didn’t hear her the first time.

  “No, that’s okay.” I reach for the door handle. “I just wanna be alone right now if that’s okay.”

  “Of course.” She nods. “I’ll talk to Ant, see if he hears anything. Let us know as soon as you talk to Sebastian.”

  “I will,” I agree, pushing the door open.

  “And, Tess.” Court stops me before I even get one leg out of the car. “None of this is your fault. Dylan had an ass beating coming. Don’t beat yourself up over this like I know you probably will.”

  “Then why even tell me not to if you already know I’m going to?” I ask, feeling something other than dread and sadness for the first time since this whole situation spiraled out of control.

  “Honestly, I have no freaking clue.” She laughs. “Call me later, okay?”

  “I will.” I climb out of the car. “And thank you,” I say, turning around just as Bree climbs into the front seat.

  “Anytime, you needy bitch.” She gives me a wide smile, her normal demeanor slipping back into place.

  That’s one of the things I love the most about Bree. She can be serious when she needs to be but as soon as the moment passes, she’s back to her spitfire, crazy ass self.

  “And you better call me, too,” She calls after me through the open window as I turn to walk away.


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