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Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)

Page 12

by Mellie George

  “You look beautiful. I can see now where Danni gets her looks from.”

  “Oh honey, aren’t you sweet? Danni said that this trip was your idea. Thank you for bringing our girl home for the holiday,” Brenda said.

  I released her from my arms and she stepped back, looking slightly dazed.

  Extending my arm to Danni, she came to me willingly. “It was my pleasure. I know she’s been missing you both, plus I’ve actually been wanting to meet you and your husband.”

  “Well, he’s been dying to meet you too, son. Best not keep him waiting,” she said, winking at me.

  I smiled at her and tried to shake my nerves. I know I told Danni I wasn’t nervous to meet her dad but he was one man that I knew she loved as much as me, maybe even more. I really hoped I made a good impression on him for the sake of Danni and our baby.

  “Let’s go,” Danni said, and I leaned down and picked up our bags.

  We walked up the lawn and into the house where I was instantly greeted by the heavenly smell of barbecued ribs, practically making me salivate. I must have already been having sympathy cravings because I wanted to stuff my face as much as Danni did.

  “Dad?” Danni called out.

  “Danni, is that you?”

  He came out of the kitchen wearing a goofy chef’s hat and an apron that said “Kiss The Chef”.

  “There’s my girl! Get your ass over here and give your old man a hug!”

  Danni jogged to him and fell into his waiting arms.

  “Dad, I’ve missed you! You look great!”

  “So do you, princess, so do you.” His eyes roamed to me and he smiled.

  Given my reputation and what I was pretty sure he already knew about me from Danni, to say I was surprised to be greeted with a smile from her father was an understatement.

  “Well, who do we have here?” he asked, releasing Danni and walking toward me with an extended hand.

  “Dad, this is Beau Cavanaugh. Beau, meet my dad,” Danni answered sweetly.

  Still holding out his hand, he closed the distance between us and said, “Dan Sharpe. Good to meet you, son,” he said.

  I put my hand in his and gave it a hard shake.

  “Good to meet you too, sir.”

  I didn’t know what else to say…I’d never met a girl’s parents before.

  “Sir, huh? I like you already. You don’t have to call me ‘sir’ though, just call me Dan. Well I hope you kids are hungry because I made enough ribs to feed an entire oil tanker full of hungry men.”

  He put an arm around my shoulder, embracing me like he’d known me forever. Had I fallen into some kind of vortex? Was it too much to hope that Dan actually liked me despite all I had done?

  “I am starving, Dad,” Danni said. “Those ribs smell good. I’m so glad you made them. No one makes barbecue ribs like you do.”

  I smiled at Danni’s appetite as Dan patted my shoulder and released me.

  “My girl likes to brag about her old man, but I’m sure mine don’t taste any different than the next person’s,” he said.

  “Well I’m sure you’re wanting to set those bags down somewhere. Danni, why don’t you take Beau to your room so you kids can get situated while your mom and I set the table?”

  She walked to us and kissed Dan on the cheek.

  “Sounds good, Dad. We’ll be right back. Come on, Beau,” she said, tugging on my shirt and leading me out of the kitchen and through her house.

  We walked through the large family room and down a hallway to her bedroom.

  “Here we go,” she said, smiling as opened the door and led me into her bedroom. As soon as I was inside I smiled and fought back a chuckle. She turned to me and smiled at my expression.

  “What is it?”

  “Nothing, it’s just…a lot of pink,” I laughed, looking at the pink walls, pink carpet, and pink bedspread on her full sized bed.

  “Well what did you expect? I’m a girl, after all, you know,” she laughed, taking one of the bags and setting it next to her bed.

  I placed the rest of our things on the floor and shut her door. “Oh I know it, baby,” I said, pulling her close to me. As she wrapped her arms around my neck I asked, “So, you think your parents like me?”

  “I already knew they would. My dad has liked you since the first time I told him about you.”

  I drew my brows together and asked, “Um, he knows my reputation, right?”

  She nodded her head. “He does, and he doesn’t care. Dad knows you are a good man, Beau. He was one of the ones that told me to give you a chance and helped me see how much I still loved you.”

  I smiled and said, “Well, remind me to thank him. Tell me, how long does it take for them to set the table?”

  “Maybe five minutes or so. Why?”

  “Think we can maybe finish what we started in the car?”

  Danni smiled wickedly at me and said, “I think we should take it up a notch,” she said, letting go of me.

  She leaned out her bedroom door and shouted, “Hey guys, Beau has to help me with something. We’ll be right there!”

  I thought I heard Dan chuckle and Brenda called back, “No rush, kids!”

  “What the hell?” I asked, trying to not laugh as she shut the door and locked it.

  Before I could think she was on her knees and unbuckling my pants. Her hands quickly found my dick, which was getting harder by the second. I fought back a growl as she immediately took me into her mouth.

  I went from flaccid to rock solid in no time flat. It felt all kinds of wrong to be getting a blow job in Danni’s childhood bedroom, but the fear of getting caught made it so much hotter. I moved my hands down and fisted them in her hair, guiding her as she licked and sucked me as hard as she could. I’d gotten head from countless girls over the years but Danni was the only one that could make me go off like a bottle rocket. This girl knew what the hell she was doing.

  I hissed out a breath through my teeth and she sucked and licked me harder and faster. I looked down at her as she worked my cock with her tongue and her hands and I started to thicken in her mouth. I was close...

  “Danni, I’m going to come,” I warned. “If you don’t want me to…” I never got to finish what I was saying because when our eyes locked she shook her head and moaned. Knowing she didn’t want to let me go and wanted to take what I had to give never failed to turn me on.

  She sucked hard on the tip of my dick and pulled me back into her mouth once more before I lost it and came hard inside her mouth. Her eyes rolled back as she swallowed every bit of my release and when I was spent, my knees threatened to give out on me. As soon as she let me go I stumbled back onto her bed and she giggled.

  “Jesus Danni,” I said quietly as she stood and walked to me. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “If I was that seems like a good way to die,” she answered, sitting next to me on the bed and winking. “God, that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever done, getting a guy off in my bedroom at my parent’s house.”

  “I always knew you were a closet freak,” I said, kissing her forehead.

  Danni smiled mischievously at me and said, “I don’t know what it is but this pregnancy is making me crazy horny all the time.”

  “Well I don’t want to leave you hanging but your parents are waiting out there for us,” I answered, smiling.

  “I know so just be prepared for later. Thank God my parents sleep upstairs because right now I’m so god damned horny. By the time I get you naked and under me I’m going to be screaming like an animal.”

  I shoved up off the bed and rolled on top of her. I placed my hands on the sides of her head and kissed her lips.

  “You’re going to get me into trouble talking like that, Danni, because I’m already getting hard again.” I said.

  She laughed.

  “I’m sorry…kind of. Come on, let’s go eat. Dinner’s probably been on the table for a few minutes,” Danni replied, kissing me once more before she pushed against me
and stood up. Before she reached the door, she stopped and reached into her purse. She pulled out a breath mint and popped it into her mouth. I laughed at her and she looked back at me as I got up off her bed.

  “What? I can’t exactly go out to eat dinner with my breath smelling like, well, you,” she answered and I laughed louder.

  I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her. I gave her one more kiss and said, “Fuck, I love you.”

  She smiled and batted her beautiful blue eyes at me.

  “Love you more. Let’s go, I’m starving. Jelly Bean is demanding food,” she answered and I bent down to kiss her stomach before lacing my fingers through hers and walking out of her room and down the hall.

  When we walked into the kitchen the table was already set and Dan was placing the platter of ribs in the center of the table.

  “Well, that didn’t take long. Well done, princess,” he said, winking at her and I just about tripped.

  Danni smiled at him and said, “Jesus, Dad!”

  Brenda snickered and said, “Oh, leave them alone, Dan. We were kids once too and our little sexcapades used to take you a lot longer than that.”

  “Hey, I’m all about pleasure. You’ve got to take your time and make sure your woman is satisfied, am I right, Beau?” Dan asked, smiling at me.

  “Oh please, when we started dating you were so nervous around me I was lucky if you got the key into the ignition half the time,” Brenda laughed.

  When she looked at me, she took in my shocked expression and she started laughing even harder.

  “Come on, dinner’s ready and it’s getting cold. Let’s sit everyone.”

  I didn’t know whether to be shocked or laugh my ass off. Danni’s parents were literally talking about fucking and teasing their daughter for blowing a guy in her room right at the dinner table. Danni gave my hand a squeeze and pulled me closer to the table.

  As I sat next to Danni, Dan took a seat to my left and patted my arm.

  “What’s the matter, son? Cat got your tongue?”

  I smiled a crooked smile at him and said, “Um, something like that. I’ve never heard parents joke like that before.”

  “That’s because my parents are awesome,” Danni exclaimed, picking up a bowl of macaroni and cheese and scooping some onto her plate.

  “Damn right we are,” Brenda said, smiling at me. “I hope we didn’t make you uncomfortable. We just like to tease each other and we’re pretty open around here.”

  Danni nudged me, asking silently if I wanted some macaroni and cheese and I nodded. Before I could take the bowl from her she scooped some onto my plate for me and then passed it to her mother.

  “Oh, I’m not uncomfortable. I was actually trying to decide if I should laugh or be shocked. I get why Danni loves you both so much. You seem really cool.”

  “We’ve always tried to be. My parents were always really strict so I knew when I had a child one day I would be more laid back,” Brenda said. “I mean, I didn’t let her drink and party and go home with half the football team, but I was always open with her and encouraged her to talk to me about anything and I promised I’d always listen.”

  “And you did, Mom,” Danni answered, scooping potatoes onto her plate. I grinned at her as she stopped and took a bite off the spoon before scooping more onto her plate.

  “I guess I just figured with you being an ex-SEAL and all that you’d be mega strict or straight laced,” I said to Dan.

  “Well, I was, but I left that part of me where it belonged: my job. I had to be disciplined and tough for my work but never with my wife and daughter. When I had to be gone on missions or when I was deployed my mind was one hundred percent on the task at hand, but when I came home I left it all behind me and wasn’t a SEAL at home; I was a husband and father,” Dan said to me.

  “Well, Danni’s really lucky to have a mom and dad like that. I wouldn’t know,” I said, and quickly took a bite of my food.

  I hadn’t noticed until then that Danni had filled my plate for me…one more reason I loved her. She took care of me in all aspects.

  “Yes, she told us you didn’t have the best upbringing but don’t worry. We didn’t ask her to tell us more. We figured you wouldn’t want to talk about it anyway,” Brenda said.

  I shrugged and said, “Well, I haven’t really talked to Danni about it because it’s not important. I’m sure I will eventually but why dwell on something I can’t change? The past is exactly that, the past. Life is damn near perfect right now because I have this gorgeous girl by my side,” I said, and Danni smiled at me and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

  “Well said,” Dan stated. “Where the hell were you ten years ago when she started dating? You could have saved Brenda and me a lot of headaches and gray hairs.”

  “Hey now,” Danni said, “Not every guy I dated was bad.”

  Dan and Brenda both laughed loudly and Brenda replied, “Oh give me a break! Don’t let her lie to you, Beau. She dated some real dumbasses before she met you.”

  “Well I wasn’t much better when she met me,” I answered honestly.

  “Hey, don’t sell yourself short. At least you have a job, a car, and a house, and you didn’t live with your parents until your ‘comic book stage play’ got noticed,” Brenda said, laughing.

  “Don’t worry, we like you. You’re cute.”

  “Thank you Brenda,” I said, smiling at her.

  Danni squeezed my leg under the table and I covered it with mine.

  “So, tell us Beau,” Dan asked, taking a bite of his ribs, “How’s life been treating you lately? Danni tells us you are working on another Bad Blooded Rebel album. How’s that going?”

  “It’s going good. We’re hoping to be done with it in the next two to three months.”

  “You usually tour when you have a new album come out, right?” he asked me.

  I nodded and said, “Yes, usually, but I think we might hold off on a tour for a few months for this record. Either that or push back the release.”

  I didn’t want to leave Danni home alone during her pregnancy and bringing her on the road with us when she was heavily pregnant would be a strain on her.

  “Why is that?” Brenda asked, taking a drink of iced tea.

  I looked at Danni and her eyes widened slightly and silently pleaded with me not to say anything to her parents about the baby yet.

  I smiled at her reassuringly and said, “Well, Everleigh and Ryder are having a baby in November so we are going to wait until after it’s born and talk about a short tour then.”

  Dan smiled with pride and said, “Brenda and I were so thrilled when Danni told us about her pregnancy. Everleigh is such a darling girl and we’re so happy for her and Ryder. I wish she’d come home and visit before she has the baby but we understand if she doesn’t want to.”

  “Ev misses everyone, but with Scott’s mother still living here and everything, she’s terrified that she will confront her and it’s not good for the baby,” Danni answered. “Maybe you both can make a trip to Cincinnati to visit. You haven’t done that since I moved, you know.”

  “I know, princess, and we’re sorry. What about over the Fourth of July? I have vacation time coming and I’d love to see where you live. Maybe take in a baseball game with your young man here,” Dan said, and Danni smiled. “Plus, it will give your mother a chance to slobber over the other guys in Beau’s band.”

  I smiled and laughed as Brenda said, “Damn right it would. I might be a happily married woman but I’m not dead yet. There isn’t anything wrong with appreciating a little eye candy.”

  I took a bite of my ribs and continued laughing as we all ate dinner together like a normal family. It felt great to be able to be with Danni and her parents and get a peek at what a real family should be like. Dan and Brenda Sharpe were hands down some of the coolest people I’ve ever met and after meeting them both, I was even more sure of my ultimate reason for bringing Danni to Muncie.

  “So, your parents are kind of fucking aweso
me,” I said to Danni as we went into her bedroom for the night.

  I shut the door behind me and she reached around me and locked it.

  “They are, aren’t they? I am so glad you brought me here, Beau. I have missed them so much and I have wanted them to meet you for a long time,” she said. “Everything feels like it’s falling into place for us now.”

  “So does that mean you are ready to tell them about the baby?” I asked.

  “I’ve been thinking about it. I want to do it this weekend but I’m just not sure when. Either way they will be happy about it, I’m sure.”

  I pulled her into my arms and said, “I hope so.”

  “They will be, I promise. So,” she said, running her fingers under my shirt at the waistband of my pants, “this has been such a good day. What do you say about making it a good night too?”

  I smiled at her. “I don’t know, Danni. I mean, we are at your parents’ house and this is your childhood room. Don’t you think we should at least try to control ourselves and not have sex until we get back home?”

  She stared blankly at me and asked, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  I laughed and answered, “Yes, I just wanted to get your reaction before I dragged your hot ass over to that bed.”

  She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. She toyed with the ends of my hair and said, “Thank God because if you tried to hold out on me tonight I might have had to kick your ass.”

  She moved up toward my face and planted a kiss right on my lips.

  I grabbed her ass in both hands and pulled her toward the bed.

  “Really now? Well, it seems like someone’s forgetting who’s in charge in the bedroom,” I said, pulling her quickly toward the bed and wasting no time stripping her of her shirt.

  My eyes roamed down to the little hard bump right under her belly button and I touched it with my fingers. It was beautiful to see her stomach growing more and more and knowing that it was my child inside her…I was the one who made it happen. My dick quickly went rock solid at the sight of her curvy body, and I reached up and unsnapped her bra, causing her full breasts to pop out.


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