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Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)

Page 18

by Mellie George

  “Beau, I can’t hold on, I’m going to come,” she cried out, clawing my shoulders.

  “Then let go, baby. Come for me beautiful,” I commanded, and after two more thrusts she tossed her head back and screamed in pleasure.

  Watching her come was breathtaking…her eyes rolled back and her lashes fluttered as her body was rocked with her orgasm. Seeing her writhing in pleasure while I was deep inside her set off my own release and I emptied myself inside her tight pussy.

  “Fuck!” I screamed as I came hard.

  “Yes, Beau, come inside me!” she yelled, her body shaking in ecstasy.

  We were both breathing heavily as we rode out our orgasms.

  When I opened my eyes, I was looking at a very satisfied and relaxed Danni, her honey-colored locks splayed out around her head and her eyes closed. I reached up and traced the curve of her cheek. “God you’re so beautiful. I love you so much.”

  Her eyes fluttered open and she replied, “I love you too, Beau. I’m so happy that I’ll be your wife.” She reached up and put her hand on my face, rubbing the stubble on my cheeks.

  “I love hearing you say that. I can’t wait to marry you, baby.”

  “Me too,” she said, her eyes misting. “I have wanted you to ask me to marry you for a while. I want to move in with you but I wanted us to at least be engaged when I did.”

  “Well fuck,” I said, laughing. “If I’d known that I’d have done this sooner. I’ve wanted to ask you for a while.”

  “You have?” she asked, smiling. She moved her hand up and combed her delicate fingers through my hair.

  “I’ve wanted to ask you to marry me since the moment you stepped into my shower back in March and asked for a chance.”

  “Beau,” she whispered lovingly.

  “You’ve saved me, Danni. You know that, right?”

  “You saved yourself, Beau, I just gave you the nudge.”

  “Don’t downplay it. I am the happiest I’ve ever been and it’s all because of you. I’m a lucky bastard to even have you in my life after what I did in New York.”

  “We both made mistakes there. Stop blaming yourself for it,” she replied.

  “Well one huge thing I learned from all of that is that I was an asshole and I never want to be that guy again. I never want to live a life without you.”

  “You’ll never have to because I love you as much as you love me. You are my whole world, Beau, and you’re the only future I want.”

  In that moment I felt an intense wave of joy and if it wouldn’t have made me look like a pussy I’d have cried. I was lying on a bed on a yacht after just making love to my gorgeous fiancée (it felt good to even think that). I could guarantee that there was no one in this whole fucking world that was happier than I was at that moment.

  Chapter 13


  With Beau’s gorgeous, chiseled body lying naked against mine, I wanted to freeze time. He felt so amazing against me and as much as I wanted to lie there with him for a little longer, our family was waiting on deck and I could tell it was getting dark outside.

  Reluctantly, we both got up and got dressed. After a quick kiss, he led me back up on deck where everyone was sitting around, talking and laughing. It had gotten dark out and the fireworks probably weren’t far from starting.

  Running my hands through my hair and I heard my mom say, “Well, there you are. I expected you two to come back up about ten minutes ago.”

  Laughing, we walked to a lounge chair and Beau sat down, pulling me into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair as he wrapped a throw blanket around us.

  “Why is that?”

  “Well you both stopped making ape noises and screaming ‘yes’ a few minutes ago. Just thought you’d be back up here by now, that’s all,” Dad replied, giving everyone a good laugh.

  “God, Dad,” I smiled.

  “What? We all know what you were doing down there, princess. Are you going to deny it?” he asked.

  “No, but you don’t need to be all, I don’t know, cool with the fact that your daughter just had sex on a yacht while you were up here,” I replied.

  “Oh Danni, lighten up. You’re twenty six years old and you’re pregnant. We know you and Beau have sex and based on the noises we all heard you must have rocked his world! ‘Atta girl,” he said, winking at me.

  Beau was laughing hard now so I just rolled my eyes and gave it right back to Dad. “Well, does Mom still give it to you like that?”

  “Every freaking day, Danni,” he answered with a straight face.

  Jude snorted and said, “Seriously, Danni, your parents are fucking awesome.”

  “You want them?” I joked.

  Jude laughed at me and I snuggled into Beau’s body even more.

  “So,” Beau said softly, “when do you want to move in?”

  I chuckled. “How about tomorrow?”


  “Really. I don’t want to spend another night without your arms around me.”

  “Good, because I’m never going to let you,” he said, kissing my hair. “I’m hiring a moving company first thing tomorrow.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that,” I protested. Before I could continue, he interrupted me.

  “Baby, I don’t want you lifting a finger in this, okay? All I need you to worry about is keeping Jelly Bean safe and not stressing yourself out. Let me take care of everything.”

  I sighed, knowing that arguing with Beau was pointless. Beau was extremely stubborn when it came to my well-being. It had gotten worse since I became pregnant, but even though it frustrated me that he turned all cave man, it warmed my heart to know he loved me that much.

  “Okay, I’ll sit around the apartment and order the movers around while I drink lemonade, how does that sound?”

  Beau grinned.

  “Excellent,” he replied, as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

  I laid my head on his warm, bare chest and we just held each other for a few moments before the fireworks started to light up the night sky. I watched them exploding and glowing above us; they were so beautiful. It hit me in that moment that this time next year we’d be watching the fireworks with our daughter in our arms. As we watched the show together, the lights of the fireworks reflected off my engagement ring, making it shine brighter than anything in the sky. I smiled as I looked at it and felt such joy at what it represented; the life that I’d always wanted and the happiness our family would always have.

  I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through the white cotton curtains in my bedroom. Beau had one arm pillowed under my head and the other cradling my belly. I stretched my arms out as he let out a soft moan.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered into my ear.

  I twisted in his arms to face him and looked deeply into his eyes.

  “Good morning to you. Did you sleep okay? I know this bed couldn’t have been very comfortable.”

  We had stayed in my apartment for my last night here and I still had the queen-sized bed I’d gotten from a friend when I moved out on my own. The thing was on its last legs and was one item I would not be bringing with me.

  “I had you in my arms all night. I slept like a baby. Which reminds me…” he said, letting me go and moving down so his face was next to my stomach.

  “Good morning to you, Jelly Bean. Daddy loves you.” He kissed my bare belly and I shivered. His mouth and hands began to explore my body but I knew I had to stop him. I had to completely move from my apartment to his house in one day and there were a ton of things to do.

  “Listen,” I said, combing my fingers through his thick soft hair. “As much as I want to play around in this bed one last time, we have a lot to do this morning and the movers are supposed to be here early.”

  Groaning, he kissed my belly one more time as he spoke to our baby.

  “You hear this? Mommy’s already bossing me around. Guess I better get moving.”

  I lay back on the
pillow admiring him as he stood and stretched. Tingles rushed right to my core as I watched him get dressed. His naked body was a sight to behold; he looked like a living breathing sculpture.

  “I’m going to get things started, but you might want to get dressed soon because Ryder and Ev are supposed to be coming by this morning to help. They’re bringing breakfast so you won’t have to cook.”

  “Good,” I said, sitting up. “I am already feeling drained and I just woke up. I don’t think I have the energy to make food for everyone.”

  He zipped up his jeans before turning to face me. I started to get out of bed but he rushed over to me before I could even get one foot on the floor.

  “Here, let me help you, baby.”

  “Beau, I’m only five months pregnant. I’m not an invalid.”

  “I don’t care. Hands off, feet up today, okay? You and Ev both. Just tell us what to pack and how you want things arranged and we’ll get it done, okay?”

  He pulled me into his arms and I smiled as I snuggled into him.

  “Okay, okay. Geez, since when did you go all caveman on me?”

  “Get used to it, woman,” he replied, smacking me lightly on the ass.

  Giggling, I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes.

  “I’m going to get started on the kitchen, see you in a second.” He dropped a kiss on my forehead and walked out of the room.

  Several hours later, everything had been packed into boxes and bags and the moving crew Beau hired had completely cleared everything out of the apartment. Ryder and Beau were helping the movers load the last few pieces of furniture onto the truck, so Ev and I were alone in the empty apartment.

  “Well,” she said, putting an arm around my shoulder. “This is it. You’re moving in with your fiancé. Are you excited?”

  “I’m so excited,” I answered. “Can you believe this is all happening? This time last year I was living in Muncie, depressed, and missing the only man I’ve ever loved and now here I am. Engaged, pregnant, and about to have the life I’ve always wanted.”

  “I knew you and Beau would work it out,” she said with a grin. “Beau is such a good guy and I am thrilled to see you both so happy.”

  “I really am so happy.”

  I looked around my empty apartment and instead of feeling sad, I was ecstatic. I moved here after Ev called me to help Beau, and this place would forever remind me of that time. I was glad that I came here but this apartment held memories of me being alone and sad and crying for him. I was looking forward to leaving all of that behind and moving on.

  Beau and Ryder walked back into the apartment and Ryder asked, “You beauties ready to get out of here?”

  I sighed and walked into Beau’s waiting arms. “Take me home, sexy.”

  He growled into my ear and squeezed my ass.

  “I like the sound of that, beautiful. Let’s go.”

  I smiled at him as he took my hand in his and led me out of the apartment for the last time.

  After all of my belongings were unloaded into Beau’s house, the guys insisted on going to dinner so they could feed the women in their lives. After eating so much that I was sure the baby had gained a full pound, we said our goodbyes to Ryder and Everleigh and made our way to the car. I was eager to get home, knowing that I would be spending every night in his bed…our bed. Our little girl would grow here, learn to walk here, ride her bike on this street. This would be the house where all our wonderful memories would be made, and I planned on filling our home with so many of them that they would be bursting out of the walls.


  “So, did you have fun tonight, Danni?” Sadie asked me.

  “Of course I did, girl, it was a blast. It’s always been my dream to spend a small fortune on sex toys at my bachelorette party,” I teased.

  Everyone smiled and laughed, including me. With Everleigh and me both being pregnant, we had a hard time deciding what to do for the bachelorette party. Obviously neither of us could drink and since it would look tacky as hell if two pregnant women went to a club, Sadie took charge of the festivities. When she told me she wanted to have a sex toy party, she thought I wouldn’t be up for it but I totally was. This pregnancy had turned me into a hormonal monster. I was hornier than I’d ever been in my life! I could literally have sex with Beau all day long and never be fully satisfied.

  “Well, I’m always happy to help my brother get laid on a daily basis,” she said, laughing.

  “Seriously, was it okay? I know these things usually don’t involve a bunch of pregnant women and there are usually a few more people.”

  “Sadie, I had a blast. I bought a lot of awesome stuff and I even got Ev to buy some things. Seeing her blush as she picked out a vibrator was the best gift I could have ever gotten.”

  Everleigh rolled her eyes and smiled. “Oh shut up. Ryder and I won’t be using it for a while anyway, so what’s the big deal? I’m too huge to do anything!”

  Everleigh was heavily pregnant with her son and even thought she wasn’t due for another three weeks, her little monster-sized baby boy was making it difficult for her to do much of anything. I almost suggested that we take bets on when he would be born since she looked like she was already overdue, but I didn’t. At thirty-seven weeks she was considered full term and could have him safely at any time. As anxious as we all were to meet their baby, I selfishly hoped that she could hold out until after our wedding to have him.

  It was the night before the wedding and as the minutes ticked by I was getting more and more anxious. I wanted the day to be perfect but for more reasons than the usual ones…Jake Riggins was coming to Cincinnati for the wedding. His cousin, Jagger, was the lead singer of Eternal Down and Beau and the guys were friends with all of them. It was going to be our first time seeing them since “the incident” in New York, and I was nervous to see Jake again. Even though we only shared a kiss, it was the kiss that started the whole downward spiral.

  Beau said he was cool with him coming, but I knew he was irritated by it. I thought it was way past time that the two of them talked. It had all been a huge misunderstanding that Beau had never given either of us the chance to explain until recently. I didn’t want their entire friendship to suffer because of a simple kiss.

  “So,” Jessie asked me, “you doing okay? Are you nervous yet?”

  It was like she could read my mind. “A little bit, but not about the wedding. I’m nervous about Jake being here.”

  “Danni, you have nothing to worry about. Jake is a flirt and we all know it, even Beau. That’s just his personality. He’s hit on me more times than I can remember but he’s just that kind of guy. He flirts, but he never tries to take a girl from one of his boys. He’s really a good guy once you get past his personality faults,” she said, laughing.

  “I can see that. He told me as much when he kissed me and I backed away. I just love Beau so much and I don’t want anything to ruin our wedding day.”

  “It’ll be fine, Danni, I promise,” she said, and suddenly she put her hand on her stomach and grimaced.

  “Jessie, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m just feeling a little queasy.”

  “You know, you’ve been looking pale all evening, Jess. Are you sure you’re all right?” Everleigh asked, joining the conversation with Sadie and my mom in tow.

  “It is the middle of October and flu season is starting.”

  “I’m fine, really, and I’m positive it isn’t the flu. I didn’t know until now, but morning sickness can hit you all damn day,” she answered, smiling at us.

  Everyone gasped. “Wait, what? Jess, you’re pregnant?” I squealed. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “I’m telling you now. Kris and I just took the test, or should I say tests, this morning. I took ten just to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me.”

  Her smile practically lit up the room. “I’m just so happy. We’ve wanted this for so long.”

  I could hear the emotion thick in h
er voice. Everyone knew how badly Kris and Jessie wanted to be parents. But the way she said it told me there was more to her desire to be a mother than we all knew.

  I pulled her into a hug. “That’s amazing, congratulations!”

  Everyone took turns hugging her but when it was Sadie’s turn, she broke away from her quickly.

  “I’m happy for you Jess, but I need to step back for a second. There’s too much pregnancy in this room and I’m afraid I’ll catch it.”

  Everleigh laughed. “Sadie, you can’t get pregnant unless you are sleeping with someone, and Ryder told me you and Jude have some kind of ‘no sex’ pact going on so relax.”

  “It’s not really a ‘no sex’ pact. I just didn’t want him to be celibate alone. I’m kind of like a sponsor or something like that,” she explained and I giggled.

  “Besides, I bought a ton of things tonight that will keep my nether regions occupied until I have the real thing.”

  “Well, you could have the real thing if you’d just tell Jude how you feel about him already,” I pointed out.

  Sadie sighed, running her delicate fingers through her long blonde hair while glaring at me. “Not happening, Danni. Just let it go.”

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “You two are impossible. He’s oblivious to the fact that he has a gorgeous bad-ass girl right in front of his nose that loves him, and you are too stubborn to tell him that. Kids, I tell ya’.”

  “Okay, can we not talk about my fucked up love life anymore and focus on the fact that my big brother is marrying the hottest pregnant blonde I know?” Sadie clearly needed a change of subject.

  We spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing and reveling in all the good things that were happening within our family. I’d be marrying Beau in less than twelve hours and Everleigh, Jessie, and I were all having babies and starting families. The only thing that would make me happier would be if Sadie finally confessed her feelings to Jude and they ended up together.


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