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The Soul Eater (Chronicles 1): The Book of Roland

Page 21

by James Master

  *** 5 ***

  The sun finally set on the construction yard as the three travelers waited for the arrival of the undead. As soon as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, the moans began almost by the flip of a switch. They didn't see any zombies until ten minutes after the sunset. Roland had told the others that they should wait by the car and see how many of the undead were in the construction yard. That way, they wouldn't stumble over them when they first arrived. When Jessica argued about it, he firmly shut her down. Better to let the zombies come to them than the other way around he said. Ashley was watching Jessica, noticing how she kept looking at Roland with intense hatred. Ashley had no idea why this hatred had come to be, but it was not going to be his undoing.

  As luck would have it, no zombies occupied the construction yard, but there plenty of them outside the fence. Ashley watched them shamble up to the gates trying to enter but denied by the locked gate. They moaned in frustration. Roland took out his M1 Garand and aimed it at one of the zombies, but lowered the rifle.

  “Why don't you cowardly murder them like sheep Roland?” Jessica asked, the hatred fading from her eyes. Roland turned his head and looked at her, briefly noting where Ashley was standing, not too far, but just close enough. He stifled a grin that was creeping up on his lips.

  “I just don't think they are worth the bullets. I don't think any are upstairs so let's get up the ladder and pull it up with us. Then we are going to make camp for the night and get some shut eye. If the zombies don't keep us up, that is.”

  They camped on the third floor of the building, knocking down the ladders but always kept one so they could get back down. Ashley had one eye on Jessica and one on the floor above them. She had the feeling that they were not alone, someone or something else was with them on this floor or the one above. Roland knew that Jessica was watching him, but didn't pay it any mind. He knew something was wrong with her, something was different. He also knew that she wanted to get Roland alone. She would get her chance.

  It was half past six by the time they settled in for the night. Roland made a small camp fire using some lumber he found on the second floor. Ashley had remembered that she had found marshmallows at one of the many gas stations they passed on their trip. The three of them sat around the fire and roasted them. Roland and Ashley were paired up on one side of the flame, while Jessica was sitting on the opposite site not saying much. Roland looked across the fire and saw the vacant look in her eyes. “Jessica, what is wrong? It seems like you have been out of it for the last couple days.”

  It took a second before she looked up from wherever she was locking eyes with Roland. He didn't recognize the eyes he was staring into, they were not the eyes of the pretty, arrogant, snot nosed brat that he and Ashley picked up that day. They were the eyes of a cold, dark entity that somehow looked familiar. Roland couldn't place those eyes and a pit of cold dread started growing inside of him, near his stomach. When she spoke, he averted his gaze unable to stand to look into those alien eyes.

  “Roland, I think I am just on my period. I get pretty foul this time of the month so please excuse me. Are you enjoying your marshmallows? I have never in my life had such a treat like this one.” She waved the stick out of the fire and watched as the marshmallow burned. The flame consumed the sugar of the white fluff and twisted it into a black, crispy husk. Jessica's eyes were wide with perverted enjoyment as she watched the process. Roland and Ashley exchanged an odd look and then turned back to watch the girl. Roland shook the shiver that was crawling up his spine just long enough to ask her if she was going to eat that. Jessica kept staring at it until Roland asked again. She started from her trance. “What was that Roland?”

  “I asked if you were going to eat that or play with it.” Jessica smiled as she looked at Roland through the camp fire. The shiver was coming back to Roland despite his attempts to shake it off him. “I like playing with my food before I consume it.” She then plucked the marshmallow off the stick and placed it in her mouth, sucking the stickiness off her fingers.

  It was soon after that, that Roland spread his sleeping roll on the floor of the third floor and plopped down on it.

  “You both should get some sleep, tomorrow is a big day. Don't worry about any of the undead, they are pretty well taken care of. I mean that they can't come up here.” Ashley unrolled her knapsack right next to Roland's and sat next to him. Roland was reminded of a protective dog, but he knew why Ashley was being so guarding. Jessica stood and placed her sleeping roll on the other side of the campfire and sat down.

  Ashley and Jessica sat there opposite of the camp fire, neither person breaking their stares. Roland started to snore after a time, signaling that he was asleep. Ashley was about to look away when Jessica turned her gaze. Ashley watched the girl, if that's what she is, lay down and act like she was sleeping. Not trusting Jessica, Ashley stood guard on the knapsack by Roland until she could bear it no longer. She fell asleep sitting.

  *** 6 ***

  Ashley woke up with a jolt. How could she be so stupid as to fall asleep with that bitch on the other side of the campfire? She looked to her right and saw with some relief that Roland was still snoring loudly. She turned to look back across the campfire, noticing in an instant that Jessica's sleeping roll was empty. Ashley drew her weapon and was awake and alert in an instant. The dying fire emitted barely any light so she couldn't see anything beyond her and Roland's vicinity. She heard a sound in front of her that sounded like shoes scraping on cement. Ashley stood and started to go towards the noise when she thought about waking her sleeping companion. The sound of the ladder hitting the floor below them took her thought away. She quietly took off her shoes and tiptoed over to where the sounds were coming from.

  She saw a dark shape climbing down the ladder, waiting until she heard the scraping sounds drift away before following them down the ladder. When she arrived on the second floor, she waited to hear from which direction the shoes were going. After a minute of hearing nothing, she was getting ready to go wake Roland. She waited another minute, not hearing anything she decided to retrieve Roland and then they could continue her search.

  That was when she felt a heavy object conk her on the back of her head. Hands pulled her from the ladder and laid her down softly. The last thing she saw before blacking out was Jessica climbing up the ladder. Blackness took her then.

  *** 7 ***

  Roland watched as Jessica climbed the ladder. He was unsure of what to do with her. Killing her would not be the most prudent thing to do since he was sure that it was not her walking towards him. The thing stopped at the foot of his bedroll. He shut his eyes and tried his best to act like he was sleeping.

  “Roland, I know that you are not sleeping. Please, let's be perfectly honest with each other. Don't you think so?” The jig was up he thought as he opened his eyes to look at the thing that was controlling Jessica. The thing he saw was Jessica, but she wasn't at the same time. He noticed the major difference was the eyes. They were white, no pupils. It took over Roland with Jessica's father's 9mm in her hands, pointed at Roland.

  “Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way. It’s your choice Roland so choose please.” She whirled the gun around on one of her fingers, a sign that Jessica was something more sinister. Jessica wasn’t dexterous enough to wield a piece like that, plus those eyes! Roland sat up on his elbows, thinking out some way to even his chances of walking away from this encounter.

  “What have you done to Ashley?” The thing talking through Jessica laughed but never taking its eyes off Roland.

  “What is the whelp's welfare a concern to you? You are the one that’s in this dire situation.” Roland didn't like to be told the obvious and looked the thing in its eyes for the first time.

  “The reason why I want to know is going to decide whether I kill you or not. Now tell me if you left Ashley alive.” The thing laughed again, “I must say, Roland, you are a spitting image of your father in every way. You both seem to have a lack of self-pres
ervation. The child still lives, though if she sees first light that is a different thing.” Roland sighed with relief.

  “Just tell me what it is you want to be accomplished.” The thing made Jessica smile in a serious, but the wicked way that made Roland shiver.

  “Simple enough request is what I desire. I want three things from you, Roland. First, I want your first born child. Second, I want Ashley under my control. She is a soothsayer, a prophet of sorts that would be of extreme use to me. The third is what I desire the most. I want to be free.”

  “And how would you get those things. You have sex with me to get my child. You’ll probably kill me. I have no idea what the hell you are, what your true goals are, but I must warn you: Nothing you desire will come to fruition. I would rather kill Ashley then let you use her for your own means. You’ve already shot yourself in the foot with my child. My first born died a long time ago.”

  The thing laughed, and shrugged off the string top that covered Jessica's upper body. Roland saw her pink bra and was hit by an odd mix of feelings. Lust, fear, desire, and disgust were but few of those that Roland's brain was trying to decipher when the thing that controlled Jessica unhooked the bra itself, letting the bra fall to the floor, exposing her impressive breasts.

  “I must say, this body is a rather pleasant one, wouldn't you agree Roland?” The thing used the hand not holding the 9mm to rub the tip of her left nipple.

  Roland, not to be deterred by the distraction, sat up on his rear. He pulled the revolver that was underneath the covers with him as he did, pointing the barrel at the half naked possessed woman. The thing laughed when it saw the hand cannon. It wiggled out of Jessica's skirt flashing Roland with what was underneath it which was a thin red thong. Again Roland felt that mixture of lust and disgust, but still managed to keep the gun aimed at the thing. It laughed again, clearly noticing what he was feeling.

  “Roland, give it up. I know what you’re feeling, I feel it myself. This body, Jessica you say her name is, she wants you. Badly. You just need to give in, let your emotions guide you. That is what makes your species extraordinary.” The thing lowered the gun and the thong to the ground at the same time.

  Roland watched as It lowered Jessica on top of him, straddling him with her legs. Roland attempted to push her off, but the thing, Roland found out, was stronger than Jessica. It stayed on top of Roland and laughed demonically. “Sorry, Roland. Your chance to stop me ended when you didn't pull the trigger. Now I am going to get what I came for.” Roland, as fast as he could, aimed the gun again at Jessica. He was no longer concerned for her well fair. The thing flicked the revolver out of his hand, sending it clattering to the ground away from Roland's reach.

  It ripped off the boxers Roland wore and to Roland's shame his organ was erect and hard as a rock. The thing teased it with its borrowed hands. “So hard, you should be proud of yourself Roland. I will make your child my own and through him, I shall rule this world.” With that last remark, the thing guided Roland into Jessica. The thing started thrusting with hard violence. Roland tried to hold out, but he was in too much pleasure. He finally came into Jessica.

  The thing stopped it's violent thrusting a full minute later. It looked down at Roland. “Sorry about the lingering, had to make sure that I got every last drop. I would hate to have to come back. However, I don't think you would mind by the looks of things. Before I kill you I should probably tell you the child inside me is your first born.” A cold dread started up his spine when he heard the bitch. It must have seen its words had on him because it laughed.

  “That’s right Roland, I was inside your wife. Once to impregnate her and the second time spending nine months inside her as her child. She cheated on you with me. Then again she cheated me when she smothered the wretched thing, snuffing my chance at freedom. Now you understand why it had to be you, Roland. I always collect my debts. It was only misfortune that you be married to that conniving unfaithful slut. I think I’ll put you out of your misery now.” The thing slowly picked up the 9mm from where it was lying next to the thong and propped it next to Roland's right temple. It was about to pull the trigger when it felt something propped against its right temple.

  “Don't think for a second I won't pull the trigger you evil bitch.” It turned Jessica's head ever so slightly to find Ashley and her weapon standing behind it. The thing smiled again, exposing Jessica's perfectly white teeth. To Ashley, it was downright creepy in the moonlight mixed with those blank eyes staring at her.

  “But Ashley, you wouldn't hurt your old pal Jessica, now would you?” Ashley sarcastically laughed, “You’re not her. Plus, I don't like her anyway, if you want proof of that then just ask Jessica herself if she is still in there.” The thing looked like it was thinking, then displayed the faintest flicker of doubt. That was the thing she needed in order for her plan to work.

  “I see the two of you have talked, awesome. Then I propose that you stand up and slowly walk away from Roland. Also if you would please, drop the gun.” Roland watched as the thing stood slowly, but didn't drop the 9mm. It turned and stared at Ashley. When it spoke, it made Ashley flinch a bit. “Girl, you have a level of bravery I have not seen since the three hundred fought the Persians. Before the week is out, I will see you under my control, of that, you can be sure.” Ashley laughed and pressed the gun barrel into Jessica's right eye.

  “I thought I made myself clear. I said drop the gun or I’ll shoot. This is my last warning.” Ashley pulled the hammer back on the gun. The only sound in the desolate construction yard was the clicking of the hammer locking into place. The thing turned around to look down at Roland. It smiled. Roland was once again on his elbows. The sight of Jessica naked didn't make him full of lust and desire, it just made him feel dirty and ashamed of himself. The thing seemed to sense this disgust and inhaled deeply.

  “Ah, the scent of shame, I so do love the aroma it produces. I will give you one final message Roland. If you want to try and save this girl that I am controlling now, and then please get to the stadium in two days. That is exactly forty-eight hours from now. Oh, and make sure Starke is with you. He seems to have his own agenda these days. I am sure that he will make himself known in due time.” It turned around to face Ashley and the barrel of her gun. “You, virgin, be sure your there as well. I have need of someone with your purity.” It laughed maniacally and swatted the gun from Ashley’s hands, causing it to discharge into the floor about a foot from Roland's naked body. Roland watched as Jessica and the thing inside her jumped down onto the floor below, disappearing into the darkness of the city.

  When Ashley turned from the ladder where Jessica had fled she saw Roland naked. She turned away quickly, blushing as she did. “You might want to cover up before you explain yourself.” Roland glanced down and quickly pulled the cover of the bedroll up to his chest.

  “Well, we were right, that wasn't Jessica.” Ashley looked back out of the corner of her eye to make sure that Roland was decent, finding him so she sat down on her own sleeping bag. Roland didn't look at Ashley when he tried to explain the last ten minutes.

  “Ashley, first let me tell you that I am sorry I didn't listen to you the first time. It almost cost both of us our lives.” Ashley placed a hand on Roland's naked shoulder.

  “Roland, it's all right. You couldn't know that Jessica was being controlled by whatever that was. Why were you having sex with that thing anyway?” Roland shook her hand away and looked at Ashley with tears in his eyes.

  “I wasn't, that thing raped me.” He looked away, silently crying. The pain and disgust were settling in on Roland. He was breaking and Ashley was cursing herself for asking such a stupid question.

  “I'm sorry Roland. I shouldn't have left your side, but I fell asleep.” Roland wiped away the tears in his eyes. Looking at her again, Ashley could still see the pain, but none of the shame.

  “No, I guess a part of me wanted her. I guess I just didn't want her like that. I'm willing to bet that Jessica, the real Jessica, felt
every bit of pain that I went through just then. For that, I am going to hunt that thing down and kill it.” Ashley nodded, silently pledging to stay by his side no matter what happened.

  “Roland, what did that thing mean when it said it had plans for me? And was Starke working with that thing? I am more confused than I have ever been. And how the hell does it know that I am a virgin?” Roland shook his head. More questions and more riddles to solve.

  “Well, I guess it must have smelled your virgin blood. It smelled my pain and suffering. It makes sense that bastard Starke is under the thumb of that demon. Why is just another question to be put on the stack. It called you a soothsayer or a prophet. I guess it knows that you can see the future, past, and present. It wanted you under its employ. It wanted my firstborn child, that's the reason it was fucking me. I can only assume that it is luring us to the stadium so that it can carry out its big plan. I just hope we meet Starke on the way down. I have questions for that bastard.”

  Ashley shook her head. “I thought zombies in the real world were bad, now we have a possessed princess running around possibly carrying your baby. Now, we must go to the Colts' stadium for some demonic showdown. How could it get worse?” Roland laughed and smiled at Ashley.

  “Well, we could be at the Texans' stadium.”

  *** 8 ***

  Starke was watching what Roland and Jessica were doing from his 'borrowed' telescope. His boss had wanted him to keep an eye on them since they entered the ruins that were once Indianapolis. He didn't know what the boss had in store for Roland and his two bitches, but from the view, he was seeing Roland was having some fun of his own. He pulled a bottle of cola from his backpack and took a sip. When he looked back through the lens, Jessica was standing in all her naked glory with a gun to the back of her head. Starke moved the lens a tad to the right to see Ashley pointing the weapon.


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