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Interview with the Rock Star

Page 10

by Rylee Swann

  Oh, do I ever hope I’m right.

  I’m right.

  It would be so embarrassing if I’m not.

  No, yeah, I’m right.

  I slide up onto the empty stool at the bar beside Michael and tap his newspaper. “Nice trick.”

  “You’re late,” he says.

  He’s still smiling that goddamned cocky smile of his, but something behind his eyes says he doesn’t like to be kept waiting. “I know. I’m not usually. Sorry.” Remembering that this is a job interview, regardless of how unorthodox the job might be, I try for an expression of contrite mixed with professionalism. I hope it doesn’t make me look psychotic; I’m so nervous. I glance to the ringers Michael had placed at the bar. They’re still smiling, laughing, and now raising their drinks to us.

  “Did you make me wait on purpose?”

  “Honestly, no. I was a little nervous and getting ready took longer than it should have.” No point in lying.

  He nods. “How did you know it was me?”

  “Lucky guess?”

  His smile widens. “No, come on, really. Tell me.”

  I’m staring at him. I know I’m staring, but I can’t help it. This guy oozes sexuality and its working. It’s a dark, smoldering sexuality heightened by his black clothing and black hair, just starting to turn gray at the temples. A shock of it falls into his eyes, and I want to run my fingers through it.

  What’s wrong with me?

  I swallow and take hold of myself. “Did you know that your dimples show when you smile like that?”

  I elicit a chuckle from him. It rumbles from his chest and makes my clit twitch. “Of course, I know.” He smiles again, and his eyes travel down my body, lingering on my breasts before he meets my eyes. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Chardonnay,” I manage to say. My mouth has dried up, and I’m going to appreciate that first sip.

  He nods and motions to the bartender to place the order. We sit in silence while he continues to appraise me until my drink arrives. Gratefully, I take a sip and try not to gulp. “So, umm—”

  Thankfully, he cuts off my not so stellar attempt at conversation. “A little overweight and you need a better haircut, but you’ll do. Once you lose some weight, not more than twenty pounds, I’d say, you’ll be a cute petite little thing. The assholes eat up petite.”

  I think my ears must be broken. “Umm… what?”

  Did this guy just call me fat? A complete stranger who’s supposed to be interviewing me for a job? He’s so rude, and this is so humiliating. Maybe I should just cut my losses and leave right now. I don’t need this kind of abuse from him or anyone. Been there, done that. Didn’t have much fun.

  My expression must be giving away my thoughts. “It’s alright, relax. I think you’re delicious and cute just the way you are now, but you do want to be the best you can be for this job. The pay gets better.”

  I nod dumbly. Okay, the pay’ll get better if I’m supermodel thin. I guess that makes sense.


  Did he just say I was delicious?

  “You’re rude,” I blurt out.

  He graces me with another of his practiced smiles. “I’d rather call it abrupt… and honest.” He leans so close I can smell him. He smells like the ocean, and it’s turning me on. “So, tell me. Could you fuck me while someone watches?”

  That jolts me back to reality, and I stall by taking another sip of my wine. “Could you?” I parry.

  He laughs but stays close to me. His scent is heady, salty, and masculine. “Of course, I could. It’s my job. The question is for you, not me.”

  “Did you call them assholes?” I parry again.

  He watches me for a moment before nodding. “Ninety-nine out of a hundred of them are, yes. The one out of a hundred has a fetish and can’t help himself. Answer the question.”

  I lift the wine to my lips, but in a smooth move, the glass is suddenly in Michael’s hand. I look up at him, and he smiles indulgently. He wants an answer. “Umm… well, what kind of money are we talking about here?”

  He takes a sip of my wine and sloshes it around his mouth before swallowing. Very slowly, he leans toward me, like he’s about to tell me a secret. I lean forward in eager anticipation of his answer and am rewarded with his lips pressed firmly against mine. I jump in surprise, and he puts his free hand on my shoulder to hold me in place.

  My heart begins to pound as the kiss lengthens and grows more insistent. I haven’t opened my mouth to him yet, and he teases my lips with his tongue, probing, demanding that I make way for him. I do, and he rushes in, hot and tasting of the sweet wine. I can’t help sucking on the velvety softness. He growls deep in his throat in approval and starts fucking my mouth, his hand moving from my shoulder to the back of my neck to hold me steady.

  I imagine that everyone at the bar is watching us. It’s quite the display, and he’s not holding back. His kiss is forceful, rude, demanding, strangling, and I open my mouth wider to him, begging for more as I grow moist between my legs.

  Without warning, he stops and settles back onto his barstool. He looks completely unaffected, but I whimper as he breaks contact. He chuckles, the rumble of the sound curling my toes. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Yes?” I mimic, a bit dazed and unsure of what he’s talking about.

  “Yes,” he repeats, a smile growing on his lips. “You could fuck me with some asshole watching.”

  Frozen to the spot, the heat rises to my cheeks. Great. Now I’m blushing like a schoolgirl. How will I ever convince Michael that I can do the job if an impassioned kiss at a bar embarrasses me?

  He chuckles while my body tells me that I want his lips on me again.


  What is wrong with me? I ask myself for nearly the hundredth time in the past forty-eight hours.

  “The blush is sweet, but also an indicator that you haven’t done anything like this before. If you can do this — and we don’t know that yet, do we? — try to keep the blush. The voyeurs’ll eat that up.” He reaches out and traces a finger around my left breast. I gasp at the forwardness, even as my nipple betrays me and hardens. Then I remind myself that this is the sort of interview I should expect when the job is about letting men watch me fuck. I shiver as Michael’s finger inches closer and closer to my pert nipple. “Are you an exhibitionist?” he asks in a low rumble. “That’s what we have to find out, isn’t it?”


  That’s all I can manage to say.


  My throat has dried up, and I need a more liquid courage. I reach for it and my back arches, sending Michael’s finger right over my pebbled tip. I gasp at the shock waves his touch sends coursing through me and gulp down my drink, humiliated, watching the strangers at the bar over the rim of my glass. Can they see what’s going on? Are they watching? Will the bartender call the cops? Are we going to get kicked out?

  “Oh my god…” I breathe as Michael continues to rub my nipple with the pad of his thumb. I’m nervous and embarrassed, but I also have to admit, I love what he’s doing to me. It feels so good, and if I’m honest, I don’t want him to stop.

  He’s watching me with an intensity that makes me dizzy, my own eyes darting around like a frightened kitten. I know my face is beet red now, but I’m not stopping him, which must be good for the job interview, I hope.

  Unexpectedly, he tweaks my nipple then pulls away. I moan at the sudden sensation.

  Actually moan.

  In the middle of an upscale bar.

  Oh my god.

  Then I ruin it all by choking on my wine. I gag and cough and sputter while Michael watches.

  And nods.

  I’m so self-conscious. How many people saw what he was just doing to me? And now, of course, heads are turning in my direction as I attempt to get air past my spasming throat.

  With one hand, Michael takes my drink and sets it on the bar top. His other hand pushes against my knees to spread my legs apart, and
I vaguely wonder if he’s about to perform a reverse Heimlich maneuver.

  His eyes darken even further as he reaches for me, but nowhere close to where I expected. He touches me lower. Much lower. And he’s watching me with that dark hooded expression as he presses his thumb against my sex, moving it in a small circular motion that starts a fire in me. I’m sure he can feel the heat even through my shorts.

  My immediate reaction is to back away, but the back of my barstool doesn’t let me get very far.

  “Stop, please…” I half whimper. “People will see.”

  He leans in close to me and breathes against my ear. “That’s the point.”

  Oh god. He’s so sexy.

  And his thumb is still pressed hard against me, moving up and down in what feels like tiny little thrusts.

  I want him inside me.

  But not out in the open.

  “Can I get you anything else?”

  It’s the bartender, and I automatically try to push Michael away, but he holds steady and just keeps thumb humping me.

  “We’ll have another round,” Michael says, turning his head to the bartender with a shit eating grin on his face.

  I think I’m about to find out if it really is possible to die of embarrassment.

  Does he know what’s going on? Can he see? Is he as shocked as I am? It’s not like this is some dark and seedy bar. It’s an expensive four-star hotel.

  Michael pushes aside my hand, the one that tried to stop him from groping me, as the bartender pops open Michael’s beer and pours me a fresh glass. He places new napkins in front of us and sets the drinks down. He then takes the check and makes a notation on it. Just when I think he’s finally leaving, he grabs a bowl and pours some peanuts into it.

  Kill me now. Is he stalling because he wants to watch?

  Michael is thrusting harder now, tracing the outline of my clit with his fingers even as he takes my drink and holds it to my lips. I make a little gurgling sound in my throat as I take a sip, Michael’s fingers even more insistent as they probe me, and he lowers his face to my neck and nuzzles there.

  I close my eyes to the sensations. I’m letting him do this to me. It’s my choice. I could stop him at any time. It’s not just about wanting… needing the job. I’m thriving on his touch. I’ve forgotten about who might be able to see what’s going on. I don’t want him to stop.

  And that’s when he stops.

  Leans back in his stool and smiles at me.

  My eyes pop open, and I try to get my mouth working enough to ask him to continue, but he stops me with a question.

  “Let’s go into the dining room, shall we?”

  I nod dumbly as his lip curls into a smirk. He knows very well what effect he’s had on me.

  He stands, and I follow suit, looking to him to lead the way, but he’s not finished with me. He takes my hand and guides it to his cock, pressing it against his steel length. It’s big, and it’s stiff, and it’s throbbing with need. For me.

  He takes his hand away, leaving mine alone on his shaft, watching me closely. Waiting to see what I’ll do.

  If they weren’t before, I know people must be looking at us now. We’ve just stood up, which is an attention getter in itself, but now we’re just standing here, unmoving. They must be wondering, watching, catching on.

  Seconds tick by before I run my hand down his rigid length. Just once, then I snatch my hand back and step away.

  He laughs and reaches again for my hand, and I balk until I realize that he’s seriously planning on leading me to the restaurant. Which is a blessing and a curse.

  I’m suddenly famished. And not just for food.


  “Did you enjoy that?” Michael asks as he holds out my chair.

  “I ummm… I don’t know.”

  He sits across from me, and I notice his small frown. “That’s a lazy answer. It’s an important question. Did you enjoy it?”

  What does he want from me? This is the worst job interview ever.

  “It was embarrassing,” I confess, my hands twisting together.

  He nods and waits for me to continue.

  “But it was also… I don’t know. A bit of a thrill.” I feel my face heating with this admission.

  “Good.” He nods again. “Would you do something for me?” It’s my turn to nod. “Stand up.”

  My legs shake as I stand. I look around the dining room. Almost all the tables are filled, and the wait staff bustles around, taking orders, and delivering delicacies. One entire side of the room is made up of windows that overlook the boardwalk. It’s also crowded with people taking advantage of a lovely spring evening.

  He crooks a finger at me. “Come here.” On stiff legs, I walk around the table to him and lick my dry lips, fearful of what he’ll ask next. He looks up into my eyes and holds his gaze steady with mine. “Rub my cock.”

  I stare at him, my mouth dropping open. “Are you serious?” He hadn’t whispered, and I’m dying inside, wondering how many people heard what he said.

  He reaches up and caresses my cheek, and I know I still want him. I can’t deny the attraction. His slightest touch sucks all the oxygen from the room, and I wish for a moment that we are back at the bar so he can continue his wicked fondling of me.

  “If you can’t do this then there’s no point in moving on to the next stage of this interview.”

  I force myself not to look around. I don’t want to know how many people are watching. It’s like not looking down when you’re climbing a mountain.

  With a pretense of whispering in his ear, I bend down and rest my hand on his chest. Very slowly, I slide it down until I’m cupping him. He twitches, and I almost pull back, but I haven’t rubbed it yet. He told me to rub.

  And I want to.

  I want to sink to my knees and take him into my mouth before straddling his lap and connecting our bodies. I want to ride him until the longing he’s created inside me is satisfied.

  That scares me. Who am I?

  I’m apparently a girl who runs her hand down a stranger’s lap, watching the hard lines of his face soften as he makes a low, pleased sound in the back of his throat. Emboldened, I do it once more before taking my hand away.

  I watch him swallow and collect himself, shifting in his seat.

  He motions for me to retake my seat, and I gladly do, sinking into it and wondering if I could disappear beneath the table. “You never told me your name.”

  “Is Michael your real name?” I ask by way of replying.

  He laughs. “Tell me your name, truth or lie.” He leans in. “When we’re in the throes of passion, I need something to call out.” He looks at me, waiting, that pleased little cocky smile plastered on his face again.

  “I don’t know a thing about you.”

  “And I already know a great deal about you… except for your name. C’mon, give.”

  “What do you know about me?” Anything to steer the conversation away from my name. I don’t know why giving it to Michael is such a big deal, but it is.

  “Alright, alright.” He raises his hands in mock defeat. “I’ll play along with you… for now.” Again he gives me that appraising up and down stare. I glance down at myself to make sure I’m still dressed. I don’t feel like I am.

  A waitress arrives, and we order. The meals are expensive. Everything on the menu is expensive.

  When she’s gone, Michael continues. “You need money. That makes you unemployed.” I nod and motion for him to continue. “You’re divorced. You’ve had your heart broken. Recently. You look much younger than you are, so I’d put you at thirty-five, forty.”

  I stare at him in open-mouthed bafflement. He laughs and reaches out with a finger and places it under my chin to help me close it back up. “How… how’d you do that?”

  “How old are you? Was I close?”

  “I’m thirty-seven. Close enough. How’d you do that? How’d you know?”

  He shrugs. “I can read people. It’s a gift. No
w. Your name?”

  I bat my eyelashes at him. “You can’t divine it from thin air?”

  “And you’re still playing hard to get? This is starting to weary me.”

  “Kim,” I blurt out quickly. A game is a game, but I don’t want him to lose interest.

  “Kim,” he repeats. “Good. Let’s enjoy our meal.”

  The salad arrives, and I stab a tomato with my fork. Michael says little during this course; it’s almost like he’s trying to make me uncomfortable. Eating isn’t very glamorous, and I get that he’s giving me the voyeur experience, staring at me while I shove the first food besides toxic noodles in my face.

  Thankfully, when the main course arrives, he starts to loosen up and talk. The small talk is innocuous, and I get the feeling that on Michael’s part, it’s practiced. I wonder how many interviews he’s already held.

  “Was I the first to answer your ad?”

  Do I really want to know? This just leaves it open for him to compare me to others.

  “No,” he says. “There have been others before you.”

  I don’t know if he means other interviews or others that he’s hired, but this time I keep my mouth shut and don’t ask for details.

  “Are you, ummm… safe?” I laugh a bit in embarrassment. “I mean…”

  “It’s alright, Kim, I know what you mean. Yes, I’m safe. I’m not here to rape you or harm you in any way. I’m sizing you up for a legitimate job that will pay well if I hire you. It’s not exactly a job that you can write home about, but I can promise you a lot of fun.”

  I chew my bottom lip, wondering how honest men who pay women for kinky fun are.

  He laughs, reading my mind. “There’s no way to know if I’m telling the truth except to go through with it, correct?”

  I laugh a little too. “Yeah.”


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