Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 6

by Bowles, Jan

  Ethan lounged lazily in a chair. He was pissed at his younger brother for wasting his time. “Since when were you interested in the oil industry?”

  “Since I had time to kill at the dentist this morning, waiting for the fucking Novocain to take effect. Four fucking injections I had. Root canal work is not to be recommended. The Oilman was the only magazine worth reading in the waiting room. That is of course, unless you’re into cookery, and soft furnishings. So I glanced through it to take my mind off things.” Ethan was clearly irritated. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Matt. My jaw still hurts. Just turn to page twenty-two will you, and then you’ll learn the truth about your beautiful Raven. I told you I recognized her. I must have looked through that very magazine the last time I was at the dentist.”

  Matthew felt torn between wanting to know, yet wishing to respect Kelly’s privacy. She’d tearfully phoned him four days ago, and told him her father had passed away. She sounded so distraught and lost. Kelly couldn’t say when or even if she’d see him again. He was very disappointed, but had wished her well. Losing a loved one was hard enough, and he didn’t want to add to her distress by making selfish demands on her. He was unhappy that their relationship had seemingly ended before it had properly begun. Until she felt well enough to contact him again, there was nothing more he could do.

  It was a real shame. They’d been so fucking great together. They were like two peas in a pod, and it saddened him to think he might never see his beautiful Kelly again. When he’d taken her back to his place, the sexual chemistry between them had been so intense. It was off the scale. The way she’d looked into his eyes as he’d fucked her made him feel like the luckiest guy on the planet. There was so much he wanted to show her and share with her, but other than her cell phone, which had been switched off for the last four days, he had no means of contacting her. All he could do was sit back and hope she called. Fuck it, he should have insisted on her address, too.

  With a deep sigh, he opened the magazine to page twenty-two and immediately sat bolt upright in his chair. He was so surprised by what he found that his boots skidded off the desk and landed heavily on the floor.

  Ethan chuckled. “I thought that would get your attention.”

  Matthew studied the news article intensely. Could this be true? There was a double-page spread on McCloud Energy, and he couldn’t help swearing out loud when he saw a full-size photograph of an attractive young woman. She leaned elegantly against a corral fence, stroking a beautiful black stallion. It was unmistakably Kelly. The sunlight enhanced her wonderful glossy hair, and glinted alluringly in her scintillating silver eyes. The headline read. Boss Lady. Meet the new acting CEO of McCloud Energy. Twenty-nine years old, Kelly McCloud takes over from her sick father. She’s tough, outspoken, and highly professional. If anyone can keep McCloud Energy on track, it’s the daughter of legendary, Jed “Digger” McCloud.

  “Fucking hell, Ethan.” He couldn’t believe what he was reading. “If I find out you’ve had this magazine printed for a sick fucking joke, you’re a dead man. Christ almighty, Kelly’s the daughter of Jed McCloud? That guy owns nearly half the oil in America.”

  “Don’t you mean owned, Matt? She telephoned you four days ago, telling you the old man had dropped off the perch.”

  Matthew dragged a hand through his hair. “Shit, you’re right, Ethan, that makes Kelly one very rich lady. I can’t believe I didn’t know who she was.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up about it, Matt. It’s not like the lady’s a celebrity. You know the ones I mean. Those talentless nonentities you see every time you switch on the TV. She’s a wealthy businesswoman. A lot of these highfliers go unnoticed. I mean how many Americans would recognize the head of Walmart if they passed him by in the street?”

  “Not many.”

  Stupefied, Matthew dragged a hand across his jaw, hearing the stubble rasp beneath his fingertips. He figured Kelly would hardly expect him to come across an old copy of The Oilman magazine.

  Matthew jabbed a finger at his younger brother. “Who knows about this besides us?”

  “No one yet, but—”

  “Well keep it that way. At Club Submission we protect everyone’s identity, and that means everyone. No exceptions.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know that, but I hardly think she’ll turn up here again. Let’s face it, Matt, she was just a bored, rich woman, looking for excitement. She’s had her kicks here.”

  Matthew realized Ethan was right. Even though they’d shared a deep sexual connection, she had to be using him. Perhaps to her, it was just fucking, but he hoped they meant more to each other than that. The great Kelly McCloud could have any man she wanted. He figured he’d just been a rich woman’s plaything. He didn’t even know where she lived for fuck’s sake. Yeah, but I now know she heads McCloud Energy. I could easily track her down. He shook his head. Matthew Strong had too much pride to run after a woman. It was something he’d never done, and he wasn’t about to start now. No, this changed the whole dynamic of their relationship. Kelly would have to come to him, and preferably on her knees, begging forgiveness for not confiding in her Master.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ten days later

  Kelly apprehensively climbed the short flight of steps to Club Submission, and tentatively pushed open the large oak door. As she walked past the two bronze ravens guarding the entrance, she shivered involuntarily. Tonight they looked eerily forbidding.

  When she’d telephoned Matthew that morning, he’d sounded cold and aloof. Perhaps that was why she shivered from the inside out. She figured it was simply his way of raising the stakes as he prepared her for the submissive role she’d undoubtedly be playing tonight. Kelly hoped he’d invite her back to his place. They’d shared such a wonderful time together there, but to her disappointment, he hadn’t. Nevertheless, she was desperate to see him again, on whatever terms he demanded.

  Since her father died, she felt as though she was working on autopilot. As an only child, the funeral arrangements were down to her. During this trying and stressful period in her life, how she wished she had brothers and sisters to help share the load. Now, fifteen days since her father’s death, and with her melancholy slowly receding, she felt ready to rejoin the world. She hoped Matthew would understand her reluctance to tell him who she really was. Maybe she’d summon up the strength to explain everything. If she did, she prayed it wouldn’t spoil their relationship. Men often perceived extremely powerful women as a threat. In Kelly’s experience, only idiots seemed to try their luck with her.

  Andrea’s welcoming face at reception soon put her at ease. “Go right in, honey, and wait in the Chill-out Zone. Master Matthew is expecting you.”

  A little surprised by Andrea’s use of Matthew’s full dominant title, a quiver ran down her spine, and fired her clit with sexual excitement. Just what had he in store for her? Years of experience in the dog-eat-dog world of the oil business made her smile and carry on as though nothing ever phased her.

  Matthew Strong phased her.

  “Thank you, Andrea.”

  “You’re real welcome.”

  Visiting Club Submission felt like being sucked into a swirling vortex. The further she ventured into this exciting world, the harder it was to break free. The music bumped and ground as she opened the double doors and headed into the Warm Zone. Inside, some members stood around in small groups, happily chatting, while others lounged in comfortable, intimate seating, enjoying the seductive atmosphere. All were fully clothed in anything from leather to latex. Several couples danced on the stage, their bodies gyrating against each other in rhythm to the sultry beat of the music. Everything appeared hedonistic and self-indulgent, but what the hell—the forbidden appealed to her.

  She felt several pairs of inquisitive eyes following her as she walked across the room. She recognized some of them as the Masters she’d turned down in her quest to find the ultimate. Matthew. The moment she’d laid eyes on him, she knew he was the only man who could satisfy her every
sexual fantasy. He was tall, strong, and incredibly sexy. A smile drifted to her lips. When they’d fucked, Matthew hadn’t disappointed her one little bit. And that’s just the beginning.

  On reaching the Chill-out Zone, she settled into a comfortable chair and watched the world at Club Submission go by. She was happy in the knowledge that no one would bother her here. Kelly knew Matthew would soon require her to take on her submissive role. He was a real man who took life as it came.

  Deep in thought, she became intrigued when a young woman walked over to her. Dressed in a leather belt masquerading as a skirt, and a see-through top, which revealed a set of nipple clamps, she sat and offered Kelly her hand.

  “Hi, sweetie, I’m Jessica. Master Matthew has instructed me to escort you to him.”

  There it was again, that reference to Matthew being a Master. She felt sure something monumental was going to happen tonight. Events were being orchestrated to demonstrate his immense power and presence.

  The young woman was in her late twenties and very pretty. “Thank you.” Kelly took her outstretched hand and shook it. “Please excuse my lack of manners, but I imagined Matthew would come himself.”

  Jessica smiled. “Don’t worry. I have the feeling you’ll be seeing plenty of Master Matthew in the next few hours. I understand you’ll be sampling the new purpose-built dungeon tonight. If everything goes to plan, Master Matthew’s gonna allow selected club members to use it. Master Cole and myself are first in the queue after you two, so I hope you both enjoy it, sweetie.”

  Kelly’s mouth went dry when she thought about the dungeon suite, and what it had to offer. Matthew had told her to bring a change of clothes, but he hadn’t said much else. The surprise must have shown on her face, because Jessica squeezed her hand.

  “There’s no need to be nervous, all the Masters and Mistresses at Club Submission treat their subs well.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Kelly replied as her hand fluttered nervously to her throat. Feeling like a patient waiting for the gurney to take her to the operating theatre, she was aware she trembled slightly. The nervous energy coiled in her stomach, palpable and brooding. When Matthew and she were alone at his home, it had felt very intimate. Here at the club, she felt on show and open to voyeurism. Thank God the suite of rooms was in a private area, away from prying eyes

  Jessica squeezed her hand again. “Follow me. I’ll show you the way.”

  “Yes, of course.” Kelly stood and picked up her purse, then followed the slim brunette across the room. As they entered the Hot Zone, her mind shut off, and she barely registered the floggers, whips and other forms of correction being used on the manacled, pleading subs. All she could think of was Matthew and what he was going to do to her.

  When they reached the newly built suite of rooms, Jessica pushed open the door. “Don’t worry, sweetie. Master Matthew has left very specific instructions for you.” A beaming smile lit the pretty woman’s face. “I hope you enjoy it, because Master Cole and I can’t wait.” With that she walked away, leaving her standing on the threshold.

  Kelly stood statue still for a few seconds before taking her courage in both hands and moving slowly into the room. She closed the heavy door behind her with a resounding thud. The dungeon had been further enhanced since she last saw it. Medieval style candles flickered seductively, throwing a soft light around the room. Two sets of iron manacles hung from the walls, one on either side of the huge four-poster bed. On the heavy damask bedspread lay a piece of paper. Breathe, Kelly, breathe. That’s it, nice and slow. She picked it up, afraid to read it. Her heart beat so, so fast. Even closing billion-dollar deals at McCloud Energy never made her heart bang so viciously against her ribcage. Taking another deep breath, she swept her gaze tentatively around the room. Her eyes flew wide open when she saw the whipping posts, and she almost dropped the note that she held crumpled in her hand. Would Matthew beat her, discipline her, show her who was boss? And if he did, would she enjoy it? Submitting completely to a man would be a new experience for her.

  Her pussy ached. Fuck, how it ached. It throbbed relentlessly, making her panties wet with arousal. Just the thought of being vulnerable, and submissive, giving away all power and control, acted like an aphrodisiac. All her life she’d been the one making the decisions. She’d been brought up by her father to take control of a situation. To be in charge—to kick ass when required. To have all power taken away—if only for a little while—would be a fantasy come true. She relaxed her fingers, and straightened out the crumpled piece of paper lying in her palm.

  1.Until I instruct you otherwise, you will address me as Master Matthew.

  2.Bathe in the oils provided, and remove all unwanted hair.

  3.Wait for me naked on the bed.

  4.Upon my arrival you will follow my instruction without question. Failure to do so will result in correction.

  5.Your safeword is – RED.

  Oh my. The note slipped from her grasp and slowly fluttered to the floor. What the hell had she gotten herself into?

  Chapter Twelve

  Matthew leaned forward in his chair, and pulled open the drawer of his desk. He casually fished out The Oilman magazine, and flipped it open. He didn’t need to read it again to know what the article was about. Kelly’s life story was permanently branded in his mind.

  “Well, well, Ms. McCloud,” he murmured. “You’re clearly a woman of hidden depths.” He stroked his fingers over the sexy, glossy image. “It’s time to satisfy your every fantasy.” He disdainfully tossed the magazine back in the drawer, and slammed it shut. Feeling slightly pissed, he stood, grabbed his toy bag, and headed purposefully from the office.

  He tried to kid himself that Kelly was no different from any other sub. He certainly wouldn’t give her any preferential treatment just because she’d turned out to be a big shot. He’d treat her the same as all the rest.

  But Kelly is different. She connects with me. We’re great together.

  What kind of dummy am I? I’m just prolonging the inevitable. She isn’t interested in me as a man. She just wants what I’m offering—Hot fucking, domination, and discipline. Then she’ll move on to the next sexual fix, and never look back.

  When he reached the dungeon suite, he paused briefly outside the door. Matthew rotated his head in a clockwise and then counterclockwise direction, trying to relieve the tension that plagued his neck. His own brand of physiotherapy worked to perfection. Feeling much better, he pushed open the door, and strode inside.

  His cock twitched appreciatively, and his balls ached with need as his eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light. Kelly lay naked on the bed, exactly as instructed. He loved the way her tits rose and fell. He could tell from the speed of her breathing that this gorgeous lady was sexually aroused. She was stunningly beautiful, but it wouldn’t do to get emotionally attached to a sub who he’d probably never see again. Who the fuck was he kidding? Kelly was different than other subs. She was special.

  She had the finest breasts, ripe and full, her nipples sweet and succulent as they reached a prominent tip. Her skin was a golden cream color, like honey on a summer’s day, and contrasted wonderfully with the deepest raven-black hair that spilled around her shoulders. Her mesmerizing silver eyes showed signs of fear and arousal. That was good. He liked that. It made him feel all-powerful, like he could move mountains.

  Well within her line of vision, Matthew deliberately placed his toy bag on the bed. He noticed she jolted slightly when he laid it down. “Don’t move a muscle. Stay exactly where you are, my sub.” He kept his voice strong and even, as he unzipped the bag and pulled out a flogger. “I decide, when, where, and how much. You are mine to do with as I see fit. Do you understand?”

  Her breathing accelerated, and her frightened, yet aroused eyes stared back at him. “Yes, Master Matthew.” Her reply was fast and breathy.

  Knowing the beautiful, naked woman lying on the bed headed a multibillion-dollar oil company gave him a real kick. Just hearing her submissive to
ne as she spoke, made his cock hardened steel, and it really appealed to his alpha ego when she used his formal name. Master Matthew.

  He stood at the end of the bed, and held up the double-tailed flogger for her to see. He smiled, letting his fingers drift through the soft leather strands. Each half-inch-wide frond was about eighteen inches long. In total, there were about forty individual tails. This particular flogger was one of his favorites for disciplining new subs. It was made of elk hide and was the most benign in his collection. Although heavy on sound, it carried little sting, making it ideal for Kelly’s beautiful, delicate skin. “My rule is law, and my friend here”—he tenderly stroked the flogger—“helps me maintain the law. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, Master Matthew.” It pleased him that such a powerful woman could be so submissive when in his charge.

  He leaned over her, breathing in the incredible feminine scent, as he trailed the flogger slowly down her body. Maintaining eye contact at all times, he teased the leather tails from her face, over her perfect chin, down her elegant neck, before drifting them between her creamy, heaving breasts, to her soft, rapidly undulating belly. Her lower lip quivered as she tried to stop herself from crying out. He knew she was nervous and unsettled by his strict, uncompromising approach, but he resolutely refused to soften his stance. This was her fantasy, and he was the man to deliver it. If she wanted out, all she had to do was use her safeword.

  “My new sub has followed instruction well. This has pleased her Master. Now stand up. I have plans for you.”

  Kelly obeyed without hesitation. Rising from the bed, she walked on wobbly legs to the center of the room. She kept her eyes downcast at all times. He liked that. It pleased his ego that this strong, independent woman trembled in his presence. “Look at me, my sub.” As she slowly raised her eyes to his, her incredible beauty and vulnerability moved him. He would savor every moment he shared with Kelly, because he figured he would never see this powerful lady again, once the night was over.


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