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Faeling Hard: An Eight Wings Academy Novel: Book Two

Page 16

by Akeroyd, Serena

  Pressing her face into my arm, she whispered, “Family makes things really complicated, doesn’t it?”

  “It does. It also makes things simple.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “I mean, where would we be without the people who will die to protect us?”

  She gulped. “I wish I understood why my grandmother had lied to me. Not just when she was alive, but when she came to me in that vision.”

  “Because she was doing what she thought was best. She probably thought she was protecting you.” I sighed and reached up so I could cup her chin, then slid my hand through her hair so the black silk cascaded down my arm.

  When her face was tilted to mine, the creamy gold of her skin glinted in the moonlight. It might have been a cold kiss in contrast to the sun’s rays, but Sol, she gleamed like mother-of-pearl in front of me. Her beauty was off the charts to me. I’d never seen a woman like her, and knew there’d never be another for me.

  She was right.

  She had wrecked my goals.

  All my life, I’d been steadfast in my determination to right my uncle’s wrongs, and after less than a week with her, those desires were all gone.

  It might have made me seem flighty, but I wasn’t. The things she inspired in me were older than time itself, our connection had no clock, no time limit. It was not gauged the way a regular relationship was.

  This was as old as the Earth itself, and as real and as pure too.

  As she took in the expression on my face, her breath caught in her throat, and I reveled in the surprise. She was thoughtful tonight, pensive. Maybe this wasn’t the right moment to make a move, but it wasn’t like it had been in the past. This wasn’t about sex. This was about the union. And if I had to thank the bastards who’d thought to steal her from us for lighting a fire under my ass, for making me see her, then I’d begrudgingly be grateful. Wouldn’t stop me from killing them if they tried to take her from me again, though.

  She surged upward, seeming to have sensed my hesitance to make the next step, and took the choice away from me. The second our lips joined, we both groaned, and I slipped my tongue into her mouth as soon as I could, loving the thrust of hers against mine, the eager way she fell into the caress, her generosity as she let me take what I needed.

  When she clambered up onto the bench so she was kneeling on it, it came as no surprise. I let her do as she wished, and when she straddled my lap, I took full advantage. She wore a simple vest and baggy sleep shorts that gave me total access to whatever I wanted. One hand caressed her waist before sliding up to cup one of her breasts, and the other tunneled between her legs, taking advantage of how open she was.

  I kept things clean at first. Touching her over the fabric, just feeling her, rubbing and caressing here and there as we toyed with each other’s mouths. Then, when I felt the dampness through the fabric of her shorts, I grunted and pulled away from her lips. “You want more?” I growled, my tone husky and hoarse with the need she pulled from me.

  “O-Of course,” she whispered, her lips kiss-sore, her chest heaving with panting breaths as she looked at me through chocolate eyes that made me feel like I’d set the moon in place.

  I willed her clothes and my briefs away so that we were sitting outside in the garden buck naked. I could feel the gold dust whispering along our limbs as my spell was cast, and she whimpered as it drifted along her skin, causing gooseflesh to surge wherever it touched.

  “You’re sensitive to it, aren’t you?” I marveled, eying her tight nipples and her bumpy skin.

  “Y-Yeah,” she whispered, as she reached for my hands and pressed them to her tits. I grunted as I cupped them, squeezing and loving how round and full they were in my palms.

  I could feel the second this went from a lazy, slow, and gentle exploration to desperate. It was like whatever was inside me that she brought to life, the thing I could only liken to a beast she triggered, roared forth and took control of me.

  Suddenly, I couldn’t just kiss her. I had to devour her. I needed everything she had to give, and anything less wasn’t good enough.

  I wanted her breath, her air. I wanted it all, and I’d take it from her if she denied me it.

  I could sense the change in her too. She responded to the way I’d clicked from Matt into this instinct-driven creature that was beyond atavistic. I felt like a throwback when I was like this, felt like some kind of primitive savage, and even as a part of me felt shame, I couldn’t feel it for too long because she loved it.

  She melted into me, sinking into me as though she was boneless. The way she responded before was like throwing gas on the fire, but now? Fuck, the inferno was blazing, and it was tearing through cities, never mind forests.

  Her hands gripped my arms, her fingers pulsing as she squeezed me while she let me taste her throat, suck on her pulse point, and bite down hard there. I needed to feel her vibrancy, needed it so damn bad because only last night, I’d been terrified that I’d never feel this again.

  Never feel her again.

  The beast inside me roared with that. But it wasn’t a triumphant sound, it was sad, fearful. She whimpered, like she sensed it, and with her head flung back, she whispered, “I’m here, I’m yours. Always yours.”

  I grunted as I nipped her skin, then dropped down and sucked and tugged on her flesh until I found her nipple. Pulling it into my mouth, I slurped on the nub as my fingers explored her pussy.

  She’d been wet before, but that was nothing compared to now. She was beyond slick, so fucking juicy with her arousal for me that she leaked onto me. My thighs were coated with it, and because she was rocking against my dick too, it was covered in her slick as well.

  Groaning at the slippery sensation that enabled her to rock back and forth against my ready shaft, I bit down on her nipple, reveling in her squeak. I wasn’t sure why I did it, but with my free hand, I reached up, grabbed her hair, and tossed it over one shoulder. Then, I rubbed between her shoulder blades, along her nape and pinched down on the point where the nodules of her spine connected with her nape, the one that Seph had detailed when he’d carried her into his quarters yesterday.

  Her scruff.

  The second I did?

  She cascaded into me, her already boneless body turning limp, like water, as she poured over me. She stared up at me with big, round eyes that looked at me as though I’d put the moon in place, and seeing her submit to me, lie so peacefully in my arms as she waited on my next move, had satisfaction swirling inside me, something that was only magnified when I heard the footsteps approaching from behind us.

  My instincts were on red alert, but I’d know their gait anywhere. I had no idea what had awoken them, just knew that they were responding to her call as well.

  I wasn’t jealous, didn’t know why, just knew this was right, natural.

  That creature inside me that responded on a base level was awake and aware of them, and it was time we set things right. That we put things back on schedule.

  A schedule that was as old as the circadian rhythms of life on this planet.

  Using my wings to push us off the bench, I grabbed a tight hold of her as I fluttered carefully to the ground. She had no idea how much strength and control that took, but fuck, what else had I been training for if it wasn’t to pull shit like that without ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs.’

  The second we were on the soft grass her grandfather had planted in this miracle garden, I retracted my wings until just the stubs were there once more, at the same moment as I felt Seph and Dan gather around me.

  I slipped a hand down between us, and rubbing her pussy, I thrust a finger into her. She was beyond ready, but her ass? It was too. As I slipped a finger inside her there with my other hand, I noticed something—she was lubricated there as well.

  It wasn’t the same kind of ‘wet,’ but it was definitely something. Before I could be potentially grossed out by whatever the fuck was going on, Dan and Seph dropped to their knees and began to worship Riel as she deserved.
  Knowing things were moving fast, I grabbed a hold of my cock, shifted my hold on her hip, and urged her down onto me. She released a sharp moan as I filled her, but the feeling of pressure as she tightened around me was both a gift from Gaia and torment sent from Sol. I clenched my eyes shut for a second as I tried not to cum like a fucking schoolboy, then I forced them open because there was no way I was going to miss this.

  When I looked, I saw Seph was kissing the back of her neck. Whatever he was doing, he was using that weakness against her as she kept slumping down into Dan’s supportive hold, twitching as he touched her most sensitive parts.

  Dan kissed her as his hands groped at her giving flesh, his fingers tweaking here and there as he explored her from the front. When Seph’s hands moved to her ass, pulling the cheeks apart, I felt the draft slide down to my cock as a gentle breeze swirled in the garden. His fingers tested her ass too, and when he discovered what I had, he grunted, but it had him forcing her down slightly and straddling my legs so he could get into position.

  Whatever it was that this Virgo bond inspired in us, it had us forgetting every single one of our teachings. I didn’t care that Seph was straddling me, and he didn’t care that that move was necessary to take her. All that mattered was Riel. All that counted was her.

  When his cock was there, at the pucker of her ass, I groaned long and low as he began to thrust into her. The slick that was there eased his path, and I marveled at it even as I wondered how the fuck it was possible. When he’d forged his way inside her, a thick and pulsing presence in her ass, I groaned at the tightness of her cunt.

  Dan moved, shifting to the side, as Seph pinched the nape of Riel’s neck again. When he did, she slithered down between us, letting him get a rhythm as he began to fuck her in the ass. Slowly. This wasn’t about reinforcing our connection like it had been earlier. This was different.

  This was instinctive.

  When she shivered between us, her body responding to the dual stimulation, Dan’s knees nudged me in the arm as he approached us. His cock was in his hand, and when I felt a splash of his pre-cum drop on my torso, I didn’t shriek in disgust, just watched Riel’s nostrils flare, saw her dazed response to it…

  Gaia, if I’d been hot before, it was nothing compared to what I was at the sight of her scenting her Virgo.

  She was like a bloodhound for the fragrance of his cum, and she stiffened, fighting against the hold Seph had on her shoulders that was keeping her in place so he could fuck her, so she could drift forward, just enough to get a taste of Dan.

  The thing with the scruff suddenly made sense. It kept her docile, gentle, stopped her struggling between us, kept us from harming her by accident as we took her, made her ours.

  The beast in me was rough and crude. It could hurt her. Gaia had known this, had given us a means of protecting our woman from the start.

  Thanking Gaia for that ability, as well as the sight of Riel’s lips parting around Dan’s shaft, which had to be the hottest thing I’d ever seen, I swore I could feel her mouth on my own cock. A groan escaped us all in unison as we felt the tremors of the union rock between us, a union that grounded me at that moment, but one I knew worked the same magic on my brothers too. Whatever they felt, I realized I felt as well. That was how I could find satisfaction in her sucking Dan off, how I could enjoy the way Seph fucked her.

  It was like I was lying in front of a mirror, except instead of seeing a reflection, I was feeling them. Everything rebounded back onto me, ricocheting inside me until I thought I’d go mad with need.

  All around us, a pink glow sputtered into being. Encompassing us in a bright rose haven that I was gradually getting used to seeing. I didn’t freak out. Didn’t have the wherewithal to realize that this was her magic manifesting for a very specific reason. My focus was elsewhere, exactly where it should be, on my woman and her pleasure.

  I began to surge up, thrusting my dick into her channel, even as Seph rocked into her tight ass, forcing her down Dan’s dick. Against my chest, she was like silk, her curvy body writhing against me, rippling over me so I could feel the hard points of her tits, and the jiggle of them against my flesh.

  When the orgasm flared into life, it seemed pretty right that, overhead, in the night sky, it flashed too. I didn’t really notice it, why would I? It was there, in the periphery, but my attention was, most definitely, on other more important things. It was astonishing how we all cried out at the same time though. Each spasm of release both decimated me to my very being and rebuilt me block by block, piece by piece.

  When her cunt fluttered around my dick, I knew the others felt it, just like I felt the way she swallowed Dan’s cum, and the way her ass was squeezing Seph’s shaft like she had a vendetta against it.

  The explosive sensations blinded me for a few seconds as the ceaseless waves of pleasure crashed into me, frazzling my nerve endings until I knew they didn’t only belong to me now—they belonged to my troupe as well.

  When Seph slumped down, I took his weight, and as Dan staggered back, tumbling beside me, I just enjoyed the continued connection. My eyes were blind as I stared overhead at the starlit sky. It took me a while to focus, took me a while to realize the pink glow was still there, surrounding us in a protective bubble. When I did sense it, I also noticed that the pink had nothing to do with the sharp, bright flashes of light that crashed through the sky.

  It wasn’t lightning.

  It was too focused for that.

  There wasn’t the rumble of thunder either, and the light was more concentrated. Not a bolt that speared through the night sky, but one that flashed and burned quickly, sputtering into life before flaring out. When the light repeated that motion—sputtering, then flaring, I was prepared for it. What I wasn’t prepared for was the crashing sound and the white-hot light that made the black sky overhead white-gray for endless seconds.

  The burst had all of us tumbling upward into activity, and when Riel gasped as she peered upward, I frowned at her stillness. This went beyond wonder at a natural phenomenon. She was frozen with… what? Fear?

  “What is it?” I demanded, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to look at me as my need for answers made me rougher than I ought to have been with her.

  She blinked up at the sky, then down at me. “I-I—” Her mouth worked, and then, her wings were out, and before she answered, she was running from us on shaky legs, her wings staggering into movement and, inexpertly as ever, she surged into the sky without a backward glance.



  I could feel their temper, could sense their disapproval as though the feelings were my own, but the instinct inside me was as deep and as pure as the instinct that had allowed me to let them take me just then. The one that had me flowing into them like liquid as they fucked me as a unit, one that had me soaring between them as I climaxed, uniting us in a way that no four people could be more closely integrated.

  What we’d just done, according to my grandfather, had triggered the first phases of the claim. Next would come the Rut, but that wouldn’t happen for a while, and at that moment, with my heart pounding in my ears, louder even than the crash and bang in the atmosphere overhead, my thoughts were anywhere but on sex.

  I didn’t know how I knew what was happening, but I did. The knowledge was written inside me, and I knew I had to act fast. Kismet, I realized, was nowhere near done with me. That bolt of light? That flash? I knew what it was, even though I had no real idea how.

  The surge of their wings had a roaring sound echoing around me. That they were all beating their wings to reach me didn’t come as a surprise, and when they were around me in a loose circle, I allowed my magic to leak out just as I had when we were joined.

  The glow was getting stronger. I’d noticed it before. Every time it came to life, it was brighter, bolder, could spread farther too. Now, after what had just happened? I wasn’t surprised at how easily it leaked from me.

  The realization that I was surging into the
sky buck naked hit me then. That my Virgo were too was another factor indicating I’d probably lost my frickin’ mind, but I didn’t have time to focus on clothes, didn’t even have time to magic some into being. Instead, I was focused on making sure that every part of us was surrounded by that damn glow, all the while the part of me that was linked to my Virgos, the part of me that was purely theirs, the part of me that made my blood fucking purple, connected with the body of rock that was hurtling our way.

  My grandfather had said that an asteroid was behind the sudden power surge in witches, it was why Virgo existed, and was the reason human born Fae had come to be. That celestial body of rock had impacted the Earth, bringing with it change and an evolution of sorts. And while I was a witch born Fae, forged from the daughter of a Fae and witch union, borne of a human father and a witch mother, with three Virgo of my own, it made sense why I was connected with the asteroid that was tunneling its way through the atmosphere.

  It was like the mothership calling me home.

  Or, I guessed, the other way around.

  I called it home.

  We were connected. Maybe every Virgo union, every human born Fae, and every witch on the planet was linked to this piece of space rock. Maybe we were all a magnet that was drawing it toward the Earth’s surface. I didn’t know why, just knew that we were, and something else I knew? It was big. I sensed that. Very big. If it crashed into a city the size of Honolulu? Sol, I couldn’t even begin to think about the kind of damage it would cause.

  Earlier, though exhausted, I’d been trying to decompress so I could sleep to make the wait for my Virgo less torturous. With the cell phone I’d purloined from my grandfather, I’d read about the asteroid he’d told me about, one that had decimated a province in China. Then, curious, I’d carried on reading about similar large meteor impacts, and had learned of the Tunguska event which, had it occurred anywhere other than Siberia in 1908, might have killed Sol knew how many people. I’d also learned about the Chelyabinsk event back in 2013, where a meteor had exploded over the city, shattering windows for dozens of miles, injuring over sixteen hundred people thanks to the shock wave that had rammed through the earth as it hurtled its way to the ground.


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