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It Was Always Love (Taboo Love Book 2)

Page 9

by V. Theia

  I’m dressed simply in sports leggings, cute tennis shoes and a tank top under a light pink hoodie. But it’s the bright Orange Knicks hat that I’m wearing that has me worried. “If my dad sees me wearing this he’ll have a fit. He’ll probably disown me. I thought we’d be in the nosebleed section.”

  I should have known better.

  It was always the best for Noah Fierro.

  He’d shaken hands with no less than one hundred thousand people since we arrived. I was too busy subtly goggling at some celebrities sitting in our row and on the opposite side of the court calculating how many selfies I could get for my Instagram.

  It was a big game, was all I knew, but I couldn’t for the life of me remember who the Knicks were playing. What with Noah’s hand gripping my inner thigh and the way he angled his body protectively towards me and Ohmigod is that—my eyes flashed wide. Jesus. Be cool, Sena.

  I’ve seen celebrities before. Movie stars. Sports personalities. Reality TV stars. In coffee shops, nightclubs, in the grocery store even. You can practically fall over ten on any average day in Manhattan and still I get slightly star struck because I never forget I’m just a simple country girl from a nowhere town in Carolina who came to the big city with bigger dreams and a wide-open heart to experience everything.

  There was no end to my joys at seeing someone who I’ve only ever watched on TV.

  “It was a surprise,” Noah replied, his fingers stroked my knee. “Did I surprise you?”

  I smiled and knocked his nose with mine. For a second when he smiled back at me it’s just he and I and the twenty thousand swelling crowd fell away.

  I’m so surrounded in love it tightened my belly muscles and had me reaching for his hand, our fingers clasped in his lap. “You are constantly surprising me, lion.”

  “Good. Because if your dad hears about you being here in enemy territory he might kill us both.” He laughed.

  “I’m glad you recognize this. You know I’ll blame it all on you. Every man for himself, pal.”

  He smirked, rubbed his thumb against my outer hand. “Is that so?”

  “Yep. Look at Rose. She wouldn’t even move over on the door for poor Jack.”

  Sharing a chuckle, we settled back to watch the game.

  Each time Noah took my hand my heart spiked.

  Ask any woman who has an attraction to someone and she'll tell you every touch counted, none go unnoticed. A hand on the waist, a touch to the shoulder, a brush of fingertips, we notice it all and log it accordingly of importance.

  Now I have so many Noah touches to categorize I’m lost in them and I’m afraid I wouldn't remember the most important ones.

  At half time he leaned in to be heard. “Enjoying yourself?” I flashed a smile and nodded.

  “Are you?”

  “I’m with you.” Was his answer. If I’d been standing my knees might have gave out.

  You wouldn’t think a nightclub mogul would be known by so many, but during each break people came up specifically to talk to Noah.

  He introduced me every time.

  I didn’t even know I was doing it until the seventh time a guy came over to our section. They slapped hands and bumped shoulders as guys do.

  It was then I recognized I’d been watching his every interaction with these people.

  To see if there were signs of him being attracted to the men.

  I swallowed a groan because I knew how stupid that sounded.

  It’s fucking ridiculous.

  Noah was queer (save for me) he has always been attracted to men and it’s no different to when I check out a man and sexually objectify him.

  Only it’s something more.

  As much as these days have made me happy I realized, as I watched him grin and talk with this guy, someone from his gym or whatever, I didn’t take much notice, that my doubts have been there simmering in the background.

  Lurking like a disease waiting to attack my immune system.

  Not fully sure if he’s really with me. Like really with me.

  Self-sabotage, train of one.

  God. I hate myself right now for doubting him. He gives me no reason whatsoever to doubt what he says is true. And he can’t show me enough physically that he is right there in a relationship with me.

  And yet.

  And yet I watch him for signs he’s digging the guy he’s talking to.

  I fucking hate myself.

  What do I think will happen if I see that spark in his gorgeous blue eyes or the tilt of his lips What will happen if I see his body lean into this guy? That he’s going to throw down and get himself a blowjob in the middle of a Knicks game?

  Jesus. Be real, Sena.

  I forced my eyes away from his conversation, busying my hands with the gummy worms, shoving more than I can handle into my mouth just to shut up my brain. I really am the suckiest of all girlfriends… no, humans.

  Noah is not and never has been a cheater.

  So, irrespective of him being with me or a man he wouldn’t do that.

  During the last break I felt my phone vibrate.

  India sent me a picture of me and Noah on TV!

  We were on TV! Ohmigod.

  Our heads close together, his hand on my thigh and we were laughing.

  To be fair the shot showed the entire front row, which included some online blog gossip who was infamous in his field.

  India added: Looks like you and the baby-daddy kissed and made up.

  When Noah returned to our seats, he held a pink lemonade for me. Fingers grazed when he passed it over and I momentarily forget what is on the end of my tongue. Until. “We’re on TV.” I blurted. Showing him India’s text. He smirked amused, throwing his arm around the back of my seat he nodded to my head. “Looks like your orange hat is no longer a secret, kitten.”

  My dad seeing me wearing another team's colors is the least of my worries as I sat for the rest of the game in a fog of wonder about who else saw us cuddling on TV? And then I wonder right on the back of that thought of why I’m worried about people seeing us.

  Even with my subdued, absurd mind, I had a great date.

  I told Noah so as we took the tunnel down to the underground parking where we’d left his car. He handed over the ticket to the parking guard and he swapped it out for his keys and entrance to the VIP parking.

  On any game night it took an age to get out of the parking lot, so we weren’t in any rush walking to his Maybach. “I’m glad you had fun, Sena.” He said kissing the crown of my head, his arm firmly around my waist.

  “I love you being loaded if it means we get express treatment all the time.” I declared not at all ashamed about mentioning Noah’s money. He sent me a sideways hot glance that stirred things in me deep enough I had to take an extra inhale to calm down.

  Halfway to the car he asked. “Not feeling sick?”

  “No. I could eat a horse.”

  He laughed. “I’ll feed you. What are you in the mood for?”

  Maybe it was the way he said it.

  Or my out of control hormones.

  But his voice reached into my panties and stroked me, three fingers worth.

  Inside, my heart thrust in a staccato rhythm next to my ribcage.

  Noah opened the passenger door for me and cast a brow up high when I just stood there, before I rallied myself to move my feet.

  “You.” I answered truthfully. “I’m in the mood for you.”

  Noah sucked air through his teeth and swore real low. “Jesus. Christ.”

  The pit of my stomach full of lust felt his cursing when he reached out a hand so fast I didn’t even see it move and he dragged me into his hard, hard body.

  Hard muscle. Hard cock.

  “You bad girl,” his lips grazed mine, and I pondered how he’d ever managed not to light me on fire with his kisses before this.

  I was kerosene waiting to be destroyed by a flame.

  Everything, and I mean everything jumped alive with Noah’s hands on me.

  I was on my tiptoes angling for more of his mouth before he pushed me into the car. “In. And I’ll sort out your problem before I feed you.”

  Kids on Christmas morning were not as excited as I was watching him slide his big body into the car and closed us in together. He didn’t bother switching on a light and thank god for his tinted windows because he reached over instantly; plucking me from my seat and brought me into his lap.

  “This’ll have to be quick, kitten.”

  Oh, god. Yes. I was great with quick.

  Already sopping wet I just needed him.

  Needing him in any way I could get him.

  I was horny.

  And hungry.

  It was a toss-up which appetite I wanted tended to first but seeing as Noah’s mouth was latched onto mine in a powerful, urgent kiss and his tongue deep inside licking me like I was an erotic ice cream I was going with door number one by grinding on his lap.

  The steering wheel dug into my back and my head hit the ceiling.

  I kept knocking my knee on the console and at one point during the heated make out session with Noah’s hands squeezing ten bells out of my ass I banged the window with an elbow.

  “Ow. Ow.” I whined into his mouth.

  He went left. I went right, and the kiss went up a notch. “Are you hurt?” He asked into my lips.

  “No. Don’t stop.”

  “Not stopping. Fuck. I can feel how wet you are through your pants. So, fucking hot.”

  He somehow got a hand down into my leggings, past my panties and went for broke by sliding two fingers along the seam of my pussy encouraging my wetness to coat them.

  I don’t know how he managed since there wasn’t an inch of space between him and I and me and the steering wheel digging into my butt. But I made not one hint of a complaint. In fact, I moaned into his lips, biting the lower one as he increased his finger speed to bring me to the brink faster than I knew I was ready for.

  “Noah…” God. He could fricking kiss.

  There’s such an intense sexual aura about him that I wanted to lap him up with a spoon until I was fully sated. “Noah…”

  “Go over for me,” he issued in his heavy rumble.

  His fingers tight and fast on my clit.

  I had no choice.

  I wrenched from his mouth, buried my face in his neck and came as hard as I could. I didn’t know I was crying out until I heard him cooing for me to shush as I’m brought back to earth hopefully I’m in one piece because now my body didn’t feel like it belonged to me.

  It’s possessed by a former madam in the 18th century, I’m sure. Because as soon as my orgasm wanes the horny tides begin to swish once more.

  “Oh wow,” I panted like I’ve been running for days. Noah swept hair from my face. “That felt good.”

  I’m rewarded by a deep smile and it’s then I noticed there’s people walking by his car.

  A lot of fricking people.

  I hope they didn’t hear me coming. I mean, the car is blacked out, but it’s not soundproof. I’m too tingly to care beyond that absent thought as Noah pecked my lips to draw my attention back to him.

  “What about you?” I asked, rubbing my lips gently against his. When we parted, he licked his lower lip. Seeing that action broke my brain. I dived in and lapped at his mouth to taste where he just tasted.

  I knew he was hard. I feel it in between my legs brushing my soft parts. I can’t help but give a little bump.

  It’s like we’re in our own world.

  “Do you need more?” A hand cupped the back of my head, he brought my eyes back to him before I got lost in kissing his throat.

  I have a thing for necks.

  Strong, masculine necks and Noah’s, understandably, considering how crazy I am about him, was my favorite. I could run my mouth over it all day long, just tasting how his pulse thumped against my tongue.

  I gave him my true no filtered answer. “Yes.”

  Noah smiled and it’s frantic crashing of lips after that.

  He grunted into my mouth and snaked a hand behind me. “Hold on, kitten, let me get this seat back before we’re both caught on the wheel.” He found the button to recline us, all the while dealing with me pumping my hips on his lap and attacking his neck.

  As soon as we had more room he helped me get out my leggings. His fingers pushed my soaked panties to the side and he glided in, stroking the split of my lips. Up. Down. I’m drenched, and he gathered the wetness to take to my clit.

  He rolled and pinched.

  I bowed back moaning while I did some damage to the zipper on his denim jeans. The moment I got my hand inside, a tight hold on his rock-hard cock we both sort of exhaled together.

  “Fuck.” He hissed. Our foreheads met.

  I ran my thumb the length of his cock from the underside, right over the tip where I knew he’s most sensitive.

  Noah jerked and took over.

  Using my neck as an anchor in his big hands he dragged me forward, kissed the hell out of me and fed the tip of himself past my panties and to my entrance.

  I’m a wild thing.

  He told me so into my mouth, laughing as we kissed while he tried to fit inside me in measured shoves.

  The sex was fast. Hot. Demanding, consumed.

  And we came in record time. This go around he swallowed my cry before any passers-by could hear what a keening woman was up to in the parked Maybach.

  Not that I care.

  I’m a mess of quick, short breaths and tingled toes as he somehow got my boneless body back into my clothes. I would have gone home naked. That’s how spaced out on endorphins I was.

  We sort of laughed, because I don’t help at all.

  It’s like all my bones melted into the floor. I’m a giant child on his lap allowing him to rearrange my bra and panties until I’m presentable once more.

  “Can you climb back in your seat?” His touches were tender. Sweet brushes of my hair, a finger trailed down my flushed cheek, a thumb pressed to my lips.

  “I think my legs are useless, but I’ll manage somehow.”

  “Now I can feed you.”

  “Oh, I was fed real nicely, thank you.” I grinned pulling my seatbelt.

  There’s something between us, sizzling up the car interior.

  I turned expecting to see a smile mirrored.

  Noah’s intensity crawled into my nether regions and gas lit my heart.

  Eyes hooded and dark, so dark. Watching me.

  I pulled my lip between my teeth.

  As one we reached to collide our hands, he takes mine and kissed my palm.

  “Thank you for a fun night, kitten.”

  I don’t know why he’s thanking me. He bought the tickets and we both got off a few minutes ago. He kissed my hand again then gave it back.

  We ate fat burgers and fries in the car.

  I’m too hungry to wait and later walking towards the elevator in our building all I want to do is sleep but there’s so much work I still must do.

  “My place?” He inquired.

  I whimpered silently thinking of falling into his perfect bed and letting it envelope me.

  “I should go to mine. I have a stack of work I need to get through still.”

  I’ve tended to work at night the last few days, what with throwing my guts up from the moment I wake I can’t find the time during the daylight hours and now I have design deadlines coming out of my ears. I worry also about what I’ll do about my regular tech work if I can’t physically get out of the house during the day.

  I know already on my calendar I have two on-site jobs coming up in the next few weeks.

  We part on my floor. Noah decided to go into work, too. It’s been a few days and the workaholic needed to check on his empire.

  Hours go by and I woke to the sensation of floating.

  “Wha—what’s going on?”

  I’m in Noah’s arms.

  He’s striding through my apartment towards my bedroom. Only the lamp next to my
bed cast light over us. “You were asleep at your desk. It’s after four, kitten.”

  “Shit.” I crawled in. “Are you just getting home?” He’s dressed in dark gray trousers, a pale blue shirt tucked in but open at the neck. And he smelled amazing.

  “Yeah. I didn’t expect to find you slumped at your desk.” His voice clipped pissed off.

  “I was working.”

  “You should have gone to bed hours ago.”

  My brow wrinkled as I looked from my place on the pillows.

  He is no less sexy as hell with his stern face looking back at me, his hands on his hips.

  “Stop chastising me, lion, and come to bed if you’re staying here. If not, lock the door, I’m tired.” I rolled to my belly after setting my alarm for 8am.

  A minute went by I heard him brushing his teeth and clothes sliding off and thrown on the chair in the corner, then the bed depressed, and Noah climbed in behind me. I scooted over until my butt hit his belly and without waiting I pulled his arm around me.

  “I can worry, can’t I?” He asked into the dark. “You’ve been sick all week, Sena.”

  “Blame your sperm, you villain.”

  We’re still trying to transition from friends to lovers.

  We’ll stumble. I know that.

  We’ll probably argue more as my pregnancy progressed. Noah was a natural boss and caregiver for those he gives a shit about and I’m independent. We’re going to clash.

  I love him for giving a shit if I sleep or not.

  After a few minutes of silence, I’m not sure if he’s fallen to sleep.

  I know his cock is awake since it’s trying to tell me hello. It’s so damn friendly.

  “Are you still mad at me?”

  Lips touched the pulse point at the base of my neck and he rolled me over putting me half under him.

  His baby-blue eyes glinted in the dark like a great big preying cat.


  It was the most talking we did after that.

  He circled a hand around the front of my throat and directed me into a kiss so scorching I was surprised the bed sheets were still intact.

  It was open mouthed, possessive and wet.

  Noah didn’t seem to mind me losing out on sleep when he got between my legs. When he continued to kiss me like he wanted to suck the breath out of my lungs. Or when he thrusted into me over and over until the only sounds I was capable of making were animalistic.


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