Furever Always (Furever Series)

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Furever Always (Furever Series) Page 8

by Meredith Clarke

  Jacob motioned over to the bear, “Adam, why don’t you explain your side?” Adam, Kurt thought. It couldn’t be Adam, the guy that Scarlett had spoken about. She never mentioned that her ex was a shifter.

  Adam smirked as he walked up next to Jacob. “Scarlett was mine before you came along,” Adam sneered. “I had already claimed her as my mate.”

  Kurt slammed his hand down on the table and let out a loud growl. It took all of his power to control his bear not to take over.

  “What do you mean, you claimed her?” Kurt asked through gritted teeth.

  “She is mine, and you stole her from me.”

  Kurt’s eyes glowed amber. He felt his bear just underneath the surface clawing to get out, but he held strong. He knew he needed to remain calm so he didn’t start a war between their clans. He respected Jacob, and he wasn’t about to ruin their clans’ peace.

  “That is not possible,” Kurt said. “She had no idea that she was claimed, and we would not feel this way about each other if she were your true mate.”

  Because Kurt’s bear was so close to the surface, all of his senses were heightened. Scarlett’s distinct scent caught his attention. What the hell is she doing near the conference room?

  “She is lying to you,” Adam said. “We had just gotten into a fight before she went on vacation with her friends. She was just toying with you to get back at me.”

  Kurt let out a low growl. Scarlett’s scent grew stronger, and he knew that meant she was close to the room. Kurt’s head snapped to the door when he saw her auburn hair peek around the doorframe. Adam’s eyes followed his eye line and he smiled. Adam walked over and pulled Scarlett into the room.

  “So nice of you to join us, sweetie,” Adam said.

  Kurt stood up from his chair quickly and grabbed onto the table. “Let. Go. Of. Her,” Kurt growled.

  “Adam, let go of the girl,” Jacob growled.

  Adam reluctantly dropped Scarlett’s arm. She stared wide-eyed at everyone around her.

  “Scarlett, come stand behind me,” Kurt said.

  Scarlett started to slowly move away from Adam, but his hand shot out and grabbed her arm again. Scarlett yelped in pain at the force of his hand around her wrist. In an instant, Kurt’s bear took complete control. He needed to protect Scarlett. Kurt shifted faster than he had ever done before. He stood to his full height at eight feet and let out a loud roar.

  “KURT, STOP THIS!” Jacob stood and yelled, but Kurt ignored him. Kurt only saw red as he dropped down on all paws and stalked towards Adam. Kurt expected Adam to drop Scarlett’s arm and run, but he saw that he was frozen in place in fear.

  “Kurt, stop,” Scarlett said. Kurt’s head snapped towards Scarlett’s pleading face.

  “Adam is not worth starting a war over. He let his pride get to him. You are my mate, not him.”

  Kurt’s eyes softened. His anger slowly subsided at the sound of her voice and he sat back on his hind legs.

  “I love you, Kurt,” Scarlett said.

  The anger consuming Kurt’s mind rushed out of him. He felt himself transform, and once he was human again he rushed towards Scarlett. Adam quickly let her go and she ran into Kurt’s arms.

  “Only a true mate can tame the beast,” Jacob said. “Kurt, I believe that you have found your mate, so all of your actions have been justified.” Jacob turned towards Adam and forced his alpha dominance over him. Adam grunted and dropped to his knees.

  “I will deal with your insubordination later,” Jacob growled. He motioned to Frank to take him out of the room.

  Kurt held on tightly to Scarlett as everyone walked out of the conference room. Once they were alone, he looked down at her face. “Why did you come back here?”

  “I had to tell you who Adam was,” she looked down, ashamed. Kurt reached underneath her chin and pulled her face up to look into her beautiful eyes.

  “Thank you for trying to warn me,” Kurt said. “It was stupid to try to come into a room full of bears, but still, thank you.” Scarlett let out a slight chuckle as she wrapped her arms around Kurt’s neck.

  “So, I am your true mate because I can tame you, huh?” Scarlett teased.

  “Apparently, but don’t let anyone else in on that secret.”

  Kurt leaned down and pressed his lips to Scarlett’s. Pure joy coursed through his body as he explored her mouth with his tongue. Scarlett broke their kiss and leaned her head back to look at him.

  “We should probably get you some clothes,” Scarlett smiled.

  Kurt let out a low growl. “I don’t think I need them just yet.”


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  Chapter 1


  It was a bright summer day in the mountains of Colorado. Cash stood outside and slightly adjusted his stance as he felt sweat trickle down his back. Cash reached up to adjust his bowtie. Fuck he hated wearing suits. Especially out during this heat. But he would suffer today because it was worth it.

  Cash smiled at the people seated in front of him. The entire clan had made it out to watch their Alpha marry his mate. Even a few outsiders made it as well. It wasn’t unusual for outsiders to visit the compound, but it always put the clan on edge. Everyone was tense. Determined. No one wanted to lose control and see their worst fear come to life. Every member of the clan shared one concern: hurting someone. By nature, they were dangerous creatures, but they’d lived so many years being careful that most of them were able to maintain control in even the most volatile situations.

  Cash turned his head and smiled at Kurt. He could almost feel the love and power rolling off his body. He was truly happy for him. He had found his true mate in Scarlett. Now hopefully he wouldn’t be so much of an ass, Cash thought and slightly laughed to himself.

  Kurt had met Scarlett just two months earlier at the Bear Ridge Resort. The Bear Ridge Resort had become well known over the last few years. Shifters had become fairly common in society after the military had come clean about their botched program. Cash clenched his fists as his mind raced.

  It was a simple request: join the special forces unit and become an even more powerful soldier. When Cash’s commanding officer came to him, he knew he could never pass up the opportunity. What soldier would? After everything Cash saw in battle, he couldn’t deny that having a leg up would help. If he were stronger, faster, and smarter, he would be able to do more for his unit. He would be able to fight harder and longer. To him, it sounded like a dream come true.

  The day Cash went into the hospital was supposed to be the best of his life. Cash felt his bear bristle underneath his skin, and he closed his eyes in an attempt to push the memories away, but instead, they came crashing back.

  “Soldier?” a voice said. Cash heard, but it felt like they were speaking to him from deep inside a cavern. He tried to open his eyes. The light hit him so hard that he jerked backward and quickly closed his eyes again. It felt like daggers had pierced his retinas.

  “It’s okay, Soldier,” the same voice said. “Take your time. There’s no hurry.”

  Cash breathed slowly, trying to calm himself. When he felt sure he was ready, he tried to open his eyes again. The lights were still blindingly bright, but this time he didn’t feel any pain. He blinked twice and opened his eyes wider. Glancing around him quickly, he found the owner of the voice. His doctor was standing to the left of his bed with a satisfied smile on his face.

  “How are you feeling?” the doctor asked.

  “Like ass,” Cash growled. His voice was rough, and his throat felt like sandpaper. He swallowed hard and grimaced.

  “Water?” the doctor asked. Cash nodded. The doctor hurried over to the far counter and returned with a small plastic cup. He tilted it toward Cash’s mouth and poured cold water down his throat.

  Cash choked at first, but soon the w
ater began to soothe his aching throat. He gulped it down quickly.

  “Thank you,” he said. He already felt better.

  “Do you want to try sitting up?” the doctor asked.

  “Sure,” Cash said.

  Cash lifted his arms. They felt heavy. He tucked them beneath his body and pushed. His torso rose off the bed easily. He swiveled so he could rest his feet on the floor. The doctor watched his movements closely. Cash rested his hands on his knees and exhaled slowly. The room spun around him.

  “Dizzy?” the doctor asked.

  “Yes,” Cash answered.

  “That’s to be expected,” the doctor nodded. “Give it a few minutes. It should pass.”


  “I’ll leave you to get reoriented,” the doctor suggested. “If you feel up to it. I can stay a few minutes longer if you don’t feel ready.”

  “I’m good,” Cash promised.

  “Alright,” the doctor said. He smiled triumphantly. “Holler if you need anything. There’s a nurse right outside your door.”

  “Thank you,” Cash said. The room was still spinning.

  When the doctor left the room, Cash slumped down slightly. His shoulders sagged, and his chin hit his chest. His body was exhausted. His limbs were weak and heavy, his head was light, and his eyes still burned slightly. He thought he would wake up feeling stronger and ready for a fight. He never imagined he would feel weaker than before.

  After a few minutes, Cash decided to stretch his legs and use the bathroom. He took a deep breath and let his bare feet touch the cold hospital floor. A shiver went through his body, and he clenched his fists tightly. He didn’t just feel cold; he felt angry.

  With a grunt, Cash pushed himself off the bed. His feet no longer felt cold, but his legs were like bricks. He tried to walk, but he had to pull his right leg off the floor. It was almost too heavy to lift. Cash’s frustration grew quickly. He heaved and grunted as he pulled himself across the room.

  When he finally reached the bathroom, he felt like he’d run ten miles. His head brushed the top of the doorframe, but he didn’t notice. Out of breath, he stumbled against the bathroom wall and closed his eyes. He could feel sweat pouring down his face. When he opened his eyes again, there was a face looking back at him. His face. Only, it wasn’t his face.

  The music started pulling Cash from his thoughts. Not today he thought. Today was not about him. Today was about celebrating his Alpha and his new mate. Everyone stood as Scarlett made her way into the clearing.

  Scarlett looked stunning in her ivory white gown that flowed all around her. Cash stole a glance again at Kurt. He was practically bursting with happiness. Cash felt his bear bristle underneath the surface of his skin again, and he shifted his weight hoping to shake off the feeling.

  Cash was the Beta of the clan, and as such, he was also Kurt’s best man. He stood beside Kurt and had a front row seat to the happiest day of Kurt’s life. It was supposed to be a joyous moment. Cash expected to feel happy. Proud. Instead, he felt a burning sensation work its way through his body.

  When Kurt and Scarlett began their own vows to one another, Cash started to see red. He took a long breath and told himself to calm down. What the hell was going on? Why was he feeling this way all of the sudden? His bear shifted again angrily underneath his skin. Cash changed is weight and tried to focus on Kurt and Scarlett. But the more he focused in on them, the angrier he got.

  By the end of the ceremony, Cash’s fists clenched and he was sweating through his suit. All he felt was a rage stronger than any he’d ever felt before, and his bear was clawing at his skin in an attempt to take control. As Kurt leaned over to kiss Scarlett, Cash looked away and took slow, deep breaths. He could feel his body threatening to overpower his mind.

  Chapter 2


  After the ceremony, Cash had quickly excused himself and made his way to the tree line that outlined the wedding site. As he reached the dense forest, he heard footsteps behind him, which made his body tense. Cash stopped walking and slowly turned around, expecting to see Kurt behind him, when he turned, he was caught off guard when he found several other bears from his clan. Each of them looked as disheveled, and he probably did, and Cash could easily tell that they were on the verge of shifting as well.

  “Come on,” Cash grunted. “Before anyone notices that we are gone.”

  The other bears pushed past him, and Cash quickly glanced over at the ceremony site for any sign of Kurt and Scarlett. Luckily, they were preoccupied with their guests, so Cash turned and ran into the woods after the other bears.

  In the weeks following Kurt and Scarlett’s wedding, tension within the clan reached its highest point. Members were changing left and right. Not a day went by without a single transformation. Cash ran around wildly, doing everything he could to keep the clan under control. Nothing worked. Neither Cash nor Kurt knew what to do.

  “Not much of a honeymoon, huh?” Cash asked Kurt. It was two in the morning, and they were keeping watch over the compound.

  “Not really,” Kurt shrugged. “But Scarlett understands.”

  “I’m sure she does,” Cash said. He kept his voice low. Even. Mentioning Scarlett caused his bear to stir.

  “I hate that she’s not here, but it’s too dangerous for her right now,” Kurt said. He shook his head sadly. “With everyone changing like this? I can’t take the risk.” After the wedding, several other bears in the clan had lost control, and Kurt made the difficult decision to send Scarlett to her parents’ house in Chicago for a little while so he could sort out exactly what was going wrong.

  “I don’t blame you,” Cash said. “It’s crazy here.” Cash truly understood Kurt’s decision. If he had a mate of his own, he would not allow her anywhere near a large clan of bears that did not have a handle on their bears.

  “It’s more than that,” Kurt said. Cash looked at him. Kurt’s face was half hidden in the shadows, but Cash could tell he was deep in thought.

  “What do you think it is?” Cash asked. Cash had his own suspicions, mainly all leading back to the fucking doctors that ruined their lives.

  “I’ve been thinking about that a lot,” Kurt sighed. “It all started the day after the wedding, right?”

  “Yeah,” Cash said, hoping Kurt wouldn’t hear the pain in his voice. Cash hated that this all had to happen after Kurt’s wedding. After all the shit he had been through, Kurt deserved happiness, and his happiness was Scarlett.

  “So, what if it has something to do with that?” Kurt asked, and pulled Cash from his thoughts. “Some strange clan thing. The Alpha finds a mate and everyone else…”

  “Goes ballistic?” Cash asked. His own face twisted with worry. Was the military somehow controlling this reaction? Or was it just another mistake that the doctors never anticipated.

  “Basically,” Kurt nodded. “But for a reason, you know? Like a biological thing. A need to mate.”

  “A need to mate?” Cash scoffed. They might shift into bears, but they still weren’t animals.

  “What?” Kurt asked. “It’s happened before. In other clans.”

  Cash didn’t answer. He just looked off into the distance and remembered the night of Kurt’s wedding and how he and the other bears disappeared into the woods.

  Cash didn’t know what caused him or the other bears to lose control, but he knew it was triggered by Kurt and Scarlett. He tried to ignore it for days afterward, but as more and more clan members began to shift uncontrollably, he knew something was wrong. Very wrong.

  Cash’s own instinct to shift was stronger than ever. He felt his bear trying to take over his mind. His human body was slowly losing out to the bear within him. The only way he could maintain control was to be alone and drink in an attempt to numb his senses. Cash would sneak away from the compound. He would disappear to the nearest town and find a bar. Alcohol quickly became his solace. Alcohol and women.

  “Cash,” Kurt said, shaking him from his memories. “If it’s not t
hat, what else could it be?”

  “You’re right,” Cash said. “I think that’s exactly what’s going on.”

  “Then what the hell do we do?” Kurt asked.


  Three months had passed since Kurt and Scarlett’s wedding, and things were finally back to normal. All the clan members had their anger under control. All of them, except Cash.

  As Cash sat down to dinner, he felt that familiar tingle in his arms and legs. He closed his eyes and took deep, steadying breaths. It didn’t help. With every passing second, he grew angrier and angrier. He could feel his animal instincts taking over, and his inability to stop them only made his rage worse. Why the hell couldn’t he keep it together?

  Cash picked up his fork and tried to steady his hand. As he moved the fork from his plate to his lips, bits of his food fell off and fell into his lap. Anger coursed through his body and Cash crushed the fork in between his fingers as if it were a piece of paper rather than a metal fork. Cash dropped the fork onto his plate. He had to get out of here. Before anyone could notice, Cash ran from the dining room and hurried outside. He was halfway to the trees when he heard footsteps thundering behind him. He spun around to see Kurt running after him.

  “Not now,” Cash warned.

  “Cash!” Kurt said. His Alpha voice boomed through the night air. Cash stopped immediately. His eyes focused on Kurt.

  “I need to get out of here,” Cash explained through gritted teeth.

  “I know,” Kurt said. “Cash, this isn’t normal. Everyone else has regained control. You’re the only one left. What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know,” Cash shook his head. “I just feel… Lost and angry all the time. I know you’re right. The need to mate is overtaking me, and I can’t stop it.”

  “Cash…” Kurt began, his voice full of sympathy.

  “Why me?” Cash demanded. “Why has everyone else reigned this in?! Why am I the only one acting this way?!”


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